PMG :: Volume #3

#772: Enters the mystical place

The eye pupil of crowd completely stiff there, stubbornly is staring at that vast palace, the dignity and grand, in the middle of this palace, is passing the radiant all colors gloss, as if there is air/Qi of emperor to bloom. 人群的眼眸全部都僵硬在那里,死死的盯着那座浩瀚宫殿,威严、壮阔,这宫殿当中,透着璀璨的五彩光泽,仿佛有皇者之气从中绽放而出。 Unexpectedly is a palace, before this is the emperor body, palace that lives in?” “竟然是一座宫殿,难道,这是皇者身前居住的宫殿么?” In the person popular-feeling the secret passage, eyesight stares at the palace that is presenting, sees only the Eight Diagrams design to cover above the palace, seems is suppressing the palace. 人群心中暗道,目光都盯着那座出现的宫殿,只见八卦图案罩在宫殿之上,仿佛是在将宫殿镇压住般。 Radiant light beams shine from the palace, stabbing pain the eye of crowd. 一道道璀璨的光束从宫殿中照射而出,刺痛着人群的眼睛。 „......” “啊……” Sound of towering spreading pitiful yell, sees only together has one person to approach that vast palace, when he stands in the palace instant, the life and death withers instantaneously, changes to together the withered corpse, lay down on the ground, the whole body did not have the least bit courage vigor, probably was been same by the suck dry. 一道惨叫之声突兀的传出,只见有一人想要靠近那浩瀚的宫殿,当他站在宫殿的刹那,生死瞬间枯萎,化作一道干瘪的尸体,躺在了地上,浑身没有了半点血气,就好像被吸干了一样。 Rumbles!” Sees this fearful one, many people swallow the saliva, in eyesight flash through colors of the deep awe, the footsteps backlash of many people cannot help but, the twinkling these were ready to make trouble the crowd that wants to face forward completely to stop a moment ago. “咕隆!”看到这可怕的一幕,许多人吞了吞口水,目光中闪过一道道深深的敬畏之色,许多人的脚步不由自主的后退,瞬息刚才那些蠢蠢欲动想要朝前的人群就全部都停了下来。 brilliance of palace shoots on the body, such as the god of death arrives, wanted that person of life directly. 宫殿的光华射在身上,就如死神降临,直接要了那人的性命。 „Before channel has not opened, no one can approach, the words that does not want dead are honest.” The sound of cold drinking spreads together, these Tian Qi powerhouses are blooming as before their strength, is suppressing the eruption of palace strength, sees only their complexions to be dignified, in the heart the secret passage, should come. “通道没有打开之前,谁都不能靠近,不想死的话都老实一点。”一道冷喝之声传出,那些天武强者依旧绽放着他们的力量,压制着宫殿力量的爆发,只见他们的脸色一个个都非常凝重,心中暗道,该现身了。 Bang!” In this time, has form together to shoot up to the sky, vast spirit blooms from his body, extremely formidable terrifying. “轰!”就在此时,有一道身影冲天而起,浩瀚的气息从他的身上绽放而出,极其的强大恐怖。 Venerable!” The pupil fierce contraction of crowd, has Venerable unexpectedly in secret, the palace appears instant, Venerable, came. “尊者!”人群的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,竟有尊者在暗中,宫殿出现的刹那,尊者,也现身了。 Bang, bang and bang......” spirit of shocks bloom, each of a direction Eight Diagrams destructions has form together to reappear, these forms formidable incomparable, is passing immeasurably deep spirit. “轰、轰、轰……”一道道震撼的气息绽放而出,八卦毁灭之阵的每一个方向都有一道身影浮现,这些身影一个个都强大无比,透着深不可测的气息 Venerable.” “尊者。” Senior.” “前辈。” Many people shouted to make noise, in the middle of crowd that these presented that there are their seniors and Venerable seniors. 许多人喊出声来,那些出现的人群当中,有他们的前辈、尊者前辈。 In each influences of these arrivals, had their Venerable to come, dozens formidable spirit bloomed in void, formidable to inconceivable. 这些到来的每一个势力中,都有他们的尊者现身了,几十个强大的气息在虚空中绽放,强大到不可思议。 On these bodies, blooms, is the strength of deep meaning. 在这些尊者的身上,绽放的,是奥义的力量。 Drinks!” These release the formidable deep meaning, the snowflake falls gently crazily, the sky half freezes the ice and half the scorching sun, as if must boil thoroughly, the strength of fearful will deep meaning, simultaneously arrived above the palace, this moment palace, shivered crazily fiercely, the more fearful ray unceasing turnover came out, death will spirit seeped, went toward these. “喝!”这些尊者一个个身上释放强大的奥义,雪花疯狂飘落,天空半边冻结成冰、半边又骄阳似火,仿佛要煮熟来,可怕的意志奥义的力量,同时降临在了宫殿之上,这一刻的宫殿,狂猛的颤抖了起来,更可怕的光芒不断的吞吐出来,死亡的意志气息渗透出来,朝着那些尊者而去。 Innumerable [say / way] brilliance shoots toward these, was passing death spirit, as if wanted their lives. 无数道光华朝着那些尊者射去,透着死亡的气息,仿佛要他们的命。 Opportunity, opens him.” At this time, several people simultaneously greatly drank to make noise, immediately the fearful sword glow shot up to the sky together, at this moment, as if in world only remaining sword. “机会,打开他。”就在这时候,好几人同时大喝出声,随即一道可怕的剑芒冲天而起,这一刻,仿佛天地间都只剩下了剑。 Bang!” This sword punctures the space, lands above the palace instantaneously, bang the sound of annihilation spreads, brilliance of death seemed cut to draw back by this sword, in the palace, has revealed a vast golden front door. “轰!”这一剑刺破空间,瞬间降落在宫殿之上,轰隆的湮灭之声传出,死亡的光华仿佛都被这一剑斩退,在宫殿中,露出了一道浩瀚的金色大门。 Cuts!” That holds sword Venerable to shout angrily, the light beam of sword dodges to pass, penetrates all, punctures above the front door of that palace, makes the sound. “斩!”那持剑尊者怒喝一声,剑之光束一闪而逝,穿透一切,刺在那宫殿的大门之上,发出咔嚓的声响。 Quick, our time are not much.” Some people urged the speed, the strength that they released was getting more and more formidable, appears the shape of Eight Diagrams to tow the palace, as if they coped was not a palace, but was a person. “快,我们时间不多。”有人催促速度,他们释放的力量越来越强大,呈八卦之状将宫殿牵引住,仿佛他们对付的不是一座宫殿,而是一个人。 That holds person of eyesight sword to coagulate, whole body spirit increases the peak, at this moment, the form of his whole person became somewhat illusory, seemed a handle must puncture the sharp sword of vault of heaven. 那持剑之人目光凝固,浑身的气息攀升到巅峰,这一刻,他整个人的身影都变得有些虚幻了起来,仿佛是一柄要刺破苍穹的利剑。 Gives me to break.” That person of whole person changes to together the light beam of sword, immediately air/Qi of annihilation spreads, the crowd sees only radiant brilliance to shine together, the front door of palace disrupts accordingly, Venerable of twinkling that sword fires into void, spirit fluctuates, eyesight stared at that leafed door, on the face has actually been showing a happy expression. “给我破。”那人整个人化作一道剑之光束,随即一股湮灭之气传出,人群只见一道璀璨的光华照耀而出,宫殿的大门应声碎裂,那剑之尊者瞬息又冲向虚空,气息浮动,目光盯着那扇门,脸上却露出了一丝笑意。 Goes in quickly, how long we could not insist.” Venerable of sword to being in a daze crowd of fierce drinks, this terrifying drank to make the crowd sober greatly instantaneously, immediately the body crazy twinkles, flushed away toward that cave entrance. “快进去,我们坚持不了多久。”剑之尊者对着发呆的人群猛的一喝,这恐怖的一声大喝瞬间让人群清醒了过来,随即一个个身体疯狂的闪烁,朝着那洞口冲去。 We walk.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, goes toward cave entrance of that palace, at this time these Tian Qi powerhouses fully are resisting the strength of palace, for is helps them open the door of this mystical place, cannot waste the time. “我们走。”林枫脚步一跨,也朝着那宫殿的洞口而去,此时这些尊者天武强者都在全力抵抗宫殿的力量,为的就是帮他们开启这一扇秘境之门,不能浪费时间。 Jun Mo Xi they follow closely Lin Feng, one line of forms change to the remnant shade, the twinkling disappear in together same place, forces one's way in toward the front door of vast palace. 君莫惜他们紧随林枫,一行身影化作一道残影,瞬息消失在原地,朝着浩瀚宫殿的大门挤进去。 Boils to me completely.” At this moment, the fearful will strength blooms in the crowd, shortly the surrounding crowd completely will throw off, that person is passing spirit extremely fearful. “全部给我滚开。”就在这时,有一股可怕的意志力量在人群中绽放,顷刻间周围的人群全部被掀翻来,那人身上透着的气息极其的可怕。 Tian Qi.” Many people were cut off by this person, actually sees on that face to reveal wipes the crazy look, overruns toward the entrance. 天武。”许多人被这人阻隔住,却见那人脸上露出一抹疯狂的神色,朝着入口冲过去。 Void many forms shot a look at one toward here lightly, in the middle of the eye pupil reveals a satire and thick disdaining, their eyesight on are good to cultivate is looks at a deceased person. 虚空中的许多身影朝着这边淡淡的瞥了一眼,眼眸当中露出一丝讽刺和浓浓的不屑,他们的目光就好修是看着一个死人般。 If the Tian Qi Layer powerhouse can enter in the middle of mystical place, but can also be one's turn him? 天武境的强者若是能够进入秘境当中,还能轮到他? This person harbors lucky psychology to attempt, when these and Tian Qi powerhouse divert the palace breaks in the mystical place, actually cannot enter the information of mystical place disregarding the Tian Qi powerhouse and above powerhouse, always thinks one intelligent. 此人抱着侥幸的心理妄图在那些尊者和天武强者牵制宫殿的时候冲入秘境中,却将天武强者及以上强者不能入秘境的信息给无视了,总以为自己有多聪明。 When he breaks in the front door of palace, the radiant light beam shines on his body together, shortly deep meaning tactical rules of death, that person will be on the rise, brilliance falls, vanishes along with his body together does not see. 当他冲入宫殿的大门之时,一道璀璨的光束照射在他的身上,顷刻间一股死亡的奥义战法,那人抬起头来,光华落下,随着他的身体一起消失不见。 Stupid.” The void middle many people drink to say coldly, through the ages, this mystical place palace had a fearful death strength, particularly that leafed door, even also had the selective death strength, so long as your cultivation base above Tian Qi, wanted to stride , the flash will initiate the light of death, unravelled instantaneously. “愚蠢。”虚空当中许多人冷喝说道,古往今来,这秘境宫殿拥有一股可怕的死亡力量,尤其是那扇门,甚至还拥有选择性死亡力量,只要你的修为天武之上,想要跨入其中,第一瞬间就会引发死亡之光,瞬间灰飞烟灭。 Actually the Xuan Qi powerhouse when broke not to cause the air/Qi of that death, the increasing number of people broke in that leafed door, immediately probably fell into the infinite darkness to be the same, did not have any sound again. 倒是玄武强者在冲入其中的时候不会引起那股死亡之气,越来越多的人冲入那扇门中,随即就好像陷入了无穷的黑暗一样,再也没有了任何的声音。 Lin Feng personal appearance extremely quick, the will of wind blooms, the person waves like the light breeze, before the twinkling arrived at the palace gate, has turned head to look at Jun Mo Xi and the others, said: We go.” 林枫的身形极其的快,风之意志绽放,人如轻风般舞动,瞬息到达了宫殿门前,回过头看了君莫惜等人一眼,道:“我们进去。” Then, Lin Feng footsteps one cross, has stepped into the middle of the door of that death. 说罢,林枫的脚步一跨,踏入了那扇死亡之门当中。 That radiant light beam vanishes instantaneously without a trace, Lin Feng only felt that at present suddenly becomes a darkness, making him have not a real feeling. 那璀璨的光束瞬间就消失得无影无踪,林枫只感觉眼前突然间变得一片黑暗,让他生出一种不真实的感觉。 A moment ago that radiant luminous, the twinkling time, unexpectedly is another world, marched into the middle of the darkness. 刚才还是那么的璀璨光亮,瞬息时间,竟是另外一番天地,步入了黑暗当中。 Thump, thump and thump......” Lin Feng as if can feel some people the sounds of heartbeat, by his present cultivation base, in the dark night to observe thing this for easy matter, however at this moment, actually anything cannot see, only then the endless blackness, does not know where, he only knows that has the person around him, many people, they should be the same with him, cannot see, does not dare to act rashly. “咚、咚、咚……”林枫仿佛能够感觉到有人的心跳之声,以他如今的修为,在黑夜中视物本为轻而易举之事,然而此刻,却什么也看不到,只有无尽的漆黑,不知道来了哪里,他只知道,在他周围有人,很多人,他们应该都和他一样,看不见,都不敢妄动。 The contrast was too striking, a moment ago outside light beam that radiant, all people rush to be first to stride in the front door of palace, but after cross-over falls into the endless blackness instantaneously, crowd cannot help but at instantaneously maintains the absolute silence, does not dare to act rashly, no one knows that the side is the enemy is a friend. 反差太强烈了,刚才外面光束是那么的璀璨,所有人争先恐后跨入宫殿的大门中,但当跨入后瞬间陷入无尽的漆黑,人群不由自主的在瞬间就保持绝对的寂静,都不敢轻举妄动,谁都不知道身边是敌是友。 Lin Feng.” The sound has made a sound in the darkness together suddenly, is the Tang Youyou sound. 林枫。”一道声音突然在黑暗中响了起来,是唐幽幽的声音。 Bang!” Strength of the fearful destruction blooms, kills toward the direction bang that the sound spreads, quickly to inconceivable. “轰!”一股可怕的毁灭之力绽放而出,朝着声音传出的方向轰杀过去,快到不可思议。 Tang Youyou feels this fearful palm strength eyesight suddenly one stiff, he has not responded with enough time that on bitter experience fearful attack. 唐幽幽感受到这股可怕的掌力目光遽然间一僵,他还没来得及反应过来,就遭遇可怕的攻击。 Bang!” “轰!” This fearful palm strength fell above a body together, in the darkness spread an ice-cold smiling face, some people dare to speak unexpectedly, wasn't this brings death? 这一道可怕的掌力落在了一具身体之上,黑暗中传出一丝冰冷的笑容,竟还有人敢说话,这不是送死吗? Holds the strength to gyrate, in the form mouth in that darkness shows a cruel smiling face, however on this time, the smiling face on his face coagulated suddenly, because of the pair of sturdy powerful arms, buckled directly on his head. 掌力旋动,那黑暗中的身影嘴中露出一丝残忍的笑容,然而就这时,他脸上的笑容突然凝固住了,因为有一双粗壮有力的手臂,直接扣在了他的脑袋上。 You court death.” Ices the cold sound to resound in darkness together, immediately in the darkness spreads together the sound, this is the sound of skull dislocation, the dark world, an ice cold intends to fills the air! “你找死。”一道冰寒的声音在黑暗中响起,随即黑暗中又传出一道咔嚓的声响,这是头骨错位的声音,黑暗的世界,一股冰寒之意在弥漫! Originally that person attacked a moment ago is not the female of speech, this is together the voice of youth! 原来刚才那人攻击到的不是说话的女子,这是一道青年的声音! : Strove for powerful. :求给力。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 772 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第772章 Enters the mystical place address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 入秘境地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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