PMG :: Volume #3

#767: Airborne meet

The fog of monster billowing and terrifying spookiness dissipation gradually, under tumbles also restores justice, the inside surrounded crowd raises head to look at the sky the light, probably obtained newborn, on the face reappeared has wiped the happy expression. 滚滚而恐怖的妖气渐渐的消散,下方翻滚的妖之云雾也拨云见日,里面被困住的人群仰头看着天空的光明,就好像获得了新生般,脸上都浮现了一抹笑意。 That spookiness was too a moment ago fearful, their in dire straits burying in inside, their one bunch bright could not see, particularly sky over the top of the head fearful spookiness as if must make them suffocate the death, moved does not dare to move, does not dare to clash. 刚才那股妖气太可怕了,将他们都困死埋葬在了里面,他们连一束光明都看不见,尤其是头顶上空的可怕妖气仿佛要让他们窒息死亡,动都不敢动,也不敢冲出去。 Not is only these talent disciples so, even if that seven snow hawks is the same, does not dare to move heedlessly in the spookiness. 不仅是那些天才弟子如此,即便是那七头雪鹰都一样,在妖气当中不敢乱动。 But now restores justice, the spookiness vanishes, how they can not be unhappy, probably is unexpectedly finds a way out to be the same, they feared a moment ago really that fearful spookiness directly embezzling massacres them. 而如今拨云见日,妖气消失,他们怎能不喜,就好像是绝处逢生一样,刚才他们真怕那股可怕的妖气直接将他们给吞没杀掉。 Sees only Lin Feng and Tang Youyou stands in the same place, Lin Feng eyesight is staring at the distant place, is having several points of indifferent meaning, as if the distant place has any thing to attract his attention, this makes the crowd heart have the meaning of several points of doubts, does not know that Lin Feng he experienced anything a moment ago. 只见林枫唐幽幽站在一块,林枫目光盯着远方,带着几分冷漠之意,似乎远方有什么事物吸引着他的注意般,这让人群心头生出几分疑惑之意,不知道刚才林枫他到底经历了什么。 Does this spookiness come from where? Why also diverges suddenly? Lin Feng, he definitely knows. 这股妖气从何而来?又为何突然散去?林枫,他一定知道。 Was right, that small monster?” At this time, they discovered that has liked staying in Lin Feng shoulder the trace of small monster vanishes to disappear, this made their eyesight slightly coagulate, Lin Feng to that beautiful snow white Monster Beast, but unusual attaching great importance, for she almost directly Bai Li Xi killing, but at this moment, vanished unexpectedly does not see, this has to let people mental association, only if were as a last resort, otherwise Lin Feng was impossible to make that small monster leave side him. “对了,那头小妖呢?”就在这时候,他们发现一直喜欢呆在林枫肩头的小妖的踪影消失不见了,这让他们的目光都微微凝固了下,林枫对那头美丽的雪白妖兽可是非常的重视,为了她差点就直接将百里奚给杀死了,但此刻,竟然消失不见,这不得不让众人联想,除非是万不得已,否则林枫不可能让那小妖离开他身边的。 Because of this fearful spookiness?” eyesight of people coagulates slightly, if the spookiness of that terrifying comes to that small monster, was too terrifying. “难道是因为这股可怕的妖气?”众人的目光微微凝固,那恐怖的妖气若是冲着那小妖而来,就太恐怖了。 We start off.” In a mouth of snow hawk puts out the sound, Lin Feng has turned round together, in the heart heaved a deep sigh, does not go to think, now, he only had the pursue strength. “我们上路吧。”一头雪鹰的嘴中吐出一道声音,林枫回过身来,心中长叹一声,不去想、现在,他唯有追求实力。 With the Tang Youyou same place, his body descended in carrying on the back of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak snow hawk, the snow hawk spread the wings to move, changed to the rainbow, continued to start off, that fearful spookiness wound around a moment ago as in the heart, but is not perhaps able to untie, Lin Feng will not tell them. 唐幽幽一起,他的身体降落在了其中天璇峰雪鹰的背上,雪鹰展翅而动,化作长虹,继续上路,刚才那可怕的妖气依旧缭绕在心头,不过恐怕无法解开了,林枫也不会告诉他们。 The earth of under foot unceasing is fluctuating, has flown the innumerable states, in an instant is two days of time passes, the crowd does not even know one were where. 脚下的大地不断的变幻着,飞过无数个国度,转眼间又是两天时间过去,人群甚至都已经不知道自己身在何处了。 Eyah!” The snow hawk exudes together sharp howl, immediately the body bird's eye view, empties to go toward below, lets the pupil fierce contraction of crowd, can arrive? “咿呀!”雪鹰发出一道锐利的啸声,随即身体俯瞰而下,朝着下空而去,让人群的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,难道要到了吗? Earth gradually became must clear, the snow hawk landed on a kilometer upper air, below land was clear. 大地渐渐的变得清晰了起来,雪鹰降落在了千米的高空,下方的土地一目了然。 On the vast boundless yellow earth, completely is the wooded mountain lakes, many wilderness, are passing continuously uncultivated land ancient spirit, as if this lands had been through repeatedly the innumerable year of glorious years. 浩瀚无际的黄土地上,全部都是山林湖泊,还有许多处荒野,透着一缕缕荒古的气息,仿佛这片土地已经历经了无数年的悠久岁月。 Has the person.” “有人。” At this time, eyesight of crowd has glittered slightly, saw only the distant place to have other powerhouses to come in waves, they were riding formidable Monster Beast similarly, on the form as for Monster Beast, majority was the same with them, was very young, naturally, there is an age large person, but their cultivation base without exception, were almost under Tian Qi, the summit of Xuan Qi. 这时候,人群的目光微微闪烁了下,只见远处有其他强者滚滚而来,他们同样乘坐着强大的妖兽,至于妖兽上的身影,大多数都和他们一样,很年轻,当然,也有年纪颇大之人,但他们的修为无一例外,几乎都是天武之下,玄武之巅。 The especially thoses age large character, spirit arrived at the Xuan Qi peak, touched the Tian Qi barrier, as if momentarily possibly broke through steps into Tian Qi, was only the error in thought. 尤其是那些年纪颇大的人物,一个个气息已经到达了玄武的巅峰,都触摸到了天武的壁垒,仿佛随时可能突破踏入天武,只是一念之差。 They are old, cultivation base is the same with these youth, this means that their talents are inferior to the person, does not have these youth, perhaps is inferior to these talents in many aspects, naturally, they have their superiority, is experienced and mature, although is unable to break through here builds, but cultivation base is Xuan Qi Layer most peak, immersed in many years, extremely stable. 他们年纪大,修为却和那些青年一样,这意味着他们的天赋不如人,没有这些青年强,也许在很多方面都不如那些天才,当然,他们也有自己的优势,老练、成熟,虽然无法冲破这壁垒,但修为已经是玄武境最巅峰的了,沉浸在其中多年,极其的稳固。 They compared with youth talent few one point of frivolous, naturally, will be few one point of impulse, because cannot break through Tian Qi, must be the mood has the issue, does not have that formidable will with irresistible force. 他们会比青年天才少一分轻浮,当然,也会少一分冲劲,因为不能突破天武,必是心境有问题,没有那种势如破竹的强大意志。 The major influences select the person to enter mystical place to have the different choices, the Tianchi Xue peak, has chosen a youth generation of talent, making them experience this life and death to be informed and experienced, has extremely big quenchinging effect to them, if they obtained the treasure, belongs to them. 各大势力择人进入秘境自有不同的选择,天池雪峰,都是选择了青年一辈的天才,让他们经历这种生死历练,对他们有极其大的淬炼效果,若是他们得到了宝物,也归属于他们自己。 These crowds also saw the crowd of Tianchi, eyesight looks like toward here, the double pupil collision, as if sharp spirit puncture the space. 那些人群也看到了天池的人群,目光朝着这边看来,双眸碰撞,仿佛有一股锋锐的气息刺破空间。 Comes here person, comes for the mystical place, they, will become the enemies. 来这里的人,都是为了秘境而来,他们,将成为敌人。 Is the person in Tianchi empire.” That side some people have recognized the Tianchi Xue peak people, the Monster Beast snow hawk, wears the Big Dipper clothing, is representing seven snowy peaks, decides however is southeast Dry Region the direction Tianchi empire comes the person. “是天池帝国的人。”那边有人认出了天池雪峰众人,妖兽雪鹰,身穿七星衣衫,代表着七座雪峰,定然是乾域东南方向的天池帝国来人。 The crowd of Tianchi actually does not know that they come from where, these disciples experience eventually are not too broad, Dry Region is vast, the empire has 18, terrifying Sect as well as family influence, they, although the talent is outstanding, but the story is actually not too broad. 天池的人群却不知他们来自何处,这些弟子终究见识不是太广,乾域浩瀚无际,中品帝国就有18,还有许多恐怖的宗门以及家族势力,他们虽然天赋出众,但阅历却不是太广。 That seven snow hawk eyesight twinkles are actually uncertain, know that the opposite party is that influence, however has not actually opened the mouth, both sides are similar to the strangers, speeds along toward the front respectively. 倒是那七头雪鹰目光闪烁不定,知道对方是那一股势力,然而却没有开口,双方如同陌路,各自朝着前方飞驰。 South direction , many people tread toward here, this group of people sit down are growing the warhorse of wings, but above the warhorse has the red dragon scale . Moreover the body is huge, accommodates 78 people sufficiently appears especially spacious, this at is not the common horse, but is the dragon scale warhorse, has the tiger leopard the swift and violent speed, has the strength of great shape, within the body has a bloodlines strength of wisp of dragon. 南面方向,又有许多人朝着这边踏来,这群人坐下乃是长着双翼的战马,不过战马之上却有着赤色的龙鳞,而且身躯庞大,足以容纳78人都显得格外的宽敞,这根本不是寻常之马,而是龙鳞战马,拥有虎豹之迅猛的速度,拥有巨象的力量,体内拥有一缕龙的血脉力量。 „The saddle horse of good power and prestige.” Crowd eyesight concentrates, the dragon scale warhorse sends out recitation of Dragon Roar faintly, extremely resonant fearful. “好威风的坐骑。”人群目光微凝,龙鳞战马隐隐发出龙啸之吟,极其的嘹亮可怕。 The crowd above warhorse, extremely arrogant, as if keeps aloof, the body is passing air/Qi of gang of emperor, as if status extremely honored. 战马之上的人群,一个个极为的倨傲,仿佛高高在上,身上透着一股皇者之气,仿佛地位极其的尊贵般。 These people, impressively unexpectedly the person of jade day emperor's clan. 这些人,赫然竟然玉天皇族之人。 They are the people of Tianchi empire, the Tianchi empire has the boundless vast snowy peak, there is called Tianchi, is sacred place of Tianchi empire, these people, from Tianchi.” The powerhouses introduced in the front and people said that immediately behind crowd slight bow, Tianchi empire, some of their also many hearing, a very formidable influence. “他们是天池帝国之人,天池帝国拥有无边辽阔的雪峰,那里被称为天池,是天池帝国的圣地,这些人,来自天池。”有一强者在前方和众人介绍说道,顿时身后的人群微微点头,天池帝国,他们也多少有些耳闻,很强大的一股势力。 56 people that the Tianchi empire comes, moreover is the youth powerhouses, cultivation base is lowest in the boundary of Xuan Qi Eighth Layer, mostly is Ninth Layer, obviously is not very ordinary.” The youth said slowly that this youth stands in that is passing meaning of the indifferent ruling by force, seems is supercilious. “天池帝国来的56人,而且都是青年强者,修为最低都在玄武八重之境,大多都是九重,显然很不一般。”身后有一青年缓缓说道,这青年站在那,透着一股冷漠霸道之意,好似目中无人。 Tianchi, can train these many Xuan Qi Eighth Layer and Ninth Layer powerhouse, is not naturally simple. 天池,能培养出这么多的玄武八重九重强者,自然不简单。 When youth voice falls, suddenly, has incomparably sharp eyesight to puncture together toward him, making his brow select, the cold glow flashes through. 就在青年话音落下的时候,突然,有一道无比锋锐的目光朝着他刺去,让他的眉头一挑,冷芒闪过。 Looks following that [say / way] sharp cold light that immediately his eye pupil concentrates suddenly, body slight tremor under. 顺着那道锋锐的冷光看去,随即他的眼眸遽然间一凝,身体都轻微的颤动了下。 Lin Feng!” 林枫!” In the mouth of this youth puts out together the cold sound, he impressively unexpectedly is Crown Prince Xue yue, Duan Wu Dao. 这青年的嘴中吐出一道寒冷的声音,他赫然竟是雪月太子,段无道 Lin Feng, after Xue yue leaves, he saw Lin Feng unexpectedly. 林枫,雪月一别之后,他竟然又看到了林枫 Um?” Crowd eyesight of many jade day emperor's clans have transferred, fell on the body of Lin Feng, was this person, Lin Feng? “嗯?”许多玉天皇族的人群目光转过,都落在了林枫的身上,此人,就是林枫 Lin Feng reputation, in jade day emperor's clan very resounding, heard that he uses the demon sword, falls into the realm of the devil, frightens to leave many Tian Qi powerhouses of emperor's clan. 林枫的名声,在玉天皇族可是非常的响亮,听说他使用魔剑,堕入魔道,将皇族的许多天武强者都震慑离开。 „Haven't you died?” The cold sound spits together, sees only Tian Qi powerhouse eyesight to be sharp, formidable spirit plunges Lin Feng, this person personally goes to a Xue yue Tian Qi powerhouse impressively, Lin Feng he has fallen into the realm of the devil obviously, during falls into to murder, has not died unexpectedly, lives well . Moreover, but also person with Tianchi in the same place. “你还没死?”一道寒冷的声音吐出来,只见一天武强者目光锋锐,强大的气息扑向林枫,此人赫然正是亲自前往过雪月一趟的天武强者,林枫他明明堕入魔道,陷入杀伐当中,竟然还没有死,活得好好的,而且,还和天池的人在一起。 Eye pupil of Lin Feng extremely cold, making the person tremble, stubbornly is staring at these two, Duan Wu Dao, he must kill, this invades the Xue yue Tian Qi powerhouse, he must kill, has the opportunity, the entire jade day emperor's clan, he must eradicate, these make Xue yue suffer clearly, lets his sweetheart friend by clearly the person, cannot let off. 林枫的眼眸极其的寒冷,让人发颤,死死的盯着这两人,一个段无道,他必杀,还有这入侵雪月天武强者,他也要杀,有机会,整个玉天皇族,他要连根拔起,那些让雪月遭受截然,让他的情人朋友遭受截然的人,都不能放过。 Disappointed you.” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out together the cold sound, immediately eyesight slowly has transferred, has not looked at the person of jade day emperor's clan again, present he could not kill the opposite party, disregarded simply. “让你失望了。”林枫的嘴中吐出一道寒冷之音,随即目光缓缓的转过,没有再看玉天皇族的人,现在的他也杀不了对方,索性无视。 That person of complexion is ugly, Lin Feng at this moment unexpectedly so normal, where falls into the realm of the devil likely, distinct has relieved, this fellow, can be of jade day emperor's clan makes the match. 那人脸色难看无比,此刻的林枫竟然如此的正常,哪里像是陷入魔道,分明已经解除了出来,这家伙,会是玉天皇族的一个打对手。 Thinks of this, in his eye pupil has the murderous intention twinkle faintly, if can eradicate Lin Feng, certainly cannot let off! 想到这,他的眼眸中隐隐有杀机闪烁,若是能铲除林枫,一定不能放过! : Works overtime for two days, this week has not rested :加班两天,这个星期没有休息 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 767 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第767章 Airborne meet address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 空中相遇地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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