PMG :: Volume #3

#776: Civil war

Snort, I know that some people join my Tianchi to harbor the unknown goal, the intention is illegal, this just entered the mystical place, exposed the true self.” That nearly makes blind Lin Feng eye the person of Tian Shu peak to say indifferently: I think you to enter Tianchi, clearly wants to mix in the middle of this mystical place taking advantage of Tianchi, captures the treasure, will treat radically never as the person of Tianchi.” “哼,我就知道有人加入我天池怀着不为人知的目的,心怀不轨,这才刚入秘境,就暴露出了本来面目。”那险些弄瞎林枫眼睛的天枢峰之人冷漠说道:“我看你入天池,分明是想要借天池混入这秘境当中,夺取宝物,根本从未将自己当做天池之人。” Right, Yu Tianji, you visited us, since steps into the middle of the mystical place, should collaborate to resist the foreign enemy together, before this is also the Venerable senior just before leaving the injunction, my Tianchi disciples all keep firmly in mind in the heart, but as if some people must disrupt the unity of our Tianchi at this moment, I looked that might as well of unknown origin execute these people at the scene, in order to avoid instead harms my Tianchi important matter.” “没错,宇天机,你看我们既然踏入秘境当中,就应该联手一起对抗外敌,这也是尊者前辈临行前的嘱咐,我天池弟子皆都牢记于心,但此刻似乎就有人要破坏我们天池的团结,我看不如将这些来历不明的人当场格杀,以免反误我天池大事。” Some person of expostulations said that in the sound passes is wiping killing intent, must execute Lin Feng one line. 有人谏言说道,声音中透着一抹杀意,要将林枫一行人格杀掉。 Another several people of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak knit the brows, the people of these Tian Shu peaks clearly are want taking the opportunity to eradicate Lin Feng and the others, if Lin Feng and the others wrote off, perhaps they will not have the status. 天璇峰的另外几人皱了皱眉,这些天枢峰的人分明是想要借机铲除林枫等人,若是林枫等人被抹杀,他们恐怕也将毫无地位可言。 Mouthful nonsense, stinks to high heaven.” Crowd that Huangfu Long both eyes look angrily at the Tian Shu peak, shouted to clear the way: You are very concerned about face, sneak attacks the heavy hand under secret passage to us, wants to kill us, we have not asked you to do accounts, you had a face saying that unexpectedly we did not give a thought to the senior injunction.” “满嘴胡言,臭气熏天。”皇甫龙双目怒视天枢峰的人群,喝道:“你们这些人好不要脸,在暗道中对我们偷袭下辣手,想要杀我们,我们还没找你们算账,你们竟有脸说我们不顾前辈嘱咐。” You talk nonsense, I and others respectfully followed the Venerable senior to teach, to your dark under killer, was when more impossible to make to sneak attack this and other mean matters, the words that you want to be separated from now then directly said why found many excuses.” That person said once again that looks to the crowd: Thinks that saw with one's own eyes, these person of present does not put to death, is keeping no end of trouble for the future.” “你放屁,我等谨遵尊者前辈教诲,何时对你们暗下杀手了,更不可能做出偷袭这等卑鄙之事,你们现在想要脱离的话便直接说,何必找诸多借口。”那人再度说道,望向人群:“诸位想必都亲眼看到了吧,这些人不现在诛杀,留着后患无穷。” Huangfu Long was mad results in the body to fluctuate, the Tongling giant eye pupil is staring at the opposite party, the sound like the thunder: One group of bastards, distort the facts, with your this grade of degenerates in the same place, shame.” 皇甫龙被气得身体起伏,铜陵般的巨大眼眸盯着对方,声音如雷:“一帮混蛋,颠倒黑白,与你们这等败类在一起,耻辱。” „Are you reveal one's true colors?” The opposite party sneers to say. “你这是原形毕露吗?”对方冷笑说道。 Is disinclined rubbish with you.” The strength circulation of Huangfu Long whole body terrifying is restless, as if came from the ancient times powerful strength to spread. “懒得与你废话。”皇甫龙周身恐怖的力量流转不息,一股仿佛来自远古的强悍力量蔓延出来。 Has a look, is who does not give a thought to the Venerable injunction, wants to cope with us, if wants Tianchi to revive, captures the heavy treasure, must contract except in first, puts to death these people.” That person of sound is excited, as if thinks of Tianchi wholeheartedly, awe-inspiring. “诸位看看,是谁不顾尊者嘱咐,想要对付我们,若诸位真想要天池复兴,夺得重宝,必先除去内患,诛杀这些人。”那人声音激动,仿佛一心为天池着想,正气凛然。 Ling Xue has looked at all these occurrences, silent did not say, as if did not have the relations with him, eyesight indifferent looks at Lin Feng and the others. 凌血一直看着这一切发生,沉默不言,仿佛与他没有关系般,目光淡然的看着林枫等人。 I do not kill do not call Big Pest.” Huangfu Long shouted angrily, the footsteps trod, the ground made bang the sound, chapped directly, the verve fearful fist bang killed together, went toward the person of that speech directly, was he has plotted against Lin Feng, in this nonsense. “我不杀死不叫大害虫。”皇甫龙怒喝一声,脚步一踏,地面发出轰隆隆的声响,直接皲裂开来,一道刚猛可怕的拳头轰杀而出,直接朝着那说话之人而去,便是他暗算了林枫,又在此胡言乱语。 Reveals the murderous intention unexpectedly, whether you disregarded my Tianchi.” The person of another Tian Shu peak sneers to get rid, certainly big hat deducts toward the head of Huangfu Long on, the Yuan strength turnover, they simultaneously got rid to Huangfu Long. “竟然露出杀机,你是否太无视我天池了吧。”另一天枢峰之人冷笑出手,一定大帽朝着皇甫龙的脑袋上扣去,真元之力吞吐,两人同时对皇甫龙出手了。 Bang!” A fearful brute force as if must shake the mountain, the ground shivers, the Huangfu Long whole body blooms the air/Qi of uncultivated land, in the middle of the body is having the sound of Dragon Roar to release faintly, they compels the opposite party retrocedes, the strength is greatly infinite. “轰!”一股可怕的蛮力仿佛要撼动山岳,地面颤抖,皇甫龙浑身绽放着蛮荒之气,身体当中隐隐有龙啸之音释放出去,将对方两人都迫得后退,力大无穷。 Big courage, wants to kill the person of my Tianchi.” “好大的胆子,想杀我天池之人。” Third person of getting rid, in the sky the snow and ice condense, changes to the ice-cold sharp sword, toward the Huangfu Long assassination in the past, must gang up on Huangfu Long directly. 第三人出手,天空中冰雪凝聚而成,化作冰冷的利剑,直接朝着皇甫龙刺杀过去,要群殴皇甫龙 Leave to me.” Huangfu Long roars, as if there is dragon air/Qi to bloom from him, lets person courage entirely to crack, that person a snow and ice sharp sword cuns (2.5cm) break that condenses becomes. “给我滚。”皇甫龙怒吼一声,仿佛有龙气从他身上绽放,让人肝胆俱裂,那人凝聚而成的冰雪利剑寸寸断裂。 Quite overbearing.” The crowd eye pupil concentrates, has not thought that this hot tempered Huangfu Long seems like acts like a madman, explosive force actually so powerful, by an enemy three, resists three Tian Shu peak powerhouses. “好霸道。”人群眼眸微凝,没想到这暴躁的皇甫龙看似疯疯癫癫,爆发力却如此的强悍,以一敌三,对抗三位天枢峰强者。 Dies.” The sound of billowing shouting angrily spreads , the person is laying out a palm to Huangfu Long, in this palm strength contains the endless snow and ice strength, the First Layer heavy snow and ice dashes to Huangfu Long, shakes the space, has the potential of terrifying, holds the wind to make the Huangfu Long body be covered by the snow and ice. “去死吧。”滚滚的怒喝之声传出,又有一人对着皇甫龙拍出一掌,这掌力之中蕴含无尽的冰雪力量,一重重的冰雪直扑皇甫龙,撼动空间,拥有恐怖之势,掌风就让皇甫龙身体被冰雪覆盖。 Sufficed?” The cold sound spreads together, sees only the body of Lin Feng like the wind, the twinkling arrives, to that fearful snow and ice palm wind bang on the body, his body arrives at the front of opposite party directly. “够了吗?”一道寒冷之声传出,只见林枫的身体如风,瞬息降临,任由那可怕的冰雪掌风轰在身上,他的身体直接来到对方的面前。 Four fight one, murderous intention and good power and prestige, really listen respectfully to the Venerable instruction step by step.” “四战一,步步杀机、好威风,果然是聆听尊者教诲。” Lin Feng eyesight is staring at the opposite party, that person of body wants to retrocede, actually sees Lin Feng to stretch out the palm, covers the arm of opposite party directly, a fearful strength arrives, making his body move is unable to move. 林枫目光盯着对方,那人身体想要后退,却见林枫伸出手掌,直接扣住对方的手臂,一股可怕的力量降临,让他身体动都无法动弹。 Kills!” Shouted angrily, the terrifying snow and ice will strength threw toward Lin Feng, the Lin Feng body twinkling was covered by the snow and ice cold frost, however at this moment, actually sword of air/Qi looking disdainfully bloomed, the strong winds roared, as if had the peerless sharp sword to come out of the sheath, the complete snow and ice vanished in this moment completely, nothing left. “杀!”怒喝一声,恐怖的冰雪意志力量朝着林枫扑去,林枫身体瞬息被冰雪寒霜覆盖,然而此刻,却有一股睥睨之剑气绽放而出,狂风怒吼,仿佛有绝世利剑要出鞘,全部的冰雪在这一刻全部都消失了,荡然无存。 The person of another Tian Shu peak glitters, the preparation comes to rescue, actually sees the Lin Feng eye pupil to transfer, the cold glow explodes to shoot, opens the mouth, puts out a character: Cuts!” 身旁又一天枢峰之人闪烁,准备前来营救,却见林枫眼眸转过,寒芒爆射而出,张开嘴巴,吐出一字:“斩!” A character falls, endless sword blooms, cuts to kill to go toward that person, making his personal appearance draw back fiercely, resists crazily. 一字落下,无尽的剑绽放而出,朝着那人斩杀而去,让他身形猛退,疯狂抵挡。 Bang!” Lin Feng direct fist bang in the shoulder of person of front, the sound spreads, that person called out pitifully, the shoulder bone disrupted directly. “轰!”林枫直接一拳轰在面前之人的肩头,咔嚓的声响传出,那人惨叫一声,肩骨直接碎裂掉。 Fearful cold air/Qi crazy releases, the powerhouse of Tian Shu peak sees Lin Feng to go well, must get rid in abundance. 一股股可怕的寒冷之气疯狂的释放,天枢峰的强者看到林枫得手,纷纷要出手。 Saw that is he begins to kill the person of my Tian Shu peak, if my Tian Shu peak does not revolt, was then spiritless.” Ice blood light putting out sound, will manage the character to occupy together firmly, does not believe that cannot kill these two people, dares unexpectedly so wild. “诸位看到,是他动手要杀我天枢峰之人,我天枢峰若是不反抗,便是懦弱了。”凌血淡淡的吐出一道声音,将理字牢牢占住,不相信杀不死这两个人,竟然敢如此的猖狂。 Since you said person who I kill your Tian Shu peak, I then kill to you look.” The Lin Feng eye pupil sweeps to Ling Xue, killing intent fills the air, footsteps stepping on maliciously, that population in ground spits the blood, the strength of that terrifying directly his internal organs shaking the disruption, executes at the scene. “既然你说我杀你天枢峰的人,我便杀给你看。”林枫眼眸扫向凌血,杀意弥漫,脚步狠狠的踩踏而下,地面上的那人口吐鲜血,那恐怖的力量直接将他的内脏给震碎裂,当场格杀。 The endless incorruptible cold air simultaneously fills the air toward Lin Feng, the person of Tian Shu peak has gotten rid together, the space flutters the snowflake, the trim space as if must frozen be lived, they encircle Lin Feng, killing intent is imposing. 无尽的冰霜寒气同时朝着林枫弥漫,天枢峰的人一起出手了,天上飘着雪花,整片空间仿佛都要被冰封住,他们将林枫围在其中,杀意凛然。 „Do you plan to work as the viewer?” Lin Feng looked at Yu Tianji as well as Tianchi Xue and the others, person nobody of other six big snowy peaks open the mouth, silent looks at all these occurrences. “你们都打算当看客吗?”林枫看了宇天机以及天池雪等人一眼,其他六大雪峰的人没有人开口,都沉默的看着这一切的发生。 Lin Feng, you should not kill him.” Tianchi Xue desolate saying, Lin Feng has killed person of the Tianchi unexpectedly, this made him fall into the place of non- righteousness without doubt, to the person the argument, under the person of Tian Shu peak the killer also had the reason. 林枫,你不该杀他。”天池雪冷淡的说道,林枫竟杀了一名天池之人,这无疑让他陷入了不义之地,给人口舌,天枢峰的人下杀手也有了理由。 „Is your meaning, I should wait for them to kill?” Lin Feng tranquil looked at Tianchi Xue one, asked that making the Tianchi Xue eye pupil stagnate, silent did not say. “你的意思,是我应该等着他们来杀?”林枫平静的看了天池雪一眼,问道,让天池雪眼眸一滞,沉默不言。 You cannot be joined to Big Pest.” Lin Feng faint saying, eyesight has not looked at Tianchi Xue again, his voice makes the Tianchi Xue eye pupil concentrate, the first time, some people said unexpectedly she cannot be joined to other people, the Tianchi empire, which youth talent does not regard as the saintess him, wants own perfumed hair-oil. “你配不上大害虫。”林枫淡漠的说道,目光没有再看天池雪,他的话音却让天池雪眼眸一凝,第一次,竟有人说她配不上其他人,天池帝国,哪个青年才俊不将他视作圣女,想要一亲芳泽。 „The person of Tian Shu peak plots against me first, presently the mad dog bites again, enrages me desirably, wants to drive me to commit suicide, such being the case, I help you, kills me.” The Lin Feng glance crowd, without the principle, uses the strength to speak. 天枢峰之人暗算我再先,现又疯狗咬人,刻意激怒我,想要置我于死地,既然如此,我就成全你们,来杀我吧。”林枫扫视人群,没有理,就用实力说话吧。 The snowflake of space dances in the air, unceasing sprinkling, an extremely cold will strength falls on the body of Lin Feng and Huangfu Long, as if must be frozen stiff their bodies and their blood, if their strength is smaller and weaker, will freeze to death directly, the mortal body is unable to move, the blood can not circulate. 天上的雪花飞舞,不断的洒落,一股极度寒冷的意志力量落在林枫皇甫龙的身上,仿佛要将他们的身体、他们的血液都冻僵来,若是他们实力弱小一些,会直接被冻死,肉身无法动弹,血液不得流通。 Kills, kills and kills!” Cold sounds put out, the person of Tian Shu peak began finally, the terrifying cold air will strength overlay, lets Huangfu Long the Yuan strength as if circulation is really motionless, seemed being pressed a fearful strength from top to bottom, one difficulty extremely. “杀、杀、杀!”一道道寒冷的声音吐出,天枢峰的人终于动手了,恐怖的寒气意志力量叠加,让皇甫龙的真元之力都仿佛流转不动,浑身上下都仿佛被压着一股可怕的力量,都一下都极其的困难。 These many powerhouses simultaneously suppress by the fearful will strength, froze to death the same level powerhouse sufficiently. 这么多强者同时以可怕的意志力量来镇压,足以冻死同级强者了。 The body of Lin Feng climbs up snow and ice instantaneously, must freeze to death him, however at this moment, a fearful flame will fills the air, the terrifying flame strength makes the snow and ice melt instantaneously, changes to the waterdrop, drops toward the ground. 林枫的身上瞬间攀上一层冰雪,要将他冻死,然而在此刻,一股可怕的火焰意志弥漫而出,恐怖的火焰力量让冰雪瞬间融化掉,化作水滴,朝着地面滴落下去。 These snow and ice are unable the body of near Lin Feng, the blazing air/Qi in ascension gradually, the snow and ice of sky to melt again together. 那些冰雪再也无法近林枫之身,炽热之气在渐渐的升腾,天空的冰雪都要一起融化掉。 Flame will, although is strong, but can block us?” The sound of cold drinking spreads together, these powerhouses simultaneously launch the attack, the terrifying snow and ice corrosion flame, must extinguish the air/Qi of thorough pouring flame. “火焰意志虽强,但能挡得住我们吗?”一道冷喝之声传出,那些强者同时发动攻击,恐怖的冰雪侵蚀火焰、要将火焰之气彻底的浇灭。 Scoffs and scoffs......”, however at this time, punctures all Tian the peerless sword air/Qi release, the complexions of these powerhouses change suddenly, the peerless sword air/Qi of this terrifying as if must tear their bodies, at this moment they felt that they are that tiny, the strength of will, by complete suppression! “嗤、嗤……”然而就在这时候,一股刺破诸天的绝世剑气释放,那些强者的脸色遽然间大变,这恐怖的绝世剑气仿佛要将他们的身体都撕裂,这一刻他们感觉自己是那么的渺小,意志的力量,被完全的压制! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 776 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第776章 Civil war address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 内战地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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