PMG :: Volume #3

#782: Ramble Gu Jing

This sharp sword air/Qi makes their eye pupils concentrate, these people are staring at Lin Feng, a humanity: „Does your excellency do?” 这锋锐的剑气让他们的眼眸都是一凝,那些人盯着林枫,其中一人道:“阁下有何贵干?” Courts death.” Air/Qi of Lin Feng footsteps cross, endless sharp sword is similar to the boundless rough sea waves, crazy blowing bugle and beating drums on the body of Free And Unfettered Gate crowd, making them have the feeling of faint trace suffocation. “找死。”林枫脚步一跨,无尽的利剑之气如同磅礴巨浪,疯狂的吹打在逍遥门人群的身上,让他们生出丝丝窒息之感。 Immediately, sees only the light twinkle, several sword air/Qi tearing spaces, the blood spurts, that besieges Tang Youyou several people directly writing off by the sword air/Qi, cannot send out including the pitiful yell promptly, flickers to kill dead. 随即,只见光影闪烁,几道剑气撕裂空间,鲜血飞洒,那围攻唐幽幽的几人直接被剑气给抹杀掉,连惨叫都未能及时发出,瞬杀而死。 Lin Feng surmounts to Tang Youyou side, saw that her body has several small wounds unexpectedly, immediately the look is colder. 林枫跨越到唐幽幽身旁,看到她的身上竟有几个小伤口,顿时眼神更寒。 But eyesight of Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse completely is a stiff, good fearful sharp sword, a sword, all kills, accurate and ruthless spicy. 逍遥门强者的目光则全部都是一僵,好可怕的利剑,一剑,全杀,精准、狠辣。 The green long unlined close-fitting gown youth stares at Lin Feng stubbornly, in eyesight is passing the murderous intention, said: You know person who you kill who is?” 青色长衫青年死死盯着林枫,目光中透着杀机,道:“你知道你杀的人是谁吗?” Does not know.” Lin Feng eyesight has transferred, footsteps one cross, immediately sharp sword air/Qi of crazy blooming perhaps, has a strange feeling facing the Lin Feng people at this time, they are facing the innumerable handle sharp swords probably, seems facing the only sword, making them feel that ascends the sky roadless, enters does not have the gate. “不知。”林枫目光转过,脚步一跨,顿时恐怕的利剑之气疯狂的绽放而出,此时面对林枫的众人生出一股奇异的感觉,他们好像面对着无数柄利剑,又好似面对着唯一之剑,让他们感觉上天无路、入地无门。 I only know that you must die.” The Lin Feng direct palm lays out, in the middle of this palm unadorned palm strength, implication is actually the looking disdainfully world sword air/Qi, myriad swords cover the crowd, they felt that may escape roadless, void middle, blooms light of the piece of fearful sword. “我只知道,你们都要死。”林枫直接一掌拍出,这一掌朴实无华的掌力当中,蕴含的却是睥睨天下的剑气,万千之剑笼罩人群,他们感觉无路可遁,虚空当中,绽放出一片可怕的剑之光影。 Good powerful attack.” Eye pupil of Free And Unfettered Gate one stiff, the footsteps transfer, change to remnant shades, able to move unhindered shuttles back and forth in the sword air/Qi slit, the step is free and unrestrained, is unconstrained, is very free and easy, many sword air/Qi fail unexpectedly, cannot massacre them. “好强悍的攻击。”逍遥门的眼眸一僵,脚步挪移,化作一道道残影,在纵横的剑气缝隙中穿梭,步伐逍遥自在,不受拘束,无比洒脱,竟有许多剑气落空来,没能杀掉他们。 Kills.” Several people of steps are faintly recognizable, does not draw back instead enters, toward Lin Feng killing in the past, the step of moving out of place was exquisite, Lin Feng only sees the innumerable shadows in his present flashing through, probably was psychedelic shades. “杀。”几人步伐飘渺,不退反进,朝着林枫扑杀过去,错动的步伐精湛无比,林枫只看到无数的影子在他的眼前闪过,就好像是一道道迷幻之影。 Bang!” Fearful palm strength toward Lin Feng killing in the past, were passing terrifying spirit. “轰隆隆!”一道道可怕的掌力朝着林枫扑杀过去,透着恐怖的气息 Bang!” Several palm strength fell on Lin Feng directly, however they actually discovered the body that moved was unreal, the Lin Feng form drew back floating, nine shadows reappeared, the wind had nine days of techniques, can it be that had unearned reputation. “轰!”几道掌力直接落在了林枫身上,然而他们却发现触碰到的身体是虚幻的,林枫身影飘退,九道影子浮现,风起九天之术,岂是浪得虚名。 The wind has stroked, the body of Lin Feng jumps onto directly void, the double palm simultaneously pats, immediately the endless sharp sword blocks below space, is the terrifying sword air/Qi wreaks havoc completely, cuts to extinguish all. 风拂过,林枫的身体直接跃上虚空,双掌同时拍下,顿时无尽的利剑将下方的空间都封死,全部都是恐怖的剑气肆虐,斩灭一切。 „......” Two forms were torn by the terrifying sword air/Qi directly, the blood spurts, several other people of footsteps move fast, upward walks randomly the shuttle in the ground, the mysterious step makes that cover all swords unable to write off unexpectedly them. “啊……”两道身影被恐怖的剑气直接撕裂,鲜血飞洒,另外几人的脚步飘忽,在地面上行游走穿梭,玄妙的步法竟然让那覆盖一切的剑都无法将他们抹杀掉。 Scoffs and scoffs!” The sharp sword tearing clothing, tears down the flesh and blood, the remaining three people simultaneously the bang takes control of the strength, in the palm is passing a tyrannical strength, as if their striking power rises suddenly in the flash, bang the sound spreads, tears the sword air/Qi, form psychedelic, the footsteps retrocede, is only the flash, they then fluttered the distant place. “嗤、嗤!”利剑撕裂衣衫,撕下血肉,剩下的三人同时轰出掌力,掌中透着一股暴虐的力量,仿佛在一瞬间他们的攻击力都暴涨许多,轰隆隆的声响传出,将剑气都撕裂掉,身影迷幻,脚步后退,只是一瞬间,他们便飘到了远处。 Good attractive step.” The Lin Feng form descends in the place, eyesight stares at the opposite party living three people, the body is also having the injury, was injured by the sword air/Qi. “好漂亮的步法。”林枫身影降落在地,目光凝视对方活着的三人,身上也都带着伤势,被剑气所伤。 The footsteps tread, immediately the terrifying sword air/Qi regelation, making the opposite three human eye pupils stagnate, stares at Lin Feng saying: Your excellency is powerful, we acknowledged guilt, was disrespectful to your excellency woman a moment ago.” 脚步一踏,顿时恐怖的剑气再凝,让对面三人眼眸一滞,盯着林枫道:“阁下实力强大,我们认罪,刚才对阁下的女人失礼了。” Acknowledged guilt to suffice!” Lin Feng disdains to sneer, the voices of these contamination he also listens in the ear, these shameless generations, kill quickly then. “一句认罪就够吗!”林枫不屑冷笑,那些污秽的话音他也听在耳中,这些无耻之辈,杀之而后快。 The terrifying sword air/Qi regelation, murders all. 恐怖的剑气再凝,杀伐一切。 We are the Free And Unfettered Gate disciples, but also looks at your excellency to give an honor, has the friendly reason.” The clothes man said. “我们乃是逍遥门弟子,还望阁下给个脸面,结下善缘。”青衫男子说道。 Free And Unfettered Gate, has not listened.” Lin Feng just likes has not heard, the footsteps step forward once again, the sword air/Qi is crazy, rolling mountains. 逍遥门,没听过。”林枫恍若未闻,脚步再度跨出,剑气疯狂,大浪滔天。 Clothes man eyes pupil concentrates, has not thought that this Lin Feng links their Free And Unfettered Gate not to listen unexpectedly, is too friendless and unlearned. 青衫男子眼眸微凝,没想到这林枫竟然连他们逍遥门都未听过,太孤陋寡闻。 My Free And Unfettered Gate is one of the Dry Region strongest influence, however this also merely is next, Free And Unfettered Gate is in Sacred City state Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor in which [lineage/vein], the influence is found in the highest heaven mainland, excels by far the world, if your excellency kills us not to have the advantage certainly.” That person to maintain a livelihood, the patience explained to Lin Feng that this fellow does not know where braves, striking power unexpectedly so powerful overbearing, the sword is mad Ling Tian. “我逍遥门乃是乾域最强势力的一股,然而这还仅仅是其次,逍遥门乃是圣城中州逍遥神宗的其中一脉,势力遍布九霄大陆,冠绝天下,阁下若杀我们绝无好处。”那人为了活命,耐心对林枫解释,这家伙不知道从哪里冒出来的,攻击力竟然如此的强悍霸道,剑气凌天 Said that I should kill you to eliminate a potential informant, in order to avoid has the root of trouble.” Lin Feng sneers again and again, he has killed several people, but also makes any friendly friends, has not thought that this Dry Region Free And Unfettered Gate also in the big influence of state with Sacred City had the relations unexpectedly, Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor, appeared externally aggressively, if the opposite party has not deceived him, this should be a colossus, dared in the name of god sect. “这么说,我岂不是更应该杀了你们灭口,以免生出祸端。”林枫冷笑连连,他都已经杀了好几人,还结什么善缘,没想到这乾域逍遥门竟还和圣城中州的大势力扯上了关系,逍遥神宗,霸气外露,若是对方没有欺骗他的话,这应该是一股庞然大物吧,竟敢以神宗为名。 Feels Lin Feng killing intent, the clothes man complexion transforms unceasingly, said fast: Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor is the mainland god sect, frightens the world, powerful incomparable, god sect Zhenzong god standard «Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics» is moves the mainland, the Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics three big unrivalled magical powers are world-famous, has the ramble step, the ramble is faintly recognizable, nobody may, but my Free And Unfettered Gate is also skilled in the ramble step, so long as you let off me, I may pass on the expertise in you.” 感受到林枫身上的杀意,青衫男子脸色不断变换,快速说道:“逍遥神宗乃是大陆神宗,震慑天下,实力强大无比,神宗镇宗神典《逍遥古经》更是名动大陆,逍遥古经三大旷世神通天下闻名,其中就有逍遥步法,逍遥飘渺、无人可及,而我逍遥门也精通逍遥步法,只要你放过我,我可传经于你。” Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics!” The Lin Feng eye pupil concentrates, listening to the opposite party saying that as if this scriptures is the unsurpassed magical powers magic arts, extremely fierce, can pass on the expertise as for them who the opposite party said that Lin Feng is naturally impossible to believe that a god sect Zhenzong god standard can it be that dropper can teach, they most only understand the superficial knowledge, even if the superficial knowledge, really had a moment ago that might, truly extremely fierce, if obtained Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics, the step decided formidable peerless. 逍遥古经!”林枫眼眸一凝,听对方所言,似乎这经书乃是无上神通法术,极其的厉害,至于对方所说的他们能传经,林枫自然不可能相信,神宗镇宗神典岂是一个分脉能够传授的,他们最多只懂皮毛,然而即便是皮毛,竟然都有刚才那种威力,确实极其的厉害,若是得到逍遥古经,步伐定强大绝伦。 Lin Feng is very clear, the opposite party this is pulling the fierce appearance, great strength that if the Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor eternal truth opposite party described, perhaps this trivial dropper Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor will not pay attention. 林枫很清楚,对方这是在扯虎皮,若是逍遥神宗真如对方所描述的那么强大,恐怕这区区一个分脉逍遥神宗根本就不会放在眼里。 Hands over that step.” The Lin Feng corners of the mouth reappear wipe to sneer, the opposite party step was mysterious, even if were only the superficial knowledge in Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics, he must study one study. “将那步法交出来。”林枫嘴角浮现一抹冷笑,对方刚才的步法玄妙无比,即便只是逍遥古经中的皮毛,他也要学一学。 Do not presumptuously think to compel us to take, on us does not have the step ancient book, only if you comply to let off us, I am willing to send duplicate the step to you.” That person is also deceitful person, was worried that Lin Feng results in the treasure to silence a witness of crime, so said intentionally. “你不要妄想着迫我们拿出来,我们身上都没有步法典籍,除非你答应放过我们,我愿将步法抄送给你。”那人也是狡诈之人,担心林枫得宝杀人灭口,故意如此说道。 Actually sees the Lin Feng corners of the mouth to hang sneering as before: You do not have the qualifications to discuss the condition with me, since your three people are skilled in that step, obviously is knows that now, who hands over first?” 却见林枫嘴角依旧挂着冷笑:“你没有资格与我谈条件,你们三人既然都精通那步法,显然都是知道的,现在,谁先交出来?” You did not need to presumptuously think, on us did not have.” Left hand that person stares at Lin Feng saying that with, them could have the opportunity of life. “你不用妄想了,我们身上都没有。”左手那人盯着林枫说道,拿出来了,他们还能有活命的机会吗。 Scoffs and scoffs!” Fearful sword intent blooms suddenly, the handle sword eats delicacies ten million/countless insanely wildly with rage, Lin Feng eyesight stares at that person, the whole person seems a handle fearful sharp sword, oppresses that person to have feeling of the suffocation. “嗤、嗤!”一股可怕的剑意突然间绽放,千万柄剑疯狂怒啸,林枫目光凝视那人,整个人都好似一柄可怕的利剑,压迫得那人有种窒息之感。 Brings about own destruction.” Lin Feng drinks one coldly, the sword normalizing ten million/countless, releases together the fearful sword glow, the sword, if quickly the lightning, a sword puts on the throat, the normalizing sword Secret Art first ten thousand sword normalizing, Lin Feng reached a high degree of proficiency. “自寻死路。”林枫冷喝一声,千万之剑归一,释放出一道可怕的剑芒,剑之极,快若闪电,一剑穿喉,归一剑诀第一式万剑归一,林枫已经炉火纯青。 Looks that person of body drops down slowly, their they hold breath cold air, this person, is quite fearful, the striking power was too formidable, is unable to prevent. 看着那人的身体缓缓倒下,两人两人倒吸一口凉气,此人,好可怕,攻击力太强大了,根本无法阻挡。 What a pity they only know the ramble step the superficial knowledge, is unable to run away to leave, otherwise Lin Feng cannot overtake absolutely, if they cultivated the powerful offensive method in Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics to be drunk the ramble, can certainly contend with Lin Feng. 可惜他们只懂逍遥步法的皮毛,无法逃遁离开,否则的话林枫绝对追不上,还有,若是他们修炼了逍遥古经中的强大攻击手段醉逍遥,也一定能与林枫抗衡。 However, brutal reality not, if. 然而,残酷的现实没有假如。 I give you an opportunity.” Lin Feng is staring at the person of right hand side, the look ice-cold, the eye pupil like the sword, the strength of formidable oppression arrives on the opposite party, making the opposite party body shiver. “我给你一个机会。”林枫盯着右首之人,神色冰冷,眼眸如剑,强大的压迫之力降临对方身上,让对方身体颤抖。 Hands over you to comply to let off me?” That person by this terrifying sword intent oppression, the will was not been firm, said directly that his voice falls, immediately Lin Feng revealed has wiped the happy expression: It seems like on you really has.” “交出来你答应放过我吗?”那人被这股恐怖的剑意压迫,意志不牢,直接说道,他的话音落下,顿时林枫露出了一抹笑意:“看来你身上果然是有的。” Hears Lin Feng words that person of complexion changes, stiff incomparable, the intermediate total, Lin Feng crashed his will by the powerful oppression strength, making him give oneself away. 听到林枫的话那人脸色一变,僵硬无比,中计了,林枫以强悍的压迫力量压垮他的意志,让他露出马脚。 The terrifying sharp sword roared once again crazily, a Lin Feng palm lays out, holds in the strength also to contain the fearful sword air/Qi unexpectedly, present he, the optional movement can stimulate the sharp sword, kills people in invisible. 恐怖的利剑再度疯狂咆哮了起来,林枫一掌拍出,掌力中竟也蕴含可怕的剑气,如今的他,随意一个动作都能激发出利剑,杀人于无形。 Several breath, that person also wrote off by Lin Feng, finally that is the clothes man of head, the throat is covered by Lin Feng. 只是几个呼吸,那人也被林枫抹杀,最后那为首的青衫男子,咽喉被林枫扣住。 Puts...... I!” In the clothes man eyes reveals the color of entreaty. “放…过…我!”青衫男子眼中露出哀求之色。 In Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics contains three big magical powers strengths, besides step fierce, what are another two types?” 逍遥古经中包含三种大神通力量,除了步法厉害之外,另外两种是什么?” Free and Unfettered Divine Ancestor by the ramble name, because of Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics, three formidable magical powers cannot withdraw rambles two characters, the free step fairy not measured \; The extremely happy ramble double cultivates with the person, spends together the ramble \; Magical powers are the strongest offensive force are drunk the ramble, it is said the striking power is shocking, some concrete many I have not experienced.” 逍遥神宗以逍遥命名,皆因逍遥古经,三种强大神通都脱不开逍遥二字,逍遥步法神鬼莫测\;极乐逍遥是与人双修,共度逍遥\;还有一种神通乃是最强攻击力量醉逍遥,据说攻击力震天,具体有多强我也没见识过。” Was covered by Lin Feng, the opposite party does not dare to conceal slightly, said fast, in the eye is having the entreaty. 林枫扣住,对方不敢丝毫隐瞒,快速说道,眼中带着哀求。 I knew.” The Lin Feng slight bow, in the palm makes an effort slightly, the sound spread, had finished the life of opposite party, these crowds wanted like that to cope with Tang Youyou, has violated his bottom line, killed without the amnesty! “我知道了。”林枫微微点头,掌中微微用力,咔嚓的声音传出,结束了对方的性命,这些人群想要那般对付唐幽幽,违背了他的底线,杀无赦! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 782 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第782章 Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 逍遥古经地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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