PMG :: Volume #3

#765: Fearful spookiness

Hand of Lin Feng slowly loosens, making the body of Bai Li Xi fall to the ground, his eyesight as before that cold, is staring at Bai Li Xi. 林枫的手缓缓的松开来,让百里奚的身体落地,他的目光依旧是那么的冷,盯着百里奚 Bai Li Xi hangs, in the airborne both legs fell in the ground finally, eyesight was bringing such as the redness of blood as before, the complexion was pale and ugly, the anger in eye pupil wished one could to tear to shreds Lin Feng, however, so long as touched Lin Feng that pair of ice-cold pupil, he then felt that the whole body was passing a chill in the air, felt indignant but not daring to speak out. 百里奚悬在空中的双腿终于落在了地面上,目光依旧带着如血的赤红,脸色铁青、难看,眼眸中的怒火恨不得将林枫碎尸万段,然而,只要触及到林枫那双冰冷的眸子,他便感觉浑身都透着一阵寒意,敢怒不敢言。 The Lin Feng strength, was too fearful, copes with him to be too simple, easy, covers him instantaneously, must kill him, with pinching the dead ant is the same. 林枫的实力,太可怕了,对付他太简单,轻而易举,瞬间就将他扣住,要杀他,跟捏死蚂蚁一样。 With is the talent, in which disparity, is makes Bai Li Xi feel a despair. 同为天才,其中的差距,却是让百里奚感到一丝绝望。 Is of a Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak Tianchi Xue peaks, presented Lin Feng such monstruous talent, goes to talent that many of mystical place, many monstruous talent talents, his Bai Li Xi, in will be anything, perhaps outside will be he of talent, to the place of that talent gathering, is an ordinary character. 仅仅是天池雪峰之一的天璇峰,就出现了林枫这么一个妖孽,前往秘境的天才那么多,将会有多少妖孽天才,他百里奚,在里面算什么,也许在外面是天才的他,到了那天才汇聚之地,就是个普通的人物了。 Also icy swept Bai Li Xi one, the Lin Feng footsteps has lifted, returned to the original place slowly, sat cross-legged to sit, looked that again has not looked at Bai Li Xi one. 又冷冰冰的扫了百里奚一眼,林枫脚步抬起,缓缓的回到了原来的地方,盘膝而坐,看都没有再看百里奚一眼。 This fellow, is quite arrogant!” Tianchi Xue looked at Lin Feng one, clenches teeth secretly, she discovered that is honored as she of Tianchi saintess, proud in little was given to nibble by Lin Feng, when cannot put out first time to see Lin Feng that type again cold arrogant incorruptible. “这家伙,好孤傲!”天池雪看了林枫一眼,暗暗咬牙,她发现,被誉为天池圣女的她,骄傲在一点点的被林枫给蚕食,再也拿不出第一次见林枫之时的那一种冷傲冰霜。 Han Qiuyu also looked at Lin Feng one of the sitting down, eyesight has unknowingly swept under the attractive snow monster in Lin Feng bosom, does not know that Lin Feng with this snow monster was what relations, unexpectedly to small monster such attaching great importance, Bai Li Xi was only optional a few words, made him say must kill the Bai Li Xi words, that moment Lin Feng, was overbearing and fearful. 寒秋雨也看了坐下的林枫一眼,目光不经意间扫了下林枫怀中的漂亮雪妖,不知道林枫与这雪妖到底是何关系,竟对小妖如此的重视,百里奚只是随意的一句话,就让他说出要杀百里奚的话,那一刻的林枫,霸道、可怕。 In the middle of these crowds, only then Tang Youyou knows that what this beautiful small monster and Lin Feng are relate, the love of Lin Feng, she changes from because of Lin Feng for the monster, is almost beyond redemption, Lin Feng also nearly degenerates because of her the demon, during falls into slaughters infinitely, should their sentiments deep? Who, can touch this to invite the wrath of the emperor? 这些人群当中,只有唐幽幽知道这美丽的小妖和林枫是什么关系,林枫的挚爱,她因林枫而化形为妖,差点万劫不复,林枫也因她而险些堕落成魔,陷入无穷杀戮当中,他们的情该有多深?谁,能触这逆鳞? Tang Youyou can affirm, if some people dare to shame Meng Qing directly the snow is exquisite, even if in front of Tianchi Xue mountain powerhouse, Lin Feng will stick out suddenly the murder. 唐幽幽敢肯定,若是有人敢直接羞辱梦情所化的雪玲珑,即便是当着天池雪山强者的面,林枫都会暴起杀人。 People one silence, the speed of snow hawk extremely quick, Japanese line of far more than 100,000 li (0.5km), two days of time, the crowd sits above the snow hawk, does not know one surmounted many states as well as the influences, domain unceasing flying in ground, these small country as well as an influence commonplace, occasionally they also will certainly surmount the big state, the palatial construction of eye pupil under by numerous cloud layer bird's eye view. 众人都一阵沉默,雪鹰的速度极其的快,日行何止100000里,两天时间,人群坐在雪鹰之上,都不知道自己跨越了多少个国度以及势力,地面上的版图不断的飞逝而过,那些小国以及势力毫不起眼,当然偶尔他们也会跨越大的国度,眼眸透过重重的云层俯瞰下方的巍峨建筑。 This mystical place, is quite remote.” “这秘境,好遥远。” Crowd secret passage, speed rapidness of Heavenly Monster how, two days of time has not arrived at the mystical place unexpectedly, obviously it has how remotely from the Tianchi empire, however, these in the middle of the Dry Region domain, Dry Region, quite approaches the region of territory, toward north, surmounted some mountains forests as well as states again, in the state with Sacred City bordered on. 人群暗道一声,天妖的速度何其之快,两天时间竟还没有到达秘境,可见其距离天池帝国有多么的遥远,然而,这些都是在乾域的版图当中,乾域,也算是颇靠近中域的地带了,再往北,跨越山川森林以及一些国度,就与圣城中州接壤了。 Shouted and shouts......” the terrifying rumor to blow bugle and beat drums on the body of crowd, is opening the eye in the people who the cloud layers shuttled back and forth, is unable to sink the heart to come close eyes to maintain mental tranquility, they were away from stride in the mystical place, was getting more and more near. “呼、呼……”恐怖的风声吹打在人群的身上,在云层间穿梭的众人一个个都睁开着眼睛,无法沉下心来闭目养神,他们距离跨入秘境,越来越近了。 Shouted and shouts......” wind to be getting more and more fierce, as if brought monster different spirit, the crowd just to start not to care, however was quick, fearful hurricanes blew, blew their eye pupil unable to open. “呼、呼……”风越来越烈,仿佛带着一股妖异的气息,人群刚开始还未在意,然而很快,一片可怕的飓风刮起,吹得他们的眼眸都无法睁开。 Who!” “谁!” Sounds of the severe drinking spread, puts out from the mouth of snow hawk impressively unexpectedly, seven snow hawks, seven pairs of sharp pupils in this moment becomes incomparable sharp and prudent, this fearful wind, is the evil wind. 一道道厉喝之声传出,赫然竟然是从雪鹰的嘴中吐出的,七头雪鹰,七双锋锐的眸子都在这一刻变得无比的锐利和慎重起来,这股可怕的风,是妖风。 And!” The strong winds roll up and push along, the trim world as if became dark, the Heavenly Monster snow hawk stopped continue fly, eyesight extremely indifferent, very strong, this spookiness, was getting more and more fierce. “呜、呜!”狂风卷动,整片天地都仿佛都变得黑暗了起来,天妖雪鹰停止了继续飞行,目光极其的冷漠,好强、这妖气,越来越厉害了。 Good terrifying spookiness.” The crowd also felt this fearful spookiness finally, eyesight is one tight, how to have the spookiness, moreover formidable to letting them felt that must suffocate. “好恐怖的妖气。”人群终于也都感受到了这股可怕的妖气,目光都是一紧,怎么会有妖气,而且强大到让他们感觉要窒息。 Which Senior Monster senior may I ask to arrive.” Seven snow hawks change into the human form, immediately people also from snow hawk carried on the back, float in empty/sky, all people, had been shocked by this fearful spookiness, at this moment they by the spookiness package, the surroundings had been wrapped by the spookiness, making them unable to see clearly the front journey. “敢问哪位妖尊前辈驾临。”七头雪鹰化为人形,顿时众人也都从雪鹰的背上下来了,悬浮于空,所有人,都被这股可怕的妖气震撼了,此刻他们已经被妖气包裹,周围都被妖气包裹了起来,让他们看不清前方的路途了。 Senior Monster!” The eye pupil of crowd all trembles, including Heavenly Monster snow hawk, so respectful, really has Senior Monster to arrive here, is quite fearful. 妖尊!”人群的眼眸全部都是一颤,连天妖雪鹰,都如此的恭敬,竟然有妖尊驾临这里,好可怕。 Fearful cold air drops from the clouds, as if there is snowflake by that fearful spookiness, fluttering slowly to the body of crowd, the snowflake, is containing the spookiness, extremely cold spookiness. 一股可怕的寒气从天而降,仿佛有雪花透过那可怕的妖气,缓缓的飘荡到人群的身上,雪花当中,都蕴含着妖气,极其冷的妖气。 More and more formidable, the crowd only feels to suffocate, the breath is unable to breathe, moreover this fearful spirit, comes to them. 越来越强大了,人群只感觉要窒息,呼吸都无法呼吸了,而且这股可怕的气息,就是冲着他们而来的。 „!” At this time, the snow in Lin Feng bosom searched a head to come out exquisite, looks at the void, attractive eye is glittering, probably saw anything. “呜!”此时,林枫怀中的雪玲珑探了个脑袋出来,看着虚空,漂亮的眼睛不停的闪烁着,好像是看到了什么般。 Um?” Lin Feng stares, Meng Qing is very indifferent, indifferent does not care to any thing, this moment Lin Feng felt that she somewhat excitedly seems to be same. “嗯?”林枫一愣,梦情一直是很淡然,对什么事物都漠视不在意,此刻林枫感觉她似乎有些激动一样。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The body of Meng Qing fled directly, kicks out toward that billowing spookiness directly, lets a pupil fierce contraction of Lin Feng, Meng Qing, was this? 梦情的身体直接窜了出去,直接朝着那滚滚的妖气扑出,让林枫的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,梦情,这是怎么了? Footsteps one cross, Lin Feng is following closely Meng Qing, breaks in the middle of that pitch-dark billowing spookiness. 脚步一跨,林枫紧随着梦情,冲入那伸手不见五指的滚滚妖气当中。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou one startled, the body also directly shoots up to the sky unexpectedly, reckless breaks in the middle of that piece of spookiness. 林枫。”唐幽幽一惊,身体竟也直接冲天而起,不顾一切的冲入那片妖气当中。 This lets the people are one startled, was insane, these two were insane, moreover went crazy with that snow monster. 这一幕让众人都是一惊,疯了,这两人都是疯了,而且还都是跟着那雪妖发疯。 Meng Qing ran out of that billowing spookiness directly, although the fearful spookiness is intense, but has not actually injured her, her body fled directly spookiness outside. 梦情直接冲出了那滚滚的妖气,可怕的妖气虽然强烈,但却并没有伤害她,她的身子直接窜到了妖气的外面。 Meng Qing.” The body of Lin Feng follows, grasps the body of Meng Qing, actually sees Meng Qing to squat in his bosom, eyesight merely is actually staring at the distant place, direction that they come. 梦情。”林枫的身体紧随其后,将梦情的身子抱住,却见梦情蹲在他的怀里,目光却仅仅的凝视着远方,他们来的方向。 In the direction of Meng Qing eyesight staring, the spookiness is getting more and more formidable, the shadow, comes in waves from this extremely remote place, however merely is the flash, then arrived in front of them. 梦情目光凝视的方向,妖气越来越强大,有一道黑影,从这极其遥远之地滚滚而来,然而仅仅是一瞬间,便降临到了他们面前。 This is a woman, looks like about 45 years old, her long hair snow white, is throwing over the black robe, light standing there, the body seems actually passing an extremely fearful dignity. 这是一妇女,看起来45岁左右,她的长发是雪白的,披着黑袍,淡淡的站在那里,身上却仿佛透着一股极其可怕的威严。 Very strong.” “好强。” The Lin Feng eye pupil trembles, but looks at one, he felt one in front of the opposite party extremely tiny , he when Snow Venerable and other in front of Venerable, does not have this feeling. 林枫眼眸一颤,只是看一眼,他就感觉自己在对方面前极其的渺小,就连他在雪尊者等三位尊者面前的时候,都没有这种感觉。 Besides the air/Qi of formidable dignity, is that fearful spookiness, the female of this black robe white hair, is the monster, very possible is, Senior Monster that such as the snow hawk said! 除了强大的威严之气外,便是那可怕的妖气,这黑袍白发的女子,是妖,很可能是如雪鹰说的般,妖尊 Saw only the body of Meng Qing to flee from his bosom, went toward the black robe white hair woman directly, lets a pupil fierce contraction of Lin Feng. 只见梦情的身体从他的怀中窜了出去,直接朝着黑袍白发女人而去,让林枫的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩。 Meng Qing.” Footsteps one cross, Lin Feng wants to block Meng Qing, however actually listens to that powerhouse cold snort one, immediately Lin Feng only felt the whole body trembles, body cannot help but, but Meng Qing, arrived on the female of that black robe white hair. 梦情。”脚步一跨,林枫想要将梦情拦住,然而却听那强者冷哼一声,顿时林枫只感觉浑身一颤,身体不由自主的顿了下,而梦情,已经到了那黑袍白发的女子身上。 Lin Feng also wants to face forward, actually sees that female ice-cold has swept Lin Feng one, making the Lin Feng footsteps stagnate once again, body as if frozen stiff, is unable the advance slightest. 林枫还想要朝前,却见那女子冰冷的扫了林枫一眼,让林枫的脚步再度一滞,身体都仿佛被冻僵了般,无法前进分毫。 Lin Feng also wants to struggle, however actually in this time, he actually saw the female who that black robe white hair lowers the head, her hand unexpectedly gentle is touching the body of Meng Qing, has not injured the meaning of Meng Qing, is very careful, this made the head of Lin Feng restore a sobriety. 林枫还想挣扎,然而却在此时,他却看到那黑袍白发的女子低着头,她的手竟然温柔的抚摸着梦情的身体,一点也没有伤害梦情的意思,很小心,这一幕让林枫的脑袋恢复了一丝清醒。 „It is not right, Meng Qing she is so unusual, plunges into the body of opposite party on own initiative, definitely knows the opposite party.” The Lin Feng pupil has contracted fiercely, suddenly has realized anything, he was too a moment ago anxious, some are not sane, linked such simple truth to neglect unexpectedly. “不对,梦情她这么反常,主动跳入对方的身上,肯定是认识对方。”林枫瞳孔猛的收缩了下,突然意识到了什么,刚才他太急了,以至于都有些不理智,竟然连这么简单的道理都忽略了。 The eyesight staring opposite party, at this time Meng Qing as if the black robe white hair female is very affectionate, correct use snow white claw flexure the face of opposite party, has been smiling immediately to Lin Feng, this, making the heart of Lin Feng put thoroughly, it seems like was really and Meng Qing acquaintance, Meng Qing, unexpectedly understanding so fearful monster clan powerhouse. 目光凝视对方,果然,此时梦情似乎和黑袍白发女子很亲昵般,正用雪白的爪子挠着对方的脸,随即还对着林枫笑了下,这一幕,让林枫的心彻底放了下来,看来真的是和梦情相识,梦情,竟认识如此可怕的妖族强者。 Little Xue, your this is why!” That black robe white hair female is stroking the Meng Qing snow white body, in the eye has a deep guilty color unexpectedly: Blames that crowd of evil creature, made you alone go out of the violent wind filled with dust range unexpectedly!” 小雪,你这又是何必呢!”那黑袍白发女子抚摸着梦情的雪白身躯,眼中竟有一丝深深的愧疚之色:“都怪那群孽畜,竟然让你独自走出了黑风岭!” : Asked the flower, asked the flower, asked the fresh flower! :求花,求花,求鲜花! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 765 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第765章 Fearful spookiness address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 可怕的妖气地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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