PMG :: Volume #3

#771: Palace

Lin Feng eyesight looks at Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang two people, puts out a hand, in their shoulders layer on layer have thrashed, all perform in do not say. 林枫目光看着君莫惜云飞扬二人,伸出手,在两人的肩头重重的捶打了下,一切尽在不言。 Jun Mo Xi, hasn't Qing Meng Xin, how come with you?” Tang Youyou eyesight observed the situation one, has not seen the Qing Meng Xin form, past they and Qing Meng Xin related also calculate that was together well, moreover with was the person of Dragon Mountain Empire, arrived at this foreign land another region, she thinks that Jun Mo Xi should accompany with Qing Meng Xin is. 君莫惜,清梦心,怎没有和你一起前来?”唐幽幽目光环视了一眼,并没有见到清梦心的身影,昔日他们和清梦心关系也算相处得不错,而且同为龙山帝国之人,来到这异域他乡,她以为君莫惜应该和清梦心结伴才是。 Her teacher does not hope that she comes.” Jun Mo Xi responded: Person is ambitious respectively, Qing Meng Xin will be the star dream pavilion in the future the person of inheritance, were too formidable many compared with her female apprentice talent, therefore her teacher will attach great importance to her extremely, feared that she will have the accident, moreover this time will arrive at this mystical place, but will be the overlord influence ranks of various major and medium empires, she will not be outstandingly in the middle of these talent crowds, will be very dangerous.” “她师尊不希望她来。”君莫惜回应道:“人各有志,清梦心乃是星梦阁将来继承之人,比起她师妹天赋强大太多了,因此她师尊对她极其的重视,怕她会有闪失,而且此次来到这秘境的,可一个个都是各大中品帝国的霸主势力级别,她在这些天才人群当中算不上优秀,很危险。” How Tang Youyou hears this words also to be able unclear, his father did not feel relieved similarly she comes to the mystical place, the powerhouse were too many, the challenge degree of hazard, goes far beyond Xue Yu (continent) to compare greatly does not know many, the Xue Yu (continent) big ratio is only the Xue Yu (continent) talent, they are of influences four big low grade empires, in Xue Yu (continent) were top, but placed Dry Region this vast boundless territory, was common. 唐幽幽听到此话如何还会不明白,他的父亲同样也不放心她来秘境,强者太多了,无论是挑战还是危险程度,都远远超过雪域大比不知道多少,雪域大比只是雪域的天才而已,他们是四大下品帝国之一的势力,在雪域算是顶尖了,但放在乾域这浩瀚无边的领地,就毫不起眼了。 Even if loses in the crowd, nobody will note your existence. 就算丢在人群当中,都没有人会注意到你的存在。 This line of crises on top of crisis, hope that we can be well, live to walk.” The Tang Youyou sound slightly is low and deep, palace that the emperor past lived, no one has known that will have anything, nobody dares to say one can certainly live. “此行危机重重,希望我们都能安好,活着走出来。”唐幽幽声音略显低沉,皇者昔日居住的宫殿,谁都不曾知道里面会有什么,没有人敢说自己一定能活着。 Relax, my night view celestial phenomenon, my life so is not short.” The Jun Mo Xi joke said that other three people also show a happy expression. “放心吧,我夜观天象,我的命还没这么短。”君莫惜玩笑说道,其他三人也都露出一丝笑意。 Lin Feng puts out a hand, places among four people, immediately, Tang Youyou, Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang stretch out the palm in abundance, build in the same place, four hands, as if concentrate an invisible strength, they must live coming out, climbs that higher martial arts world. 林枫伸出手,放在四人之间,顿时,唐幽幽君莫惜云飞扬纷纷将手掌伸出,搭在一起,四只手,仿佛凝成一股无形的力量,他们都要活着出来,去攀登那更高的武道世界。 The snow hawk looks on four faces the pure and bright smiling face, the heart of calm Monster Beast received a wisp of fluctuation unexpectedly, the Monster Beast world law of the jungle, which humanity also very to goes, the powerhouse to revere the benefit is supreme, in such world, can have the imposing friendship, is truly rare, smiling faces on four face, that real, as if has an invisible strength to be able other people to infect. 雪鹰看着四人脸上纯真而灿烂的笑容,波澜不惊的妖兽之心竟受到了一缕波动,妖兽世界弱肉强食,人类也好不到哪去,强者为尊利益至上,在这样的世界,能够有轰轰烈烈的友情,确实很难得,四人脸上的笑容,都是那么的真实,仿佛有着一股无形的力量能够将其他人感染。 Makes an affectation.” The sound of satire transmits together, Tianchi Tian Shu snowy peak direction, Ling Xue noticed that four people of as if hearts were not feeling well, taunted one. “惺惺作态。”一道讽刺之声传来,天池天枢雪峰方向,凌血看到四人似乎心有不爽,嘲讽了一声。 Lin Feng has swept his one eyes lightly, but has not actually paid attention, disregards directly, having no interest, depending on what intimate junction! 林枫淡淡的扫了他一眼,但却没有理会,直接无视,无心者,凭何知心之交! Hey, can add my one.” Nearby Huangfu Long simple and honest smiles, making four people of eyesight concentrate, looks at that simple and honest eye, Lin Feng is smiling the nod. “嘿嘿,能不能加我一个。”一旁的皇甫龙憨厚的一笑,让四人的目光都是一凝,看着那双憨厚的眼睛,林枫微笑着点头。 Within the four seas all friend, if has a mind, how sees only one time, Brother, together.” The Jun Mo Xi clear and resonant voice said with a smile, overwhelming, free and easy uninhibited. “四海之内皆友朋,若有心,只见一次又如何,兄弟,一起。”君莫惜朗声笑道,一身浩然,洒脱不羁。 Right, within the four seas, all has the brothers.” Huangfu Long also built the palm above four people of palm backs, said with a smile gruffly: I called Huangfu Long, you called me Big Pest!” “对,四海之内,皆有兄弟。”皇甫龙将手掌也搭在了四人的掌背之上,憨笑道:“我叫皇甫龙,你们叫我大害虫就可以!” Big Pest, your this name, is really ungraceful enough.” Yun Fei Yang is ridiculing the [say / way], five people have smiled, takes back the palm, tracing head that Huangfu Long trembles, this name indeed somewhat is seemingly ungraceful, but he likes and has why not. 大害虫,你这名字,真够不雅的。”云飞扬笑骂着道,五人都笑了起来,将手掌收回,皇甫龙颤颤的摸了摸脑袋,这名字貌似的确有些不雅,不过他喜欢又有何妨。 Tianchi Xue looks at these five people, in heart flashes through the same difference the emotion, big of martial arts world, wants to find person of the opening heart, easier said than done, this world, the cold blood ruthless \ Wu Qing person are too many, looks at compares anything the benefit to be heavy. 天池雪看着这五人,心中闪过一样异样的情感,武道世界之大,想要找一交心之人,谈何容易,这世界,冷血无情的人太多,将利益看得比什么都要重。 The person who should arrive at almost one after another arrived, later also will occasionally have several people to glitter to come toward here, but the crowd actually did not care that their eyesight are staring at present that like the grave hill, static waiting passing of time. 该到的人几乎都陆续的到达了,之后偶尔还会有几人朝着这边闪烁而来,但人群却都已不怎么关心,他们的目光只是盯着眼前那座如坟墓般的山包,静静的等待着时间的流逝。 Lin Feng sits cross-legged to sit on the ground, closes one's eyes, is very peaceful, as if all of outside are unable to disturb him. 林枫盘膝坐在地上,闭着眼睛,很安静,仿佛外界的一切都无法打扰到他。 However is no one can like Lin Feng so indifferent, with the lapse of time, their hearts are less tranquil, the intense and excited meaning interweaves the transformation, the time was getting more and more near, when the time comes enters in the mystical place, no one knows that waited for their can be anything, was the crisis of death, was the huge opportunity. 然而并不是谁都能够如林枫般如此的淡然,随着时间的推移,他们的心越来越不平静了起来,紧张和兴奋之意交织变换,时间越来越近了,到时候进入秘境里面,谁也不知道等待他们的会是什么,是死亡的危机,还是天大的机遇。 Thump......” “咚……” Thump and thump......” “咚、咚……” At this time, the heart of crowd, suddenly beat, in the middle of the land of that nihility, as if has a wisp of special fluctuation, in transmission slowly. 就在这时候,人群的心,突然跳动了起来,在那虚无的土地当中,仿佛有着一缕特殊的波动,在缓缓的传递而出。 Buzz......” sound gradually became resounding several points, the people felt that their body, as if moved, however, when they felt carefully, discovered that has not moved, was strange and strange. “嗡……”声音渐渐变得响亮了几分,众人感觉自己的身体,似乎动了下,然而,当他们仔细感受的时候,又发现根本没动,奇怪、诡异。 Time.” A surrounding crowd pupil fierce contraction, the especially thoses powerhouse, the eye pupil all slightly concentrates completely, projects sharp brilliance. “时候到了。”周围的人群瞳孔全部都猛的一阵收缩,尤其是那些强者,眼眸全都微微一凝,射出锋锐至极的光华。 The mystical place, soon arrives at opening finally time. 秘境,终于快要到开启的时候了。 Buzz and buzz!” Sound of fluctuation as if in intensifying gradually, crowd finally clear feeling the fluctuation of earth, their bodies, shivered along with this fluctuation. “嗡、嗡!”波动的声响仿佛在渐渐的加剧,人群终于真真切切的感觉到了大地的波动,他们的身子,也随着这股波动而颤动了起来。 Crowd eyesight shock, their bodies have stood slowly, the sharp eye pupil closely stares at that like the grave hill, in eyesight is glittering the point, both hands grip tightly, waited for such long time, can the mystical place, open finally? 人群一个个目光震撼,他们的身体缓缓的站了起来,锋锐的眼眸紧紧的凝视着那座如坟墓般的山包,目光中都闪烁着锋芒,一个个双手紧握,等待了这么多日,秘境,终于要开启了吗? Buzz and bang!” “嗡、轰隆隆!” Buzz the sound of cry gradually changes into bang the sound, the grit in ground as if wriggled, is rolling in the ground, probably was moved to be the same by the wind, however this moment this piece of space, besides the tremor of ground, is silent does not have the sound of least bit, does not have the rumor. 嗡鸣之声渐渐的化为轰隆隆的声响,地面上的沙石都仿佛蠕动了起来,在地面上滚动着,就好像被风吹动一样,然而此刻这片空间,除了地面的颤动外,寂静得没有半点的声音,也没有风声。 The powerhouse footsteps of these team leaders slowly proceeds to walk, walks like the tomb hill toward that eyesight is dignified, they, should complete own mission. 那些领队的强者脚步缓缓的往前走去,朝着那如墓地般的山包走去,目光凝重,他们,该完成属于自己的使命了。 Puts best into it.” Seven snow hawk footsteps have trod toward the front, the footsteps as if have thousands of jin (0.5 kg), along with their footsteps stepping forward slowly, an invisible strength emerges in void, is only the short moment, the trim world, is flooding a fearful spirit fluctuation. “好自为之。”七位雪鹰脚步都朝着前方踏了出去,脚步似乎有千万斤重,随着他们脚步缓缓的跨出,一股无形的力量在虚空中涌现,只是短暂的片刻,整片天地,充斥着一股可怕的气息波动。 Not is only the powerhouse of Tianchi Xue peak, all powerhouse footsteps trod completely, trod toward the middle hill. 不仅是天池雪峰的强者,所有的强者脚步全部踏出去了,都朝着中间的山包踏去。 Begins together.” Does not know that was who has put out a sound, immediately, the crowd saw that a fearful strength bloomed toward that hill, the cold wind was swift and fierce, will put in order a mountain top directly to separate, was only instantaneous, that hill blown sand walked the gravel and dust Fei Yang \ flying upwards, the earth, started to shiver. “一起动手吧。”不知道是谁吐出了一道声音,随即,人群就看到一股可怕的力量朝着那山包绽放而出,寒风凌厉无边,将整座山头都直接割裂掉,只是瞬间,那山包飞沙走砾、尘土飞扬,大地,开始颤抖了起来。 Bang!” Form footsteps stepping forward maliciously, on the earth on dust shoots up to the sky together, on his body, emerges the endless fearful ray. “轰!”一道身影脚步狠狠的跨出,大地上上的尘土冲天而起,在他的身上,涌现出无尽的可怕光芒。 Dry!” In the mouth puts out together the sound, the fearful light beam soars to the heavens, extremely dazzling. “乾!”嘴中吐出一道声音,可怕的光束冲天,极其的耀眼。 Kun!” “坤!” Bang!” Also is a person of treading tread maliciously, the ground exudes one buzz the cry, is light beam fires into the sky. “轰隆!”又是一人狠狠的踏着地面,地面发出一声嗡鸣,又是一道光束冲向天空。 Ridge!” “坎!” To!” “离!” Shakes!” “震!” Gen trigram!” “艮!” Xun trigram!” “巽!” Exchanges!” “兑!” Bang and bang......” the earth in crazy shivering, form footsteps steps forward one after another, in the world completely is the fearful light beams. “轰隆、轰隆隆……”大地在疯狂的颤抖,一道道身影脚步陆续跨出,天地间全部都是可怕的光束。 Does, Kun, ridge, to shake, Gen trigram, Xun trigram and exchanging!” Light beam unceasing soaring to the heavens, the sound then together, above the ground, the light beams of eight big positions link up into a single stretch together, has many Eight Diagrams designs to reappear faintly, immediately gathers in the same place, becomes of incomparably huge Eight Diagrams destruction. “乾、坤、坎、离、震、艮、巽、兑!”一道道光束不断的冲天,声音一道接着一道,地面之上,八大方位的光束连成一片,隐隐有着许多八卦图案浮现,随即汇聚在一块,成为一无比巨大的八卦毁灭之阵。 By artificial, moreover completely is the Tian Qi powerhouses, so tacit coordination.” Pupil of Lin Feng fierce trembles, he is also skilled in the strategy, naturally can feel this moment this strategy the fearfulness, this mystical place, seems not opens, these formidable Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, have the absolute tacit understanding in this moment, obviously they were exhorted, knows that at this moment they need to do. “以人为阵,而且全部都是天武强者,如此默契的配合。”林枫的瞳孔猛的一颤,他也精通阵法,自然能够感受到此刻这阵法的可怕,这秘境,似乎并不是自己开启的,这些强大的武修,在这一刻有着绝对的默契,显然他们都受到嘱咐,知道这一刻他们需要干什么。 Bang!” Innumerable brilliance gathers the Eight Diagrams that becomes to kill to destroy all, that hill was razed directly, above the ground the dust was dug to split completely, trembling bang the sound is getting more and more fierce, the crowd felt that their under feet, trembled more and more fiercely. “轰隆!”无数的光华汇聚而成的八卦杀阵毁灭一切,那山包被直接夷为平地,地面之上尘土全部被刨裂开,震颤的轰隆声响越来越烈,人群感觉到他们的脚下,震颤得越来越厉害了。 The Eight Diagrams murder the design unceasingly toward the earth deep place tremor in the past, however in this time, gossipped the design as if to be hindered by anything, stopped, there, as if had the strength of ban. 八卦杀伐图案不断的往大地深处颤动过去,然而就在此时,八卦图案仿佛被什么阻碍住了,停止了下来,那里,似乎有禁制的力量。 Broken, broken and broken......” terrifying brilliance illuminates void, the destruction strength soars to the heavens, the eye pupil of crowd has closed the twinkling slightly, when their eyes pupil opens, discovered that the earth of under foot shivered more and more fiercely, bang the terrifying sound spread, looked again that Eight Diagrams design already vanished does not see, from that ground gulf, vast palaces, slowly raised from the earth, stirring! “破、破、破……”恐怖的光华照亮虚空,毁灭的力量冲天,人群的眼眸微微闭上了瞬息,等到他们眼眸睁开的时候,发现脚下的大地颤抖得越来越厉害了起来,轰隆隆的恐怖声响传出,再看那八卦图案早已消失不见,从那地面深坑当中,有一座浩瀚的宫殿,缓缓的从大地升起,震撼人心! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 771 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第771章 Palace address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 宫殿地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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