PMG :: Volume #3

#780: Again with acquaintance

Saint mark!” “圣纹!” Muttered whispered, Lin Feng eye pupil radiant like sword, the trace that portrayed can communicate the strength of world, taking advantage of the essence of livelihood, this strength was too fierce, if he can control this Saint mark the strength, believes that even if were the Tian Qi powerhouse, he can massacre. 喃喃低语了一声,林枫眼眸璀璨如剑,刻画出来的纹路都能沟通天地之力,借日月之精华,这种力量太厉害了,若是他能够掌控这圣纹的力量,相信即便是天武强者,他都能够杀掉。 Tian Qi Layer powerhouse, by boundary, in addition the transformation will strength, the striking power is powerful, however appeared in the face of this Saint mark is not anything, to a Yuan strength turn round at will really above the Saint mark, can inspire the fearful attack, let alone thorough control Saint mark the law of portray. 天武境强者,凭借本身的境界,再加上蜕变的意志力量,攻击力强悍无比,然而在这圣纹面前就显得不算什么了,随意以真元之力覆在圣纹之上,都能引动可怕的攻击,更别说彻底的掌控圣纹的刻画之法了。 These true magical powers great strength, whether to portray the Saint mark in the twinkling, condenses other fearful offensive forces or methods.” Lin Feng has thought likely anything, talked to oneself. “那些真正神通强大者,是不是能够在瞬息刻画出圣纹,凝聚可怕的攻击力量或者其它手段。”林枫像是想到了什么般,自语一声。 Certainly is this, these Great Expert, after the thorough control has thoroughly comprehended the Saint mark, can portray instantaneously, uses like martial skill, sends out the attack of terrifying.” “一定是这样,那些大能者,在彻底掌控悟透了圣纹之后,可以瞬间刻画,就像武技一样使用出来,发出恐怖的攻击。” Several people approve the Lin Feng words, if the Saint mark cannot the twinkling portray, but also there is what using. 几人都认可林枫的话,若是圣纹不能瞬息刻画出来,还有何用。 I want to stay here.” Lin Feng looks at three people, eyesight is serious: Although does not know that what front is, but this 80 designs contained the deep meaning of formidable sword together, finally evolves the Saint mark, if I can perceive through meditation 12, the striking power will be more formidable, since had first found here, calculates to be predestined friends, you can continue, seeks other treasure troves.” “我想留在这里。”林枫看着三人,目光严肃:“虽不知道前面是何物,但这80一道图案都蕴含了强大的剑之奥义,最终演变成圣纹,若是我能够参悟其中12,攻击力都会强大很多,既然第一时间找到了这里,也算有缘,你们可以继续前行,去寻找其它宝地。” These designs carve on stone cliff, cannot move out, if moved it, perhaps did not have the rhyme of this sword, once several times had the powerhouse to come here, has not destroyed stone cliff, many people are not cruel enough, they rather fight with all might in this, leave behind the countless skeleton. 这一道道图案是刻在石壁上的,根本搬不走,若是动了它,恐怕就没有了这种剑之韵,曾经几次有强者到达这里,都没有将石壁毁灭掉,很多人都不忍心,他们宁愿在此拼杀,留下累累尸骨。 Three people of eyesight have glittered, immediately Jun Mo Xi nodded: Formidable the powerhouse who can portray the Saint mark, was patted by a palm here, obviously kills the powerhouse of this person terroristly, in the middle of this mystical place, this region should not be few, Lin Feng cultivates the sword, found has suited own, we continue.” 三人目光闪烁了下,随即君莫惜点了点头:“一名强大能刻画圣纹的强者,被一掌拍死在了这里,可见杀此人的强者有多恐怖,这秘境当中,这种地域应该不会少,林枫修剑,找到了适合自己的,我们就继续前行吧。” Also good, but Lin Feng, in the middle of mystical place vast mysterious, perhaps here is only insignificant, do not cling, this departure time decisively walks.” Yun Fei Yang exhorts Lin Feng, by the Lin Feng formidable strength, under Tian Qi rarely has the rival, if only indulges here, Yun Fei Yang felt that somewhat is unworthy. “也好,不过林枫,秘境当中浩瀚神秘,也许这里只是沧海一粟,不要太贪恋,该离开的时候就果断走。”云飞扬嘱咐林枫,以林枫的强大战力,天武之下鲜有敌手,若是只沉溺于这里,云飞扬感觉有些不值。 I understand.” Lin Feng nodded, he knows certainly that continues the words of vanguard possibly to obtain other heavy treasures, however this moment this stone cliff is placed in front of him, is the present thing, will be suitable he, naturally must become aware, the choices choices, have died one time, he knows that should make anything. “我明白。”林枫点了点头,他当然知道继续前行的话可能会得到其它重宝,然而此刻这石壁摆在他面前,是眼前之物,而且还非常适合他,当然要悟一番,取舍取舍,死过一次,他知道该做什么。 Behind will have other people to rush quickly, I protector for you.” Tang Youyou does not plan to leave, she was worried about Lin Feng, if a practice then thorough immersion is unable to extricate oneself, if runs into the bad man to sneak attack is not then wonderful. “后面很快会有其它人赶到,我为你护法吧。”唐幽幽并不打算离开,她担心林枫若是一修炼便彻底的沉浸其中无法自拔,若遇到歹人偷袭便不妙了。 Does not use, Youyou, you should understand our boundaries, only if entered the special condition, otherwise any slightest sign of trouble can realize easily.” Lin Feng shakes the head. “不用,幽幽,你应该明白到了我们这种境界,除非是进入了特殊的状态,否则任何风吹草动都能够轻易察觉到。”林枫摇头。 If you entered the unusual boundary, but isn't able to extricate oneself?” Tang Youyou asked that lets Lin Feng stunned, this type of probability was very small, but has to acknowledge that perhaps really likely will occur. “万一你进入了奇特的境界而无法自拔呢?”唐幽幽问道,让林枫一阵愕然,这种几率很小,但不得不承认,也许真可能会发生。 „The strength of design implication will even deep meaning here stone cliff portrays, although I am not the sword cultivate, but can obtain similarly, simultaneously protector for you, pours also well.” Tang Youyou continues to say. “这里石壁中刻画的图案蕴含意志甚至奥义的力量,我虽不是剑修,但同样能够从中得到一些,同时为你护法,倒也不错。”唐幽幽继续说道。 Youyou said also right, if you entered the critical moment to be broken, cultivated to you are not good.” Jun Mo Xi to the Lin Feng slight bow. 幽幽说的也对,若是你真进入了关键时刻被打断来,对你修炼也不好。”君莫惜对着林枫微微点头。 The Lin Feng forced smile said: Good, Youyou you remain, Mo Xi and Fei Yang \ flying upwards, you go quickly, perhaps other people quick will catch up.” 林枫苦笑道:“那好吧,幽幽你留下来,莫惜飞扬,你们快去吧,恐怕其它人很快就会赶上来。” Um, you were careful.” Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang have exhorted one, immediately footsteps one cross, goes hand in hand, Tang Youyou remained. “嗯,你们小心。”君莫惜云飞扬嘱咐了一声,随即脚步一跨,联袂而去,唐幽幽则留了下来。 Youyou, you and I practice together, enters the unusual boundary is not that easy.” Lin Feng has a smile, immediately eyesight looks to that stone cliff, carves the design on stone cliff to start from first, his eye pupil tight is staring at that design, stares attentively. 幽幽,你和我一起修炼,进入奇特的境界也不是那么容易的。”林枫含笑,随即目光看向那石壁,从第一幅刻在石壁上的图案开始,他的眼眸紧紧的盯着那图案,用心去凝视。 The first design only then, from getting up, such as a handle sharp sword, as if must break the clouds, Lin Feng immerses, immediately, that design was similar, Lin Feng can feel each electro-optic in that design to move, seemed completely is the swords, combined sword of the handle direct access to the highest authorities, sharp Swordsmanship strength stabbing pain his consciousness. 第一幅图案只有一笔,从上之下的一笔,如一柄利剑,仿佛要破开云霄,林枫沉浸在其中的时候,顿时,那一笔图案仿佛动了起来,林枫能够感受到那图案上的每一个光电在动,好似全部都是剑,组合成一柄通天之剑,锋锐的剑道力量刺痛着他的意识。 Looked attentively that can feel this design the fearful ideal condition, altogether 81 designs, but the first design makes Lin Feng immerse into is unable to extricate oneself. 用心去看,才能够感受到这图案的可怕意境,一共81幅图案,只是第一幅图案就让林枫沉浸入其中无法自拔。 Swords and comprised of innumerable changes, each change such as a handle sharp sword, formidable incomparable, combines final one, a handle sword, pure sword and simple sword, but is actually passing fearful might the sword of dying out, this is not just normalizing sword Secret Art first, ten thousand sword normalizing!” “剑、由无数个变化组成,每一种变化都如一柄利剑,强大无比,组合成最终的一笔,一柄剑,纯粹的剑、简单的剑,但却透着可怕威力的寂灭之剑,这不正是归一剑诀第一式,万剑归一!” The Lin Feng heart trembles, this first design, the [say / way] of implication seems in the celestial pole the martial skill first type ten thousand sword normalizing Swordsmanship will, ten million/countless getting sick sword is the axis, finally fuses into a sword, a simple sword is disillusioned all, the might is peerless. 林枫心头微颤,这第一副图案,蕴含的道似乎就是天极中品武技第一式万剑归一的剑道意志,千万病剑为轴,最终融合成为一剑,简单的一剑破灭一切,威力绝伦。 Merely is the first sword.” The Lin Feng heart is shocking, the mind sank to completely, designs went to the view to think, to comprehend, the first sword, contained the [say / way] of ten thousand sword normalizing, the handle sword fuses a sword ten million/countless, then the surface nine designs, took this as the axis, actually evolved other complicated changes, for example spoke of the ninth design, the element of gathering innumerable sword, seemed the normalization makes a handle sword, seemed can change to two handle swords and three handle swords, even the innumerable handle swords, moved and move as one desires at will, the terrifying was incomparable. “仅仅是第一剑而已。”林枫心头震惊,心神完全沉入到了其中,一幅幅图案去观想、去领悟,第一剑,蕴含万剑归一之道,是千万柄剑融合成一剑,而后面的九副图案,都是以此为轴,却又演变出其他繁复的变化,比如说到了第九副图案,无数剑之元素汇聚,仿佛是归一化作一柄剑,又好似能够化作两柄剑、三柄剑,甚至无数柄剑,随心而动、随意而动,恐怖无比。 Day of passes by, Tang Youyou sits in out of the door, occasionally some people's void passing over gently and swiftly from distant place, many people came toward here, obviously the crowd had discovered gradually where is the central region. 一天的时间过去,唐幽幽坐在门外,偶尔有人从远处的虚空掠过,已经有不少人都朝着这边来了,显然渐渐人群都发现了哪里是中心地域。 Although this palace is formidable, seemed to be that the sword air/Qi clashes the clouds, but the person of non- sword cultivation does not dare the interest, they rather continue the vanguard to seek for the heavy treasure, therefore has not stayed in this. 这座宫殿虽然强大,似有剑气冲云霄,但非剑修之人对此并不太敢兴趣,他们宁愿继续前行寻找重宝,因此都未在此停留。 Until there are two forms to shoulder Ancient Sword, when sky over passing by eyesight congealed, seemed feels under the meaning of spatial formidable Swordsmanship, the body twinkling descended, arrives at outside the palace. 直到有两道身影背负着古剑,在路过上空的时候目光一凝,仿佛是感受到了下空的强大的剑道之意,身体瞬息降落,来到宫殿之外。 Is you.” One of them saw after Tang Youyou, eyesight concentrates, this person carries the long sword, the body is passing the sword air/Qi, the measuring appliance is uncommon, however the flaw is actually his arm, one is to break unexpectedly, the Du Bi sword cultivates. “是你。”其中一人看到唐幽幽之后目光微凝,此人身负长剑,身上透着剑气,仪表不凡,然而缺陷却是他的手臂,竟有一条是断的,独臂剑修。 Soars to the clouds.” The Tang Youyou eye pupil stagnates, this person impressively in Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared in the stage, cut off a sword of arm to cultivate to soar to the clouds by the formidable Swordsmanship will strength by Lin Feng, afterward, soared to the clouds the choice to join highest heaven Sword Gate. “凌霄。”唐幽幽眼眸一滞,此人赫然正是在雪域大比的舞台上,被林枫以强大的剑道意志力量斩断一臂的剑修凌霄,后来,凌霄选择加入了九霄剑门 Past, soared to the clouds sword air/Qi, had keen eyesight in Ding, extremely proudly, he in Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared in the stage the method that wanted to shock defeats other people to manifest his great strength and outstanding, to his female apprentice rain deep and clear vindicating, but he chose the person who set up the prestige, first Tang Youyou, wounded Tang Youyou. 昔日,凌霄一身剑气,眼高于顶,极其的傲然,他在雪域大比的舞台上想要以震撼的手段击败其他人来体现他的强大与优秀,向他的师妹雨潇潇表白,而他选择立威的人,第一个正是唐幽幽,将唐幽幽击伤。 A Lin Feng anger, is over Tang Youyou, will soar to the clouds the arm to cut, said goodbye at this moment soars to the clouds, although his body was passing spirit of sword as before, however did not have that being arrogant and conceited feeling of proudly, appeared very ordinary \ Ping Fan, but a handle ordinary sword cultivated, has received the setback, knew one should always strive for better, after highest heaven Sword Gate, he closed up the self-torture , the famous teacher advised, not awfully crazy practice, even with Tian Qi powerhouse war, for was stiffens and stiffens unceasingly, otherwise, he married her female apprentice to be able for wife's courage continually not. 林枫一怒,为唐幽幽出头,才将凌霄手臂斩下,以至于此刻再见凌霄,他的身上虽依旧透着剑之气息,然而却没有了那股目空一切的傲然之感,显得很平凡,只是一柄普通的剑修,受过挫折,才知天外有天,到了九霄剑门之后他闭关苦修,又得名师指教,不要命的疯狂修炼,甚至和天武强者战,为的就是变强、不断变强,否则,他连娶她师妹为妻的勇气都会没有。 Soars to the clouds crazy also obtained repayment, immerses his heart wholeheartedly in Swordsmanship will not gets off one's main subject, celestial pole cultivation technique, he progress in Swordsmanship will makes highest heaven Sword Gate feel shocking, strided will Fifth Layer. 凌霄的疯狂也得到了回报,一心沉浸在剑道意志当中的他心无旁骛,又得天极功法,他在剑道意志上的进步让九霄剑门都感到震惊,跨入了意志第五重 Junior Brother do you know her?” Soars to the clouds one person to ask curiously. 师弟你认识她?”凌霄身旁的一人好奇问道。 Naturally knew that my this breaks the arm , does obeisance her to bestow.” Soars to the clouds eyesight to be indifferent, making that person of eyesight concentrate, this attractive female is so fierce, can the arm that soars to the clouds unexpectedly continually cut? “自然认识,我这断臂,也是拜她所赐。”凌霄目光冷漠,让那人目光一凝,难道这漂亮女子这么厉害,竟连凌霄的手臂都能斩下? Words that your another arm does not want to break, I urged you should better to leave.” Tang Youyou said indifferently, lets soar to the clouds the eye pupil to stagnate, cold Mang glitters: Joke, past you were not my match, if were not Lin Feng for you over, how my arm will break, Lin Feng was not, I then first took you to try the sword.” “你另外一条手臂不想断的话,我劝你最好滚。”唐幽幽冷漠的说了一声,让凌霄眼眸一滞,冷芒闪烁:“笑话,昔日你便不是我的对手,若非是林枫为你出头,我的手臂岂会断,林枫不在,我便先拿你试剑吧。” Then, body that soars to the clouds, a fearful Swordsmanship will throws toward Tang Youyou, making the Tang Youyou look stagnate, Swordsmanship will Fifth Layer, this soars to the clouds, the progress is quite fast, she is not a match. 说罢,凌霄的身上,一股可怕的剑道意志朝着唐幽幽扑去,让唐幽幽神色一滞,剑道意志第五重,这凌霄,进步好快,她不是对手。 However the Tang Youyou complexion twinkling restores as usual, sneering [say / way] your progress was indeed better than it past, however, the Lin Feng past strength you have also realized, now you progressed, he will bog down, even if before not, can break your arm again?” 不过唐幽幽的脸色瞬息恢复如常,冷笑道“比之昔日你的确进步不错,然而,林枫昔日的实力你也体会过,如今你进步了,难道他会停滞不前,就算不前,也能再断你一臂?” Tang Youyou sneers, immediately body makes way, points at behind was saying: Who you have a look there are.” 唐幽幽冷笑一声,随即身体让开,指着身后道:“你看看那里是谁。” 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 780 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第780章 Again with acquaintance address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 再遇熟人地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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