PMG :: Volume #3

#785: Terrorist utensil

Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang enter the mystical place, although is the treasure hunt, however this time, they truly actually obtained the ancient inheritance, besides utensil, the technique of formidable magical powers but also obtaining, receives the ancient gracious favor, therefore the intention is grateful, otherwise, they so will not read the sentiment of ancient. 君莫惜云飞扬入秘境虽为寻宝,然而此次,他们确实是真正得到了古人传承,除了器物之外,还得到的强大的神通之术,受到古人恩泽,因此心怀感激,否则的话,他们也不会如此念古人之情。 Acts recklessly, do not think that you killed several people able to represent anything, here station which was not the talents of numerous influence, you bring upon oneself the blind alley.” Some people said indifferently that the killing intent twinkle, the body of crowd, is passing the ice-cold air/Qi, must kill them inevitably, captures their treasures, that two utensils, they saw its powerful degree a moment ago with own eyes. “不知死活,别以为你们二人杀了几个人就能代表什么,这里站着的哪一个不是众势力的天才,你们是自找死路。”有人冷漠说道,杀意闪烁,人群的身上,一个个透着冰冷之气,势必要将两人杀死,夺得他们身上的宝物,那两件器物,刚才他们亲眼见到其强悍程度。 Idle talk are really many, must fight then fights.” Yun Fei Yang sweeps the person of speech, in the eye has been passing the cold glow. “废话真多,要战便战。”云飞扬扫过说话之人,眼中透着寒芒。 Snort.” That person of cold snort, was saying to the people: This they obtain the heavy treasure, is powerful, collaborates together, strikes to kill them.” “哼。”那人冷哼一声,对着众人道:“这俩人得到重宝,实力强大,诸位一起联手,击杀他们二人。” Ferventness that he said that however echoes his person to be few, the eye pupil of crowd is staring at two people of utensils, but wants them to get rid not so to be simple, here these many people, captured the treasure, whom should also turn over to? 他说的慷慨激昂,然而附和他的人却寥寥无几,人群的眼眸只是都盯着两人身上的器物,不过要他们出手却不那么简单,这里这么多人在,夺得了宝物,又该归谁呢? In the person popular-feeling, has own axe to grind, the person of that speech is also so. 人群心中,都各怀鬼胎,就连那说话之人也是如此。 Sees only his eyesight to congeal, the complexion is not quite attractive, said: It seems like is waiting for sitting idle and enjoying the fruits, if the treasure were won by a movement fierce person, you may not probably regret.” 只见他的目光微凝,脸色不大好看,道:“看来诸位都等着坐享其成,若是宝物被一身法厉害的人夺走,你们可莫要追悔。” Then, his body one cross, the whole person like the wind twinkle, the movement is fierce, making the crowd eye pupil stagnate, the person who it seems like he said is one. 说罢,他的身体一跨,整个人如风般闪烁,身法厉害,让人群眼眸一滞,看来他说的人就是自己。 The bodies of many person started, formidable spirit blooms, rushes to Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang, spirit of rushing rush to the clouds, terrifying killing intent crazy filling the air. 不少人的身体一起动了起来,强大的气息绽放而出,奔向君莫惜云飞扬,一股股澎湃的气息冲上云霄,恐怖的杀意疯狂的弥漫。 Since you clamored fiercest, then first killed you.” Yun Fei Yang footsteps one cross, a boundless situation such as the strong winds anger wave, oppresses to go toward several people that comes, the space air current crazily has rolled up and pushed along, along with this situation same place, these toward his Ben to come crowd only felt immediately suffocates, the body as if falls into the mire, the crazy fierce storm as if unceasingly blows bugle and beats drums on their bodies. “既然你叫嚣的最厉害,便先杀你吧。”云飞扬脚步一跨,一股磅礴大势如狂风怒浪,朝着那过来的几人压迫而去,空间的气流都疯狂的卷动了起来,随着这股大势一起,顿时那些朝着他奔来的人群只感觉一阵窒息,身体仿佛陷入泥潭,狂猛的风暴仿佛不断吹打在他们的身上。 Buzz......” the ding resounds together, sees only in front of Yun Fei Yang, Ancient Bell increases gradually, covers in the Yun Fei Yang top of the head, a terrifying sound wave is gathering the terrifying situation, blends with Yun Fei Yang potential in the same place, immediately his front air current seemed earth-shaking, the squally shower, must throw off all. “嗡……”一道钟声响起,只见在云飞扬面前,古钟渐渐变大,罩在云飞扬的头顶,一股恐怖的声波汇聚着恐怖的大势,与云飞扬本身的势交融在一起,顿时他的面前气流好似天翻地覆了起来,狂风骤雨,要掀翻一切。 That fired into several people of bodies of Yun Fei Yang stiffly instantaneously there, was hard to go forward again half step, their clothing were blown the crack, the skin stabbing pain, the terrifying situation looked like an iron hammer, thrashed in their chests, must make them suffocate. 那冲向云飞扬的几人身体瞬间僵硬在了那里,再难以前进半步,他们身上的衣衫都被刮裂,皮肤刺痛,恐怖的大势就像是铁锤般,捶打在他们的胸膛,要让他们窒息。 Kills!” Yun Fei Yang drinks one coldly, is a distant ding from the sky reverberates, the clock of that giant ancient bronzes rumbles toward the front, the rushing situation as if gives to cover opposite party several people of personal appearance, lets them falls into the mire likely, cannot move. “杀!”云飞扬冷喝一声,又是一声悠远的钟声在空中回荡,那巨大的古铜之钟朝着前方轰出,澎湃大势仿佛将对方几人的身形都给罩住,让他们像是陷入泥沼,动弹不得。 Ding, such as the death knell of death. 钟声,如死亡之丧钟。 Buzz!” The Ancient Bell bang that plays on the body of person of that clamoring, that person of body in void had trembled maliciously, immediately eyesight becomes lax, crashes toward below spatially, death. “嗡!”奏响的古钟轰在了那一直叫嚣之人的身上,那人在虚空中的身体狠狠的震颤了下,随即目光变得涣散,朝着下空坠落,死。 Another several people of eyesight with amazement, want to dodge, however fell into the personal appearance in mire to move unable to move, with together resounding of ding, their bodies moved Ancient Bell, immediately felt state of mind entirely Chan, anything did not know immediately, death. 另外几人目光骇然,想要闪躲,然而陷入泥沼中的身形动都动不了,伴随着又一道钟声的响起,他们的身体触碰到古钟,随即就感觉神魂俱颤,随即什么都不知晓了,死。 Several powerhouses, were killed by shock by Ancient Bell directly. 好几个强者,直接被古钟震死。 Another direction, Jun Mo Xi began similarly, wears the golden long gown, radiant boundless, when the multi-colored sunlight of golden color is passing the terrifying sharp air/Qi, the Jun Mo Xi body flashes through, the void only remaining fleeing golden shadows, the blood incarnadine golden color, each scoffs at the sound to represent a conclusion of life. 另外一个方向,君莫惜同样动手了,身披金色长袍,璀璨无边,金色之霞光透着恐怖的锐利之气,君莫惜身体闪过之时,虚空中都只剩下一窜金色的影子,鲜血染红金色,每一道嗤响代表着一个生命的结束。 That golden long gown, has the fearful speed , seems the sharp weapon of destroying the hardest defenses, only then has stroked, must some people perish. 那金色的长袍,拥有可怕的速度,又仿佛是无坚不摧的利器,只有拂过,必有人亡。 Is the time of twinkling, in ground left seven corpses, the blood has not done, was incarnadine that dust. 仅仅是瞬息的时间,地面上多出了七具尸体,血还未干,将那尘埃染红。 Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang return same place, once again trod before stone cliff in that cave mansion, eyesight proudly has swept the people, was passing the imposing air/Qi. 君莫惜云飞扬返回原地,又一次踏在了那洞府上的石壁前,目光傲然的扫过众人,透着凛然之气。 Clothing cruentation, again! 衣衫染血,又如何! Also can kill?” Jun Mo Xi stands proudly, takes a fast look around crowd, is passing Lingyun healthy tendency. “还要杀吗?”君莫惜傲然而立,扫视人群,透着凌云正气。 Crowd one silence, is staring at that two utensils, very strong big, the Jun Mo Xi body is throwing over the golden long gown, destroys the hardest defenses, and has the amplification to the speed, arrives quickly inconceivable, this utensil, absolutely is the most precious object, does not know that is any quality formidable treasure. 人群都一阵沉默,盯着那两件器物,好强大,君莫惜身上披着的金色长袍,无坚不摧,而且对速度有增幅,快到不可思议,这种器物,绝对是至宝,不知道是什么品质的强大宝物。 In the Yun Fei Yang hand is holding Ancient Bell, may be possible to be small greatly, when the ding plays, as if blends with the world, the fermentation incomparably rushes the situation, moreover can the personal appearance of anchorage person, to fall into the mire, the murder seizes the life, the terrifying to the inconceivable degree. 还有云飞扬手中托着的古钟,可大可小,钟声奏响之时,仿佛与天地交融,酝酿无比澎湃之大势,而且还能定住人的身形,让人陷入泥沼当中,杀人夺命,恐怖到不可思议的程度。 In the middle of the eye pupil of crowd, the greedy color is getting more and more abundant, however, actually nobody dares to act rashly, Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang strength originally formidable, there is a heavy treasure in the hand, the might is peerless. 在人群的眼眸当中,贪婪之色越来越盛,然而,却没有人敢轻举妄动,君莫惜云飞扬实力本来就强大,又有重宝在手,威力绝伦。 I think that must collaborate.” Also some people open the mouth saying that this nobody denied again, true experience to two most precious objects terrors, they, if fights alone, is too dangerous, nobody will go to take risking silly. “我想,诸位必须要联手了。”又有人开口说道,这一次没有人再否认了,真正见识到两件至宝的恐怖,他们若是单独去战的话,太危险,没有人会去傻到冒这个险。 The crowd nods in abundance, eyesight is solemn and respectful, cold intent is imposing, this utensil, everyone wants, now, only, only then has killed them first, then seizes the treasure. 人群纷纷点头,目光肃穆,冷意凛然,这器物,谁都想要,现在,唯独只有先杀了他们两个,再夺宝。 More than hundred people, covet Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang treasure at the same time, they smile once again, Jun Mo Xi said: Fights otherwise?” 百余人,在同一时间觊觎君莫惜云飞扬的宝物,两人再度相视一笑,君莫惜道:“战否?” what to fear fights.” Yun Fei Yang frank response, their bodies, spirit crazy, a Jun Mo Xi noble, all Xie does not invade, cultivation base is Ninth Xuan Qi Layer \; Yun Fei Yang cultivation base is weaker, is the boundary of Xuan Qi Eighth Layer, however the world situation atmosphere of that condensation is boundless, the terrifying oppression strength is fiercer than the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse. “何惧一战。”云飞扬爽朗回应,两人的身上,气息疯狂了起来,君莫惜一身浩然正气,诸邪不侵,修为玄武境九重\;云飞扬修为弱些,乃是玄武八重之境,然而那凝聚的天地大势大气磅礴,恐怖的压迫力量比玄武境九重的强者还要厉害。 War!” “战!” War and war!” “战、战!” Ling Tian stands up to shoot up to the sky, Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang simultaneously surmount, has not gone to wait for passively, but gets rid directly on own initiative. 一股凌天站起冲天而起,君莫惜云飞扬同时跨越而出,没有去被动等待,而是直接主动出手。 Scoffs!” The golden long gown has delimited gorgeous floating light, immediately the sound of pitiful yell spreads together, the blood spurts in void, the powerhouse wrote off instantaneously directly by Jun Mo Xi, although healthy tendency overwhelming, may to murder devil as before. “嗤!”金色的长袍划过一道绚丽的浮光,顿时一道惨叫之声传出,鲜血在虚空中飞洒,瞬间有一强者直接被君莫惜抹杀掉,虽正气浩然,依旧可为杀伐魔头 Buzz!” Played just like the death death knell, Yun Fei Yang was stimulating to movement Ancient Bell, pounding maliciously in two people, they stuffy snort, was battered to death directly. “嗡!”宛若死亡丧钟奏响,云飞扬催动着古钟,狠狠的砸在了两人身上,两人闷哼一声,直接被砸死。 Has killed and killed them.” Fearful spirit bloom completely, void blows fearful storm, all people moved, the terrifying strength rumbles to kill toward them. “杀、杀了他们两人。”一股股可怕的气息全部都绽放而出,虚空中刮起一阵可怕的风暴,所有人都动了起来,恐怖的力量朝着两人轰杀过去。 Jun Mo Xi wears the golden long gown, golden splendid light arrives quickly inconceivable, the attack of crowd is unable to touch, the Yun Fei Yang comparison suffers a loss actually, the Ancient Bell striking power is powerful, the town kills the powerhouse, however was besieged by the crowd at this moment, Ancient Bell has bang the bang, as if must split, in the meantime, the innumerable [say / way] attacks descend toward him on. 君莫惜身披金色长袍,金色的华光快到不可思议,人群的攻击根本都无法触及到,倒是云飞扬比较吃亏,古钟攻击力强悍无边,镇杀强者,然而此刻被人群围攻,古钟发出轰隆隆的巨响,似乎要裂开般,同时,无数道攻击朝着他身上降落。 Yun Fei Yang shouted angrily, stimulated to movement Ancient Bell, saw only that Ancient Bell to revolve crazily, killed their town directly, immediately fell from void, bang a bang, covered Yun Fei Yang own body directly in inside. 云飞扬怒喝一声,催动古钟,只见那古钟疯狂旋转起来,直接将两人镇杀,随即从虚空中落下,轰隆一声巨响,直接将云飞扬自己的身体罩在了里面。 Crowd eye pupil one stiff, has not thought that Yun Fei Yang is so ruthless spicily, will give to seal up unexpectedly. 人群眼眸一僵,没想到云飞扬如此狠辣,竟将自己给封住。 Bang the huge sound spreads, fearful strengths are shelling Ancient Bell, Ancient Bell stands one's ground steadfastly. 轰隆隆的巨大响声传出,一道道可怕的力量轰击着古钟,古钟岿然不动。 Buzz......” a fearful ripple releases from Ancient Bell, in Ancient Bell, as if there is powerhouse to beat the Ancient Bell endophragm furiously, that situation must massacre to the milling other people probably. “嗡……”一股可怕的波纹从古钟上释放,古钟之内,仿佛有强者奋力捶动着古钟内壁,那股大势好像要将其他人给辗杀掉。 Buzz and buzz......” the terrifying ding plays once again, the inexhaustible potential spread, the suppression results in the person unable to trample the brother. “嗡、嗡……”恐怖的钟声再度奏响,无穷无尽的势蔓延而出,镇压得人无法踹兄。 Dies.” Some person of thorough violent angers, fist bang above Ancient Bell, Ancient Bell stands one's ground steadfastly. “去死。”有人彻底暴怒,拳头轰在古钟之上,古钟岿然不动。 Buzz, buzz and buzz......” fearful traces fill the air in void, the sword air/Qi is flooding each corner of highest heaven mainland. “嗡、嗡、嗡……”一道道可怕的纹路在虚空中弥漫,剑气充斥着九霄大陆的每一个角落。 Kills!” Bang a bang, the terrifying world situation directly shaking to fly Ancient Bell person, shakes at the scene kills several people. “杀!”轰隆一声巨响,恐怖的天地大势直接将古钟身边的人给震飞了出去,当场震杀几人。 Too fearful, however this will only increase is living greedy in person popular-feeling, must seize Ancient Bell. 太可怕了,然而这只会增加活着人群心中的贪婪,一定要将古钟夺下来。 Bang, bang and bang!” Fearful strengths arrive above Ancient Bell, Ancient Bell maliciously trembled, by Yun Fei Yang that Ancient Bell covers stuffy snort, feeling vitality tuck dive, this group of bastards! “轰、轰、轰!”一道道可怕的力量降临在古钟之上,古钟都狠狠的颤栗了起来,被古钟罩住的云飞扬闷哼一声,感觉气血翻腾,这群混蛋! : Was late, does not know that also has the brothers in :来晚了点,不知道还有没有兄弟在 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 785 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第785章 Terrifying utensil address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 恐怖的器物地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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