PMG :: Volume #3

#770: Revolts together

Lin Feng.” In this time, there is a sound together to transmit from some direction, eyesight of crowd has transferred, then saw that one line is throwing over dark Demon Shadow of black robe, these person of spirit are cold, as if came from the devil domain, the body is passing extremely indifferent spirit, this spirit, making the person not dare to approach, is the air/Qi of realm of the devil. 林枫。”就在此时,又有一道声音从某一方向传来,人群的目光转过,便看到一行披着黑袍的黑暗魔影,这些人一个个气息寒冷,仿佛来自恶魔领域,身上透着一股极其冷漠的气息,这股气息,让人不敢靠近,乃是魔道之气。 „The person of Fengtu demon sect, they also knew that Lin Feng is inadequate?” Many people are surprised extremely, how resemble many people, knows Lin Feng. “酆都魔宗的人,他们难道也认识林枫不成?”许多人都惊讶万分,怎么好像许多人,都知道林枫 The Fengtu demon sect is realm of the devil Sect, is inactive in the outside, and was inferior that the East China Sea dragon palace like that extends long the influence especially, therefore the person of Fengtu demon sect also knows Lin Feng, making people feel quite strangely. 酆都魔宗乃是魔道宗门,在外界并不活跃,并不如东海龙宫那般将势力伸得格外的长,因此酆都魔宗的人也认识林枫,让人感到颇为奇怪。 Lin Feng, the front door of my Fengtu demon sect, momentarily opens wide for you . Moreover, so long as you enter my demon sect, demon sect Jiangqing moves Demon Venerable for your master, knows your practice.” The person of that demon sect opens the mouth, lets eyesight of crowd is a fierce contraction, the Fengtu demon sect is the same with Deity Palace, is winning unexpectedly also over Lin Feng, wish makes Lin Feng join them, becomes one of them. 林枫,我酆都魔宗的大门,随时为你敞开,而且,只要你入我魔宗,魔宗将请动魔尊为你之师,知道你的修炼。”那魔宗之人开口,让人群的目光又是猛的一阵收缩,酆都魔宗和神宫一样,竟也在拉拢林枫,想要让林枫加入他们,成为他们中的一员。 Moreover, put forward extremely superior condition, so long as Lin Feng joined the demon sect, will invite Demon Venerable for his teacher, this treatment, shocking, Demon Venerable for the master, perhaps was the good deed that countless people had a dream cannot think. 而且,提出极其优越的条件,只要林枫加入魔宗,将请魔尊为他师尊,这待遇,让人震惊,魔尊为师,恐怕是无数人做梦都想不到的好事。 Lin Feng many thanks the good intention of senior, but Lin Feng, since entered Tianchi, then will again not change the mind.” Is showing the look of apology to that demon sect powerhouse, Lin Feng said together confidently, neither arrogant nor servile, he frightened the matter of outstanding heroes in Xue Yue Country with the demon sword perhaps is not the secret, the Fengtu demon sect, was realm of the devil Sect, if had no intention to his demon sword is impossible, naturally, besides the demon sword, can fall into the person of realm of the devil to this, perhaps the demon sect also liked. 林枫多谢前辈的好意,不过林枫既然已入天池,便不会再改变主意了。”对着那魔宗强者露出一道歉意的神色,林枫坦然说道,不卑不亢,在雪月国他以魔剑震慑群雄之事恐怕早已不是什么秘密,酆都魔宗,乃是魔道宗门,若是对他的魔剑无意是不可能的,当然,除了魔剑之外,对他这能够堕入魔道的人,恐怕魔宗也非常喜欢。 That that's the end of it, but the front door of Fengtu demon sect, momentarily opens wide for you.” That demon sect powerhouse said slowly that the demon sect, welcome Lin Feng to enter at all times. “那便罢了,不过酆都魔宗的大门,随时为你敞开。”那魔宗强者缓缓说道,魔宗,随时欢迎林枫进入。 Thanks.” The Lin Feng corners of the mouth are with the light smile, nod return a courtesy. “谢谢。”林枫嘴角含着淡淡微笑,点头回礼。 This fellow, what Dehe can, making so many strong presences so compete for him, tempts it by the huge benefit.” The Tianchi Xue and other people of Tianchi Xue peak the look at Lin Feng, eyesight are glittering unceasingly, Deity Palace wins over vigorously, allow by formidable cultivation technique martial skill, the Fengtu demon sect also wins over, allow takes Demon Venerable as the master. “这家伙,到底何德何能,让如此多的强大势力如此争夺他,以巨大的利益诱之。”天池雪天池雪峰之人看着林枫,目光不断的闪烁着,神宫极力拉拢,许之以强大的功法武技,酆都魔宗也拉拢,许之以魔尊为师。 The distant place, has Monster Beast and humanity as before toward here Ben to come, but sees this grave the periphery vast powerhouse, in very much then from Monster Beast, the steps marches forward toward the front, the eye pupils of many people are still searching, seems seeking for own team. 远处,依旧有妖兽和人类朝着这边奔来,不过看到这‘坟墓’周围的浩瀚强者,都在很远便从妖兽上下来,踏步朝着前方行进,许多人的眼眸还在不停的搜索着,似乎在寻找自己的队伍。 Mo Xi came.” At this time, Lin Feng Tang Youyou whispered, she has been waiting a moment ago, because she and Lin Feng arrived at the relations of Tianchi empire side, gets into a deadlock with Deity Palace, then Jun Mo Xi his position appeared somewhat awkward, at least she must officially inform one ahead of time, making Jun Mo Xi know fairly well. 莫惜来了。”就在这时候,林枫身边的唐幽幽低语了一声,她刚才一直在等,因为她和林枫都到了天池帝国这一方的关系,和神宫闹僵,那么君莫惜他的位置就显得有些尴尬了,至少她也要提前知会一声,让君莫惜心中有数。 Lin Feng hears Tang Youyou words eyesight to transfer slowly, Jun Mo Xi is Yun Fei Yang they come unexpectedly together, is realized likely anything, their eyesight saw Lin Feng and Tang Youyou instantaneously, the intuition of martial arts powerhouse, is extremely keen. 林枫听到唐幽幽的话目光缓缓转过,君莫惜竟是和云飞扬两人一块过来的,像是察觉到了什么般,两人的目光瞬间就看到了林枫唐幽幽,武道强者的直觉,可是极其的敏锐。 Lin Feng.” Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang eyesight concentrates, Lin Feng, as if returned to normal, eyesight is limpid, this makes them also slightly relax. 林枫。”君莫惜云飞扬目光都是一凝,林枫,似乎已经恢复正常,目光清澈,这让他们也稍微松了口气。 The personal appearance twinkle, they arrive at Lin Feng and Tang Youyou side quickly, numerous powerhouses in Tianchi stare slightly, how to have them . Moreover the strength is very strong, particularly Jun Mo Xi, Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, spirit does not have the mighty waves tranquilly, is having several points of immeasurably deep meaning. 身形闪烁,两人快步来到林枫唐幽幽的身边,天池的众多强者微微一愣,怎么又多出了两人,而且实力还很强,尤其是君莫惜,玄武境九重,气息平静没有波澜,带着几分深不可测之意。 Lin Feng, were you all right?” Jun Mo Xi opens the mouth to ask directly, immediately these people understood immediately, is looks for Lin Feng. 林枫,你没事了?”君莫惜直接开口问道,顿时那些人立即都明白了过来,又是来找林枫的。 Lin Feng.” The eye pupil of Yun Fei Yang is also staring at Lin Feng, on that day they were see with one's own eyes Lin Feng to fall into the realm of the devil, sped along to go, they worried really Lin Feng fell into murdering in the middle of without limits since then, is good compared with they imagined is much better because of the present Lin Feng situation, they also think that here could not see Lin Feng. 林枫。”云飞扬的眼眸也盯着林枫,那一日他们都是亲眼看到林枫堕入魔道,飞驰而去的,他们真担心林枫从此陷入无止境的杀伐当中,好在现在林枫的情况比他们想象中的要好很多,他们还以为在这里见不到林枫 Relax, I now am very normal.” Lin Feng has shown a happy expression, making their thorough relaxing, Lin Feng work loose unexpectedly from the realm of the devil, was quite rare. “放心,我现在很正常。”林枫露出了一丝笑意,让两人彻底的松了口气,林枫竟然从魔道中挣脱出来了,好难得。 „When Lin Feng, I heard the antiquity had a giant stele to spread, can suppress to execute the god demon, the strength was intrepid, has the unsurpassed magical powers supernatural power, this stone named Demon Seal stele, but passed on a message the Demon Seal stele to disrupt, changed to different Demon Seal steles scattered in disorder in the mainland different places, was containing the fearful magical powers will as before, so long as you obtained the Demon Seal stele together, can demon sword suppression.” 林枫,我听闻上古之时有一巨大石碑流传下来,能够镇压诛神魔,力量强悍无边,拥有无上神通法力,此石名为封魔石碑,不过传言封魔石碑已碎裂开来,化作许多不同的封魔石碑散乱在大陆不同的地方,依旧蕴含着可怕的神通意志,只要你得到一块封魔石碑,就可以将身上的魔剑镇压。” Jun Mo Xi was saying revealed has wiped the happy expression: Now has not needed it seems like, since you returned to normal, thinks that also had has coped with the means of that demon sword.” 君莫惜说着露出了一抹笑意:“不过现在看来没有必要了,你既然已经恢复正常,想必也已经有了对付那魔剑的办法。” Lin Feng has gawked slightly, immediately has shown a happy expression, is the Demon Seal stele, Jun Mo Xi inquired, he has done now, perhaps if not for the Demon Seal stele, his demon sword has not controlled. 林枫微微愣了下,随即露出了一丝笑意,又是封魔石碑,君莫惜打听到的,正是他现在已经做了的,若不是封魔石碑,他的魔剑恐怕还没有控制。 Mo Xi, you also said that the Demon Seal stele is split up, disperses in many corners of mainland, how can I be able to find this Demon Seal stele?” Lin Feng asked one. 莫惜,你也说封魔石碑四分五裂,分散在大陆的许多角落,那我要如何才能找到这封魔石碑?”林枫问了一声。 Saw only the brow of Jun Mo Xi to wrinkle slightly, said in a low voice: In the middle of Dry Region, the mountain valley was called the valley of death, it is said inside had extremely formidable devil, who entered, must die without doubt, however the innumerable years, devil never jumped over the death mountain valley half step, the rumor, had the supernatural object to suppress that unparalleled devil, this suppressed the devil supernatural object, it is said was a huge Demon Seal stele.” 只见君莫惜的眉头微微皱了起来,低声道:“在乾域当中,有一处山谷被称为死亡之谷,据说里面拥有极其强大的魔头,谁进入其中,必死无疑,然而无数年来,魔头从未越死亡山谷半步,传言,有神物将那盖世魔头镇压住,这镇压魔头的神物,据说就是一块巨大的封魔石碑。” You are thinking that Demon Seal stele unparalleled devil can suppress continually, can it be that we can attain, moreover that mountain valley, since were called the death mountain valley, who went in who died, we wanted the Demon Seal stele, didn't have the opportunity?” Lin Feng asked to make noise, Jun Mo Xi nodded, Lin Feng analysis indeed was in his heart thinks that the Demon Seal stele was the god stone that the antiquity spread, can suppress including unparalleled devil, Lin Feng seized the Demon Seal stele, was not a narrow escape is anything. “你是不是在想那封魔石碑连盖世魔头都能镇压,岂是我们能够拿到的,况且那山谷既然被称为死亡山谷,谁进去谁死,我们想要封魔石碑,根本没机会?”林枫问出声来,君莫惜点了点头,林枫分析的的确是他心中所想,封魔石碑乃是上古流传下来的神石,连盖世魔头都能镇压,林枫去夺封魔石碑,不是九死一生是什么。 Mo Xi, was laborious you.” In the Lin Feng eye has revealed color of the gratitude, this grade of news, is not perhaps easy to obtain, since Jun Mo Xi knows that obviously he cares about oneself this friend, has been paying attention to this matter. 莫惜,辛苦你了。”林枫的眼中露出了一丝感激之色,这等消息,恐怕也不是那么容易得到的吧,既然君莫惜知道,显然他真的在乎自己这朋友,一直关注着此事。 You are all right well then.” Jun Mo Xi shook the head saying: Was right, can you, how here?” “你没事便好。”君莫惜摇了摇头道:“对了,你们两人,怎会在这里?” He noted certainly Lin Feng and Tang Youyou position there, they not in the Deity Palace camp, but periphery this group of people. 他当然注意到了林枫唐幽幽所处的位置是在那里,他们没有在神宫的阵营,而是跟着周围这群人。 That day in Xue yue, the person of Deity Palace already arrived obviously, had not actually gotten rid, looks that the Lin Feng family member friend was killed, he is in danger until Lin Feng, they appear.” Yun Fei Yang that day also at the scene, naturally understands whole story, although Deity Palace is not the direct murderer, but they have the opportunity to protect the Lin Feng family member friend not to have obviously, if said that Lin Feng can also the representative Deity Palace difference mystical place, is impossible, is he cannot. “那日在雪月,神宫之人明明早已到达,却一直未曾出手,看着林枫亲人朋友被人所杀,直到林枫他自己遇险,他们才出现。”云飞扬那日也在现场,自然明白其中原委,虽神宫并非是直接凶手,但他们明明有机会护住林枫的亲人朋友却没有,若说林枫还能代表神宫出入秘境,绝不可能,是他也不会。 Jun Mo Xi hears in this word eye to flash through heterochrosis, man's heart unfathomable, Lin Feng has the friendly reason with Deity Palace obviously, by so the treatment, all, all could not actually be escaped of a character advantages. 君莫惜听到此言眼中闪过一丝异色,人心叵测,林枫明明与神宫结下善缘,却也遭如此待遇,一切,皆逃不过利之一字。 Two may be willing to enter my Tianchi.” At this time, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak snow hawk was saying to the Jun Mo Xi two people: My Tianchi attaches great importance to the talent, enters Tianchi, obtains all that to be possible to enjoy in the mystical place, even my Tianchi powerhouses will be auxiliary you to practice, enters Tianchi, the request, then do not can only betray my Tianchi.” “两位可愿意入我天池。”此时,天璇峰雪鹰对着君莫惜二人说道:“我天池最重视天才,入天池者,在秘境中得到的一切皆可自己享有,甚至我天池强者还会辅助你们修炼,入天池,唯有一个要求,便是不得背叛我天池。” I am Crown Prince Dragon Mountain Empire, he is Crown Prince Mo Yue Country.” Jun Mo Xi was saying to the snow hawk. “我是龙山帝国太子,他则是摩越国太子。”君莫惜对着雪鹰说道。 Unobstructive, Dragon Mountain Empire and Mo Yue Country may form an alliance with the Tianchi empire, you enter Tianchi to calculate the member in Tianchi empire, but Tianchi does not limit your other status, for example, Dragon Mountain Empire and Mo Yue Country king.” The snow hawk understands that Jun Mo Xi this word meaning, opens the mouth slowly. “无碍,龙山帝国摩越国可与天池帝国结盟,你们入天池算天池帝国的一份子,但天池不限制你们其它身份,比如,龙山帝国摩越国君王。”雪鹰明白君莫惜此言含义,缓缓开口。 Tianchi, was too rather rampant a point, wants including my Deity Palace person.” At this time, putting out together sound that north lets somebody cool off or calm down deeply, the complexion is not quite attractive, loses Lin Feng then also to consider as finished, Jun Mo Xi is the talent different reported similarly that past captured the fourth seat in the Xue Yu (continent) big ratio, Yun Fei Yang, was very fierce. “天池,未免太嚣张了一点,连我神宫的人也要。”此时,北冥冷冷的吐出一道声音,脸色不大好看,失去林枫便也算了,君莫惜同样是天赋异禀,昔日在雪域大比夺得第四席位,云飞扬,也很厉害。 I invited, what to come was rampant, how as to choose, they decided that my Tianchi never demanded in people.” The snow hawk satire makes noise, the monster different eye pupil is staring north deep, seems is ridiculing Deity Palace. “我只是邀请而已,何来嚣张,至于如何选择,他们自己决定,我天池从不强求于人。”雪鹰讽刺出声,妖异的眼眸盯着北冥,似乎是在嘲笑神宫 I hope into Tianchi.” Jun Mo Xi opens the mouth saying that lets northern deep eye pupil that just wants to speak one stiff. “我愿入天池。”君莫惜开口说道,让刚想说话的北冥眼眸一僵。 I am also.” Yun Fei Yang echoes one, the northern deep complexion is getting more and more ugly immediately. “我也是。”云飞扬附和一声,北冥的脸色顿时越来越难看起来。 Palace lord, past Lin Feng is the person of half Deity Palace, will enter the mystical place on behalf of Deity Palace, however the life and death crisis time, Deity Palace does not give a thought to his family member safety, bitterly disappointing, that time Lin Feng also had the enormous value to Deity Palace, in addition so, I cannot guarantee after we captured the treasure of mystical place, whether Deity Palace will silence a witness of crime, trusted aides are eliminated after they have outlived their usefulness.” “宫主,昔日林枫已经算是半个神宫之人,将代表神宫进入秘境,然而生死危机时候,神宫不顾他家人安危,让人心寒,那时的林枫神宫还有极大的价值尚且如此,我不敢保证等我们夺得了秘境之宝后,神宫是否会杀人灭口、兔死狗烹。” The Jun Mo Xi sound healthy tendency, as if noble spirits bloom, in addition Lin Feng so the treatment, who knows that other people enter Deity Palace to encounter anything. 君莫惜声音正气,仿佛有一股浩然之气绽放而出,林枫尚且如此待遇,谁知道其他人入神宫能遭遇什么。 The people felt that Jun Mo Xi said rational, despised to Deity Palace secretly, the matter of oneself behavior caused this grade of result cheaply, Ping Bai Tianchi, no wonder other people. 众人都感觉君莫惜所言有理,对神宫暗自鄙夷,自己所为之事导致这等结果,平白便宜了天池,也怪不得他人。 Deity Palace!” Purple gold Dragon King heaved a deep sigh, in the sound of this sigh the meaning of taunt extremely rich, seemed is satirizing incompetent of Deity Palace. 神宫啊!”紫金龙王长叹一声,这叹息之声中嘲讽之意极其的浓郁,仿佛是在讽刺神宫之无能。 In good condition conducts any Xue Yu (continent) big ratio, the expenditure that big energy resources, finally completely Ping Bai cheap other people.” The cold sound spreads together, north deep looked at one toward the person of speech, is the eastern Deity Palace palace lord, north this lets deep is the innermost feelings is angrier, ice-cold has swept Lin Feng and the others, leaves in a huff, in the heart has the murderous intention to flash through! “好端端的举办什么雪域大比,花费那么大的精力资源,结果全部平白便宜了他人。”一道冷声传出,北冥朝着说话之人看了一眼,是东神宫宫主,这让北冥更是内心愤怒,冰冷的扫了林枫等人一眼,拂袖而去,心中却有杀机闪过! : Thanks 61 brother to hit to enjoy, thanks the understanding and support of brothers! :谢谢61兄打赏,谢谢兄弟们的理解和支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 770 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第770章 Revolts the address for the chapter that together, if you think is good please do not 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