PMG :: Volume #3

#777: Who can block

„The Swordsmanship will strength of Sixth Layer and this terrifying, is the Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will.” Crowd eyesight panic-stricken is staring at Lin Feng, only felt that carries on the back to have a cool feeling, the movement on hand as if becomes somewhat stiff and slow, was too terrifying, the strength attack of Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will, was not they can resist. 六重、这恐怖的剑道意志力量,是六重的剑道意志。”人群目光惊骇的盯着林枫,只感觉背上生出一股凉意,手上的动作都仿佛变得有些僵硬、迟缓,太恐怖了,六重剑道意志的力量攻击,不是他们能够抵挡得了的。 I do not know really where you are formidable.” On Lin Feng is covering the snowflake that dancing in the air of snow and ice alienation, the body week flutters is unable to approach, by that fearful Swordsmanship will puncturing, crowd feelings is nervous and uneasy, as if momentarily possibly was pierced by sword intent of this terrifying. “我真不知道,你们强大在哪里。”林枫身上覆盖着的冰雪狂乱的飞舞,身周飘荡的雪花都无法靠近了,被那股可怕的剑道意志给刺破来,人群更一个个感觉如芒在背,仿佛随时可能被这恐怖的剑意刺穿。 Kills!” Void has the sword glow that murders together towering cuts, that together from Lin Feng recent form whole body one stiff, the snowflake of condensation from the sky floats, the place of his forehead presents a bloodstain, this bloodstain from top to bottom, is immediately incarnadine his white snow. “杀!”虚空中有一道杀伐的剑芒突兀的斩下去,那一道距离林枫最近的身影浑身一僵,凝聚的雪花在空中飘洒,他的眉心之处出现一道血痕,随即这条血痕从上至下,将他身上的白雪染红。 I... Died?” That person of eye pupil is opening, becomes the talent juniors in Tianchi, has to enter the opportunity in mystical place, he also truly strided in the middle of the mystical place, but has not seen the genuine emperor grave or the heavy treasure, the direct body falls, dies of the civil war, this keeps him until death from dying content, this cause of death, too should not. “我…死了?”那人的眼眸还是睁开着的,成为天池的天才子弟,拥有进入秘境的机会,他也确实跨入了秘境当中,但还没有见到真正的皇者墓或者重宝,就直接身陨,死于内战,这让他至死都无法瞑目,这种死法,太不应该。 The sharp sword air/Qi of looking disdainfully is wreaking havoc as before, covers the bodies of all people, making these person of complexions keep is fluctuating, in a dilemma. 睥睨的锋锐剑气依旧在肆虐,将所有人的身体都笼罩住,让那些人脸色不停的变幻着,进退两难。 Direct Lin Feng footsteps one cross, the body such as the tornado, to the inconceivable situation, the whole person integrated in the wind together quickly probably. 直接林枫的脚步一跨,身体如一道旋风,快到不可思议的地步,整个人好像都融入了风中。 „The will of wind.” The eye pupil of crowd stiff there, first is the flame will, immediately is the terrifying Swordsmanship will, a moment ago his step as well as form with the wind was telling the people at this moment without doubt, this was the will of wind, a Lin Feng person, had three strengths of wills, moreover was formidable, particularly the Swordsmanship will strength, broke Ninth Layer. “风之意志。”人群的眼眸僵硬在了那里,首先是火焰意志,随即又是恐怖剑道意志,刚才他的步伐以及此刻随风的身影无疑在告诉众人,这是风之意志,林枫一个人,拥有三种意志的力量,而且都非常强大,尤其是剑道意志力量,破了第九重 Normalizing!” A Lin Feng finger pointed out that immediately the innumerable sharp swords integrate in the middle of this finger, as if there is handle sword ten million/countless to belong to a body, falls on one person directly, shortly under that person of frightened eyesight, his body will directly be torn by the sword air/Qi, changes to the powder, the annihilation and void middle. “归一!”林枫一指指出,顿时无数的利剑融入他这一指当中,仿佛有千万柄剑归于一体,直接落在一人身上,顷刻间在那人恐惧的目光之下,他的身体被剑气直接撕裂开来,化作粉末,湮灭与虚空当中。 This finger of strength makes the heart of crowd crazy is shivering, fearful, was too fearful, a finger of strength, fused the main road of sword, is one set of fearful swordsmanship, kills people in invisible directly, the thorough annihilation, the corpse not remaining, the strength that this strikes, making other powerhouses feel itself among the huge disparity finally with Lin Feng, just liked a gap is hard to surmount. 这一指之力让人群的心疯狂的颤抖着,可怕,太可怕了,一指之力,融和了剑之大道,又是一套可怕的剑术,直接杀人于无形,让人彻底的湮灭,连尸体都不剩下,这一击的力量,让其余强者终于感受到了自己与林枫之间的巨大差距,犹如一道鸿沟般难以跨越。 They, radically are not the Lin Feng rivals. 他们,根本就不是林枫的敌手。 „To kill me, you killed!” Lin Feng drinks one coldly, takes a fast look around the crowd, the eye pupil like the sword, who moves not to dare to look straight ahead, this eyesight is extremely sharp, stabs the person. “想要杀我,你们杀得了吗!”林枫冷喝一声,扫视人群,眼眸如剑,谁触碰到都不敢直视,这目光太过锋锐,将人刺伤。 The footsteps tread, Lin Feng looked that plots against his person to that feels on Lin Feng steaming Murderous Qi, that person of leg felt that was somewhat soft, how can, Lin Feng he so be how formidable, the strength of will suppresses completely them, the Swordsmanship will sweeps away all obstacles. 脚步踏出,林枫又看向那暗算他的人,感受到林枫身上的腾腾杀气,那人的腿都感觉有些软了,怎么会,林枫他怎么会这么强大,意志的力量将他们全部都压制住,剑道意志所向披靡。 First assassinates us, latter frames by planting stolen goods on instead falsely accuses, must execute us with joint forces, is not I do not obey the senior injunction, the regulations villain authorities, does not kill good.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, that person of body draws back crazily, however Lin Feng cultivation base is the same with him with is Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, has Lin Feng can it be that him of will of wind to cast off, but was overtaken instantaneously, the sword has delimited, harvests the life. “先是暗杀我们,后又栽赃反诬陷,要合力格杀我们,不是我不遵前辈嘱咐,实则小人当道,不杀不行。”林枫脚步一跨,那人身体狂退,然而林枫修为和他一样同为玄武境九重,拥有风之意志的林枫岂是他能够甩开的,只是瞬间就被追上,剑划过,收割生命。 Another powerhouse and dying! 又一位强者、死! Lin Feng, kills the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse, such as kills the ants, a Mu who this shocks told the people, with was the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer boundary, with was the talent, but the disparity in strength, as before was incomparably huge, was unredeemable, Lin Feng got rid to kill people, nobody may keep off. 林枫,杀玄武境九重强者,如杀蝼蚁,这震撼的一幕幕告诉众人,同为玄武境九重境界,同为天才,但实力上的差距,依旧是无比巨大的,不可弥补,林枫出手必杀人,无人可挡。 Lin Feng kills three people continually, has not given up as before, the people of these Tian Shu peaks want to kill him twice, gets rid in that channel mean, now wants to unite other people to extinguish him together, such being the case, how could he leaves behind the future trouble to himself. 林枫连杀三人,依旧没有罢休,这些天枢峰的人两次想要杀他,在那通道内卑鄙出手,如今又想联合其他人一起灭他,既然如此,他岂能给自己留下后患。 Transfers eyesight, the Lin Feng thought has moved, a appearance that immediately shocks, void middle, completely is the sword, the inexhaustible sword, just like the substantive sword, the powerhouse who aims at that several Tian Shu peaks. 转过目光,林枫意念一动,顿时震撼的一幕出现,虚空当中,全部是剑,无穷无尽的剑,宛若实质般的剑,指向那几个天枢峰的强者。 The sharp swords of these terrors howl, void middle as if had the violent storm, the storm of sword air/Qi has wreaked havoc, must cut to extinguish all, must be disillusioned this all Tian, any thing cannot resist this sword. 这些恐怖的利剑呼啸,虚空当中仿佛出现了狂风暴雨,剑气的风暴肆虐,要斩灭一切,要破灭这诸天,任何事物都不能抵挡这剑。 Draws back!” “退!” Powerhouse courage entirely to crack of that several Tian Shu peaks, the crazy backlash, was pointing by the handle sword ten million/countless, they only felt that a destruction the storm of sword falls, they must meet a cruel death. 那几个天枢峰的强者肝胆俱裂,疯狂后退,被千万柄剑指着,他们只感觉一股毁灭的剑之风暴一落下,他们就要粉身碎骨。 So to be how fearful, to be how possible!” Heart crazy fierce is shivering, will the technique of strength fusion celestial pole Swordsmanship, is only spirit, makes the person not dare to move. “怎么会这么可怕,怎么可能!”心头狂猛的颤抖着,意志的力量融合天极剑道之术,只是气息,就让人不敢触碰。 The sword, murder sharp weapon and sword, nothing which is not extinguish, the technique of Swordsmanship, is murders the strength completely, the day of Lin Feng extremely swordsmanship, has practiced the greatly strengthened crucial moment. 剑,杀人利器、剑,无所不灭,剑道之术,全部都是杀伐力量,林枫这天极剑术,已经修炼到了极强的火候。 Runs, does not want me dead?” The Lin Feng corners of the mouth are bringing sneering, ten million/countless handle sword, more and more manic, the world discoloration, the sword is vast is roaring and is howling. “跑,不是都想要我死的吗?”林枫嘴角带着冷笑,千万柄剑,越来越狂躁了起来,天地色变,剑之汪洋在怒吼、在呼啸。 Normalizing and killing!” “归一、杀!” In the Lin Feng mouth puts out together the cold sound, the handle sword, fuses the normalizing ten million/countless, changes to four handle swords, from the sky leaves behind four remnant shades, the vastness of sword has not roared, does not have terrifying the storm of sword, only has four sword air/Qi that withers able to move unhindered in the world. 林枫嘴中吐出一道寒冷之音,千万柄剑,融合归一,化作四柄剑,在空中留下四道残影,没有怒吼的剑之汪洋,没有恐怖的剑之风暴,唯有那肃杀的四道剑气纵横于天地之间。 Four people of bodies of backlash are unable to move again, in the places of their forehead, the handle sword mark, was penetrated the forehead by a sword, died at the scene. 后退的四人身体再也无法动弹了,在他们的眉心之处,都有一柄剑痕,被一剑穿透眉心,当场死亡。 Tian Shu peak eight powerhouses, hence, only remaining Ling Xue, bare leader. 天枢峰八位强者,至此,只剩下凌血一人,光秃秃的领袖。 The Huangfu Long complexion becomes especially splendid, the mouth opens, is staring at Lin Feng, extremely interesting, obviously he has not expected the Lin Feng strength to meet the terrifying to present. 皇甫龙的脸色变得格外的精彩,嘴巴张开,盯着林枫,极为的有趣,显然他没有料到林枫的战力会恐怖至斯。 When Lin Feng eyesight falls on ice blood, Ling Xue the body could not bear unexpectedly trembled slightly, he has not thought that when Lin Feng showed their points, so sharp, nobody can block him, any prevented his person , must die. 林枫目光落在凌血身上的时候,凌血的身体竟忍不住微微颤动了下,他没有想到过,当林枫露出他们的锋芒之时,会如此的锋锐,没有人能够挡住他,凡是阻挡他的人,皆都要死。 Person who kills off my Tian Shu peak, Lin Feng, the good ruthless spicy method, you betray Tianchi, will be put to death by Tianchi.” Ling Xue clenches jaws, virulent saying. “杀光我天枢峰的人,林枫,好狠辣的手段,你这是背叛天池,将遭到天池诛杀。”凌血咬牙切齿,恶毒的说道。 „Do I betray Tianchi?” Lin Feng sneers: You want me to assign in first, I kill for the life, what wrong has.” “我背叛天池?”林枫冷笑:“你们想要我命在先,我为活命而杀,何错之有。” Then, Lin Feng footsteps numerous treads, is very rampant. 说罢,林枫的脚步重重的踏出,无比嚣张。 Our Tianchi powerhouses altogether enter mystical place, you are not willing to collaborate with us, must eradicate my Tian Shu peak unexpectedly, was too vicious, the people are obvious to all.” “我们天池强者共入秘境,你不愿与我们联手就罢了,竟然还要铲除我天枢峰,太狠毒了,众人有目共睹。” Laughable person, as for the pitiful place, you could not kill me, instead was killed by me, then falsely accused me, I believe that the Tianchi seniors had the opinion.” Lin Feng sneers, the will of sword, the coagulation, the sword air/Qi of shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami is once again boundless, as if such as disasters, rolling mountains. “可笑之人,至于可悲之处,你们杀不了我,反被我所杀,便诬陷我,我相信,天池前辈自有主见。”林枫冷笑一声,剑之意志,再度凝固,山呼海啸的剑气磅礴,仿佛如洪水猛兽,大浪滔天。 Has sufficed, you have killed these many people, can utterly destroy Tian Shu peak [lineage/vein] really inadequately?” Some people scold to make noise, is the person of benetnasch snowy peak, Ling Xue, is the Tian Shu peak last only child, if he dies again, the Tian Shu snowy peak all extinguishes, they are not good to confess. “够了,你已经杀了这么多人,难道真要将天枢峰一脉都斩尽杀绝不成?”有人呵斥出声,是摇光雪峰之人,凌血,已经是天枢峰最后一根独苗了,若是他再死,天枢雪峰全灭,他们都不好交代。 Lin Feng eyesight has transferred, looks to this benetnasch snowy peak [lineage/vein] leader, eyesight is indifferent. 林枫目光转过,看向这摇光雪峰一脉领袖人物,目光冷漠。 Right, Lin Feng, has killed the Tian Shu peak seven people, sufficed.” Also some people open the mouth to say. “对,林枫,杀了天枢峰七人,够了吧。”又有人开口道。 Went too far, you are the person of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, so puts to death the same side, is it possible that must betray Tianchi to be inadequate.” “太过分了,你身为天璇峰之人,如此诛杀同门,莫非真要背叛天池不成。” Sounds are pointing at Lin Feng, Li Feng eyesight has swept the people, the heart, if the rock, is unable to vacillate, sneers, said: He assassinates our times, who comes out to break wind, their Tian Shu peak bullies, when by the audiences bully widowed, you die where went, they must kill me, I must my give back to him him, you sharply are jumping, is feared that my Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein] rise too quickly, can suppress together?” 一道道声音都是指着林枫的,李枫目光扫过众人,心若磐石,无法动摇,冷笑一声,道:“他暗杀我们的时候,谁出来放了个屁,他们天枢峰仗势欺人,以众欺寡之时,你们死哪里去了,他们要杀我,我只是将他要给我的还给他而已,你们都急着跳出来,是怕我天璇峰一脉崛起得太快,要一起打压吗?” You and bold......” “你、大胆……” Was too dissolute, is supercilious.” “太放肆了,太目中无人。” The crowd scolds to make noise, Lin Feng eyesight slowly has transferred, has not visited them, is only the light putting out together sound: Wants the person of my assigning, must put to death it.” 人群一个个呵斥出声,林枫目光缓缓的转过,没有看他们,只是淡淡的吐出一道声音:“要我命之人,必诛杀之。” The voice falls, sword once again normalizing ten million/countless, in celestial pole martial skill, although is only the first type, but fused the Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will strength, the might is scary, a sword falls, even if Tian Shu peak leader Ling Xue, was executed at the scene, does not have the strength to hit back, how the Tian Shu peak leader, the talent how, in the same old way sword killing extinguishes it. 话音落下,千万之剑再度归一,天极中品武技,虽然只是第一式,但融合了六重的剑道意志力量,威力可谓骇人,一剑落下,即便是天枢峰的领袖人物凌血,也是当场被格杀,毫无还手之力,天枢峰领袖如何,天才又如何,照样一剑杀之灭之。 Saw that Ling Xue died, crowd eye pupil all one stiff, ugly incomparable, died, died completely. 看到凌血死亡,人群眼眸全都一僵,难看无比,死了,全部死了。 Is good and good, Lin Feng, now your I in mystical place, when works as one, we then do not feel embarrassed with you, but left the mystical place, we reported the Tianchi senior inevitably.” “好、好,林枫,如今你我同在秘境,当齐心协力,我们便不与你为难,但出了秘境,我们必然上报天池前辈。” Works as one?” Lin Feng has swept that person of one, said: You thought highly of yourselves, a difference, was not the stratagem, bye!” “齐心协力?”林枫扫了那人一眼,道:“你们太看得起自己了,道不同,不相为谋,再见!” Lin Feng said that leaves in a huff, natural, reveals sharp towering, in the middle of this mystical place, the person of Wu Tian military, who can block him! 林枫说罢,拂袖而去,潇潇洒洒,露出锋锐的峥嵘,在这秘境当中,无天武之人,谁能阻他! : Yeah...... :哎…… 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 777 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第777章 Who can block the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 谁人能阻地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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