PMG :: Volume #3

#774: Sacrificial altar

Lin Feng, how is it?” Tang Youyou saw that the Lin Feng body rocked, cannot help but spoke to ask. 林枫,怎么样?”唐幽幽看到林枫身体晃动了下,不由得出言问道。 This Mi Wentai was mystical, can only trace five complete Mi Wen by my present boundary, looked that what later can have the opportunity to perceive through meditation that is.” Lin Feng eyesight brings several to segregate heavily, even if has traced, he goes to the sensation, to perceive through meditation Mi Wen of that tracing by the thought in mind, the feeling spirit is unable to concentrate as before, seems exhausted, his boundary, but also is insufficient. “这秘纹太神秘了,以我现在的境界只能临摹下来五道完整的秘纹,看以后能不能有机会参悟那到底是何物。”林枫目光带着几分凝重,即便已经临摹下来,他以意念去感知、去参悟那临摹在脑海中的秘纹,依旧感觉精神无法集中,仿佛非常疲惫,他的境界,还不够。 Um, can trace five Mi Wen, was very good, my secret mark cannot carve together, is unable to remember.” Tang Youyou has smiled bitterly , is not only she, Jun Mo Xi they are also so, this Mi Wen seemed to be that a strange strength, is very difficult to perceive through meditation, or their boundaries are insufficient. “嗯,能够临摹下来五道秘纹,已经很不错了,我连一道秘纹都刻不下来,无法记住。”唐幽幽苦笑了下,不仅是她,君莫惜他们也是如此,这秘纹似有一股奇异的力量,很难参悟,或者说他们的境界都不够。 Continues to explore toward the front, in their front, some people in perceiving through meditation Mi Wen, had discovered obviously on this stone cliff is carving chart article extremely uncommon, however they have also met with Lin Feng and the others the same issue, is unable to perceive through meditation, could not understand, even carved continually in the mind memory cannot achieve, in an instant is unable to remember that mysterious trace so outlined. 继续朝着前方探索进去,在他们前方,也有人在参悟秘纹,显然都发现了这石壁上刻着的图文极其的不凡,然而他们也遇到了和林枫等人一样的问题,无法参悟,理解不了,甚至连刻在脑海记忆当中都做不到,转眼间就无法记住那神奇的纹路是如此勾勒出来的了。 At this time, the light ray emerges above stone cliff together, is really the Yuan light, because a moment ago some people were killed by Mi Wen directly, many people avoid, but many people go forward to explore now, but when each time they felt that the formidable destruction strength the time immediately gives up. 此时,一道淡淡的光芒在石壁之上涌现,是真元之光,刚才因为有人被秘纹直接杀死,许多人都避开,但现在又有不少人重新上前探索了,不过每次当他们感觉到强大毁灭力量的时刻就会立刻放弃。 Lin Feng five people toward front seeker, not, in studied Mi Wen on stone cliff, since is unable to perceive through meditation, did not pay attention simply, so as to avoid in the heart the disorder, is keeping thinking frequently. 林枫五人朝前方探索者,没有在去研究石壁上的秘纹了,既然无法参悟,索性不去理会,免得心中紊乱,时刻惦记着。 The powerful spirit fluctuation is seeping together at this moment, making the Lin Feng footsteps slightly one stiff, in his side direction, as if the formidable strengths is fluctuating, is Mi Wen the strength. 一道强悍的气息波动在此刻渗透出来,让林枫的脚步微微一僵,在他的侧面方向,仿佛有一股强大的力量在波动,是秘纹的力量。 Dies.” The cloudy and cold sound passes on together, immediately from front stone cliff, Daozhen Yuan light follows stone cliff to spread toward here, covers the secret mark on stone cliff instantaneously, flows following the vein of secret mark, a fearful destruction crisis arrives, making the Lin Feng complexion change suddenly. “去死吧。”一道阴冷的声音传出来,随即从前方的石壁,有一道真元之光顺着石壁朝着这边蔓延过来,瞬间将石壁上的秘纹覆盖,顺着秘纹的脉络而流动,一股可怕的毁灭危机降临,让林枫的脸色遽然间大变。 Lies down!” “躺下!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, as if stemmed from the instinct, the body if quickly lightning, whole person like wind equally toward behind but actually, quickly to inconceivable. 林枫怒喝一声,仿佛出自本能,身体快若闪电,整个人如风一样朝着身后倒了下去,快到不可思议。 Scoffs at......” Mi Wen of fearful purple lightning from stone cliff to stimulate together, directly from Lin Feng at present has delimited, punctures the Lin Feng eye pupil severe pain, feels burningly, even the drop of blood along focusing on the pupil flowed. “嗤……”一道可怕的紫色闪电从石壁上的秘纹激发出来,直接从林枫的眼前划过,刺得林枫眼眸剧痛,感觉火辣辣的,甚至有一滴鲜血顺着眼眸流了出来。 „!” “啊!” The sound of pitiful yell spreads together, that purple lightning passes through a head of person directly, two drops of blood flow following the head, that person of eye pupil opens the eyes in a big way, dies with injustice unredressed, how dead does not know. 一道惨叫之声传出,那紫色的闪电直接将一个人的脑袋穿过,两滴鲜血顺着脑袋流淌而出,那人的眼眸睁得大大的,死不瞑目,连怎么死的都不知道。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou and the others had a big shock, supports the Lin Feng body, actually sees Lin Feng both hands to protect the eye, only feels burningly, as if must fall to be the same blindly. 林枫。”唐幽幽等人大惊失色,将林枫身体扶住,却见林枫双手护着眼睛,只感觉火辣辣的,仿佛要瞎掉一样。 A real Yuan strength circulation is restless, rushes to the forehead, to break in the eye place, this made the Lin Feng agony weaken several points, put aside both hands slowly, the eye pupil opened. 一股真元的力量流转不息,冲上脑门、冲入眼睛处,这才让林枫的痛苦感变弱了几分,移开双手,眼眸缓缓的睁开来。 But in simultaneously, the body of Jun Mo Xi and Huangfu Long early flew to flee, toward that a moment ago to the person attack that the Lin Feng sneak attack got rid in the past, the blazing ray put greatly, illuminated this piece of dark space, a chill in the air of world of ice and snow bloomed in this moment, in the darkness spread bang the sound unceasingly. 而在同时,君莫惜皇甫龙的身体早已经飞窜了出去,朝着那刚才对林枫偷袭出手的人攻击过去,炽热的光芒大放,将这片黑暗空间照亮,一股冰天雪地的寒意在这一刻绽放而出,黑暗中不断传出轰隆隆的声响。 Huangfu Long and Jun Mo Xi return same place, look indifferent looks at the front. 皇甫龙君莫惜退回原地,神色冷漠的看着前方。 Tianchi Xue peak senior once some instruction, can not kill one another, the person of your Tian Shu peak is actually very good.” The putting out sound that Huangfu Long lets somebody cool off or calm down comes together, used a Yuan strength to inspire Mi Wen a moment ago, youth who that day in the prominent peak Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak by Lin Feng finger of defeating. 天池雪峰前辈曾有吩咐,不得自相残杀,你们天枢峰的人倒是很好。”皇甫龙冷冷的吐出一道声音来,刚才使用真元力量引动秘纹的,正是那日在主峰天玑峰上被林枫一指击败的青年。 Nobody responded, the sound of footsteps distant place, where the front person did not know. 没有人回应,脚步声远处,前面的人已经不知道去了哪里。 Lin Feng, all right?” Jun Mo Xi eyesight looks to Lin Feng, continuously light noble spirit blooms, making him be able to see clearly the present Lin Feng form. 林枫,没事吧?”君莫惜目光看向林枫,一缕缕淡淡的浩然之气绽放,让他能够看清楚眼前的林枫身影。 Was almost blind, but is all right fortunately.” Lin Feng shook the head, the strength in secret mark was too fearful, only needs by a Yuan strength can inspire to send out really intrepidly to strike, he wanted on the slow tiny bit eye a moment ago is thorough was blind. “差点瞎了,不过还好没事。”林枫摇了摇头,秘纹上的力量太可怕了,只需要以真元之力就能引动发出强悍的一击,刚才他只要慢上一丝一毫眼睛就算是彻底的瞎了。 Is the person of Tian Shu peak?” Lin Feng asked one to Huangfu Long. “是天枢峰的人?”林枫皇甫龙问了一声。 Right, that day you refer to that person that defeats getting rid, Tian Shu peak leader Ling Xue, perhaps cannot be inseparable from him.” Huangfu Long said angrily that it seems like he had underestimated the human form bad risk, the senior of Tianchi Xue peak makes all for Tianchi and for the empire, but these talents were used to it arrogant, previous time the people had been shamed by the Lin Feng and other Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, on the envious hatred in the heart, has gotten down the killer unexpectedly. “对,那日你一指击败的那人出手的,天枢峰领袖凌血也在,恐怕和他脱不了干系。”皇甫龙愤怒说道,看来他还是低估了人形的凶险,天池雪峰的前辈所做一切都是为了天池、为了帝国,但这些天才一个个傲慢习惯了,上次被林枫天璇峰的人羞辱了一回,就嫉恨在心,竟然下了杀手。 Such being the case, do not blame my method to burn ruthlessly.” Lin Feng eyesight looks at the distant place, flashes through together cold Mang. “既然如此,就不要怪我手段狠辣了。”林枫目光看着远方,闪过一道冷芒。 Looks to tighten this stone cliff.” Lin Feng also said that he has not thought can use this method murder, with the aid of the strength of secret mark, the person who only then these have ulterior motives, thinks that these plots are bright. “看紧这石壁。”林枫又说了一声,他都没有想过可以用此手段杀人,借助秘纹的力量,只有那些心怀叵测的人,才会去想这些阴谋诡道。 These many people knew in abundance can kill people using Mi Wen, arrives by stone cliff, both hands caress stone cliff, in the palm are having the light Yuan strength to past, as if momentarily could get rid to be the same, immediately trim dark space to person feeling of the constraining. 这一下许多人纷纷都知道了可以利用秘纹杀人,纷纷走到石壁旁边,双手抚着石壁,手掌中有淡淡的真元力量在流转,仿佛随时可能要出手一样,顿时整片黑暗的空间给人一种压抑之感。 However is good because of the people have scruples, has not begun, kills others, perhaps was killed by other people. 不过好在众人都有所顾忌,都没有动手,杀别人,说不定就被其他人所杀。 Cloudy and cold dark channel as if long especially, is the genuine tomb pit channel seems to be same, walked for a long time, the crowd finally saw luminously. 阴冷黑暗的通道似乎格外的长,仿佛是真正的墓穴通道一样,走了许久,人群才终于看到了一点光亮。 Luminous gradually more and more clear, in the front, the crowd clearly sees there to have huge Mu Bei \ tombstone, the Mu Bei \ tombstone surroundings, completely is the unusual traces. 光亮渐渐的越来越清晰了起来,在前方,人群分明看到那里有一块巨大的墓碑,墓碑的周围,全部都是奇特的纹路。 secret mark in these trace and channel is similar, but actually does not know that complex many times, Mi Wen who these spread across interwines, as if trillion lines interweave, composes vein that has greatly completed, is connecting that Mu Bei \ tombstone. 这些纹路和通道中的秘纹相仿,但却不知道复杂了多少倍,那些纵横交错的秘纹交织在一起,仿佛有亿万的线条交织而成,组成了一个巨大完成的脉络,连接着那墓碑 Or that could not be called as Mu Bei \ tombstone, several scanning are the altars. 或者说,那已经不能称作一个墓碑了,也有几分像是祭坛。 Mi Wen has the might of destruction together, Mi Wen who this able to move unhindered interweaves, if were inspired, does not know that will have the how formidable mysterious strength.” Lin Feng said in the heart secretly, cannot understand, this complex Mi Wen, he looked radically is unable to understand. “一块秘纹就拥有毁灭的威力,这纵横交织的秘纹,若是被引动,不知道会有多么强大的神秘力量。”林枫在心中暗自说道,看不懂,这复杂的秘纹,他根本看都无法看懂来。 Gains ground toward the surroundings, does not have other exits, Mu Bei \ tombstone that only then this lived by Mi Wenwang, as if only will then make a connection, can walk. 抬头朝着周围,没有其它出口,就只有这被秘纹网住的墓碑,似乎只有将之打通来,才能够走出去。 You looked that this seems to be incomplete like altar Mu Bei \ tombstone, many gaps.” Some people point at that mysterious Mu Bei \ tombstone saying that indeed, some broken places, as if were created by formidable the strength attack. “你们看,这如祭坛般的墓碑似乎不是完整的,有很多缺口。”有人指着那神秘的墓碑说道,的确,有许多残破之地,仿佛受到了强大的力量攻击造成。 This is not a altar, is not so-called Mu Bei \ tombstone.” At this time, the chilly sound spreads together, the crowd looks following the sound, immediately they saw Yu Tianji eyesight of purple robe is dignified, looks at this thing, has not thought that has the thing of this legend. “这不是祭坛,更不是所谓的墓碑。”此时,一道清冷的声音传出,人群顺着声音望去,随即他们就看到了一袭紫袍的宇天机目光凝重,看着此物,没想到真有这传说之物。 „It is not the altar, is not Mu Bei \ tombstone, you said that is what?” Some people asked one coldly, thinks that this Yu Tianji was showing off itself. “不是祭坛、也不是墓碑,那你说是什么?”有人冷问一声,以为这宇天机是在卖弄自己。 You feel, knows that this was anything.” Yu Tianji shows a wrapped in a shroud of obscurity smiling face, walks to go forward, the robe sleeve wields, wiped the dust on that altar, reveals that to exist did not know many years Stone countertops. “你们感受一下,就会知道这是什么了。”宇天机露出一丝神秘莫测的笑容,走上前,袍袖一挥,将那祭坛上的灰尘抹去,露出那存在了不知道多少年的石台 A wisp of light Yuan strength climbs up Stone countertops, is flowing following that unusual trace, just the flowing moment, the crowd then felt that a fearful space spirit spread, making them have the space confused feeling, as if momentarily possibly was thrown another piece of space. 一缕淡淡的真元之力攀上石台,顺着那奇特的纹路流动着,才刚刚流动片刻,人群便感觉一股可怕的空间气息蔓延而出,让他们有种空间错乱的感觉,仿佛随时可能被扔到另一片空间去。 Legend ancient times had Great Expert, one step surmounts to pass through the territory of ten thousand meters even 100,000 meters space and time, in the meantime, one utensil, the named space sacrificial altar, inspires the sacrificial altar, may make the space shift, is this space and time sacrificial altar that in the old book records?” “传说远古有大能者,一步跨越穿越万米甚至100000米时空之域,同时,还有一种器物,名为空间祭台,引动祭台,可让空间转移,难道这就是古籍中记载的时空祭台?” Feels that more and more formidable space confused feeling, some people spoke saying that immediately many people thought that in the old book really had this record, true magical powers magic arts direct access to the highest authorities, one step surmounted even can disregard the space and time distance, but can also make a sacrificial altar, making other people stretch across the space through the sacrificial altar, appears in them at present, was this type of sacrificial altar. 感受到那越来越强大的空间错乱之感,有人出言说道,顿时许多人都想起来,古籍中确实有这种记载,真正的神通法术通天者,一步跨越甚至可以无视时空距离,还可以制造一种祭台,让其他人通过祭台横跨空间,出现在他们眼前的,正是这种祭台。 This so-called emperor palace or the tomb, do not have here, but can surmount a space and time the distance to arrive at another piece of space? Is there, the genuine emperor grave?” “难道这所谓的皇者宫殿或者墓地,并不是存在这里,而是要跨越一个时空的距离到达另外一片空间?那里,才是真正的皇者墓?” The crowd heart is shocking, these Great Expert are not they can estimate. 人群心头震惊,那些大能者不是他们能够揣度的。 : Said that is the tears, asked the flower :说多了都是泪,求花 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 774 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第774章 Sacrificial altar address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 祭台地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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