PMG :: Volume #3

#779: Saint grain

Bridges over this crowd of ordinary construction communities, is the uncultivated land does not have with the deathly stillness as before, occasionally can see that in the journey has skeletons to lie down in that or blows on the powder, either is unable to destroy hardly easily. 跨过这一群普通的建筑群落,依旧是荒无和死寂,偶尔能够看到路途中有一具具骸骨躺在那,或一吹就散,或坚硬无法轻易毁灭。 It seems like here had suffered a catastrophe, making the innumerable powerhouses be killed in this.” “看来这里真的曾经经历过一场大灾难,让无数强者丧命于此。” In the Lin Feng heart the secret passage, abandoned these facilitations the skeletons not saying that other hard skeletons at least were the Tian Qi powerhouses, did these many powerhouses die? 林枫心中暗道,抛开那些容易化的骸骨不说,其它坚硬的骸骨都至少是天武强者,这么多强者到底是怎么死的? The journey that leading the way, presented the mountains beautiful fineness gradually, although appears the bleak deathly stillness, but actually does not lose its style, has ** pavilion space pavilion, although damages as before cannot withstand, even was destroyed. 前行的路途,渐渐出现了山川秀丽之精致,虽显得荒凉死寂,但却不失其风貌,更有**的阁宇亭台,虽依旧破损不堪,甚至被摧毁掉。 What do you have to discover?” Tang Youyou eyesight looks to three people, the thoughts of woman are quite exquisite, she had discovered faintly this region has vision. “你们有没有发现什么?”唐幽幽目光看向三人,女人的心思颇为细腻,她隐隐发现了这片区域有一股异像 We lead the way, the scenery was getting better and better . Moreover, seems more suitable to practice.” Yun Fei Yang hesitates saying that heard this words, Lin Feng and Jun Mo Xi has discovered immediately also this point, cannot help but looked at each other one. “我们一路前行,风景越来越好了,而且,似乎更适合修炼。”云飞扬沉吟说道,听到此话,林枫君莫惜顿时也发现了这一点,不由得对视一眼。 Um, if compares with king's family here, what then we had flown a moment ago is the ordinary guard, along with us to north, gradually enters king's the core area of family, the person status that here occupies must be higher, environment to be better.” “嗯,如果将这里比作君王之家的话,那么我们刚才飞过的是平常护卫,随着我们一路向北,渐渐进入君王之家的核心地域,这边居住的人地位要更高许多、环境更好了。” Tang Youyou has made an analogy, analyzes clearly thorough. 唐幽幽打了个比喻,分析清晰透彻。 You said that if this trim space world is emperor the place of domain, then we are moving toward the core area, experienced the servant status Tian Qi powerhouse, now, are we striding in the guard status the Venerable housing region?” Lin Feng eyesight dodges, looked that said to Tang Youyou. “你是说,若这整片空间世界是皇者的领域之地,那么我们正走向核心地域,经历了奴仆般身份的天武强者,现在,我们正跨入护卫般身份的尊者居住地域?”林枫目光一闪,看向唐幽幽道。 Has the possibility very much.” Tang Youyou nods, the domain of emperor, Tian Qi is similar to a servant, Venerable is similar to a guard. “很有可能。”唐幽幽点头,皇者的领域,天武如同奴仆,尊者如同护卫。 We unceasingly close core region.” Four people understood a point, the personal appearance speeds up, crazy glitters to go toward front, the garret cave mansion that many powerhouses live was even given to disregard by them. “我们正在不断接近核心区域。”四人都明白了一点,身形加快,疯狂的朝着前面闪烁而去,许多强者居住的阁楼洞府甚至都被他们给无视掉了。 The powerhouse who if more in the future will be occupied is fiercer, exceed may present the most precious object. 若是越往后居住的强者越厉害的话,越有可能出现至宝。 There has a palace.” At this time, the finger of Tang Youyou aims at the center of this region, a vast alone palace is situated there, set up a new banner, likes a crane among chickens, as if probably be nobler than the surrounding Hainan building cave mansion, is this region the place of core. “那里有一座宫殿。”此时,唐幽幽的手指指向这一片地域的中央,一座浩瀚的独栋宫殿坐落在那里,别树一帜,鹤立鸡群,仿佛要比周围的琼楼洞府要更高贵,是这片地域的核心之地。 This palace is plain, similarly many breakages, but the makings of palace still , the entire palace assume a handle ensiform, shoots up to the sky, on the straight clouds, is passing the will of Lingyun. 这宫殿古朴陈旧,同样有许多破损,但宫殿的气质犹在,整座宫殿呈一柄剑形,冲天而起、直上云霄,透着凌云之志。 A palace, seemed entrusted with the life unexpectedly, had spirit of sword, what shocked, this palace does not know that had many years, spirit of this sword still saved, as if will never extinguish. 一座宫殿,竟然好似都被赋予了生命,拥有剑之气息,更震撼的是,这宫殿不知道存在了多少年,这剑之气息犹存,仿佛永远都不会熄灭。 With the palace is the core of this region, housing should be a great person.” “和宫殿是这片地域的核心,其中居住的应该是个大人物。” spirit of Swordsmanship will, very strong, the arrangement of this palace contains the mysterious law, was too fierce.” “剑道意志的气息,好强,这宫殿的布置都蕴含玄妙之法,太厉害了。” Four people were attracted by this palace, felt that unusual shock, Lin Feng eyesight has glittered, what in the palace contains is the sword air/Qi, if he does not get down to have a liking for looked that will not be resigned. 四人都被这宫殿吸引住,感觉非常的震撼,林枫目光闪烁了下,宫殿中蕴含的是剑气,他若不下去看上一看,不会甘心。 We have a look.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, descends from void directly, arrives at outside the palace, this palace very vast vast, inside has the spring water woods, but the spring water has dried up, in the forests the trees also already withered the death, does not have life spirit, appears deathly stillness especially is on the wane. “我们下去看看。”林枫脚步一跨,直接从虚空中降落而下,到达宫殿之外,这宫殿非常的辽阔浩瀚,里面有泉水树林,不过泉水已经枯竭,林间之树木也早已枯萎死亡,没有生命的气息,显得格外的死寂凋零。 There as if has strong sword air/Qi.” Tang Youyou points at palace place of garden, Lin Feng was nodding, their several people also felt, very strong sword air/Qi. “那里似乎有一股很强的剑气。”唐幽幽指着宫殿内的一处花园之地,林枫点了点头,他们几人也都感受到了,很强的剑气。 The deathly stillness palace, will actually have the air/Qi of Swordsmanship. 死寂的宫殿,竟然会拥有剑道之气。 Walks toward that garden , the sword air/Qi seeps from a practice room in garden, marches into the gate of arch to walk into the middle of the practice stone chamber, since Lin Feng four people of eyesight narrow the eyes slightly, above the ground, has many corpse skeletons, was buried by the dust. 朝着那花园中走去,剑气是从花园内的一间修炼房中渗透出来的,步入拱形之门走入修炼石室当中,林枫四人的目光微微眯起,在地面之上,有着许多具尸体骸骨,被尘埃埋没。 As for sword air/Qi that continuously seeps, uploads in side stone cliff of practice stone chamber front line, above, is carving many designs. 至于那一缕缕渗透出来的剑气,是在修炼石室最前方的一面石壁上传出来的,上面,刻着许多幅图案。 Buzz!” The Yun Fei Yang footsteps tread toward the ground in slightly, immediately gentle astral wind sweeps in the stone chamber, the skeleton corpse changes into the dust instantaneously completely, thorough was annihilated. “嗡!”云飞扬的脚步往地面上微微一踏,顿时一股柔和的罡风在石室中扫荡而过,骸骨尸体瞬间全部化为灰尘,彻底的被消灭掉了。 The only last special skeleton lies down in that as before, motionless, without any damage. 唯一最后一具特殊的骸骨依旧躺在那,一动不动,没有任何的损伤。 This skeleton relies on above stone cliff, that pair quiet a lot of years of pupil, as if can also feel attachment. 这具骸骨倚在石壁之上,那双沉寂了千百年的瞳孔当中,似乎还能够感受到其中的眷恋。 Moreover, the head of this skeleton distorted thoroughly, hollow, seemed patted the direct palm the bang on the head kills, even if one died many years of skeleton, on his corpse, can feel tip Swordsmanship spirit as before, the death of sword cultivation, although refuses stubbornly to forget the sword. 而且,这具骸骨的脑袋彻底的变形了,凹陷了进去,仿佛是被人直接一掌拍在脑袋上轰杀的,即便是一具已死多年的骸骨,其尸身上,依旧还能够感受到点滴的剑道气息,剑修之死,虽死不忘剑。 Lin Feng, you look on this stone cliff to portray.” Tang Youyou eye pupil faint trace is staring at that side stone cliff, from left to right, the drawing is getting more and more exquisite, spirit of Swordsmanship, is getting more and more intense, above portrays, seems the swords, particularly the following design, was getting more and more complex, as if one set of fearful magical powers swordsmanship carving into. 林枫,你看这石壁上刻画的。”唐幽幽的眼眸丝丝的盯着那一面石壁,从左到右,图画越来越精湛、剑道的气息,越来越强烈,上面刻画着的,似乎都是剑,尤其是后面的图案,越来越复杂了,仿佛是将一套可怕的神通剑术给刻入了下来。 Naturally, truly those who make Lin Feng they surprised is, the final several designs, are not acting of 12 types, but is the design that the innumerable texture combinations become, seems... Mi Wen! 当然,真正让林枫他们惊讶的是,最后的几幅图案,已经不是12式的动作了,而是无数的纹理组合而成的图案,似乎是…秘纹! Unexpectedly is Mi Wen!” Four people of eye pupils merely is staring at the rear design, on this stone cliff is carving the chart of linking up, clearly is technique of one set of formidable Swordsmanship, however final of technique of Swordsmanship, unexpectedly is Mi Wen, how this enables Lin Feng not to shock, when enters the mystical place Mi Wen who on stone cliff in the dark channel has, completely is the formidable magical powers magic arts? “竟然是秘纹!”四人的眼眸仅仅的盯着最后面的图案,这石壁上刻着的连贯之图,分明是一套强大的剑道之术,然而剑道之术的最后,竟是秘纹,这让林枫如何能不震撼,难道进入秘境之时黑暗通道中所拥有的石壁上的秘纹,全部都是强大的神通法术? These secret grains can trigger with a Yuan strength, how doesn't know this design?” “那些秘纹可以用真元之力来触发,不知道这图案如何?” Lin Feng footsteps slowly walks to go forward, the sword air/Qi is getting more and more rich, as if must break in his body, looked at Jun Mo Xi and the others, three people can intent immediately, makes way in abundance. 林枫的脚步缓缓的走上前,剑气越来越浓郁,仿佛要冲入他的身体,看了君莫惜等人一眼,三人立即都会意,纷纷让开来。 Before arriving at stone cliff, Lin Feng has placed above hand stone cliff, immediately, wipes really a Yuan strength gradually wanders to go toward that last design. 走到石壁前,林枫将手放在了石壁之上,顿时,一抹真元的力量渐渐的朝着那最后一幅图案上游荡而去。 And...... Bang!” Shortly, turnover of fearful sword glow from stone cliff, blooms the eye-catching brilliance, as if must puncture the front space, garden stone cliff of distant place, exudes one directly bang the bang, annihilates under the sword air/Qi, changes to makes everywhere dust. “咻、咻……轰!”顷刻间,一股可怕的剑芒从石壁上吞吐而出,绽放出夺目的光彩,仿佛要将前面的空间都刺破,远处的花园石壁,直接发出一声轰隆的巨响,在剑气之下湮灭,化做漫天灰尘。 The Lin Feng heart trembled maliciously, hurries to take back the palm, does not dare to continue to use really a Yuan strength, he feared that a Yuan strength continues to inspire this secret mark design, will have the fearful effect. 林枫的心头狠狠的震颤了下,慌忙将手掌收回,不敢继续使用真元力量,他怕真元之力继续引动这秘纹图案,会发生可怕的效果。 Good fearful sword.” “好可怕的剑。” Several people looked at one toward outside, goes to that secret mark design, the technique of sword, unexpectedly is really the technique of Swordsmanship magical powers. 几人朝着外面看了一眼,又投向那秘纹图案,剑之术,竟然真的是剑道神通之术。 Similarly is Mi Wen, the secret mark that but on this stone cliff carves is easier to understand, because front designs, are Mi Wen the processes of evolution. 同样是秘纹,不过这石壁上刻下的秘纹却更容易理解,因为前面的一幅幅图案,都是秘纹的演变的过程。 81 designs, thoroughly comprehend finally, evolve formidable Mi Wen, here is the powerhouse who once this passed away, here grasps principles to become aware the sword?” “81幅图案,最终悟透,演化出强大的秘纹,难道这里是曾经这作古的强者,在这里悟道悟剑?” Lin Feng is staring at stone cliff, the careful observation was estimating once again each design, from left to right, becomes aware the process of sword, is getting more and more profound, each gesture of each design, deep carves into the middle of stone cliff, probably is a handle fearful sharp sword is the same, is only the first design, Lin Feng has the feeling of looking up, here becomes aware the powerhouse of sword, is formidable existence that he looks up. 林枫盯着石壁,再度仔细观察揣度着每一副图案,从左至右,是悟剑的过程,越来越深刻,每一副的图案的每一比划,都深深的刻入石壁当中,好像是一柄可怕的利剑一样,只是第一幅图案,林枫就有种仰视的感觉,在这里悟剑的强者,是他仰望的强大存在。 Four people look at each other in blank diamay, they had as if realized a point, Mi Wen, is one extremely formidable magical powers strength, is evolved to live by abstruse mysterious martial skill, perhaps, when they become Venerable, comprehends the deep meaning, can contact this level truly. 四人面面相觑,他们似乎都意识到了一点,秘纹,是一种极其强大的神通力量,由深奥玄妙的武技演变而生,也许,等到他们成为尊者,领悟奥义,才能够真正的接触这一层面。 How I felt that we see now, is the magical powers strength above celestial pole martial skill.” Tang Youyou muttered whispers, a few words has pointed to the innermost feelings of crowd, they also similarly had this feeling, that fearful Mi Wen, seemed the unique celestial pole martial skill terrifying exists, even if they did not understand, can inspire with a Yuan strength, sends out the fearful magical powers strength, shocked. “我怎么感觉,我们现在看到的,是天极武技之上的神通力量。”唐幽幽喃喃低语了一声,一句话直指人群的内心,他们也同样有这种感觉,那可怕的秘纹,似乎是超脱天极武技的恐怖存在,即便他们不懂,都可以用真元力量引动,发出可怕的神通力量,太震撼了。 Sees only the Yun Fei Yang brow closely is wrinkling, seems thinking deeply about anything. 只见云飞扬眉头紧紧的皱着,似乎在思索着什么。 Fei Yang \ flying upwards, what have you thought of?” Lin Feng notes his unusuality, asked. 飞扬,你是想到了什么吗?”林枫注意到他的异常,问道。 I know probably this Mi Wen, was anything!” In Yun Fei Yang eyesight flashes through together the point, enunciated saying: I once had seen in a broken old book, before the Flood, the martial arts was prosperous, formidable Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator was countless, big magical powers destroyed the day to extinguish, these genuine powerhouses through grasping principles, can carve the Saint mark, the communication world strength, took the strength of Sun taking advantage of the livelihood essence, omnipotent!” “我好像知道这秘纹,是什么了!”云飞扬目光中闪过一道锋芒,吐字说道:“我曾在一本残破的古籍中看到过,在上古时代,武道鼎盛,强大的武修不计其数,大神通者毁天灭地,那些真正的强者通过悟道,能刻圣纹,沟通天地力量,借日月精华、取太阳之力,无所不能!” 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 779 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第779章 Saint mark address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 圣纹地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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