PMG :: Volume #3

#773: Mi Wen in darkness

I here.” Also the sound puts out from the darkness together, is the Lin Feng sound, ice-cold eyesight is observing the situation the dark world, without any fear. “我在这里。”又一道声音从黑暗中吐出,是林枫的声音,冰冷的目光环视着黑暗的世界,没有任何的畏惧。 The silent dark space is passing the fearful silence, that person got rid to him a moment ago, was killed directly, twists and breaks the skull, this person is quite fearful, this makes the person who other have ulterior motives not dare to move heedlessly. 寂静的黑暗空间透着可怕的沉默,刚才那人对他出手,直接被杀,拧断头骨,此人好可怕,这让其它心怀叵测的人不敢乱动。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou shouted, arrived at side Lin Feng, Lin Feng extends a hand, touched the body of Tang Youyou, immediately gripped her palm, said: Follows side me.” 林枫。”唐幽幽喊了一声,已经来到林枫身边,林枫伸出一只手,触摸到了唐幽幽的身体,随即将她的手掌握住,道:“跟在我身边。” Lin Feng his mortal body is powerful, when nine revolutions of Buddha charms past, is the terrifying is more incomparable, if no powerful attack, do not want to shake his mortal body, in this dark environment, Tang Youyou behind compares the security in him. 林枫他肉身强悍,九转佛魔力流转之时,更是恐怖无比,若没有强悍的攻击,根本别想撼动他的肉身,在这黑暗的环境下,唐幽幽在他身后比较安全。 Where is our?” Broadcasts the Jun Mo Xi sound, on him, a wisp of vast air/Qi circulation in the whole body, in the middle of the space presented faint trace weak brilliance immediately, this brilliance seemed said the suppression by the meaning of darkness, the surroundings are very as before dark, can only see ten meters place. “我们这是在什么地方?”身后传来君莫惜的声音,在他身上,一缕浩瀚之气流转于周身,顿时空间当中出现了丝丝微弱的光华,这光华仿佛被黑暗之意说压制,周围依旧很黑暗,只看得到十米长的地方。 At this moment, Lin Feng clear saw that front has many [say / way] sharp eye pupils to look here, the quiet cold optical scintillation, making him clear a fact, once strided in the mystical place, they may be the enemy and match, these had the person of illegal heart, momentarily is thinking got rid to massacre others. 这一刻,林枫清楚的看到前方有许多道锋锐的眼眸正看着这边,幽冷之光闪烁着,让他清楚了一个事实,一旦跨入秘境,他们将可能是敌人、对手,那些拥有不轨之心的人,随时想着出手杀掉别人。 This piece of dark space is very broad, can illuminate ten rice the faint light sources unable to see it widely, as for the front, is a darkness, does not have narrowly up. 这片黑暗的空间很宽阔,能够照亮十来米的微弱光源看不到它到底有多宽,至于前方,更是一片黑暗,狭窄无光。 The Lin Feng cold glow flashes through the crowd, ice-cold piercing, overbearing incomparable, these people then take back eyesight, knows that Lin Feng is not that affable, naturally first puts down. 林枫冷芒闪过人群,冰冷刺骨,霸道无比,那些人这才都将目光收回,知道林枫不是那么好惹,自然就先放下。 Yun Fei Yang and Huangfu Long behind together have also come in along with Jun Mo Xi, five people gather in one. 云飞扬皇甫龙也随着君莫惜身后一起进来了,五人聚在一块。 Here person is too crowded, we walk from the side.” Lin Feng opens the mouth saying that immediately is moving the body in the side direction, four people follow Lin Feng to move, was quick they to see that was carving strange traces stone cliff, they did not provoke others, but other people should also better not to provoke them. “这边人太拥挤,我们从侧边走。”林枫开口说道,随即朝着侧方向挪动着身体,四人都跟随着林枫挪动,很快他们看到了那刻着一道道奇异纹路的石壁,他们不去招惹别人,但是其他人也最好不要来招惹他们。 On the Jun Mo Xi overwhelming light will illuminate dark, nobody moves nearby trace stone cliff to go forward slowly, these traces as if have the unusual rule, making Lin Feng that touches have an unusual feeling, as if these traces are not die, but like has own life, life trace. 君莫惜身上的浩然之光将黑暗照亮,无人触碰着旁边的纹路石壁缓缓前进,那些纹路仿佛有着奇特的规律,让触摸到的林枫生出一种异样的感觉,仿佛这些纹路不是死的,而像是拥有自己的生命一样,生命纹路。 This trace has the strangeness probably.” Yun Fei Yang opens the mouth saying that the people in abundance nod, with the aid of the weak ray looks trace that are complex difficult to understand, is very indeed strange, they felt one touch is not a continuously line, but momentarily possibly erupts likely the fountainhead of powerful strength. “这纹路好像有诡异。”云飞扬开口说道,众人都纷纷点头,借助微弱的光芒看着那一条条复杂难懂的纹路,的确很诡异,他们感觉自己触摸的不是一缕缕线条,而像是随时可能喷发出强悍力量的源泉。 I try.” Huangfu Long is somewhat excited, a continuously light gloss releases from his body, really Yuan strength following obscurely is together difficult to understand the trace to take a walk, slowly covers this complete trace together. “我来试试。”皇甫龙有些兴奋,一缕缕淡淡的光泽从他的身上释放出来,真元的力量顺着其中一道晦涩难懂纹路走动,慢慢的将这一道完整的纹路覆盖。 Intrepid strength filling the air slowly, making the Huangfu Long heartbeat accelerate, very strong, above this stone cliff, was passing the fearful strength. 一股强悍的力量缓缓的弥漫而出,让皇甫龙的心跳加速了起来,好强、这石壁之上,透着可怕的力量。 Lets go.” Lin Feng breaks the Huangfu Long movement, a Yuan strength shut off, stopped flowing in stone cliff trace, immediately that fearful strength disappearance gradually, making Huangfu Long have a moved feeling, a moment ago that strength, what's the matter? “松手。”林枫皇甫龙的动作打断来,真元之力切断,停止了在石壁纹路上的流动,顿时那股可怕的力量渐渐的消失,让皇甫龙有种怅然若失的感觉,刚才那股力量,到底是怎么回事? Has turned head, Huangfu Long looks to the people, five people look at each other in blank diamay, but places above the Yuan this trace, namely inspires the stirring fearful strength. 回过头,皇甫龙看向众人,五人都是面面相觑,只是将真元放在这纹路之上,即引动震撼人心的可怕力量。 „......” The sound of pitiful yell breaks together the dark space, Lin Feng and the others one startled, eyesight has transferred suddenly, immediately they see the front stone cliff blowout together destruction the strength, a body of powerhouse piercing, wanted his life directly. “啊……”一道惨叫之声将黑暗空间打断来,林枫等人一惊,目光霍然间转过,随即他们就看到前方的石壁喷出一道毁灭的力量,将一位强者的身体给洞穿来,直接要了他的性命。 Shouted......” Huangfu Long to be dumbfounded, the deep putting out tone, only felt to have a parched mouth, looked at Lin Feng one. “呼……”皇甫龙目瞪口呆,深深的吐出口气,只感觉口干舌燥,看了林枫一眼。 Narrow squeak!” If a moment ago Lin Feng did not break him, that stone cliff the strength on terrifying, instantaneously will write whether also off him, thinks that his heart was then unassuageable, but also had this possibility. “好险!”刚才若是林枫不打断他,那石壁上的恐怖的力量,是否也会将他给瞬间抹杀掉,想到这他的心便难以平静,还真有这种可能。 Several people are staring at each other, no matter what at this moment everyone knows the trace on this stone cliff to have the craftiness, is quite fearful, is only by really a Yuan strength following that obscure trace flowing, can have so boundless destruction strength, instantaneously person writing off, was too strong. 几人互相凝视着对方,此刻任谁都知道这石壁上的纹路有诡,好可怕,只是以真元力量顺着那晦涩的纹路流动,都能够产生如此磅礴的毁灭力量,瞬间将人给抹杀掉,太强了。 This mystical place, is really step by step crisis, no one knows when one will be in danger, a stone cliff metropolis important person life. 这秘境,果然是步步危机,谁都不知道自己会什么时候遇险,就连一个石壁都会要人性命。 Many people noted this, they were far away from stone cliff in abundance, proceeded to march forward from the middle, does not dare to close right up against stone cliff, was very dangerous. 许多人都注意到了这一幕,他们都纷纷远离石壁,从中间往前行进,不敢靠着石壁了,很危险。 However Lin Feng and the others have not actually left, if to a Yuan strength not touch the trace on this stone cliff , the stone cliff active threat, on the contrary, Lin Feng to this unusual trace, will not have had the extremely rich interest. 不过林枫等人却没有离开,如果不以真元力量触动这石壁上的纹路,石壁是不会主动攻击的,相反,林枫对这奇特的纹路,产生了极其浓郁的兴趣。 Is what one trace, can have like this unusual strength, probably is the ban in rumor is the same, will be triggered and inspired. 是什么样的一种纹路,能够有这样的奇特力量,就好像是传言中的禁制一样,会被触发、引动。 The palm is stroking this trace, Lin Feng were base and low to Jun Mo Xi and the others: This trace is special, we can trace it, in the future will be perhaps useful.” 手掌抚摸着这纹路,林枫对着君莫惜等人低道:“这纹路特殊,我们可以将之临摹下来,将来也许有用。” I also think.” Jun Mo Xi nodded, agreed that the Lin Feng words, formidable martial skill will not have this powerful magical powers strength, but the trace on this stone cliff has, the words that does not trace have been a pity, in the rumor the palace of emperor, how will have the simple thing. “我也这么认为。”君莫惜点了点头,同意林枫的话,强大的武技都不会有这种强悍的神通力量,而这石壁上的纹路却有,不临摹下来的话就太可惜了,传言中皇者的宫殿,岂会有简单的东西。 Lin Feng to the Jun Mo Xi slight bow, Jun Mo Xi was understanding immediately, a Yuan ray extinguishes, here space fell into the middle of the darkness immediately, here other people cannot see clearly also some people. 林枫对着君莫惜微微点头,君莫惜立即明白了过来,将身上的真元光芒熄灭掉,这边的空间顿时陷入了黑暗当中,其他人看不清这边还有人。 Places above the hand the stone cliff trace, Lin Feng static feeling these vein traces, quick, he wrote down a complete trace, immediately lets loose the hand. 将手放在石壁纹路之上,林枫静静的感受着这些脉络纹路,很快,他将一个完整的纹路记了下来,随即将手放开来。 „It is not good, I cannot remember unexpectedly.” The pupil of Lin Feng has contracted fiercely, lets loose the hand instant, he actually felt he is unable to remember that obscure trace, was too complex, is extremely difficult to understand that in an instant has probably forgotten most probably. “不行,我竟然记不住。”林枫的瞳孔猛的收缩了下,放开手的刹那,他竟然感觉他无法记住那晦涩的纹路了,太复杂了,极其的难理解,转眼间就好像忘记了大半。 Other people felt the moment, immediately said: I cannot remember.” 其他人感受到了片刻,随即都纷纷道:“我也记不住。” It seems like this is formidable Mi Wen.” Jun Mo Xi said that this is also in several people of hearts guessed that this Mi Wen is quite fierce, records continually does not write down. “看来这是一种强大的秘纹。”君莫惜说了一声,这也正是几人心中猜测的,这种秘纹好厉害,连记都记不下来。 The Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator memory ability is extremely terrifying, if has a mind to record, can achieve the photographic memory, but they use the hand to feel this trace, when the hand loosens, felt that has forgotten, does not know how this unusual trace constitutes a complete whole. 武修的记忆能力可是极其恐怖的,若是有心去记,能够做到过目不忘,但他们用手去感受这纹路,当手松开的时候,感觉忘记了很多,不知道这奇特的纹路是如何构成一个完整的整体的。 It seems like we missed with these traces.” Jun Mo Xi sighed one, feels was quite a pity, this unusual trace, is unable unexpectedly in the heart. “看来我们与这些纹路无缘了。”君莫惜叹了一声,感觉颇为可惜,这种奇特的纹路,竟然无法记在心中。 I try again.” Lin Feng silent, immediately opens the mouth to say once again that eyesight is staring at that jet black stone cliff, in the middle of his eye pupil, suddenly presented ice cold piercing cold glow, has no interest, ruthless \ Wu Qing, at this moment his binocular pupil, became monster especially different, as if must pierce all. “我再试试。”林枫沉默了下,随即再度开口说道,目光盯着那漆黑的石壁,在他的眼眸当中,突然出现了一道冰寒刺骨的寒芒,无心、无情,此刻他的那双眼眸,变得格外的妖异了起来,仿佛要洞穿一切。 Tracing!” Day according to it pupil twinkle, jet black boundless pupil as if in toward in hollow, the vein design above that wall as if carved in the middle of that pair of monster different pupil, immediately fell into. “临摹!”天照之瞳闪烁,漆黑无边的瞳孔仿佛在往内凹陷,那墙壁之上的脉络图案仿佛刻在了那双妖异的眸子当中,随即陷入其中。 At this time, that pair of monster different pupil of Lin Feng revolved unexpectedly slightly, immediately in the Lin Feng mind, as if the drawing carved there, seemed the brand mark enters his mind to be the same, is unable to forget again. 此时,林枫的那双妖异的瞳孔竟然微微旋转了下,随即在林枫的脑海当中,仿佛有一副图画刻在了那里,仿佛是烙印进入了他的脑海一样,再也无法忘记。 Day according to it pupil, is really useful.” In the Lin Feng eye pupil flashes through a profound gloss, several other people look to Lin Feng, in the darkness, they can only see clearly the double pupil that shocks, is quite fearful, has not thought that Lin Feng also has this magical powers ability. “天照之瞳,果然有用。”林枫眼眸中闪过一道深邃的光泽,其他几人纷纷看向林枫,在黑暗当中,他们只能看清楚那震撼的双瞳,好可怕,没想到林枫还有这种神通能力。 Footsteps slowly moves toward the front, the Lin Feng day according to the it pupil blooming monster different gloss, seperately together the trace design brand mark will enter in the head once again. 脚步缓缓的朝着前方移动,林枫的天照之瞳再度绽放妖异的光泽,将另外一道纹路图案烙印进入脑袋里面。 The head somewhat is absent-minded, Lin Feng felt some own mental stabbing pain, trace Mi Wen on this stone cliff at the day according to it pupil, makes his spiritual strength consumption enormous unexpectedly, Mi Wen is similar the unusual mysterious strengths, is very difficult to absorb. 脑袋微有些恍惚,林枫感觉自己精神都有些刺痛,以天照之瞳临摹这石壁上的秘纹,竟让他精神力量消耗极大,那秘纹仿佛有一股奇特的神秘力量,很难吸收。 Good fearful Mi Wen, is this in the rumor emperor carves personally above?” Lin Feng has not listened to have this Mi Wen saying, the heart trembles, after he carved three complete secret grains once again, then the feeling could not support, the head rocked , the day in the monster different light according to it pupil vanished, the eye pupil of Lin Feng restored as usual. “好可怕的秘纹,难道这是传言中皇者亲自刻在上面的?”林枫从来没有听过有此秘纹一说,心头震颤,等到他再度刻下了三道完整的秘纹之后,便感觉支撑不住了,脑袋晃动了下,天照之瞳中的妖异之光消失,林枫的眼眸恢复如常。 He altogether, can only trace five complete Mi Wen! 他一共,就只能临摹五道完整的秘纹! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 773 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第773章 The secret mark address in darkness for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 黑暗中的秘纹地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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