PMG :: Volume #3

#764: Inviting the wrath of the emperor

eyesight observed the situation crowd one, must the old man say in vain: Good, my Tianchi most outstanding youth talent, prepares to start.” 目光环视了人群一眼,白须老者道:“好,诸位我天池最优秀的青年天才,准备启程吧。” eyesight of crowd is solemn and respectful, must embark, they must go to the mystical place finally, among them, many people to go to the mystical place, has prepared to be too long, this time, will be journey of the risk, has had the opportunity, momentarily probably will come across the intense crisis, perhaps, they will return to the Tianchi empire time, will be having the glory, will become is more tenacious and formidable, will obtain the heavy treasure. 人群的目光肃穆,要出发了,他们终于要前往秘境了,在他们当中,许多人为前往秘境,已经准备了太久,这一次,将是一次冒险之旅,充满了机遇,也随时可能遇到强烈的危机,也许,他们回到天池帝国的时候,将带着荣耀,变得更加的坚韧、强大,得到重宝。 Also perhaps, they, will bury forever the bone in the mystical place, cannot return to this familiar lands, this familiar snowy mountain. 又或许,他们,将永远埋骨于秘境,回不到这片熟悉的土地,这熟悉的雪山。 However, in the middle of the eye pupils of all people filled excitedly with yearning, nobody flinched and evades, this was the road that they chose, since chose the martial arts, to choose climbed toward the journey of powerhouse, the crisis of death was doomed to follow the life of your martial arts, was thrilling and exciting, this is the game of formidable, the timid person, could not tread the journey of powerhouse. 然而,所有人的眼眸当中都充满了激动与向往,没有人退缩、逃避,这是他们自己选择的路,既然选择了武道、选择了朝着强者的路途去攀登,死亡的危机就注定将伴随着你武道的人生,惊险而刺激,这是属于勇者的游戏,怯弱的人,根本踏不上强者的路途。 Must eyesight of old man lift in vain slowly, looks void middle, the palm lifts slightly, immediately, ideal condition of the fearful snow arrives, the void snowflake waves riotous, especially colorful. 白须老者的目光缓缓抬起来,看着虚空当中,手掌微微托举而起,顿时,一股可怕的雪之意境降临,虚空中的雪花缤纷舞动,格外的绚丽多姿。 Eyah......” distant place heard the sounds of several light recitation, the world tumbled fiercely, the snowflake as if changed to fearful swirl, crazy howled to wave. “咿呀……”远处传来几道轻吟之声,天地剧烈的翻滚了起来,雪花仿佛都化作了一道道可怕的漩涡,疯狂的呼啸舞动着。 Spookiness and good fearful spookiness.” “妖气、好可怕的妖气。” Lin Feng eyesight stagnates slightly, looks up toward void, immediately space as if suddenly dark, seven pure white great heavy snow color forms reappeared there, circled to move in void, the wing of giant snow whipped, starts hurricanes. 林枫目光微微一滞,抬起头朝着虚空望去,随即天上仿佛都突然暗了下来,七道纯白的巨大雪色身影浮现在了那里,在虚空中盘旋而动,巨大的雪之羽翼拍打,掀起一片飓风。 Seven Monster Beast, under sharp eyesight bird's eye view, when eyesight of crowd contacts with them, will feel unexpectedly the eye pupil as if came by the stabbing pain, the pupil of this hawk monster, is quite sharp, passes the monster to be indifferent and wild , the wisdom of owner. 七头妖兽,锋锐的目光俯瞰下方,当人群的目光与他们接触之时,竟会感觉眼眸都仿佛被刺痛来,这鹰妖的眸子,好锋锐,透着妖之冷漠与狂野,又拥有人的智慧。 Snow hawk and getting down.” Must the old man say in vain lightly, seven Monster Beast snow hawk wing twinkles, shortly, void middle Monster Beast vanished to disappear, changed to seven person's shadows, making the eye pupils of many people tremble. “雪鹰、下来。”白须老者淡淡的说了一声,七头妖兽雪鹰羽翼闪烁,顷刻间,虚空当中的妖兽消失不见了,化作了七道人影,让许多人的眼眸又是一颤。 Heavenly Monster and seven Heavenly Monster, can change from, but they chose in changing from partly changed from, as before was maintaining the basis of monster, has not changed from the manner completely. 天妖、七头天妖,能够化形,不过他们在化形的时候选择了半化形,依旧保持着妖之根本,没有完全化形为人。 Seven snow hawks that changes to the human form as in behind, slowly is whipping, their bodies, landed above the ground, fell before the snow palace that together snow white open area. 化作人形的七头雪鹰依旧在身后,缓缓的拍打着,他们的身体,也都降落在了地面之上,落在了雪殿前的那一块雪白的空地。 Seven big snowy peaks, each snowy peak is divided into one group, the snow hawk will deliver you to go to the mystical place.” Must the old man say in vain once again that sees only the snow hawk that seven change to the human form to separate, stands abreast in row, immediately the mind moves, changes into Monster Beast once again, crawls above the snowy area, prepares the people taking away mystical place. “七大雪峰,每一雪峰分为一组,雪鹰会送你们前往秘境。”白须老者再度说道,只见那七头化作人形的雪鹰分开来,并排而立,随即心神一动,再度化为妖兽,匍匐在雪地之上,准备将众人带去秘境。 „.” Must the old man put out the sound in vain, the people are bowing to the old man together slightly, immediately they walked toward the snow hawk in abundance, have stepped up to back of the generosity of snow hawk, each snowy peak, was travelling by a snow hawk. “出发吧。”白须老者吐出一道声音,众人对着老者微微躬身,随即他们纷纷朝着雪鹰走去,跨上了雪鹰的宽厚背部,每一雪峰,搭乘着一头雪鹰。 Buzz and buzz......” wing twinkle, the hurricane raises once again, ground dancing in the air of snowflake alienation, seven Heavenly Monster snow hawks, fly high completely, the rising typhoon on, the twinkling arrives among ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high white clouds, with snow palace peak uneven. “嗡、嗡……”羽翼闪烁,飓风再度掀起,地面上的雪花狂乱的飞舞,七头天妖雪鹰,全部凌空而起,扶摇而上,瞬息到达万丈之高的白云之间,与雪殿顶端相齐。 „.” Lin Feng eyesight looked at a ground, several forms before snow palace has looked up them, revealed the meanings of little anticipation, immediately the wing of snow hawk started to flash, he then saw snow palace going far away gradually. “出发了。”林枫目光看了一眼地面,雪殿前的几道身影抬起头看着他们,露出几许的期待之意,随即雪鹰的羽翼开始闪动,他便看到雪殿渐渐的远去。 Unexpectedly nobody accompanying accompaniment.” “竟然没有人随行陪同。” Lin Feng eyesight coagulated slightly, only then their 56 are going to step into the person in mystical place, seven snow hawks, did not have other people, nobody leads, is very strange. 林枫目光微微凝固了下,只有他们56位将要踏入秘境的人,还有七头雪鹰,没有其他人了,也没有一个人带队,很奇怪。 However he will feel quickly strange meaning restraining, Tianchi works, some of their considerations, will be naturally impossible to have any problem. 不过他很快就将奇怪之意收敛,天池做事,自然有自己的考虑,不可能会出现什么问题的。 Cold?” “冷吗?” Lin Feng holds the snow in bosom to be exquisite, asked in a low voice, this fierce wind blows on the body, may not feel better, the Heavenly Monster speed, was too terrifying, moreover this snow hawk has Heavenly Monster of wing, excels at the speed. 林枫捧着怀中的雪玲珑,低声问了一声,这烈烈的风刮在身上,可并不那么好受,天妖的速度,太恐怖了,而且这雪鹰还是拥有羽翼的天妖,擅长速度。 Flexure of snow exquisite little hands in the bosom of Lin Feng flexure, shook the head slightly, in nimble and resourceful eyesight was passing several points of joyful meaning, as if she because of becoming Monster Beast was moved, on the contrary, how became the small monster, can mount on the body of Lin Feng, was a joyful matter, now her the smiling face in that beautiful eye pupil, was brighter than before. 雪玲珑的小手林枫的怀中挠了挠,微微摇头,灵动的目光中透着几分欣喜之意,似乎她并不因为成为妖兽而伤感,相反,成为小妖又如何,能够一直黏在林枫的身上,何尝不是一件快乐之事,如今她那美丽的眼眸中的笑容,都比之前更灿烂了许多。 Although the snow is swaying own small head exquisite, but the body of Lin Feng kicks out a formidable really Yuan strength as before, covers the snow exquisite body, does not make that outside astral wind attack her. 虽然雪玲珑摇晃着自己的小脑袋,但林枫的身上依旧扑出一股强大的真元力量,将雪玲珑的身躯笼罩在其中,不让那外面的罡风侵袭到她。 Felt the meaning of this warming, the snow exquisite body drilled the drill toward the bosom of Lin Feng, as if enjoyed this gentleness very much. 感受到这股温暖之意,雪玲珑的身体朝着林枫的怀中钻了钻,似乎很享受这种温柔。 „It is not Monster Beast.” The sound that taunted together lightly conveyed, making Lin Feng eyesight concentrate slightly, the cold glow, dodged to pass in the middle of the eye pupil. “不就是一头妖兽吗。”一道淡淡嘲讽的声音传来,让林枫目光微微一凝,寒芒,在眼眸当中一闪而逝。 eyesight slowly has transferred, the eye pupil of Lin Feng fell on the body of Bai Li Xi, saw only this time Bai Li Xi eyesight to look at the front, like has not seen, as if sound did not put out from his mouth. 目光缓缓的转过,林枫的眼眸落在了百里奚的身上,只见此时的百里奚目光正看着前方,像是没有看到一样,似乎刚才的声音并不是从他嘴中吐出的。 „Were you speaking with whom?” In the Lin Feng sound is passing together the indifferent meaning, closely is staring in his front several steps Bai Li Xi, eyesight is cold and sharp, just likes a handle sharp sword, as if must the person stabbing pain. “你在和谁说话?”林枫的声音中透着一道冷漠之意,紧紧的凝视着就在他面前几步的百里奚,目光寒冷、锋锐,犹如一柄利剑,仿佛要将人都刺痛来。 Bai Li Xi is silent, like has not heard the question of Lin Feng, he has paid attention to Lin Feng very much, saw that Lin Feng unexpectedly and Monster Beast is like that affectionate, therefore cannot bear the satire make noise, but remembers Lin Feng one finger to wound of Tian Shu peak powerhouse, his heart of hearts dreading, therefore Lin Feng question time he has not answered, wants to avoid. 百里奚沉默,像是没有听到林枫的问话般,他一直很注意林枫,看到林枫竟和一头妖兽那般亲昵,于是忍不住讽刺出声来,但想起林枫一指击伤天枢峰强者的那一幕,他内心深处又有一丝的忌惮,因此林枫问话的时候他没有答,想要就这样回避掉。 I was asking your words.” Lin Feng drinks one coldly, sound such as the cold ice is the same, the straight thrust Bai Li Xi heart, making the eye pupil of Bai Li Xi stagnate slightly, wants to evade, did not evade. “我在问你话。”林枫冷喝一声,声音如寒冰一样,直刺百里奚的心头,让百里奚的眼眸微微一滞,想要逃避,也逃避不了。 eyesight has transferred, Bai Li Xi looks to Lin Feng, the complexion is not quite attractive. 目光转过,百里奚看向林枫,脸色不大好看。 Lin Feng, do not forget our trip of goals.” Tianchi Xue sees Lin Feng to lose one's temper, said one desolately. 林枫,不要忘了我们此行的目的。”天池雪看到林枫动怒,冷淡的说了一声。 Lin Feng eye pupil slowly has transferred, fell on the body of Tianchi Xue, the mouth has opened slightly, immediately put out together the sound: You, shut up to me.” 林枫眼眸缓缓的转过,落在了天池雪的身上,嘴巴微微张开,随即吐出一道声音:“你,给我闭嘴。” Tianchi Xue eyesight slightly one stiff, complexion ugly, at this time on Lin Feng is passing gang of ice cold cold intent, as if had gotten angry really thickly, nobody, can say Meng Qing, anybody is not good. 天池雪目光微微一僵,脸色越加的难看了起来,此时林枫身上透着一股冰寒的冷意,仿佛被真的粗怒了般,没有人,能说梦情,任何人都不行。 Tianchi Xue looked at Huangfu Long one, actually sees Huangfu Long to lie down in carrying on the back of snow hawk, the eye pupil is shutting slightly, has probably not seen to be the same, making her hate probably clench teeth. 天池雪看了皇甫龙一眼,却见皇甫龙躺在雪鹰的背上,眼眸微微闭着,就好像没有看见一样,让她的恨得咬了咬牙。 Lin Feng, should not be supercilious, the book is Monster Beast, did I speak incorrectly?” 林枫,你不要太目中无人,本就是一头妖兽而已,我难道说错了吗?” Bai Li Xi felt that in the surface does not have light, cold sound said that however his voice just fell, saw that the body of Lin Feng moved, several steps distances, twinkling already. 百里奚感觉面上无光,冷声说道,然而他的话音刚落下,就看到林枫的身体动了,几步的距离,瞬息既至。 Bai Li Xi lifts the palm to resist, however only hears the sound to spread, the phalanx disruption, terrifying cold air fills the air to the whole body, the throat slightly one tightly, his eye as if must protrude, because of his body, was being buckled the throat by Lin Feng, has lifted slowly. 百里奚抬起手掌想要抵挡,然而只听到咔嚓的声响传出,指骨碎裂,一股恐怖的寒气弥漫至全身,喉咙微微一紧,他的眼睛都仿佛要凸出来,因为他的身体,被林枫扣着喉咙,缓缓的举了起来。 The Huangfu Long opening eye secretly, their six people saw that this moment Lin Feng violent anger one is the heart trembles, this fellow, is angry to be quite overbearing and indifferent, whose face does not give, but his strength also formidable arrives fearfully, Bai Li Xi and he similarly is the talent, but including the revolt strength does not have before him. 皇甫龙偷偷的睁开眼睛,他们六人看到此刻林枫暴怒的一幕都是心头震颤,这家伙,愤怒起来好生霸道、冷漠,谁的面子都不给,而他的实力也强大到可怕,百里奚和他同样为天才,但在他面前却连反抗的力量都没有。 That attractive snow monster, seems the Lin Feng taboo and his reverse scale.” At this moment they understood status of that snow monster in Lin Feng heart, knows in front of Lin Feng, cannot insult that attractive small monster absolutely. “那头漂亮的雪妖,似乎是林枫的禁忌、他的逆鳞。”这一刻他们都明白了那头雪妖在林枫心中的地位,知道在林枫面前,绝对不能侮辱那漂亮的小妖。 Bai Li Xi both hands are buckling the hand of Lin Feng, was covered the throat, his complexion suppresses red, in eyesight has the anger, to have the shameful shame, completely is the scarlet-red colors. 百里奚双手扣着林枫的手,被扣住咽喉,他的脸色憋得通红,目光中有怒火、有无地自容的羞愧,全部都是赤红之色。 This time, I let off you, if there are the next time, even if Tianchi blames, you must die!” “这一次,我放过你,若是有下一次,即便天池怪罪下来,你也要死!” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out ices the cold sound together, particularly when finally that dead characters fall, as if the space slightly congealed , the biting cold coldness raids the body of crowd, they can feel that Lin Feng killing intent, his words, unquestionable, who dares to touch his reverse scale again, he will kill people, also really dares to kill people! 林枫的嘴中吐出一道冰寒的声音,尤其是最后那死字落下之时,仿佛空间都微微凝结了下,彻骨的寒冷袭遍人群的身上,他们都能够感觉到林枫身上的杀意,他的话,不容置疑,谁敢再触他的逆鳞,他真会杀人、也真敢杀人! : The fresh flower, takes by force! :鲜花,打劫! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 764 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第764章 Invites the wrath of the emperor the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 逆鳞地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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