PMG :: Volume #3

#775: Passes through the space

If this is really the space and time sacrificial altar, we can arrive at the genuine emperor grave through it?” Some people open the mouth saying that immediately many people knit the brows, enter the crowd of palace to have over a thousand numbers fully, but this sacrificial altar is very vast, but one time are also most can only accommodate the next hundred people. “若这真是时空祭台的话,我们难道要通过它才能到达真正的皇者墓?”有人开口说道,顿时许多人皱了皱眉,进入宫殿的人群足有上千之数,而这祭台虽然很辽阔,但一次也最多只能够容纳得下百人。 This sacrificial altar does not know that had many years history, if had the space and time to be confused, threw into them the space turbulent flow they must die without doubt. 况且,这祭台已经不知道存在了多少年的历史,万一发生了时空错乱,将他们丢入了空间乱流中他们岂不是必死无疑。 Many crowd hearts have the worry, moreover they have ulterior motives, who and who surmounts the space together? 许多人群都心有顾虑,况且他们这些人一个个都是心怀叵测,谁又和谁一起跨越空间? At least now it seems like wants to go to the emperor grave, only then this means.” Yu Tianji light saying, people one silence, right, the front all were blocked, only then this sacrificial altar, they only then can leave this through it. “至少现在看来想要前往皇者墓,就只有这一办法。”宇天机淡淡的说道,众人都一阵沉默,没错,前方的一切都被封死,只有这一座祭台,他们只有通过它才能离开这。 Since worried, then the person of my Tianchi Xue peak comes to try first.” Yu Tianji has smiled , the footsteps step forward, marches into the sacrificial altar directly, is extremely high in the Tianchi Xue peak Yu Tianji prestige, he walks, immediately many people in abundance followed, to step onto the sacrificial altar. “既然诸位都有所顾虑,那么我天池雪峰的人先来一试吧。”宇天机笑了下,脚步跨出,径直步入祭台,在天池雪宇天机威望极高,他一走出去,顿时许多人都纷纷跟上,走上了祭台。 „It is not right.” The person natural disposition is oversuspicious, saw that the Yu Tianji corners of the mouth mysterious smiling face cannot help but has humanity: Since several hundred years ago had the older generation several times to enter this emperor curtain, thinks that will not have the matter, if the space and time sacrificial altar transmits them to the place of heavy treasure in advance is not then wonderful.” “不对。”人生性多疑,看到宇天机嘴角神秘的笑容不由得有人道:“既然几百年前已经有先辈几次进入过这皇者幕,想必是不会有事,若是时空祭台将他们先行传送到重宝之地便不妙了。” Right, why the person of your Tianchi Xue peak walks first.” The crowd drinks to make noise. “对,凭什么你们天池雪峰的人先走。”人群纷纷喝出声来。 My on sacrificial altar, heart does not have the worry, on me the sacrificial altar, everybody suspected that I have the goal, I asked how everybody wants, anyone of you , if willing first to enter the sacrificial altar, my Tianchi is willing to let the position.” “我不上祭台,诸位都心有顾虑,我上祭台,各位又怀疑我有目的,那我问各位到底想要如何,你们谁若愿第一个入祭台,我天池愿意将位置让出来。” Yu Tianji said confidently, in the middle of the expression is bringing a disgruntledness, but does not dare to be extremely dissolute, if violated the popular anger not to be good. 宇天机坦然说道,语气当中带着一丝不悦,不过也不敢太过放肆,若是犯了众怒可不好。 Makes them go is, why so is successively puzzled.” Drinks the sound to spread together, sees only the East China Sea dragon palace direction, tall and powerfully built People drinks to make noise, this person wears the imperial robe, seems passing a fearful strength from top to bottom, looks like a flood dragon is the same. “让他们去就是,先后而已,何必如此纠结。”一道喝声传出,只见东海龙宫方向,有一身材魁梧之人大喝出声,此人身披龙袍,浑身上下都仿佛透着一股可怕的力量,就像是一头蛟龙一样。 Ao Jiao is in the middle of the East China Sea dragon palace the most outstanding generation of later generation, in the middle of the crowd of this coming, he for the leader, Duan Wu Dao and Di Ling, separately the assistance in him, after all Ao Jiaocai is the person of genuine dragon palace, has the prestige, strikes root in the hearts of the people, after Duan Wu Dao and Di Ling powerful but also are , enters the dragon palace, the East China Sea dragon palace cannot achieve the absolute trust. 敖蛟乃是东海龙宫当中最优秀的一辈后辈,此次前来的人群当中,他为领袖,段无道帝陵,分别辅佐于他,毕竟敖蛟才是真正的龙宫之人,拥有威望,深入人心,段无道帝陵实力强大但也是后入龙宫,东海龙宫做不到绝对信任。 You walk first.” Also the people open the mouth saying that the person of speech is throws over the sword of white clothing to cultivate, stands gives people in that a sharp feeling, seems momentarily possible the sheath, around his body, powerhouse all personal appearance like sword, sharp incomparable, looked that makes the person feeling be oppressed enormously. “你们先走吧。”又有一人开口说道,说话之人乃是一披着白色衣衫的剑修,站在那就给人一种锋锐之感,仿佛随时可能出鞘,在他的身体周围,一个个强者皆都身形如剑,锋锐无比,看一眼就让人感觉受到极大的压迫。 These people are the people of highest heaven Sword Gate, is person of highest heaven Sword Gate youth one generation of leader spatial nine nights head. 这些人乃是九霄剑门之人,为首之人正是九霄剑门青年一辈领袖人物空九夜。 The people hesitation moment, then also no longer said a word, might as well of Tianchi to try also to might as well. 众人沉吟片刻,便也不再言语,不如就让天池之人试一试也无妨。 Yu Tianji sees the people silent, reveals wipes the smile, immediately on his body, a Yuan strength surges, toward that extremely complicated secret mark social climbing in the past, the entire space and time sacrificial altar ray put instantaneously suddenly greatly, a fearful space fluctuation seepage, covers all people. 宇天机见众人沉默,露出一抹微笑,随即在他的身上,真元之力涌动,瞬间朝着那极其繁复的秘纹攀附过去,整个时空祭台遽然间光芒大放,一股可怕的空间波动渗透而出,将所有人都笼罩在内。 Good fearful space force.” The eye pupil of crowd all trembles, they felt that the space distortion of own body week gradually, that space confused feeling was getting more and more intense. “好可怕的空间力量。”人群的眼眸全部一颤,他们感觉自己身周的空间渐渐的扭曲,那股空间错乱的感觉越来越强烈了。 „It is not good, how I felt that I must carry off by this time spatial sacrificial altar together.” Many person eyesight maliciously trembles, only felt that the body week all became absent-minded, on the space and time sacrificial altar of that terrifying bloomed, but the ray covered all people, even some people retroceded because of frightened, they feared that will be involved in the middle of the space turbulent flow. “不好,我怎么感觉我也要被这时空祭台一起带走。”许多人目光狠狠的一颤,只感觉身周的一切都变得恍惚了起来,那恐怖的时空祭台上绽放而出的光芒将所有人笼罩在了其中,甚至有人因为恐惧而后退,他们怕会被卷入空间乱流当中。 Lin Feng eyesight is staring at Yu Tianji, sees only smiling face that in the eye pupil of opposite party has to wipe the profound meaning, without any hesitation, Lin Feng grabs the hand of Tang Youyou directly, shouted to clear the way: On sacrificial altar.” 林枫目光盯着宇天机,只见对方的眼眸中带着一抹深意的笑容,没有任何的犹豫,林枫直接抓住身旁唐幽幽的手,喝道:“上祭台。” Jun Mo Xi and the others heard Lin Feng this to drink the sound to respond together that had not suspected, the body like the wind, curls toward the space and time sacrificial altar, the twinkling descends above the sacrificial altar. 君莫惜等人听到林枫这一道喝声纷纷反应过来,没有怀疑,身体如风般,朝着时空祭台卷去,瞬息降落在祭台之上。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The fearful light wave blooms together his god glow, the crowd only felt body fierce trembles, immediately their head absent-minded, as if the world revolved, the whole person has mounted the clouds and ridden the mist. 一道可怕的光波绽放出他的神芒,人群只感觉身体猛的一颤,随即他们脑袋一阵恍惚,仿佛天地旋转了起来,整个人腾云驾雾了起来。 Fearful hurricane eats delicacies in about both sides crazy anger, the complexion of crowd changes with amazement, they at this moment are crossing the space unexpectedly, the mind buzz, the surroundings completely are the fearful dying out turbulent flow, as if only then touches a wisp will ruin the life. 一股可怕的飓风在左右两旁疯狂的怒啸,人群的脸色骇然大变,此刻的他们竟然在横渡空间,脑海嗡嗡作响,周围全部都是可怕的寂灭乱流,仿佛只有触摸到其中一缕就会葬送生命。 eyesight looked into the past toward the front, saw only the crowd above space and time sacrificial altar to be steady, if Mount Tai, as if were wrapped by a special industry strength, did not know many compared with other people calmly and steadily. 目光朝着前方眺望过去,只见时空祭台之上的人群稳若泰山,仿佛被一股特殊的业力包裹在其中,比起其他人安稳不知道多少。 „......” The fearful howl spread together, sees only in the middle of the turbulent flow to present black hole, had form together to be thrown directly. “啊……”一道可怕的啸声传出,只见乱流当中出现了一块黑洞,直接有一道身影被扔了出去。 The surrounding many people saw this heart maliciously trembles, that person tossed into the middle of the space turbulent flow, how can the destiny? 周围的许多人看到这一幕心头狠狠的一颤,那人被抛入空间乱流当中,命运会如何? And......” The sounds of several pitiful yell also spread, space unceasing fluctuation, bang the sound is shocking the eardrum of crowd, the sound of each pitiful yell makes the person heart fierce trembles, means that the person was thrown. “啊、啊……”好几道惨叫之声同时传出,空间不断的变幻,轰隆隆的声响震撼着人群的耳膜,每一道惨叫之声都让人心头猛的一颤,意味着又有一人被抛了出去。 Then, crazy matter is performing, powerhouses tossed into, besides that by the Tianchi Crowd that unique light screen covers, other people unceasing was thrown, does not have the exception, regardless of the strength is much strong, this unusual mighty force at is not they now this boundary can resist, even is unable to understand. 接下来,让人疯狂的事情上演着,一个个的强者被抛入了出去,除了那被一层独特的光幕笼罩的天池人群之外,其他人一个个不断的被扔出,没有例外,无论实力多强,这种奇特的伟力根本不是他们现在这种境界能够抵挡的,甚至都无法理解得了。 These Lin Feng stand in the middle of the light screen looks clearly, in the heart shocks, the person strength of that incessantly space and time sacrificial altar terrifying, rumor here is the emperor grave, how many heavy boundaries but is the strength of this emperor? Formidable? 这一幕幕林枫站在光幕当中都看得清清楚楚,心中震撼,那不止时空祭台的人实力到底有多恐怖,传言这里乃是皇者墓,但这皇者的实力又是几重境界?有多强大? These, are the riddles. 这些,都是谜。 Quick, besides the person's shadow in light screen, all people was thrown completely, bang the sound spreads, the crowd fluctuates at present, the light screen vanishes, their bodies rapidly crashes toward below spatially. 很快,除了光幕中的人影之外,所有人全部都被抛了出去,轰隆隆的声响传出,人群眼前变幻,光幕消失,他们的身体急速的朝着下空坠落。 Bang, bang and bang!” The towering situation makes the crowd unable to respond, pounding maliciously into the ground, has pounded the huge human form gulf directly. “轰、轰、轰!”突兀的情况让人群根本反应不过来,直接狠狠的砸入了地面,砸出巨大的人形深坑。 Lin Feng they were no exception, just to surmount from the nihility, the whole person was also in the middle of the absent-minded condition, maliciously had been flung, has not come to respond sharply that feeling head buzz the cry, was pounded into the bottom. 林枫他们也不例外,刚从虚无中跨越出来,整个人都还处于恍惚的状态当中,就被狠狠的甩了出去,还没来得急反应过来,就感觉脑袋一阵嗡鸣,被砸入了地底。 Was good is powerful because of the body of Lin Feng enough, shook the head, emerged as the times require, looked toward other people. 好在林枫的身体足够强悍,晃了晃脑袋,被破土而出,朝着其他人看去。 In the ground giant potholes appear in that some people crawl unceasingly. 地面上一个个巨大的坑洞出现在那,不断有人爬出来。 Any broken sacrificial altar.” The sound of depressed low scolding spreads together, Huangfu Long also crawled, has spat saliva, touches own head. “什么破祭台。”一道郁闷的低骂之声传出,皇甫龙也爬了起来,吐了一口唾沫,摸了摸自己的脑袋。 „The body and spirit of this fellow also suffices.” Lin Feng looked at Huangfu Long one, sees only on him not to have a scar, but is flinging the head in that the body and spirit is tyrannical, the person who other crawl has the injury that the weight varies. “这家伙的体魄也够强。”林枫看了皇甫龙一眼,只见他身上没有一点伤痕,只是在那甩着脑袋,体魄强横,其他爬起来的人身上则都有轻重不一的伤势。 The Lin Feng five people gather together, the body of Tang Youyou was abraded, appears somewhat distressed, her mortal body is weakest, wound is slightly heavier. 林枫五人聚在一起,唐幽幽的身上被擦伤,显得有些狼狈,她的肉身最弱,伤的稍重一些。 Person who then tossed into the black hole should not die, but stands the person on space and time sacrificial altar, can transmit to comes together, perhaps other people dispersed in some place.” Jun Mo Xi has sized up this piece of space, the surroundings unexpectedly is a stretch of extremely vast open land, is passing bleak dry lonesome ancient spirit, here clearly is another piece of space. “那被抛入黑洞的人应该都没死,只是站在时空祭台上的人,才能传送到一起来,其他人恐怕都散开在某一个地方了。”君莫惜打量了一眼这片空间,周围竟是一片极其浩瀚的荒地,透着一股荒凉枯寂的古气息,这里分明就是另一片的空间。 The other people of Tianchi Xue peak, anything greatly have not obstructed. 天池雪峰的其他人也都在,没什么大碍。 The people of seven big snowy peaks gather the same place, nobody loses. 七大雪峰的人纷纷聚到一起,都在,没有人损失。 We occupied the space and time sacrificial altar, transmitted one completely, this had the superiority to our motions, was moving together, can hunt and kill the people of other schools easily.” Has several wisps of killing intent voices to put out from the mouth of Yu Tianji, actually appears very tranquil, clouds that the poor business conditions are light. “我们占据了时空祭台,全部传送到了一起,这对我们的行动有优势,在一起行动,可以轻易猎杀其它门派之人。”带着几缕杀意的话音从宇天机的嘴中吐出,却显得很平静般,云淡风轻。 Many people nod in abundance, the people in Tianchi transmitted, indeed have taken together very big advantage. 许多人纷纷点头,天池的人传送到一起,的确占了很大便宜。 But certain the people of having ulterior motives as if do not want.” A person of Tian Shu peak opens the mouth to say lightly that his eyesight falls alone is standing in one Lin Feng five people. “可是某些心怀叵测的人似乎并不怎么愿意。”天枢峰的一人淡淡的开口说道,他的目光落在独自站在一块的林枫五人身上。 Right, some people are chosen to join my Tianchi temporarily, does not know that can harbor ulterior motives.” Another person echoes to make noise. “对,有些人是被临时挑选出来加入我天池的,不知道会不会别有用心。”另外一人附和出声。 „One side other matters place for the time being, do not forget that our trip of goals, here we are the people of Tianchi, but the non- seven big snowy peaks, unite as one to us have the advantage.” Yu Tianji said. “其他事情暂且放在一边,不要忘记我们此行的目的,在这里我们都是天池之人,而非七大雪峰,团结一致对我们都有好处。”宇天机说道。 I do not have the opinion actually, but feared person who these have the goal disturbs in behind.” The sound of satire spreads as before. “我倒是没有意见,只是怕那些别有目的的人在后面捣乱。”讽刺的声音依旧传入。 These people who Lin Feng and the others eyesight look at the Tian Shu peak, on the face flash through together the cold light. 林枫等人目光看着天枢峰的那些人,脸上闪过一道冷光。 Mad dog, always likes biting first.” The Lin Feng indifferent start to talk said that the account in that channel, has not criticized, he has not opened the mouth, these person unexpectedly initiative provocation in him. “疯狗,总是喜欢先咬人。”林枫冷漠的开口说道,在那通道中的帐,还没有清算,他还未开口,这些人竟然主动挑衅于他。 : Eats meal. The tears asked the flower :吃饭去。泪求花 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 775 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第775章 Passes through the space address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 穿越空间地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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