PMG :: Volume #3

#778: Powerhouse skeleton

Sees Lin Feng to leave, the person of complexion audiences Tianchi is ugly, beforehand Lin Feng has been silent, cannot see the strength depth, now, he exterminates the Tian Shu snowy peak eight big powerhouses by the strength that shocks absolutely, frightening the residence to have the person, also threatened unexpectedly disdains to be a companion with them, he is supercilious simply, has not paid attention to them. 看到林枫离开,众天池之人脸色难看,之前的林枫一直沉默,看不出实力深浅,如今,他以绝对震撼的实力诛灭天枢雪峰八大强者,震慑住所有人,竟还又扬言不屑与他们为伍,简直他目中无人,根本未将他们放在眼里。 Several people of eyesight of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak are complex, in the Bai Li Xi eye is glittering the cold glow, the Lin Feng strength is quite fearful, surpasses him to be too many. 天璇峰的几人目光复杂,百里奚眼中闪烁着寒芒,林枫的实力好可怕,超出他太多。 Tianchi Xue similarly by Lin Feng powerful frightening, initially when sees Lin Feng, she is very discontented with the expression that she spoke to Lin Feng, she looked that Lin Feng eyesight was passing despising, then she discovered now that Lin Feng basic did not spare a glance to her, this Tianchi saintess in the Lin Feng eye, anything does not calculate, even said that she could not be joined to Huangfu Long. 天池雪同样被林枫的强悍给震慑到了,初见林枫之时,她便对林枫与她说话的语气很不满,她看林枫目光都透着蔑视,然则现在她发现,林枫根本对她不屑一顾,她这天池圣女在林枫眼中,什么都不算,甚至说她配不上皇甫龙 Jun Mo Xi several people of natures leave with Lin Feng together, Huangfu Long looked at Lin Feng one, looked at Tianchi Xue, immediately is shouting to Lin Feng: Lin Feng, your strength is so strong I to follow in the side to be also useless, I will remain to take care of my future wife.” 君莫惜几人自然跟着林枫一起离开,皇甫龙看了林枫一眼,又看了看天池雪,随即对着林枫喊道:“林枫,你的实力那么强我跟在身边也没有用,我还是留下来照顾我未来的妻子。” Lin Feng has turned head to look at Huangfu Long, sees feeling head that he trembles, cannot help but slightly shakes the head, this fellow, is really stupid, actually is also keeping thinking about that Tianchi saintess, actually a dedicated person. 林枫回过头看着皇甫龙,见他颤颤的摸着脑袋,不由得微微摇头,这家伙,真是呆头呆脑,竟然还惦记着那天池圣女,倒是一个执着之人。 Ok, Big Pest, if when you discovered that did not like her, then left.” Lin Feng unattractive these two, Tianchi Xue are the Tianchi saintesses, thinks to keep aloof, confuses right and wrong, looks down upon Huangfu Long this stock talent, then Huangfu Long actually simple and honest critical, thinks that anything then makes anything, said that must marry the Tianchi saintesses, when the wife for this reason has tried hard, Lin Feng thinks that Tianchi Xue cannot be joined to Big Pest. “行,大害虫,若是何时你发现不喜欢她了,便离开吧。”林枫并不好看这两人,天池雪身为天池圣女,自以为高高在上,是非不分,看不起皇甫龙这种草根天才,然则皇甫龙却憨厚中肯,想什么便做什么,说要娶天池圣女当老婆就一直为此而努力,林枫认为天池雪配不上大害虫 Good.” Huangfu Long has laughed foolishly, immediately Lin Feng has turned around, takes a step to leave. “好。”皇甫龙傻笑了下,随即林枫转过身,迈步离开。 The desolated space world, is passing the plain miserable air/Qi, in the meantime, but also is passing a deathly stillness, hundred years of some people have not visited in this, the mountains stand erect as before, the lake rivers flow as before, but is actually desolate and uninhabited, does not have a live person, probably is a abandoned world. 荒芜的空间世界,透着古朴凄凉之气,同时,还透着一股死寂,百年未曾有人踏足于此,山川依旧矗立,湖泊河流依旧流淌,但却荒无人烟,没有一个活人,好像是一片被遗弃的世界。 This region is so big, we do not know that which direction should in walk, does the emperor grave in rumor exist?” Lin Feng stops the footsteps, looked up a day, desolate uncultivated land ancient spirit wound around in the top of the head of people, did not have a vitality, this world as if very vast. “这片地域这么大,我们都不知道应该往哪个方向走,还有传言中的皇者墓到底存不存在?”林枫停下脚步,抬头看了一眼天,苍凉的荒古气息缭绕在众人的头顶,没有一点生机,这片世界似乎非常的浩瀚。 In the past several hundred years, many people have visited this stretch of world, in the rumor the person who lives to walk from here, became strong side, in the company the empire is unable to hold, therefore we hundred years later we are unable to know in this special details, since several some people visit, then also means that we want to search for and seize anything, will not be definitely easy.” “在过去的几百年间,有不少人都踏足过这片天地,传言中从这里活着走出去的人,都成为了一方强者,连中品帝国都无法容得下,因此我们百年后的我们无法得知这里面的具体情况,既然几次有人踏足,那么也意味着我们想要寻获什么的话,肯定不会太容易。” Jun Mo Xi opens the mouth saying that is too easy to obtain the thing, perhaps entered this inside powerhouse to obtain in the past several hundred years. 君莫惜开口说道,太容易得到之物,恐怕在过去的几百年间就已经被进入过这里面的强者得到了。 Lin Feng slight bow: But we arrive at this region through the space and time sacrificial altar first, if blind and line of going astray directions, compared with other people does not have any superiority to exist.” 林枫微微点头:“可是我们最先通过时空祭台来到这片地域,若是盲目而行走错方向的话,和其他人相比就没有任何优势存在了。” We must walk in a direction.” Tang Youyou expressed own view, the eye pupil looked to the sky, the beautiful pupil twinkle, seemed pondering that which direction they from arrived at this region. “我们要一直朝着一个方向走。”唐幽幽发表了自己的看法,眼眸看向天空,美眸闪烁,似乎在思考他们是从哪个方向降临这片地域的。 Which position minute not clear from comes.” Tang Youyou shook the head, the first experience space and time sacrificial altar surmounts the space, during they are absent-minded anxious, crashes suddenly, which position cannot distinguish clearly from visits. “分不清楚从哪个方位进来的了。”唐幽幽摇了摇头,第一次经历时空祭台跨越空间,他们都处于恍惚紧张之中,突然间就坠落,根本分不清从哪个方位踏足。 Not is only Tang Youyou, other people do not divide clearly. 不仅是唐幽幽,其他人也分不清楚。 Lin Feng brow micro pressed, has thought, immediately said: We toward the northern vanguard.” 林枫眉头微蹙,思索了下,随即道:“我们朝北一路前行吧。” Why toward north?” Tang Youyou curious [say / way]. “为什么是朝北?”唐幽幽好奇道。 „The air/Qi of north deathly stillness is thickest.” Lin Feng replied said that several human eye pupils congealed, looked at one mutually, immediately nodded, the air/Qi of deathly stillness was thicker, explained there has presented the death were most. “北面的死寂之气最浓。”林枫回答说道,几人眼眸一凝,互相看了一眼,随即都点头,死寂之气越浓,说明那里出现过的死亡最多。 Since four people have set direction, then toward north unceasing twinkle vanguard, in the journey as before has not seen the person's shadow, this as if also makes clear to them not to choose the wrong direction. 四人既然已经确定了方向,便都朝着北面不断的闪烁前行,路途中依旧没有看到人影,这似乎也昭示着他们没有选错方向。 After a double-hour, in four people of front, presented a piece of steep slope, above, spirit of dying out throws, is passing several points of deathly stillness. 一个时辰之后,在四人的前方,出现了一片高坡,在上面,一阵寂灭的气息扑来,透着几分死寂。 Skeleton.” The eye pupil of Lin Feng coagulated slightly, in his front not far away, the skeleton, completely decayed has been dried up unexpectedly. “骸骨。”林枫的眼眸微微凝固了下,在他的前面不远处,竟然有一具骸骨,都已经完全的腐朽干枯了。 Many skeletons.” eyesight sweeps to that steep slope, is not only one, but the skeletons of many air seasoning, the footsteps continue to face forward, wisp of light breeze faces forward to sway along with several people of footsteps, immediately has the skeleton to change to the powder directly, dissipates in invisible, so long as gently moves, changed to the dust, does not know how long had. “好多骸骨。”目光扫向那高坡上,不仅是一具,而是有很多风干的骸骨,脚步继续朝前,一缕轻风随着几人的脚步朝前拂动,顿时有骸骨直接化作粉末,消逝于无形,只要轻轻的触碰一下,就化作了尘埃,不知道已经存在了多久。 „The Tian Qi powerhouse all for the boundary of harmony of nature and man, the body experiences has quenchinged the transformation, the skeleton is tenacious, even if the death changed to the bone, as before reliable tenacious, even may treat as the sharp weapon, this skeleton blew on the powder, should be the person of Xuan Qi, very possible was hundred years ago stepped into the crowd in this mystical place.” 天武强者皆为天人合一之境,身体经历过淬炼蜕变,骨骼坚韧无比,即便死亡化作骨头,依旧牢固坚韧,甚至可当做利器,这骸骨一吹就散,应该是玄武之人,很可能是百年前踏入这秘境中的人群。” Jun Mo Xi looks that that blown off skeleton said. 君莫惜看着那被吹散的骸骨说道。 If so, here these many skeletons, should have a war, decides to compete for anything.” Yun Fei Yang said slowly that the body glitters toward front, arrived on that steep slope instantaneously. “若是如此的话,这里这么多骸骨,应该是发生了一场大战,定是为了争夺什么。”云飞扬缓缓说道,身体朝着前方闪烁,瞬间到达了那高坡上面。 Comes to see quickly.” Yun Fei Yang shouted, three people of footsteps one cross, similarly steps onto the steep slope, sees the picture of distant place, the eye pupil concentrates. “快来看。”云飞扬喊了一声,三人脚步一跨,同样走上高坡,看到远处的景象,眼眸都是一凝。 Many constructions, have worn-out house, to have the cave mansion, links up into a single stretch, was needless to say also understands that before deciding however is this space world original resident person. 好多建筑,有破旧的房屋、还有洞府,连成一片,不用说也明白,定然是这片空间世界以前的原住之人。 It seems like these skeletons, are because enters inside Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator to think that had discovered anything produces rubs, thus the birth slaughters. 看来这些骸骨,是因为进入里面的武修以为发现了什么而产生摩擦,从而诞生杀戮。 We have a look.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, toward under that piece of place twinkle in the past, many constructions was worn-out, even there are directly is destroyed, preserved truly completely almost did not have. “我们去看看。”林枫脚步一跨,朝着下方那片地方闪烁过去,许多建筑都是破旧的,甚至有很多是直接被毁灭了,真正保存完整的几乎是没有。 „The motion, has a look separately in all directions.” Lin Feng has stopped, was saying to three people that the people nod to understand, starts to search this region. “分头行动,四处看看。”林枫停顿了下,对着三人说道,众人都点头明白,开始搜索这片地域。 The body of Lin Feng dodges, strides in the middle of a cave mansion, sees only in the cave mansion to have the housing thing, but had been covered by the dust completely, a skeleton was thrown on the ground, the inclined corpse actually maintains the posture that is sitting cross-legged to sit, should be moved, moreover this does not have the least bit flurried posture, should write off directly, the opportunity of including responding does not have. 林枫的身体一闪,跨入一片洞府当中,只见洞府中有着居住用品,只是全部被灰尘所覆盖了,一具骸骨被扔在地上,倾斜的尸体却是保持着盘膝而坐的姿势,应该是被人移动过了,而且他这没有半点慌乱的姿势,应该是被人直接抹杀掉的,连反应过来的机会都没有。 Holds the skeleton, Lin Feng has struck under the skeleton, exudes the sound of sonorous echo, very firm, even if passed did not know many years. 将骸骨扶起来,林枫敲打了下骸骨,发出铿锵的回响之声,非常的坚固,即便已经过去了不知道多少年。 Above Xuan Qi Layer the corpse of powerhouse.” The Lin Feng eye pupil concentrates slightly, looks at the opposite party serene stance, on the skeleton does not have the obvious fissure, is what terrifying powerhouse, can writes off powerhouse above a Xuan Qi without any indication directly, at least is the boundaries of Tian Qi. 玄武境之上强者的尸体。”林枫眼眸微微一凝,看着对方安详的姿态,骨骼上都没有明显的裂痕,是什么样的恐怖强者,能够在没有任何征兆的情况下直接抹杀一名玄武之上的强者,至少都是天武之境。 In the middle of the cave mansion anything had not discovered that even if there is any treasure, perhaps already was also received to blow by others. 洞府当中什么都没有发现,即便有什么宝物,恐怕也早就被别人收刮一空了。 The personal appearance dodges, Lin Feng withdrew from the cave mansion, arrived in other construction, he discovered that is almost in the middle of each building or the cave mansion have are moved the skeleton, moreover is maintaining very complete stance, wrote off likely instantaneously, does not have the opportunity of response. 身形一闪,林枫退出了洞府,又到达了另外的建筑当中,他发现,几乎是每一个建筑或者洞府当中都有被人移动过的骸骨,而且都保持着很完整的姿态,像是被瞬间抹杀的,没有反应的机会。 However, here houses cave mansion these many, the skeleton are innumerable, is what terrifying exists, can make these many powerhouses die instantaneously together. 然而,这里房舍洞府这么多,骸骨无数,是什么样的恐怖存在,能够瞬间让这么多的强者一起死。 Here searched a double-hour, actually has achieved nothing, does not have the thing of value except for the skeleton, Lin Feng, other three people are also so same, here was already received to blow empties. 在这里搜索了一个时辰,却一无所获,除了骸骨就是没有价值之物,林枫如此,其他三人也一样,这里早就被收刮空了。 Void middle, there is a cold air/Qi twinkle, Lin Feng and the others gained ground, the discovery is the crowd of Tianchi, they the sky surmount directly from Lin Feng and the others, here has not stayed the moment, is person of Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak head leader Yu Tianji. 虚空当中,有寒冷之气闪烁而过,林枫等人抬起头,发现是天池的人群,他们直接从林枫等人的上空跨越过去,都没有在这里停留片刻,为首之人正是天玑峰的领袖人物宇天机 Many skeletons, perhaps does not know many years ago, here has had a shocking war, these housing Tian Qi powerhouses here, were killed by shock in the flash, does not have including the scar.” Four people gathered in together, saw in the shock to grid. “好多骸骨,也许在不知道多少年前,这里发生过一场惊世大战,这些居住在这里的天武强者,在一瞬间被震死,连伤痕都没有。”四人汇聚在一起,都看出了对方眼中的震惊。 So many powerhouse skeletons, should be the Tian Qi powerhouses, is similar to Lin Feng had heard such, the Martial Emperor powerhouse, dominates in spatial, Tian Qi is only a servant, was killed in a flash completely. 如此多的强者骸骨,应该都是天武强者的,就如同林枫听说过的那样,武皇强者,凌驾于空,天武只是奴仆,被人一瞬间全部杀死了。 Moreover, since here has the Tian Qi corpse, then also has certainly the formidable Venerable skeleton. 而且,这里既然有天武的尸体,那么一定就也有强大的尊者尸骨。 Above surrounding void, occasionally several form twinkles, have been these stride in the outside powerhouse in mystical place, they have not really died, toward this direction caught up. 周围的虚空之上,偶尔有几道身影闪烁而过,是那些跨入秘境中的外界强者,他们果然都没有死,都朝着这个方向赶过来了。 Tian Qi powerhouse death was innumerable, obviously here once had prosperity how to be powerful, found some secret standards or the treasures at will, had big using to us.” 天武强者死亡都是无数,可见这里曾经有多么的繁荣强盛,随意找到一些秘典或者宝物,对我们都有大用。” Four people also no longer lose the time , to continue to start, toward north direction twinkle vanguard! 四人也不再耽误时间,继续启程,朝着北面方向闪烁前行! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 778 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第778章 Powerhouse skeleton address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 强者尸骨地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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