PMG :: Volume #3

#783: Tang Youyou palm strength

Strikes to kill the person of opposite party, Lin Feng takes down their Chu ring directly, wipes mark that extinguishes them to leave behind, in the thing will take. 击杀对方之人,林枫直接取下他们身上的储物戒指,抹灭他们留下的印记,将里面之物取出来。 Can be qualified for the person in mystical place, is in the Dry Region big influence the most outstanding disciple, these people obviously are also, their family properties also are quite but actually rich, have many Yuan stone Lingbao, naturally most makes Lin Feng care, is one page of scriptures, on two people have, is sending out the radiant silver ray in this page of scriptures unexpectedly, above portrays one set of step, just likes Mi Wen the same step, immeasurably deep, but looked that on must fall into probably. 能够有资格进入秘境的人,都是乾域大势力中最优秀的弟子,这些人显然也是,他们的家底倒也颇为丰厚,有着许多元石灵宝,当然最让林枫在意的,还是一页经书,有两个人身上有,在这一页经书竟散发着璀璨的银色光芒,上面刻画着一套步伐,犹如秘纹一样的步法,深不可测,只是看一眼就好像要陷入其中。 Good exquisite step.” Lin Feng is staring at the steps on that page of scriptures, such as the Saint mark is the same, as if he will move, the fairy not measures and drifts from place to place, extremely mysterious. “好精湛的步法。”林枫盯着那一页经书上的步法,如圣纹一样,仿佛他自己会动,神鬼莫测、飘忽不定,极其的玄妙。 Moreover, this should be only in Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics in which one page of formidable step, moreover is the imitation, because these two pages of scriptures are exactly the same, true scriptures is impossible to appear in the hand of Free And Unfettered Gate person, but this imitation so was unexpectedly fierce, it seems like that the opposite party said that has certain authenticity, Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics, perhaps was really formidable incomparable magical powers scriptures, exceedingly high penetrating place. 而且,这应该只是逍遥古经中强大步法的其中一页,而且是仿制的,因为这两页经书是一模一样的,真正的经书不可能出现在逍遥门人的手上,但这仿制的竟然就已经如此厉害了,看来对方所言有一定的真实性,逍遥古经,也许真是一部强大无比的神通经书,通天彻地。 Youyou, this scriptures you are taking the practice, is helpful to your movement, we are unable to stay for a long time here, on stone cliff behind sword type I could not comprehend for a while, prepared their 11 tracing.” Lin Feng has given Tang Youyou one page of scriptures, oneself have left behind one page. 幽幽,这张经书你拿着修炼,对你身法有帮助,我们在这里恐怕也无法久留,石壁上后面的剑式我一时也领悟不了,准备将它们11临摹。”林枫将一页经书递给了唐幽幽,自己留下了一页。 Um.” Tang Youyou nodded, rushes to the crowd that here came to be getting more and more, remains also to encounter many problems, Lin Feng wants the peaceful practice to be unlikely, only then left to tracing in the mind the Saint mark on stone cliff. “嗯。”唐幽幽点头,赶到这边来的人群已经越来越多了,留下来也会遇到不少的麻烦,林枫想要安静的修炼根本不大可能,只有将石壁上的圣纹给临摹在脑海当中离开。 However this tracing Saint mark is not a simple matter, in 80 sword marks is containing the formidable charm together, wants to trace the charm of this will even deep meaning, consumes the spirit extremely. 不过这临摹圣纹也不是一件简单之事,80一道剑痕之中都蕴含着强大的神韵,想要将这种意志甚至奥义之神韵临摹下来,极耗精神。 Lin Feng sits cross-legged to sit, from first start, tracing, most that front nine moves of sword he comprehends, therefore traces to be quite simple, but exceed arrived at the following difficulty more, has traces the designs of 56 sword to need to rest, the energetic stabbing pain, was hard to withstand. 林枫盘膝而坐,从第一幅开始,一幅幅临摹,前面的九招剑式他领悟的最多,因此临摹起来比较简单,而越到后面难度越多,有是临摹了56副剑之图案就需要休息一下,精神刺痛,难以承受。 However in the Lin Feng heart does not have the least bit to complain that instead is tracing diligently, the designs of these 81 swords may be the genuine treasures, he comprehended a moment ago, directly by normalizing sword Secret Art first ten thousand sword normalizing thorough thoroughly comprehending that oneself practice, has one's wish, the thought moves concentrates ten million/countless getting sick sword, the thought moves ten thousand sword normalizing again, releases the sword wave to be dreadful, murders all, formidable such as these Free And Unfettered Gate disciples collapse at the first blow, this is the celestial pole martial skill might after comprehension. 不过林枫心中没有半点埋怨,反而勤勤恳恳的临摹着,这81幅剑之图案可都是真正的宝物,他刚才领悟了一番,直接让自己修炼的归一剑诀第一式万剑归一彻底的悟透,随心所欲,意念一动凝千万病剑,意念再动万剑归一,释放出来剑浪滔天,杀伐一切,强大如那些逍遥门的弟子都不堪一击,这就是领悟后的天极武技威力。 If Lin Feng can the stone cliff designs on 81 sword comprehend truly completely thoroughly, his striking power does not know that can formidable many, what a pity by the present Lin Feng boundary he know this is very difficult. 若是林枫真正能够将石壁上的81幅剑之图案全部领悟透彻,他的攻击力不知道能强大多少,可惜以如今林枫的境界他知道这很难。 Tang Youyou cultivates that mysterious step in the middle of the dispirited garden, merely is one page of scriptures, makes the Tang Youyou complete mind sink cultivates unable to extricate oneself slowly, obviously is containing the how mysterious ability, does not know that true Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics can be what kind powerful, the faintly recognizable step that not only perhaps on this page of scriptures records, has practiced true Free And Unfettered Ancient Classics, perhaps really can should that to ramble two characters, no matter what the world rambles. 唐幽幽在颓废的花园当中修炼那玄妙的步法,仅仅是一页经书,就让唐幽幽全部心神沉入其中慢慢修炼无法自拔,可见其中蕴含着多么玄妙的能力,不知道真正的逍遥古经会是何等的强悍,恐怕就不只是这一页经书上所记载的飘渺之步了,修炼了真正的逍遥古经,也许真能应那逍遥二字,天地任逍遥。 After one day, in the middle of the garden, together the shuttle twinkle of graceful form in the garden, completely is shadows, this step dances just like the beautiful woman, ramble intoxicant, extremely beautiful, probably is the fairy maiden in the game flowering shrubs, to person an aesthetic sense of being enchanted by. 一日之后,花园当中,一道曼妙的身影在花园中穿梭闪烁,全部都是一道道影子,这步法宛若美人起舞,逍遥醉人,极其的美丽,就好像是仙子在游戏花丛,给人一种迷醉的美感。 Shouted......” the sound of expiration to spread together, the body of Tang Youyou stopped, the fragrant perspiration was dripping, the micro respite, this ramble step was mysterious, although fierce, even without thousand shades, as if transformed the innumerable shadows, but also the consumption energy extremely, for a long time used unexpectedly feels unexpectedly somewhat cannot endure, perhaps this was the reason that she has not understood completely, understood completely truly, the step only then rambled. “呼……”一道吐气之声传出,唐幽幽的身体止住,香汗淋漓,微有一丝喘息,这逍遥步法玄妙无比,虽厉害非常,即便不用千影,也仿佛幻化出了无数影子,不过竟也极其的耗费精力,长时间使用竟感觉有些吃不消,也许这是她还未彻悟的缘故,真正彻悟了,步法只有逍遥。 Turned head to look in a house Lin Feng before stone cliff, he was tracing that 81 designs as before, but is the final nine designs. 回头看了一眼房屋中石壁前的林枫,他依旧在临摹着那81幅图案,不过已经是最后的九幅图案了。 Strokes has blocked the sending silk of corner of the eye, on the face of Tang Youyou has a ruddiness, revealed has wiped the bright smiling face, in the heart the secret passage: Previous time in dropping day mountain range, I also obtained one set of formidable incomparable palm strength, what a pity also has thoroughly comprehended the superficial knowledge to the present, the 81 designs on this wall are exquisite, I wait and see carefully perhaps comprehend that set of palm law to me also helpful.” 拂过挡住眼角的发丝,唐幽幽的脸上有一丝红润,露出了一抹灿烂的笑容,心中暗道:“上次在堕天山脉,我也得到了一套强大无比的掌力,可惜到现在还只是悟透了皮毛,这墙壁上的81幅图案精妙复杂,我仔细观望也许对我领悟那套掌法也有帮助。” Then, Tang Youyou arrives at Lin Feng, observing and emulating the above design, archaism to have the words and ten thousand laws to be interlinked, arrived at certain boundary truly, can comprehend one magical powers strength, to comprehending other different magical powers magic arts similarly will have the enormous help, the perception of person, more develops is stronger, forever has not been broken to the world. 说罢,唐幽幽走到林枫的身后,观摩着上面的一幅幅图案,古语有言、万法相通,真正到达了一定的境界,能够领悟其中一种神通力量,对领悟另外不同的神通法术也同样会有极大的帮助,人之悟性,越开发越强,永远没有穷极。 This final nine designs are most difficult to trace, immeasurably deep, passed the half day time, Lin Feng finally in tracing that remaining most complex designs, the Saint mark design, he must carve the essence of design completely in the head, must spend the biggest mind to do this matter. 这最后的九副图案是最难临摹的,深不可测,又过去了半日时间,林枫终于在临摹那剩下最复杂的图案,圣纹图案,他要将图案的精髓全部刻在脑袋里面,就必须花费最大的心神去做这件事。 Um?” Had the rumor to stroke at this time, the Tang Youyou body fluttered, arrived at outside instantaneously, saw only has two forms to descend in the roof, took a fast look around the corpse of Tang Youyou as well as ground, eyesight unknowingly looked that to the stone cliff room that Lin Feng was. “嗯?”就在这时候有风声拂过,唐幽幽身体飘动,瞬间来到了外面,只见有两道身影降落在屋顶,扫视了一眼唐幽幽以及地面的尸体,目光不经意间看向林枫所在的石壁房间。 What treasure in this is?” One of them was asking to Tang Youyou, the eyesight twinkle, has not acted rashly. “这里面是什么宝物?”其中一人对着唐幽幽问了一声,目光闪烁,没有轻举妄动。 In the ground that is lying down corpses, making them discrete, can enter the people in mystical place not to be simple, but here was killed these many people unexpectedly. 地面上那躺着的一具具尸体,让他们谨慎,能进入秘境的人都不简单,但这里竟然被杀了这么多人。 These corpses, deter, in this much time of this day many humanities think a view, but saw after the corpse, gave up this plan. 这些尸体,就是威慑,这这一天多的时间中不少人本想下来一观,但看到尸体后都放弃了这种打算。 At the same time Swordsmanship stone cliff, but some people have been using, if you want to use, can outside, not probably the present disturb other people to practice.” Tang Youyou defends before the gate, chilly putting out together sound. “一面剑道石壁,不过已经有人在用了,若是你们想要用的话,可以在外面等,不得现在打扰他人修炼。”唐幽幽守在门前,清冷的吐出一道声音。 Tone is big, since saw the treasure, this people together share, you monopolize in this unexpectedly, making other people wait, unconsciously some excessively?” That person opens the mouth once again, although said that but has not acted rashly as before: You whether to make way, lets our view, what is the treasure in this stone cliff?” “口气好大,既然看到了宝物,就该众人一起分享,你们竟然在此独享,让他人等候,不觉有些过分吗?”那人再度开口,虽这么说,但依旧没有轻举妄动:“你可否让开,让我们一观,这石壁中的宝物到底是什么?” You , to be the same with them, can try.” The corpse on Tang Youyou finger of tread said that making their eyesight concentrate, stared at one mutually. “你若是想和他们一样,可以试一试。”唐幽幽指着地面上的尸体说道,让两人的目光一凝,相互凝望了一眼。 Your cultivation base is not high, tone is but actually big, makes me try, you so are why wild.” A that person of footsteps cross, void palm oppresses toward Tang Youyou, the rushing strength drops from the clouds, is containing the infinity strength. “你修为不高,口气倒大,就让我试一试,你凭什么如此猖狂。”那人脚步一跨,虚空一掌朝着唐幽幽压迫过来,澎湃的力量从天而降,蕴含着无穷大力道。 The Tang Youyou body trembles, changes to together the graceful shadow, airborne is treading the marvelous step, shades of the beautiful ramble reappear in void, the strolling light dance, making the person be enchanted by. 唐幽幽身体一颤,化作一道曼妙的影子,空中踏着奇妙的步法,一道道美丽的逍遥之影在虚空中浮现,漫步轻舞,让人迷醉。 Um?” That person of palm strength is unable to start, does not know that this bang to which position, this step is quite exquisite, illusory, ramble invisible. “嗯?”那人的掌力似无从下手,不知道该轰向哪个位置,这步法好精湛,虚无缥缈,逍遥无形。 Dies out greatly.” That person drinks one coldly, the double palm rumbles, covers a piece of space, which regardless of you to must oppress to be killed by shock you. “大寂灭。”那人冷喝一声,双掌一齐轰出,将一片空间都笼罩,无论你到哪都要将你压迫震死。 The Tang Youyou body enters Qing Ying, strolls in the middle of the palm law slit, even if were oppressed fiercely by this palm strength, but his step rambles as before, making the two approve one. 唐幽幽身入清影,漫步在掌法缝隙当中,即便被这掌力压迫得厉害,但他的步法依旧逍遥,让那两人赞了一声。 Gu brother, they really seized the Free And Unfettered Gate mysterious step, takes her.” Moreover that stands above person opens the mouth saying that making the Tang Youyou mind one cold, originally these people do not come to stone cliff, but is knew that these dead are the Free And Unfettered Gate people, comes to the ramble step, this set of step was really being kept thinking about by many people, naturally without doubt is also proving fierce of step. “古兄,他们果然夺了逍遥门的神奇步法,拿下她。”另外那站在上空的人开口说道,让唐幽幽心神一凛,原来这些人不是冲着石壁而来,而是认识那些死者是逍遥门人,也是冲着逍遥步法而来的,这套步法果然被许多人惦记着,当然也无疑证明着步法的厉害。 Knows.” Person of double palm that attack fierce trembles void, the pressure of rushing such as a great mountain same crushes, deadlocks the space, must Tang Youyou grinding the smashing. “知道。”那攻击之人双掌猛的一颤虚空,澎湃之压力如一座巨山一样压倒下来,将空间都锁死,要将唐幽幽给碾成粉碎。 Sees the palm strength that this rushes, in the Tang Youyou mind the miraculous glow dodges, the memory deep place, a giant boundless big palm strength oppresses from the space, is unable Wu Tian, to destroy completely the world bang. 看到这澎湃的掌力,唐幽幽的脑海中灵光一闪,记忆深处,一巨大无边的大掌力从天上压迫下来,无法无天,要将天地都轰灭掉。 The body trembles, the eye pupil of Tang Youyou closes slightly, tracks down diligently this is wiping the miraculous glow, the footsteps as before that mysteriously, shuttles back and forth in void, her body penetrates that suddenly such as the mountain palm strength, arrives at the sky of opposite party, immediately the double palm is uneven, bang the sound of boundless shock spreads, the person of Gu only felt that gloomily, is unable the Wu Tian palm strength to be true dying out. 身体一颤,唐幽幽的眼眸微微闭上,努力追寻着这一抹灵光,脚步依旧是那么的玄妙,在虚空中穿梭,她的身体突然间穿透那如山的掌力,到达对方的上空,随即双掌齐出,轰隆的无边震撼之声传出,那古姓之人只感觉天昏地暗了起来,无法无天的掌力是真正的寂灭。 Bang!” The sound of biography terrifying trembling, the person of Gu directly was shaken into the bottom, the skeleton was shattered, calls out pitifully. “轰!”恐怖的震颤之声传,那古姓之人直接被震入地底,骨骼破碎,惨叫一声。 Another person saw that this personal appearance dodges, abandons the friend unexpectedly directly, escapes to leave, that palm strength was quite a moment ago fearful. 另外一人看到这一幕身形一闪,竟直接将朋友抛弃,远遁离开,刚才那掌力好可怕。 The person of Gu gets angry eats delicacies, similarly distant runs away to leave, Tang Youyou has not chased down, at this moment her eye pupil opens, looks at own both hands, shows the inconceivable look, in the middle of dropping day mountain range as if only then she and Lin Feng captured the heavy treasure, that is unable the Wu Tian palm strength to be she obtains, the sudden miraculous glow flashed to use a moment ago, the might so is unexpectedly terrorist! 古姓之人怒啸一声,同样远远的逃遁离开,唐幽幽没有追杀,此刻她的眼眸睁开,看着自己的双手,露出不可思议的神色,在堕天山脉当中似乎只有她和林枫夺得了重宝,那无法无天的掌力就是她得到的,刚才突然灵光闪动使用出来,威力竟如此恐怖! : The egg has hurt, before down has not spent, two three have not spent! :蛋疼了,五更也没花,两更三更也没花! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 783 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第783章 Tang Youyou palm strength address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 唐幽幽的掌力地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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