PMG :: Volume #3

#781: Free gate

Counts on following the hand of Tang Youyou that sees only the form to sit well in that together, motionless, that back seemed to be that several points of thin, is actually passing wisp of firm and resolute, at this moment, on the body of that form, the sword air/Qi turnover, as if there is peerless sword air/Qi to ferment together, possibly erupts at any time, destroys all. 顺着唐幽幽的手指望去,只见一道身影端坐于那,一动不动,那背影似有几分瘦削,却透着一缕坚毅,此刻,在那身影的身上,剑气吞吐,仿佛有一道绝世的剑气在酝酿,随时可能爆发出来,毁灭一切。 Soars to the clouds the whole body maliciously trembles, in the pupil blooms suddenly together the fearful cold light, Lin Feng, that person, is Lin Feng. 凌霄浑身狠狠的一颤,瞳孔中遽然间绽放出一道可怕的冷光,林枫,那人,是林枫 In the pupil is passing ice cold killing intent, the arm that soars to the clouds cut off by Lin Feng, how could not to hate Lin Feng, in him of highest heaven Sword Gate self-torture swordsmanship, then for some day can Lin Feng writing off, to wash hate of arm, however sees Lin Feng truly once more, he with imagination in such, has not actually overrun a Lin Feng sword cuts down, but is the body shivers slightly, indecisive. 眸子中透着一股冰寒的杀意,凌霄的手臂被林枫斩断,岂能不恨林枫,在九霄剑门苦修剑法的他,便是为了有朝一日能够将林枫给抹杀掉,以洗断臂之恨,然而真正再次看到林枫,他却没有和想象中的那样,冲过去将林枫一剑劈杀,而是身体微微颤抖,犹豫不决。 Past Lin Feng had the Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will, now a self-torture three months of date and time, joins a strong side big influence Tianchi once again, how he can not progress, looked that at this time sat cross-legged he who sat, the body was passing fearful fearful sword glow, once as if released, can be earth-shaking. 昔日的林枫就拥有五重的剑道意志,如今再度苦修三个月时日,加入一方强大势力天池,他岂会没有进步,就看此时盘膝而坐的他,身上都透着一股可怕的可怕的剑芒,仿佛一旦释放,能够石破天惊。 Such that just like Tang Youyou said that Lin Feng will cultivation base bog down? 正如唐幽幽所说的那样,难道林枫修为会停滞不前吗? Soars to the clouds the response that man sees to soar to the clouds, in eyesight flashes through together the cold glow, points at Lin Feng saying: „Was Junior Brother, he has cut your arm?” 凌霄身旁的男子看到凌霄的反应,目光中闪过一道寒芒,指着林枫道:“师弟,是他斩了你一臂?” Soars to the clouds the silent nod, the killing intent turnover, hesitates as before, at this time Lin Feng becomes aware the sword in the practice, if their under killer, can flicker to kill Lin Feng suddenly? 凌霄沉默的点头,杀意吞吐,依旧犹豫,此时林枫似在修炼悟剑,若是他们突下杀手,能不能瞬杀林枫 Sees only the Tang Youyou footsteps to move back, keeps off the Lin Feng back in behind, indifferent [say / way]: Soars to the clouds, three months ago you are not his match, a Lin Feng sword can cut off your arm, I urged you voluntarily to depart, if Lin Feng woke up, a sword, will have cut your another arm, at that time, your this sword cultivated, even if were thorough abandoning.” 只见唐幽幽的脚步移回,将林枫的背影挡在后面,冷漠的道:“凌霄,三个月前你就不是他对手,林枫一剑便可将你手臂斩断,我劝你还是自行离去吧,若是林枫醒来,一剑,又将斩了你另外一臂,那时,你这剑修,就算是彻底的废了。” Soars to the clouds clenches teeth, goes too far, Tang Youyou so insulted in him unexpectedly, he was also the formidable sword cultivates, now has the Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will strength, saw that Lin Feng he such did consider as finished? Breaks hate of arm such to give up? 凌霄一咬牙,欺人太甚,唐幽幽竟如此侮辱于他,他好歹也是强大的剑修,如今拥有五重的剑道意志力量,难道看到林枫他就这么算了?断臂之恨就这么善罢甘休? Fellow apprentice, once later I begin, you get rid to cut to kill this female, strikes draws back, regardless of succeeds or not, all may not prolong contact.” Soars to the clouds long puts out the tone, is sending greetings to man secretly, in the mouth said: „, I will cut his arm finally on the 1st personally, before washing, shame.” “师兄,待会儿我一旦动手,你就出手斩杀这女子,一击就退,无论成功与否,皆都不可恋战。”凌霄长吐出口气,对着身旁的男子暗自传音,嘴中却道:“终有一日,我将亲自斩他手臂,一洗前耻。” Soared to the clouds saying that body soaring slowly, as if like this prepared to give up leaving, making the heart of Tang Youyou relax slightly under. 凌霄说罢,身体缓缓的腾空,仿佛就这样准备放弃离开,让唐幽幽的心微微松弛了下。 However at this time, a terrifying vast Swordsmanship will suddenly was blooming, in the world completely was inexhaustible fearful sword intent, withered swiftly and fiercely, must destroy this piece of space. 然而就在这时候,一股恐怖浩瀚的剑道意志在突然间绽放,天地间全部都是无穷无尽的可怕剑意,肃杀凌厉,要将这片空间都毁灭掉。 The Tang Youyou complexion changes suddenly, soars to the clouds must begin unexpectedly. 唐幽幽的脸色遽然间大变,凌霄竟然要动手。 Thousand shades!” “千影!” The body splits instantaneously, changes to innumerable forms. 身体瞬间裂开,化作无数身影。 Kills!” Almost at the same time, the air/Qi of incomparably sharp murdering blooms together, immediately Tang Youyou sees only the sword glow to cut to kill toward Lin Feng together, soars to the clouds the whole person as if to change to a handle peerless sharp sword, must kill Lin Feng. “杀!”几乎在同时,一道无比锋锐的杀伐之气绽放,随即唐幽幽只见一道剑芒朝着林枫斩杀过去,凌霄整个人仿佛化作一柄绝世利剑,要杀林枫 „The sword of thunder.” The fellow apprentice who soars to the clouds shouted angrily, his form moved similarly, the sword air/Qi surged, in the middle of the sword of endless angry eating delicacies as if had the anger of thunder, the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami, must swallow completely the Tang Youyou form. “雷霆之剑。”凌霄的师兄怒喝一声,他的身影同样动了起来,剑气激荡,无尽的怒啸之剑当中仿佛有雷霆之怒,山呼海啸,要将唐幽幽的身影全部吞噬掉。 Lin Feng, be careful.” Tang Youyou gives a loud shout, must shake Lin Feng awakes. 林枫,小心。”唐幽幽大喝一声,要将林枫震醒。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” twinkling, Tang Youyou many forms is embezzled by the sword of this thunder completely cuts to destroy completely, just like soars to the clouds exhorts, after displaying the sword of this thunder, his body soars directly, runs away toward the distant place, does not dare to stay for a long time, soars to the clouds, although is his Junior Brother, but cultivation base is more formidable than him, soared to the clouds continually in the person by that room cuts off an arm, the opposite party strength can be imagined, moreover from Tang Youyou with soaring to the clouds during the dialog he also saw has soared to the clouds to dreading of Lin Feng, therefore he according to soaring to the clouds the words have done, struck draws back. “嗤、嗤……”瞬息,唐幽幽的许多身影被这雷霆之剑全部吞没斩灭掉,正如凌霄嘱咐的一样,在施展出这雷霆之剑后,他的身体直接腾空而起,朝着远处遁去,不敢久留,凌霄虽然是他师弟,但修为比他强大不少,连凌霄都被那屋中之人斩断了一臂,对方实力可想而知,而且从唐幽幽与凌霄的对话当中他也看出了凌霄对林枫的忌惮,因此他照着凌霄的话做了,一击即退。 The peerless sword air/Qi kills together toward Lin Feng, soars to the clouds the whole body like the sword, melts with the sword, that pair of pupil is ice-cold, is staring at Lin Feng, this sword must cut to extinguish Lin Feng. 一道绝世的剑气朝着林枫射杀过去,凌霄浑身如剑,与剑相融,那双瞳孔冰冷可怕,盯着林枫,这一剑要斩灭林枫 During is practicing the Lin Feng body as if to move, as if static, suddenly, a fearful sword blooms from the body of Lin Feng, at this moment soars to the clouds the peerless sword seemed pointing by ten million/countless the handle sharp sword, such as the Tsunami is vast, must embezzle his body in the middle of this terrifying vast sword air/Qi. 正在修炼当中的林枫身体仿佛动了动,又似乎是静止的,突然间,一股可怕的剑从林枫的身上绽放出来,这一刻凌霄所化的绝世之剑仿佛被千万柄锋锐之剑指着,如海啸汪洋,要将他的身体吞没在这恐怖的汪洋剑气当中。 Kills!” Soars to the clouds the personal appearance to stagnate, stops continue face forward, but the fearful sword glow will cut down together, simultaneously the body flies high, the direct wearing out house, goes toward void, this sword perhaps could not kill Lin Feng. “杀!”凌霄身形一滞,停止继续朝前,而是将一道可怕的剑芒劈杀而出,同时身体凌空而起,直接穿破房屋,朝着虚空而去,这一剑恐怕杀不死林枫了。 Bang!” Terrifying destruction spirit fills the air in space together, the Lin Feng thought as if changed to ten million/countless the sword glow, the fusion is one, kills toward the back bang, collides with that sword that soaring to the clouds to cut, sends out the fearful destruction fluctuation, the sword air/Qi annihilates completely. “轰隆!”一道恐怖的毁灭气息在空间弥漫,林枫意念仿佛化作了千万剑芒,融合为一,朝着背后轰杀而出,与凌霄斩出的那一剑碰撞,发出可怕的毁灭波动,剑气全部湮灭。 But in simultaneously, the eye pupil of Lin Feng is broadminded opens, such as the cold glow of peerless sharp sword flashes through, the mind moves, his body shoots up to the sky directly, saw that two hominizations make two swords light, crazily flee, but this short ran away to be very far instantaneously. 而在同时,林枫的眼眸豁然间张开,一道如绝世利剑的寒芒闪过,心神一动,他的身体直接冲天而起,一眼就看到两人化作两道剑光,疯狂遁走,只是这短暂的瞬间就已经逃到了很远。 Shouted......” the Lin Feng whole person to change to the strong winds, the wind gets up together for nine days, void middle as if presented nine shadows, toward soaring to the clouds two people chased down to go. “呼……”林枫整个人化作一道狂风,风起九天,虚空当中仿佛出现了九道影子,朝着凌霄二人追杀而去。 They as if felt the Lin Feng anger, the complexion big change, particularly soared to the clouds, the complexion was ugly, in March did not see, his own cultivation base transformation, became formidable, however Lin Feng was immeasurably deep, this fellow was quite fearful. 两人似乎感受到了林枫的怒火,脸色大变,尤其是凌霄,脸色难看,三月不见,他自身的修为蜕变,变得强大了许多,然而林枫更加深不可测了,这家伙好可怕。 Several the time of breath, soar to the clouds two people to feel that Lin Feng form in unceasing pulling closer, you ice-cold fearful spirit makes their hearts icy cold, cannot be been again imminent by Lin Feng, otherwise in the attack range of sword, will be quite disadvantageous to them. 几个呼吸的时间,凌霄二人就感到林枫的身影在不断的拉近,你冰冷可怕的气息让他们两人的心头冰凉,不能再被林枫迫近了,否则将在剑的攻击范围中,对他们极为不利。 Fellow apprentice, god good jade.” Soared to the clouds shouted, presented a brilliance jasper in his hands, the sword really a Yuan twinkle, the sound spread, the jasper arranged in order accordingly, a brilliance covered directly his body, the body that soared to the clouds changed to together the flowing light directly, the twinkling vanished does not see, this does not know that surmounted many distances. “师兄,神行玉。”凌霄喊了一声,在他的手中出现一枚光华碧玉,剑之真元闪烁,咔嚓的声响传出,碧玉应声而列,一股光华直接将他的身体笼罩住,凌霄的身体直接化作一道流光,瞬息消失不见,这一步不知道跨越了多少距离。 The fellow apprentice who soars to the clouds hears reminder that soars to the clouds to be also same, takes out god good jade coming out crumb that maintains life, the twinkling vanishes does not see, in the heart the meat pain, this god good jade is the thing of their maintaining life, extremely precious, their highest heaven Sword Gate person, a person has the same place, this has not seen the treasure the shadow, was chased down to consume the god good jade. 凌霄的师兄听到凌霄的提醒也一样,取出保命的神行玉出来捏碎,瞬息消失不见,心中肉痛不已,这神行玉可是他们保命之物,极其的珍贵,他们九霄剑门的人,一人都只有一块,这还没有见到宝物的影子,就被人追杀耗费了神行玉。 Lin Feng footsteps, stopped void, looks that the front form disappeared in his eye pupil to flash through together the color of difference, in a moment ago, him felt strange Lin Feng, that jade piece disruption instant, the strength of communication world, let soar to the clouds two people to flee instantaneously, if quickly lightning. 林枫的脚步一顿,停在了虚空当中,看着前方的身影消失他的眼眸中闪过一道异样之色,在刚才,他感觉到了一股奇异的林枫,那玉片碎裂的刹那,沟通天地之力,让凌霄两个人瞬间遁走,快若闪电。 „After carving the Saint mark, may communicate the strength of world, Great Expert of can surmount the space, the twinkling ten million/countless, then with the aid of the strength of Saint mark, the jade piece of their crumb, to a Yuan strength inspire, also according to Saint mark principle?” “刻下圣纹之后,可沟通天地的力量,古之大能者可以跨越空间,瞬息千万里,便是借助圣纹之力,他们捏碎的玉片,也是以真元力量引动,难道也是根据圣纹原理?” The Lin Feng eyesight twinkle, he has thought the space and time sacrificial altar, the portray of endless Saint mark above the sacrificial altar, leading many people to pass through the space, the strength of Saint mark was too mysterious, if his strength cultivated a fearful boundary, can carve the Saint mark, each movement condenses the Saint mark, used the Saint mark strength, the communication world, how could it not be can achieve one step to surmount a lot of li (0.5km)! 林枫目光闪烁,他想到了时空祭台,无尽的圣纹的刻画在祭台之上,带着许多人穿越空间,圣纹的力量太神奇了,若是他的实力修炼到了一种可怕的境界,能够刻下圣纹,每一个动作都是凝聚圣纹,使用圣纹力量,沟通天地,岂非就可以做到一步跨越千百里! To the control of Saint mark, is similar to martial skill is the same. 对圣纹的掌控,就如同对武技一样。 If were met by me again, decides cuts your arm again.” Lin Feng lets somebody cool off or calm down said that has not pursued, soars to the clouds their this flash not to know far, he is unable to expect whether to overtake. “若是再被我遇到,定再斩你一臂。”林枫冷冷说道,没有去追击,凌霄两人这一瞬间不知道去了多远,他也无法预料能否追上。 Has turned round, Lin Feng footsteps one cross, returns toward the old route, the distant place transmits bang the sound, as if some people are fighting. 回过身,林枫脚步一跨,朝着原路返回,远处传来轰隆隆的声响,似乎有人在战斗。 In the middle of that garden, many crowds revolve Tang Youyou, eyesight to pass the smiling face of teasing, simultaneously several people, are attacking the Tang Youyou innumerable remnant shades. 在那花园当中,许多人群围绕着唐幽幽,目光透着戏谑的笑容,同时有好几人,在对唐幽幽的无数残影进行攻击。 Movement is actually good, actually also wants the monopoly treasure trove, hurries to hand over completely your treasure, perhaps we can forgive you not dead.” Sees only wears the youth of green long unlined close-fitting gown to tease said that in his two with the person of his same clothing, they are a Dry Region big Sect disciple, Free And Unfettered Gate. “身法倒是不错,竟然还想要独占宝地,赶紧将你身上的宝物全部交出来,也许我们可以饶你不死。”只见一身着青色长衫的青年取笑说道,在他身旁有两人和他一样服饰的人,他们都是乾域一个大宗门的弟子,逍遥门 Fellow apprentice, I and others is also quite lonely in the middle of this mystical place, this female lives the beautiful appearance so, might as well discard the cultivation base belt in the side, may be used to while away the time 12 when bored, do you look to be good?” “师兄,我等在这秘境当中也颇为寂寞,这女子生得如此美貌,不如废掉修为带在身边,在无聊之时也可用来消遣12,你看可好?” The side has one person to tease said that immediately several people loudly slightly have smiled. 身旁有一人调笑说道,顿时几人都轰然小笑了起来。 Junior Brother great idea, Free And Unfettered Gate person, when rambles, has such beautiful woman to accompany, will not be void.” The * / filthy smiling face winds around in void, however in this time, they only felt that a sharp sword of looking disdainfully kills from the sky, immediately felt whole body one stiff, gains ground, then saw that a youth throws over the long gown to stand arrogantly void, from top to bottom is the fearful sword air/Qi! 师弟好主意,逍遥门人当逍遥,有如此美人相伴,一路也不会空虚。”*/秽的笑容缭绕在虚空,然而就在此时,他们只感觉一股睥睨的利剑从上空射杀下来,顿时都感觉浑身一僵,抬起头,便看到一青年披着长袍傲立虚空,浑身上下都是可怕剑气! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 781 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第781章 Free And Unfettered Gate address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 逍遥门地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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