PMG :: Volume #3

#766: Snow monster tower

Meng Qing looks at the black robe female, makes hum the sound. 梦情看着黑袍女子,发出呜呜的声响。 Snort, does not lose one's temper, how I can not lose one's temper.” The beautiful woman facial color is as before cold, her Bunsen photometer extremely attractive, usually wore snow white, when the anger, will be throwing over the black robe, by that dignified substitution, was frightened the will of the people beautifully. “哼,不动怒,我如何能不动怒。”美妇面色依旧寒冷,她本生得极其的漂亮,素来身着雪白,只有在愤怒之时,才会披着黑袍,美丽被那股威严取代,震慑人心。 Meng Qing, was urged her do not lose one's temper a moment ago. 刚才梦情,便是劝她不要动怒。 Exquisite, you must change from manner, why did not discuss with me, moreover completely changes from, is changing from the stage so to injure an immortal Yuan air/Qi, now does not have the human formidable compounded drug, I am unable to wish you to change from.” The black robe female sighed, brow was tightly pressed, the person was the highest of all creatures, their Monster Beast must pass through changes from completely can the adult, the person in many aspects, must have the superiority compared with Monster Beast, such as the talent of refine the pill of immortality, extremely little had the monster to be able the refine the pill of immortality. “玲珑,你要化形为人,为何不与我商量,而且还是完全化形,在化形阶段又如此伤仙元之气,如今没有人类强大的丹药,我都无法祝你化形。”黑袍女子叹息一声,眉头紧蹙着,人乃是万物之灵,他们妖兽也要经过完全化形才能成人,人在许多方面,都比妖兽要有优势,就如炼丹的天赋,极少有妖能够炼丹的。 Meng Qing lowers the head, voices sobbing in a low voice, seemed recounting a story with the black robe female. 梦情低着头,发出低声的呜咽,似乎在与黑袍女子述说着一段故事。 I know that from mirror I saw the matter that your years have, does not give a thought to oneself life until you, melts the monster body in the changing from time completely forcefully, by these damn human attacks.” The voice of black robe female is getting more and more cold, is on the rise, her eyesight fell on the body of Lin Feng, the monster glow twinkle, making Lin Feng only feel one were covered by a pair of invisible big hand, is almost unable to pant for breath, bang!” Fearful spirit blooms from the body of black robe female, Lin Feng only felt that the shade of huge snow monster oppresses together toward oneself, that huge monster shade pressed him to breathe becomes rapid, could not move. “我知道,从镜中我已经看到了你这些年发生的事情,直到你不顾自己性命,在完全化形期强行化出妖体,被那些该死的人类攻击。”黑袍女子的声音越来越寒,抬起头,她的目光落在了林枫的身上,妖芒闪烁,让林枫只感觉自己被一双无形的大手扣住了,几乎无法喘息、“轰!”一股可怕的气息从黑袍女子的身上绽放而出,林枫只感觉一道庞大的雪妖之影朝着自己压迫过来,那巨大的妖影压得他呼吸都变得急促了起来,动弹不得。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou eyesight stagnates, on the face reveals to worry about the color, she has not thought that snow exquisite unexpectedly and so formidable snow monster knew, moreover relates as if is extremely not ordinary. 林枫。”身后的唐幽幽目光一滞,脸上露出担忧之色,她也没想到那雪玲珑竟与如此强大的雪妖认识,而且关系似乎极其的不一般。 This snow monster, does not know that can Lin Feng be disadvantageous. 这雪妖,不知道会不会林枫不利。 Hum......” sends out to the sound that the main body of black robe white hair beautiful woman is making to sob, the beautiful woman is actually holding her body, does not make her struggle. “呜呜……”发出对着黑袍白发美妇的本尊发出呜咽的声响,美妇却抱着她身体,不让她挣扎出去。 You know that who I am?” The snow monster the empty shade puts out together the sound, fearful. “你知道我是谁吗?”雪妖之虚影吐出一道声音,可怕非常。 Does not know.” Lin Feng shook the head, even if stands in that is withstanding the formidable pressure, however he is as before motionless, this formidable snow monster, should be the Meng Qing family member. “不知道。”林枫摇了摇头,即便站在那承受着强大的威压,然而他依旧一动不动,这强大的雪妖,应该是梦情的亲人。 Exquisite is I fosters to grow up.” Snow monster indifferent saying, making Lin Feng one startled, Meng Qing, is this black robe powerhouse fosters to grow up unexpectedly. “玲珑是我抚养长大。”雪妖冷漠的说道,让林枫一惊,梦情,竟然是这黑袍强者抚养长大的。 The body is slightly curving, Lin Feng is bowing to the snow monster, is having the respect of the heart, thanked, Meng Qing, if can speak, should to call her mother. 身体微微弯曲,林枫对着雪妖躬身,带着发自内心的尊敬,还有感谢,梦情,若是能说话,应该要称她一声母亲。 Exquisite, she is a strongest bloodlines owner of my snow fox clan, in the fox the immortal snow is exquisite, but I, am her protector.” The snow monster opens the mouth once again, the sound is getting more and more cold, many Monster Beast races, unusual unity, when meets in the clan formidable bloodlines, then has been protecting, lets the opposite party unceasing strengthen, to protect in clan scarce bloodlines, they were even willing to sacrifice itself. “玲珑,她还是我雪狐妖一族的最强血脉拥有者,狐中仙雪玲珑,而我,是她的守护者。”雪妖再度开口,声音越来越寒,许多妖兽种族,非常团结,当遇到族中强大的血脉者,便会一直守护着,让对方不断的变强,为了守护族中稀少的血脉,他们甚至愿牺牲自己。 Exquisite that but I protect, because of you, turns into now this, you said how I should punish you.” The snow monster is getting more and more cold, Lin Feng eyesight is staring at that huge body, the body stands straightly: I will make Meng Qing restore, certain.” “可是我守护的玲珑,因为你,变成如今这样,你说,我该如何惩治你。”雪妖越来越寒,林枫目光凝视着那庞大的身躯,身体站得笔直:“我会让梦情恢复的,一定。” Meng Qing?” The snow monster whispered, said: This is you for the name that gives exquisite, you protect her ability not to have, how to make her recover, why you want me to believe you.” 梦情?”雪妖低语了一声,道:“这是你替玲珑取的名字吧,你连保护她的能力都没有,如何让她复原,你要我凭什么相信你。” Lin Feng hears this words, had nothing to say in reply, right, he currently has any qualifications to make the snow monster believe that his words, Meng Qing, because of his incompetent, was being humiliated, rumbles the main body. 林枫听到此话,无言以对,没错,他现在有什么资格让雪妖相信他的话,梦情,正因为他的无能,才被人欺凌,轰回本体。 Both hands grip tightly, Lin Feng has, only determination. 双手紧握,林枫拥有的,唯有一颗决心。 Meng Qing she is not willing to walk with me, you died, she will be resigned, therefore, you said that you should damn.” The snow monster puts out together the indifferent sound once again, making Lin Feng eyesight one stiff. 梦情她不愿跟我走,你死了,她才会甘心,所以,你说,你该不该死。”雪妖再度吐出一道冷漠之声,让林枫目光一僵。 Does not want......” Tang Youyou in behind unceasing shaking the head, the whole body because of being tense and stiff, facing this and other fearful powerhouses, if must kill Lin Feng, nobody can prevent radically. “不要……”唐幽幽在后面不断的摇头,浑身都因紧张而僵硬,面对这等可怕的强者,若是真要杀林枫,根本没人能够阻止得了。 I cannot die.” Lin Feng is staring at the snow monster, [say / way] that lets somebody cool off or calm down. “我不能死。”林枫盯着雪妖,冷冷的道。 „Do you fear death?” The snow monster satire makes noise. “你怕死?”雪妖讽刺出声。 I will not make you carry off Meng Qing.” Lin Feng has not paid attention to the opposite party words, the mind moves, his body trembled, within the body, as if has any thing in the crazy fierce tremor, air/Qi of fearful realm of the devil, seepage slowly. “我也不会让你带走梦情。”林枫没有理会对方的话,心神一动,他的身体震颤了起来,体内,仿佛有什么东西在狂猛的颤动,一股可怕的魔道之气,正缓缓的渗透而出。 Senior, I did not have face to resist with you, but you want me dead, I cannot achieve, I must bring Meng Qing, until she restores the human form, does not hesitate all.” Lin Feng cold air is getting stronger and stronger, spirit of realm of the devil, gradually became must fearful. “前辈,我本无颜与你对抗,但你要我死,我做不到,我一定要带着梦情,直到她恢复人形,不惜一切。”林枫身上的寒气越来越强,魔道的气息,渐渐的变得可怕了起来。 You think that has the demon sword, can contend with me.” Putting out sound of snow monster satire, opens the great mouth together immediately, the anger eats delicacies, the terrifying sound wave made the body of Lin Feng shiver maliciously, as if the sound waves of some innumerable crazy tyrants reverberated in his mind, making the thought of his whole person be broken, that cold such as incorruptible spirit, wrapped his whole person. “你以为拥有魔剑,就能够与我抗衡。”雪妖讽刺的吐出一道声音,随即张开巨嘴,怒啸一声,恐怖的音波让林枫的身体狠狠的颤抖了起来,仿佛有无数狂霸的声波在他的脑海中回响,让他整个人的思维都被打断来,那股冷如冰霜的气息,将他整个人都包裹住。 Formidable, Lin Feng in the front of snow monster, absolutely does not have the ability of resistance. 强大,林枫在雪妖的面前,根本就没有抵抗的能力。 A palm giant palm oppresses to go toward Lin Feng on directly, bang a bang, Lin Feng only felt whole body fierce trembles, the five main internal organs (entrails) in the tuck dive, the head buzzes. 一掌巨大的手掌直接朝着林枫身上压迫而去,轰隆的一声巨响,林枫只感觉浑身猛的一颤,五脏六腑都在翻腾,脑袋嗡嗡作响。 Exquisite, goes back with me, I will find the way to make you restore.” In addition one side, black robe white hair beautiful woman to the bosom in Meng Qing start to talk, Meng Qing has been making the sound that sobs, in the beautiful eye has the tear stains unexpectedly, was recounting anything with the beautiful woman. “玲珑,跟我回去吧,我会想办法让你恢复的。”另一旁,黑袍白发美妇对着怀中的梦情开口,梦情一直发出呜咽的声响,美丽的眼中竟有着泪痕,不停的在和美妇述说着什么。 The complexion of beautiful woman unceasing is fluctuating, finally, she also can only helpless sigh. 美妇的脸色不断的变幻着,最终,她也只能无奈的叹息一声。 The shade of snow monster vanishes, the body of beautiful woman steps forward, snow white brilliance flashes past, immediately Lin Feng only felt the body hurts, clothing segment Lie on arm, the blood spurts. 雪妖之影消失,美妇的身体一跨出,雪白的光华一闪而过,随即林枫只感觉身体一疼,手臂上的衣衫段烈,鲜血飞洒而出。 Radiant brilliance blooms together, Lin Feng only felt one as if anything has established the relation, however at this moment his head dizzy heavy, does not know that had anything. 一道璀璨的光华绽放而出,林枫只感觉自己仿佛和什么建立了联系般,然而此刻他的脑袋晕晕沉沉的,根本不知道发生了什么。 You harm exquisite so, I should kill you, however said exquisite you die she also dead, today I forgive your one time, as for said exquisite must with you in the same place, when you arrived at the boundary of Tian Qi, comes to the violent wind filled with dust range to look for me again, if your trip of deaths, will not implicate exquisite.” “你害玲珑如此,我本该杀你,然而玲珑说你死她也死,今日我饶恕你一次,至于玲珑说要和你在一起,等你到了天武之境,再来黑风岭找我,若是你此行死亡,也不会连累玲珑。” The billowing sound wave spreads to the ear of Lin Feng together, immediately the strong winds have curled, the spookiness soars to the heavens, actually going far away gradually. 一道滚滚的音浪传入林枫的耳中,随即狂风卷过,妖气冲天,却渐渐的远去。 Waited for that Lin Feng restores to come, the female of that black robe white hair, early disappeared does not see, Meng Qing, was brought to leave. 等待林枫恢复过来,那黑袍白发的女子,早已经消失不见,梦情,也被带着离开了。 Roar......” in the mouth of Lin Feng puts out together the billowing sound wave, just like the beast roar, eyesight is red, stubbornly stares at that to vanish the form that. “吼……”林枫的嘴中吐出一道滚滚的音浪,宛若兽吼,目光赤红,死死的盯着那消失的身影。 Has no alternative, because the strength is not good, Meng Qing must be taken away from his side. 无可奈何,因为实力不行,梦情必须要从他身边被带离开。 Lin Feng, she is also good for Meng Qing, when you arrived at Tian Qi to meet Meng Qing to be also same again.” Tang Youyou saw that the appearance feeling of Lin Feng is somewhat fearful, arrived at side Lin Feng to urge one. 林枫,她也是为了梦情好,等你到了天武再去接梦情也一样。”唐幽幽看到林枫的样子感觉有些可怕,来到林枫身边劝了一声。 The sound spreads, the double fist of Lin Feng grips tightly, Tian Qi, this line, must make cultivation base break through, strides in Tian Qi, he also understands certainly that the opposite party brings Meng Qing to walk, is feared that Meng Qing will follow him to go to encounter the danger. 咔嚓的声响传出,林枫的双拳紧握,天武,这一行,一定要让修为突破,跨入天武,他当然也明白对方带梦情走,是怕梦情跟随他去会遇到危险。 Roar and roar......” sounds of the billowing roaring spread, making Lin Feng eyesight concentrate, the mind moves, immediately in his front, presented a snow monster tower, in this snow monster tower, several powerful Monster Beast are whooshing, the terrifying strength lets the feeling that Lin Feng has suffocates. “吼、吼……”一道道滚滚的咆哮之声传出,让林枫目光一凝,心神一动,随即在他的面前,出现了一座雪妖塔,这雪妖塔中,好几头强悍的妖兽在嘶吼着,恐怖的力量让林枫都生出窒息的感觉。 In Heavenly Monster and this snow monster tower are closing, completely is Heavenly Monster!” The Lin Feng heart trembles, he can feel that he with the relation that the snow monster tower establishes, although that black robe white hair beautiful woman leaves, but she has left behind a snow monster tower to him. 天妖、这雪妖塔里面关着的,全部是天妖!”林枫心头一颤,他能够感觉到自己与雪妖塔建立起来的联系,那黑袍白发美妇虽然离开,但她留下了一座雪妖塔给他。 Looks down dripping blood on own arm, should be that a moment ago, he felt faintly one and anything established the relation, this moment this relation, thorough clear. 低头看着自己手臂上的淋漓鲜血,应该就是刚才那一下,他隐隐感觉自己与什么建立起了联系,此刻这股联系,彻底的清晰了起来。 Certainly is Meng Qing.” In the Lin Feng heart sighed darkly, decided however is Meng Qing strives for him, had this snow monster tower, he will not fear the Tian Qi powerhouse. “一定是梦情。”林枫心中暗叹,定然是梦情为他争取的,有了这雪妖塔,他将不惧怕天武强者。 Shuts up to me.” Lin Feng shouted angrily, at this moment his was not very happy, this drank, although these Monster Beast were angry, was staring at Lin Feng, but has closed the mouth. “都给我闭嘴。”林枫怒喝一声,此刻他的心情很不好,果然,这一声喝下,那些妖兽虽然愤怒,盯着林枫,但都闭上了嘴巴。 Was controlled by the mistress, they are speechless, now, they are being controlled by a small and weak humanity unexpectedly, is hateful and annoying. 被主母控制,他们无话可说,现在,他们竟被一个弱小的人类控制着,可恨、可气。 Lin Feng puts out a hand, the mind moves, the timely snow monster tower changes is small, immediately was received by him. 林枫伸出手,心神一动,顿时雪妖塔变小,随即被他收了起来。 : The fresh flower is not very powerful, tears asked the fresh flower :鲜花很不给力啊,泪求鲜花 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 766 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第766章 Snow monster tower address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 雪妖塔地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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