PMG :: Volume #3

#787: Dares to fight otherwise

Tianchi Xue eyesight also stiff there, this time Huangfu Long eyesight sweeps the crowd, such as genuine real Longtianzi, the fate is uncommon, Long Teng Yu Nei, the wild golden yellow color long makes a determined effort uninhibited Fei Yang \ flying upwards, as if must occasionally trample the world in the under foot. 天池雪目光也僵硬在了那里,此时的皇甫龙目光一扫人群,如真正的真龙天子,命数不凡,龙腾宇内,狂放的金黄之色长发愤不羁的飞扬,仿佛要将天地偶践踏在脚下。 This moment Huangfu Long, he changed, thorough changed, by the insect dragon. 这一刻的皇甫龙,他变了,彻底的变了,由虫化龙。 The transformation, strength transformation and makings also transform, see Huangfu Long at this moment, Tianchi Xue felt unexpectedly is called of saintess, there is feeling of the feeling inferior. 蜕变,实力蜕变、气质也蜕变,看到此刻的皇甫龙,天池雪竟感觉被称为圣女的自己,有一种自惭形秽之感。 She always thought that Huangfu Long has a brute strength spatially, simpleminded, cannot be joined to her, however, Huangfu Long, although simpleminded, but he can distinguish the right and wrong, dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility, for the two, even if also refuses to balk for the enemy with Tianchi, she felt that she is somewhat tiny, although is the saintess, but thinks that actually seems the personal gain. 她总觉得皇甫龙空有一身蛮劲,头脑简单,根本配不上她,然而,皇甫龙虽头脑简单,但他能辨是非,敢作敢当,为了那两人,即便与天池为敌也在所不惜,她感觉自己有些渺小,虽为圣女,但想的,却似乎是私利。 Has killed him.” Drinks one to spread together coldly, shortly, everywhere snow and ice will sprinkle from the sky, cold spirit as if must give the entire world frozen. “杀了他。”一道冷喝一声传出,顷刻间,漫天的冰雪从天空洒落,一股寒冷至极的气息仿佛要将整个天地给冰封。 Kills!” Shouted angrily, bang snow pounded to Huangfu Long, as if must bury in the snow Huangfu Long. “杀!”一声怒喝,轰隆隆的雪砸向皇甫龙,仿佛要将皇甫龙埋葬到雪中。 Roar.” Roaring of acoustic shock blue dragon trembles, the Huangfu Long arm finds out, the clothing inch on arm is torn to pieces, the dragon mark reappears, is having the dazzling golden yellow gloss. “吼。”苍龙之怒吼声震颤,皇甫龙手臂探出,手臂上的衣衫寸寸裂开,龙纹浮现,带着刺目的金黄之光泽。 Bang!” That person of body directly by this arm grasping the crack, as if there is light of scales of dragon to bloom in the hand of Huangfu Long, overbearing peerless, does not have to prevent. “轰!”那人的身体直接被这条手臂给抓裂,仿佛有龙之鳞甲之光在皇甫龙的手中绽放,霸道绝伦、无可阻挡。 Ice buries.” “冰葬。” Bang ka!” “轰咔!” Cold ice celestial burial, body of Huangfu Long directly frozen stiff in snow and ice, many forms kill directly toward the Huangfu Long bang. 寒冰天葬,皇甫龙的身体直接被冻僵在冰雪里面,许多道身影直接朝着皇甫龙轰杀过去。 Buzz!” The ding is playing the funeral music, a round terrifying ripple proliferation, making that person of body one stiff, sees only Yun Fei Yang both hands that rushes to tie seal, immediately Ancient Bell expands, pounds to fall from the space loudly, a person was suppressed dead directly, the person of side was shaken the direct blowout blood, the soul play trembled, faints deadly in the past. “嗡!”钟声奏响着哀乐,一轮恐怖的波纹扩散,让那人的身体一僵,只见赶到的云飞扬双手结印,顿时古钟扩张,从天上轰然砸落,一人被直接镇压而死,旁边之人则被震得直接喷出鲜血,灵魂剧颤,晕死过去。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” golden long gown cruentation, splendid light is radiant. “嗤、嗤……”金色的长袍染血,华光璀璨。 Heavenly Claw!” A noble rising typhoon on, shoots up to the sky, in the fearful palm strength is containing the healthy tendency, making the person feel inferior, has the meaning of degeneration, the fearful point murders all, must put to death the grafty and evil person, several people were rumbled to result in the body to tremble crazily, spit blood to continue. 天阙掌!”一身浩然正气扶摇而上,冲天而起,可怕的掌力中蕴含着正气,让人自惭形秽,生出堕落之意,可怕的锋芒杀伐一切,要诛杀奸邪,好几人被轰得身体狂颤,吐血不止。 Here sees makes war, the bodies of all people have glittered completely, that two formidable utensil, must seize, then escapes. 看到这边开战,所有人的身体全部都闪烁了起来,那两件强大的器物,一定要夺到手,然后远遁。 Receives and instructs the secret, the Big Dipper reunion.” Yu Tianji drinks one coldly, the finger direction vault of heaven, as if seven splendid light condense, the stars of seven sparkles bloom eye-catching brilliance. “接引天机,七星聚首。”宇天机冷喝一声,手指指向苍穹,仿佛有七道华光凝聚,七颗闪耀的星辰绽放出夺目的光华。 The leaders of other snowy peaks unite strength in abundance, in which toward that seven stars goes, immediately their strengths as if were received and instructed by the stars, or the world of ice and snow, the words sea of fire singes the day, or the sword swallows the vault of heaven, the terrifying is incomparable, Tianchi Xue hesitant, immediately also released her strength, was attached to above the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade stars, the timely snow day cracked, toward below spatial crowd burying in the past. 其它雪峰的领袖纷纷凝聚力量,朝着那七颗星辰中的其中一颗而去,顿时他们身上的力量仿佛被星辰接引,或冰天雪地,话火海燎天,亦或者剑吞苍穹,恐怖无比,天池雪犹豫了下,随即也释放出了她的力量,附在天璇星辰之上,顿时雪天崩裂,朝着下空的人群埋葬过去。 Instantaneous, above ground as if by a snowy mountain burying. 瞬间,地面之上仿佛被一座雪山给葬掉。 Although misses Ling Xue the Tian Shu stars, but coped with you to be also enough.” Yu Tianji is directing seven stars, wants to destroy all, the terrifying pressure of seven stars, oppress to go toward the Jun Mo Xi three people, the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami and thunder roar, world as if to want the avalanche, to go.” A Yun Fei Yang palm bang above Ancient Bell, the ding plays, is passing incomparably intense brilliance, toward that seven stars bang in the past. “虽差凌血的天枢星辰,但对付你们也足够了。”宇天机指引着七颗星辰,欲要毁灭一切,七颗星辰的恐怖威压,朝着君莫惜三人压迫而去,山呼海啸、雷霆怒吼、天地都仿佛要崩塌、“去。”云飞扬一掌轰在古钟之上,钟声奏响,透着无比强烈的光华,朝着那七颗星辰轰过去。 Buzz......” Ancient Bell exudes the sad sound, the first time, Ancient Bell cannot rolling all, the rebound return finally, although Ancient Bell is extremely formidable utensil treasure, however the Yun Fei Yang strength is insufficient, but has controlled one, cannot play the Ancient Bell complete might by far. “嗡……”古钟发出沉闷的响声,第一次,古钟终于没有能辗压一切,反弹而回,古钟虽是极其强大的器物宝贝,然而云飞扬实力不够,只是掌控了一丝,远远发挥不出古钟的全部威力。 Roar!” “吼!” Huangfu Long both hands soar to the heavens, the dragon shape appears intermittently, as if must pick up the stars in the tyrannical method. 皇甫龙双手冲天,龙象隐现,仿佛要以强横的手段托起星辰。 Scoffs at the strength that and scoffs at......” wreaks havoc crazily to all destroy, does not have to prevent, real Dragon Xuying was twisted to destroy completely, seven stars six sparkles, the light of seven luminaries does not have to prevent. “嗤、嗤……”疯狂肆虐的力量要将一切都毁灭掉,无可阻挡,真龙虚影被绞灭掉,七颗星辰六颗闪耀,七曜之光无可阻挡。 Bang!” Huangfu Long stuffy snort, corners of the mouth oozing of blood, other powerhouses will certainly not let up this grade of opportunity, fires into them crazily, their goals only then, seizes the treasure, that Ancient Bell as well as Jun Mo Xi golden color long gown. “轰!”皇甫龙闷哼一声,嘴角渗血,其它强者当然不会放过这等机会,疯狂的冲向两人,他们的目的只有一个,夺宝,那古钟以及君莫惜身上的金色长袍。 Bang!” On the Jun Mo Xi noble releases peak, the golden light such as dream is imaginary, is radiant the stabbing pain the eye of crowd, who wants near body, dies, was separated by the long gown, will be massacred by the terrifying Heavenly Claw strength bang. “轰!”君莫惜身上的浩然正气释放到极致,金色的光影如梦似幻,璀璨得刺痛着人群的眼睛,谁要近身,都是死,被长袍割裂,会被恐怖的天阙掌力轰杀掉。 The above seven luminaries stars oppress, the angry sea raging waves, the strengths of many destructions arrive together, as if no to prevent, must die, rolling all. 上空的七曜星辰压迫下来,怒海狂涛,许多种毁灭的力量一起降临,仿佛根本就无可阻挡,都要死掉,辗压一切。 Huangfu Long eyesight stares at the sky, in eye is glittering unexpectedly the golden gloss, that eye-catching. 皇甫龙目光盯着上空,眼中竟闪烁着金色的光泽,是那么的夺目。 Roar roar roar!” In the mouth of Huangfu Long puts out sounds of the roaring, is not a person of sound, but is recitation of dragon. “吼吼吼!”皇甫龙的嘴中吐出一道道怒吼之声,不是人之声,而是龙之吟。 The body shoots up to the sky, the crowd as if saw that a Shenlong rushes to the sky, his body, is Dragon Ying, as if the strength of that bloodlines must erupt completely. 身体冲天而起,人群仿佛看到一头神龙冲上天空,他的身上,都是龙影,仿佛那股血脉的力量要完全的喷发出来。 Bang, bang and bang!” Is covering Dragon Lin arm Qingtian, lifts the seven luminaries stars, whatever the strength of destruction wreaks havoc, separates Dragon Lin, the blood is welling up crazily, does not flinch, he must by both hands, pick up a stretch of world. “轰、轰、轰!”覆盖着龙鳞的手臂擎天,将七曜星辰托举,任由毁灭之力肆虐,割裂着龙鳞,鲜血狂涌,绝不退缩,他要以双手,托起一片天地。 Frigid, by the strengths of three people, resists more than hundred talents, three people of bodies, moistened completely bloody, ground corpse unceasing increase, was entering that moment all people in mystical place to think that will have such one, to capture the treasure, paid the blood price some countless people. 惨烈,以三个人的力量,对抗百余位天才,三人的身上,都沾满了血腥,地上尸体不断的增多,在进入秘境的那一刻所有人就该想到会有这样的一幕,为了夺得宝物,将有无数人付出鲜血代价。 The distant place, some people were attracted as before unceasingly by here terrifying spirit, definitely has the treasure born, will initiate the fight that so shocks. 远处,依旧不断有人被这边恐怖的气息吸引过来,肯定是有宝物出世,才会引发如此震撼的战斗。 In the middle of the crowd of Tianchi, in the Yu Tianji corners of the mouth is passing ice-cold smiling, looks how long three people can also resist, some of their Tianchi also many powerhouses here, these two formidable utensils, certainly belong to their Tianchi, his Yu Tianji is the Tianchi leader, naturally wants to be alone, at this moment he had been pondering that wants that Ancient Bell, is that golden long gown. 天池的人群当中,宇天机嘴角中透着冰冷的笑,看着三人还能抵挡多久,他们天池还有许多强者在这里,这两件强大的器物,一定是属于他们天池的,他宇天机身为天池领袖,当然要独得一件,此刻他已经在思考,是要那古钟,还是那金色的长袍。 At this time, beyond several kilometers, together sword air/Qi rainbow crazy sweeps across, just like sharp sword that a handle destroys the hardest defenses, speeds away to come, quickly to inconceivable. 此时,在几千米外,一道剑气长虹疯狂的席卷过来,宛若一柄无坚不摧的利剑,疾驰而来,快到不可思议。 Bang!” Catches up with the form only to think that toward here together whole body one stiff, the body twinkling was given the percolation by the sweat, stares at the front that [say / way] to speed along from his side, but sword glow, is quite fearful, is that really a person? He felt that the handle fearful sharp sword almost penetrated his whole person a moment ago. “轰!”一道朝着这边赶来身影只觉浑身一僵,身上瞬息被汗水给浸透,盯着前方那道从他身边飞驰而过的剑芒,好可怕,那真的是人吗?他感觉刚才有一柄可怕的利剑差点就将他整个人都穿透了。 He did not have with enough time from shocking to sober, was the illusory image passed over gently and swiftly from his side together, wonderful incomparable, that illusory image was treading void, the step was unpredictable, no matter what I rambled, extremely natural. 他还没有来得及从震撼中清醒过来,又是一道幻影从他的身边掠过,美妙无比,那幻影踏着虚空,步法变幻莫测,任我逍遥,极其的潇洒。 Comes person Lin Feng and Tang Youyou two people, they felt very much in the distant place here fearful fight spirit, crazy glitters toward here, distant saw by three people that the crowd besieges, impressively unexpectedly is Jun Mo Xi, Yun Fei Yang as well as Huangfu Long. 来人正是林枫唐幽幽二人,他们在很远处就感觉到了这边的可怕战斗气息,疯狂的朝着这里闪烁过来,远远的就看到了被人群围攻的三人,赫然竟是君莫惜云飞扬以及皇甫龙 Crowd of crazy fight as if had not seen that speeds along the sword glow that comes, until the sword air/Qi being near body, in the middle of the camp of Tianchi, the behind form turns around together suddenly, immediately the eyesight instantaneous panic-stricken desire certainly, later, was embezzled and torn by the sword glow, dying cannot die again. 疯狂战斗的人群似乎没有看到那飞驰而来的剑芒,直到剑气临身,天池的阵营当中,后面一道身影豁然转身,随即目光瞬间惊骇欲绝,之后,被剑芒吞没、撕裂掉,死的不能再死。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” the people of Tianchi only to feel that sharp air/Qi refers , the courage vigor soars to the heavens, the body trembled maliciously, immediately they see together the sword glow penetration crowd, a row of crowd was given thorough tearing by that sword air/Qi directly, incomparable terrifying. “嗤、嗤……”天池之人只感觉一股锋锐之气所指,血气冲天,身体狠狠的颤栗了下,随即他们就看到一道剑芒穿透人群,一排的人群直接被那剑气给彻底的撕裂掉,无比恐怖。 Wan sword, killing.” The sound of trembling world shouting angrily, the handle sword blooms together ten million/countless at the same time the radiant gloss, these attack the Jun Mo Xi three people of powerhouses to be killed to the separate by the sword air/Qi unceasingly, body crazy fierce backlash. “万剑、杀。”一道怒喝之声震颤天地,千万柄剑在同一时刻绽放出璀璨的光泽,那些攻击君莫惜三人的强者不断被剑气给割裂杀死,身体狂猛后退。 Normalizing.” Also is fearful sword glow blooms together, several people of bodies were penetrated and died directly, form gradually become clear, saw that the eye pupil of this form crowd concentrates, is Deity Palace and other big power struggles youth powerhouse Lin Feng. “归一。”又是一道可怕的剑芒绽放,好几人的身体被直接穿透、死、身影渐渐变得清晰,看到这身影人群的眼眸一凝,是神宫等几大势力争夺的青年强者林枫 The people in Tianchi are eye pupil one stiff, Lin Feng rushed in this critical moment unexpectedly. 天池的人更是眼眸一僵,林枫竟然在这紧要关头赶到了。 Walks.” Lin Feng shouted angrily, five forms soared to the heavens, return to above that cave mansion stone cliff, no longer continued to stay in the crowd, ice-cold eyesight was passing killing intent, observed the situation the crowd. “走。”林枫怒喝一声,五道身影冲天,回到那洞府石壁之上,不再继续呆在人群的正中间,冰冷的目光透着杀意,环视人群。 Yu Tianji and the others eye pupil tight staring Lin Feng, a moment ago he, as soon as strikes, has killed many Tianchi powerhouses. 宇天机等人的眼眸紧紧的凝视林枫,刚才他一击,杀了不少天池强者。 Lin Feng, it seems like you must be the Tianchi rebel, will receive Tianchi to put to death.” Putting out together sound that Yu Tianji lets somebody cool off or calm down, killing intent is imposing. 林枫,看来你也要做天池叛逆,将受天池诛杀。”宇天机冷冷的吐出一道声音,杀意凛然。 Shut up.” Lin Feng shouted angrily, in the middle of the sound as if there is sword glow turnover, was staring at Yu Tianji. “闭嘴。”林枫怒喝一声,声音当中仿佛都有剑芒吞吐而出,盯着宇天机 Tianchi Venerable once exhorted me and others to work as one, you to seize the treasure, do not hesitate to put to death the same side, had a face saying that unexpectedly we were the Tianchi rebels, who when you you were, leader? If you leader, but dares to fight a decisive battle with me?” “天池尊者曾嘱咐我等齐心协力,你们为夺宝物,不惜诛杀同门,竟还有脸说我们是天池叛逆,你当你自己是谁,领袖?你若是领袖,可敢与我决战?” Lin Feng makes a great show of one's talents, the character character like sword, making person of body Tianchi tremble, they are the Tianchi rebels who natural considering and they oppose, but Lin Feng is actually wants to subvert their ideas, Tianchi can it be that Yu Tianji decides, he is the leader dares to fight otherwise! 林枫锋芒毕露,字字如剑,让天池之人身体都是一颤,他们一直都是理所当然的认为和他们作对的就是天池叛逆,而林枫的话却是想要颠覆他们的想法,天池岂是宇天机说了算,他是领袖敢战否! : Sought the support. :求支持。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 787 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第787章 Dares to fight otherwise the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 敢战否地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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