PMG :: Volume #3

#763: All, for empire

Lin Feng and the others eyesight go to that line of purple forms, the person of this line of Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peaks stands in the most dead ahead of crowd, was crowded around in that like many things around a center, keeps aloof. 林枫等人的目光投向那一行紫色的身影,这一行天玑峰之人站在人群的最正前方,被簇拥在那,就如众星捧月,高高在上。 Especially Yu Tianji is so, the person of Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak takes him as Venerable, he is a Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak youth generation of leader, the status on such as Ling Xue in the Tian Shu peak, moreover compared with ice blood is higher than in the prestige of Tian Shu peak. 尤其是宇天机更是如此,天玑峰之人以他为尊,他乃是天玑峰青年一辈的领袖人物,地位就如凌血在天枢峰,而且比凌血的在天枢峰的威望更高出许多。 Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak.” Lin Feng and other people, the eye pupils of some people reveal the indifferent color, some people reveal meaning of the wisp of envying, disciple who as if envies these Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peaks, wants to become, keeps aloof, does not need like to be a scapegoat in the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, was shamed, is just like Bai Li Xi, has this idea. 天玑峰。”林枫等八人,有人的眼眸露出冷漠之色,也有人露出一缕羡慕之意,似乎羡慕那些天玑峰的弟子,也想成为其中的一员,高高在上,不用像在天璇峰这样受气,被人羞辱,就好比百里奚,就有这种想法。 This Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak the talent that chooses from earthliness is good, but the inside story of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak there, you , if not willingly, diligently becomes formidable, is good to give you Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak to compete for the face countenance.” Yu Tianji said lightly, just like is having the expression of several points of youth leader, is very arrogant, he very possible will be the future Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak leader, means that may become the leader of entire Tianchi Xue peak, now is training this leader makings. “这次天璇峰从俗世中挑选出来的天才不错,不过天璇峰的底蕴在那里,你们若是不甘心,就努力变得强大起来,也好给你们天璇峰争夺颜面。”宇天机淡淡的说了一声,俨然带着几分青年领袖的语气,很高傲,他很可能是未来的天玑峰领袖,也就意味着可能成为整个天池雪峰的领袖,现在就在培养这种领袖气质。 However Yu Tianji the expression fell in the ear of Lin Feng appears not so was comfortable, many other people treated as the leader to regard Yu Tianji, therefore thought that his words his expression was natural, however Lin Feng, did not have leader concept in his heart, you and I were the same, the disciple of Tianchi Xue peak, everybody was a person of the same generation, even if the status of your Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak were high, did not have the qualifications to teach them with this tone. 不过宇天机的这种语气落在林枫的耳中却显得不那么舒服了,其他许多人将宇天机当做领袖看待,因此觉得他的话他的语气是理所当然的,然而林枫,在他心中就没有领袖这个概念,你、我都是一样,天池雪峰的弟子,大家都是平辈,即便你天玑峰的地位要高,也没有资格用这种口吻教训他们吧。 „The Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, a younger generation here and teaches many peers, some people think unexpectedly are natural, I do not know whether this is the servility makes it so, certain people will have treated as the senior leader who keeps aloof.” The light sound puts out from the mouth of Lin Feng, making eyesight of crowd one stiff, Lin Feng, is satirizing their servility, the good bold fellow, he thinks that he did defeat a character of Tian Shu peak is very great? 天玑峰,一个晚辈在这里和教训诸多同辈,竟还有人认为是理所应当,我不知这是否是奴性使然,还是某些人已经将自己当做高高在上的前辈领袖人物。”淡淡的声音从林枫的嘴中吐出,让人群的目光一僵,林枫,是在讽刺他们奴性,好大胆的家伙,难道他以为自己击败了一个天枢峰的人物就很了不起? The brow of Yu Tianji also wrinkled, in the double pupil is passing together the sharp light, is staring at Lin Feng, as if must Lin Feng completely understanding. 宇天机的眉头也皱了一下,双眸中透着一道锐利之光,盯着林枫,仿佛要将林枫给看透来。 Um?” A Lin Feng brow wrinkle, in eyesight the fine glow explodes to dodge, is staring at Yu Tianji, lets the ray in Yu Tianji eye pupil maliciously trembles, body slight rocked , the eye pupil could not bear close. “嗯?”林枫的眉头一皱,目光中精芒爆闪而出,盯着宇天机,让宇天机眼眸中的光芒狠狠的一颤,身体都轻微的晃动了下,眼眸都忍不住闭上了。 Snort.” Lin Feng cold snort, ice-cold eyesight is staring at Yu Tianji, this person unexpectedly in using the magical powers peeps in him, wants to visit him comes thoroughly, should practice any special method, but the method of this peeping at must take the strength of soul as the base, but among peer, Lin Feng has not thought that whose soul strength can contend with him, therefore his being in a rage made the double pupil of Yu Tianji suffer making a false counter-accusation. “哼。”林枫冷哼一声,冰冷的目光盯着宇天机,此人竟在用神通窥视于他,想要将他看透彻来,应该修炼了什么特殊的手段,不过这种窥视的手段要以灵魂的力量为基,而在同辈当中,林枫还不认为有谁的灵魂力量能够与他抗衡的,因此他一怒之下让宇天机的双眸都遭受到了反噬。 Um?” The crowd sees this eye pupil is slightly one stiff, as if the fairy not measured that Yu Tianji is using his technique of peeping at to peep at Lin Feng, at the Yu Tianji powerful degree, will peep at will definitely not have any issue to be right, Lin Feng should be completely understood by Yu Tianji completely, however did the Yu Tianji eye pupil suddenly close? “嗯?”人群看到这一幕眼眸都是微微一僵,似乎神鬼莫测宇天机在用他的窥视之术窥视林枫,以宇天机的强悍程度,窥视肯定不会有任何问题才对,林枫应该被宇天机全部看透了吧,然而宇天机眼眸怎么突然的闭上了? The eye pupil of Yu Tianji opens quickly, point twinkle, tight staring Lin Feng. 宇天机的眼眸很快睁开来,锋芒闪烁,紧紧的凝视林枫 Was broken, my peeping at magical powers, first time the was broken by peer . Moreover, I peeped at his Swordsmanship will in Fourth Layer, and is still rising, should have the Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will strength, what a pity has not seen clearly the thick, very strong fellow, it seems like that this talented person is these time enters the mystical place a Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak side genuine leader in secret, he is fiercer than Tianchi Xue.” “被打断了,我的窥视神通,第一次被同辈打断,而且,我已经窥视到他的剑道意志在第四重,并且还在上升,应该有五重的剑道意志力量,可惜没有看清粗,好强的家伙,看来此人才是这一次进入秘境当中天璇峰一方真正的暗中领袖,他比天池雪更厉害。” Yu Tianji while staring at Lin Feng whispered in the heart secretly, to Lin Feng cold snort, eyesight had been transferring immediately, looked that said to the crowd: Enters the mystical place, well diligently.” 宇天机在盯着林枫的同时在心中暗暗低语,对着林枫冷哼了一声,随即目光转过,看向人群道:“诸位进入秘境,都好好努力吧。” Then, Yu Tianji was not speaking, in heart actually looking pensive. This Lin Feng strength should be able to spell with youth leader some of several other big snowy peaks. 说罢,宇天机不在说话,心中却若有所思。这林枫的实力应该能够和其它几大雪峰的青年领袖有的一拼。 However the people are in the heart have doubts, Yu Tianji shifts the topic unexpectedly, such considers as finished to Lin Feng? 不过众人却是心中疑惑,宇天机竟然转移话题,对林枫就这么算了? Only then Lin Feng know in heart, that Yu Tianji should see some clue, does not consider as finished, he must at the scene and fights inadequately, but here snow palace, small friction, however the war alarms the snow palace senior, no one is good to confess. 只有林枫自己心里有数,那一眼宇天机应该看出了一些端倪,不算了,难道他要当场和自己大战不成,这里可是雪殿,小摩擦可以,然而大战惊动雪殿前辈,谁都不好交代。 Nearby hunter static here looks has that Tianchi is divided into seven big snowy peaks, will never prevent collisions and competitions among the major snowy peaks, only then can promote a youth generation of growth in the competition quickly, making the true talent emerge, the powerhouse achievement snowy peak Venerable the position, the weak one eliminates. 一旁的猎人静静的看着这边发生的一幕幕,天池分为七大雪峰,从来不会去阻止各大雪峰之间的碰撞与竞争,只有在竞争中才能更快的促进青年一辈的成长,让真正的天才脱颖而出,强者成就雪峰尊位,弱者淘汰。 Not is only Tianchi, all big Sect influences, impossible not to have competed, does not have the advance driving force without the competition, naturally, the world of martial arts, only then there is a Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator place, certainly will have the struggle. 不仅是天池,所有大宗门势力,不可能没有竞争,没有竞争就没有前进的动力,当然,武道的世界,只有有武修的地方,就一定会有斗争。 This time, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, will again not be easy to receive to humiliate.” Hunts for in the person heart quite to feel comfort and pride, Tianchi Xue, Huangfu Long and Han Qiuyu these people, the talent is very formidable, youth powerhouse who will not dread other snowy peaks absolutely, but Lin Feng, can contend with existences of other snowy peak leaders, like such that in the Yu Tianji heart guessed, Lin Feng was this Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak the leader in secret. “这一次,天璇峰,可不会再那么容易受到欺凌了。”猎人心中颇感安慰、自豪,天池雪皇甫龙寒秋雨这些人,天赋都很强大,绝对不会畏惧其它雪峰的青年强者,而林枫,更是能够抗衡其它雪峰领袖的存在,就像宇天机心中猜测的那样,林枫才是这次天璇峰的暗中领袖人物。 Works as......” “当……” The melodious ding plays together in snow palace, fluttering slowly, at this time, in the snow palace, there is a form together slowly treads, this person is throwing over the purple robe, symbolizes the snowy peak Venerable the peak Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, the white snow long hair, the beard arrives at the chest, appears quite somewhat the meaning of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 一道悠扬的钟声在雪殿中奏响来,缓缓的飘荡而出,此时,在雪殿之内,有一道身影缓缓的踏出,此人披着紫袍,象征着雪峰尊峰天玑峰,白雪长发,胡须到达胸膛,显得颇有几分仙风道骨之意。 Seven big snowy peaks, were the person in attendance?” Must the old man ask one in vain lightly, not resonant, however actually the clear incomparable sound spreads to the ear of everyone. “七大雪峰,人都到齐了吗?”白须老者淡淡的问了一声,并不嘹亮然而却清晰无比的声音传入每一个人的耳中。 The person who these collars numerous youth talents are coming bows saying: Was in attendance.” 那些领着众多青年天才过来的人纷纷躬身道:“都到齐了。” Um.” Old person's eyesight has swept, looks to 56 youth, quite satisfied nod. “嗯。”老人的目光扫过,看向56位青年,颇为满意的点了点头。 Tianchi, will never prevent your competition, because competes, can make you have warm-blooded, reason that making you have the strengthen power and determination, Tianchi is divided into seven big snowy peaks, this original intention, usually in how, regardless of you fight, but I must remind you, this time goes to the mystical place, may not only be your the talents of Tianchi, Dry Region the youth talent characters of major fearful influence, these talents are not weaker than you, therefore, to the mystical place, you is not and person on one's own side fights, but was they have fought, you must remember firmly, you, Is the people in Tianchi, all gratitude and grudges, abandon to me in one side.” “天池,从来不会阻止你们相互间的竞争,因为竞争,能够让你们拥有热血,让你们拥有变强的动力和决心,天池之所以分为七大雪峰,也正是此初衷,平日里无论你们如何斗都可以,但我必须要提醒你们,此次前往秘境当中,可不仅是你们这些天池的天才,还有乾域各大可怕势力的青年天才人物,那些天才一点不比你们弱,所以,到了秘境,你们便不是和自己人斗,而是和他们斗了,你们要牢牢的记住,你们,都是天池的人,一切的恩怨,都给我抛开在一边。” Old man saying of slowly, the sound is solemn and respectful, to mystical place, this and other strong presence battles. 老者缓缓的说道,声音肃穆,到了秘境,就该与其他强大势力争斗了。 „Were my words, clear?” “我的话,都清楚了吗?” Respectfully follows this to teach.” The people bow, the clear and resonant voice said. “谨遵此训。”众人纷纷躬身,朗声说道。 The old person nodded, immediately the right hand caresses the chest, under the bow the body, the sound is slightly solemn and respectful: All, for empire!” 老人点了点头,随即右手抚胸,微微躬下身子,声音肃穆:“一切,为了帝国!” The people saw the movement that old person has also lifted own right hand, the person of day spin peak also so, they place the front the hand, bows slightly, the sound is dignified and solemn and respectful: All, for empire.” 众人看到老人的动作也都抬起了自己的右手,天旋峰的人也都如此,他们都将手放在胸前,微微躬身,声音庄严而肃穆:“一切,为了帝国。” All, for empire!” “一切、为了帝国!” Works as......” “当……” The dignified and sacred sound reverberates in the snow palace, brings in together the resonant ding with it echoing, the prolonged ding tremor in the mind of crowd, as if in letting the crowd always remembered that their missions, all, for empire, this is the mission of Tianchi, how intensity regardless in fights, but ultimate goal only then, for Tianchi formidable, for empire powerhouse, this sense of mission, has been supporting the entire huge empire, lets the present Tianchi empire in Dry Region is the top influence. 庄严而神圣的声音在雪殿回荡,引来一道嘹亮的钟声与之呼应,经久不息的钟声颤动在人群的脑海当中,仿佛是在让人群铭记他们的使命,一切,为了帝国,这是天池的使命,无论内斗如何的激烈,但最终目的只有一个,为了天池强大、为了帝国强者,这种使命感,一直支持着整个庞大的帝国,让如今的天池帝国在乾域中都是顶尖的势力。 The solemn and respectful and dignified sound is reverberating in the Lin Feng mind, his palm slightly has also lifted, places own front, meditated one in the heart: All, for empire!” 肃穆而庄严的声音在林枫的脑海中回荡着,他的手掌也微微举了起来,放在自己的胸前,在心中默念了一声:“一切,为了帝国!” A grave sense of mission winds around in the chest, this sense of mission has a charm, he will infect everyone, this small detail also makes Lin Feng understand that the great strength of Tianchi empire is by no means coincidental, this sense of mission and cohesive force, can infect the soul of heart and seepage person of person, this state, who can not give birth yearns for the heart, he lets all people in empire, has the intense sense of belonging and honor or disgrace heart. 一股庄重的使命感缭绕在胸中,这股使命感拥有一股魔力,他会感染每一个人,这一个小小的细节也让林枫明白,天池帝国的强大绝非偶然,这种使命感与凝聚力,能够感染人的心、渗透人的灵魂,这种国度,谁能不生出向往之心,他让帝国的所有人,都有强烈的归属感与荣辱之心。 Must eyesight of old man unknowingly look at Lin Feng here one in vain, in the middle of the eye pupil has shown a light happy expression, he saw certainly a moment ago Lin Feng is only not with the people together, however he was infected eventually , the true charm of Tianchi empire lay, he can let is not the people in Tianchi empire also found the sense of belonging in this state, making him take pride in the Tianchi empire, the talent that this, the empire bought will be getting more and more! 白须老者的目光不经意看了林枫这边一眼,眼眸当中露出了一丝淡淡的笑意,他当然看到了刚才林枫是唯一没有同众人一起,然而他终究也被感染了,天池帝国的真正魔力在于,他能够让并非是天池帝国的人也在这个国度找到归属感,让他以天池帝国为荣耀,这样,帝国吸纳的天才才会越来越多! : Very early in the morning the old custom, asked the fresh flower! :一大早老习惯,求鲜花! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 763 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第763章 All, for empire address 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