PMG :: Volume #3

#762: A figure of prestige

The Tianchi Xue complexion is getting more and more cold, the person of Tian Shu peak, good excessively. 天池雪的脸色越来越冷,天枢峰的人,好过分。 Right, Tianchi Xue, in our Tian Shu peak youth generation, is strongest by the ice blood strength, as for your Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, has not then taken the person who gets rid of besides you, was inferior that you marry Ling Xue, simply has joined the Tian Shu peak.” The following some people echo saying that sees the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak the person potential to be weak, instead intense. “对,天池雪,我们天枢峰青年一辈中,以凌血实力最强,至于你们天璇峰,除你之外便没有拿得出手的人了,不如你嫁给凌血,干脆加入了天枢峰。”后面有人附和说道,见天璇峰的人势弱,反而越加的变本加厉。 Fart.” The vulgar scolding sound spreads together, making eyesight of crowd slightly concentrate, immediately the eye pupil fell on the Tianchi Xue following person of body, impressively Huangfu Long. “放屁。”一道粗俗的骂声传出,让人群的目光都微微一凝,随即眼眸落在了天池雪后面一人的身上,赫然正是皇甫龙 Sees only the Huangfu Long stride to step to come out, glares angrily, stares at the crowd of Tian Shu peak to shout to clear the way: Tianchi Xue is my woman, my Huangfu Long wife.” 只见皇甫龙大步跨出来,怒目圆睁,盯着天枢峰的人群喝道:“天池雪是我的女人,我皇甫龙的妻子。” Tianchi Xue eyesight one stiff, stared Huangfu Long one maliciously, this bastard. 天池雪目光一僵,狠狠的瞪了皇甫龙一眼,这混蛋。 Big Pest, you strength in our eight people were weakest, this Ling Xue was known as that is the youth generation of leader of Tian Shu peak, you try his strength.” Although Tianchi Xue cursed Huangfu Long in the heart, but the strength of very clear Huangfu Long this fellow was very terrifying, particularly that brute force extremely formidable, she does not dare to meet the terrifying fist of Huangfu Long hardly. 大害虫,你在我们八人当中实力最弱了,这凌血号称是天枢峰的青年一辈领袖,你去试试他的实力。”天池雪虽然在心中诅咒皇甫龙,但却很清楚皇甫龙这家伙的实力很恐怖,尤其是那一声蛮力极其的强大,她都不敢硬接皇甫龙的恐怖拳头。 Good.” Huangfu Long obeys the Tianchi Xue words actually very much, the footsteps treads, eyesight is staring at Ling Xue, making Ling Xue feel that the whole body is uncomfortable, seemed going against by an angry dragon. “好。”皇甫龙倒是很听从天池雪的话,脚步踏出,目光盯着凌血,让凌血感觉浑身都不舒服,仿佛被一头怒龙顶着。 Has the idea of my woman, looks to hit.” Huangfu Long gives a loud shout, direct one step surmounts, carries the terrifying power and influence, the twinkling oppression to Ling Xue, the space howls, has the sound of fearful Dragon recitation to spread faintly, shock extremely, Huangfu Long whole person, seemed changed to an angry dragon. “打我女人的主意,找打。”皇甫龙大喝一声,直接一步跨越而出,携带恐怖的威势,瞬息压迫至凌血,空间呼啸,隐隐有可怕的龙吟之声传出,极其的震撼,皇甫龙整个人,也好似化作了一头怒龙。 Um?” Ling Xue a brow wrinkle, full Tou long hair by that terrifying power and influence blowing alienation danced in the air, the clothing makes flap flap the sound, this power and influence, very strong. “嗯?”凌血的眉头一皱,满头的长发都被那股恐怖的威势给吹得狂乱的飞舞了起来,衣衫发出猎猎声响,这威势,好强。 Frowns, Ling Xue wants to draw back, then instantaneously he has cancelled the thought of drawing back, is in front of these many people, can the youth leader character of this Tian Shu peak, how draw back? 皱着眉头,凌血想要退,然后只是瞬间他又打消了退的念头,当着这么多人的面,他这天枢峰的青年领袖人物,怎么能退? Leave to me.” Shouted angrily, Ling Xue the bang of fist crazy tyrant killed, changed to together the illusory fist shade, the bang to the fist of Huangfu Long. “给我滚回去。”怒喝一声,凌血的拳头狂霸的轰杀出去,化作一道虚幻的拳影,轰向皇甫龙的拳头。 Roar......” roaring of angry dragon spreads, as if seeps from the body of Huangfu Long, this roared as if Huangfu Long to increase a fearful potential, from the wild fearful strength in this moment complete rupturing, rumbled along with the fist. “吼……”一声怒龙之咆哮传出,仿佛是从皇甫龙的身体中渗透出来的,这一声咆哮仿佛更为皇甫龙增添了一股可怕的势,来自蛮荒的可怕力量在这一刻全部的爆裂开来,随着拳头轰了出去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Their double fists collide the same place, the crowd only felt that has started fearful hurricanes, the sound spreads, under the people shocking eyesight gaze, saw only Tian Shu peak youth generation of leader Ling Xue footsteps to skid in the snowy area, because made the sound with the ground fierce friction. 两人的双拳碰撞到一块,人群只感觉掀起了一片可怕的飓风,嗤嗤的声响传出,在众人震惊的目光注视下,只见天枢峰青年一辈的领袖人物凌血的脚步在雪地上滑动了起来,因为与地面剧烈摩擦而发出嗤嗤的声响。 „......” Is howl of the wild angry dragon is trembling the eardrum of crowd, the crowd shocking is staring at Huangfu Long, this fellow, the good fearful strength, his within the body, has the strength of bloodlines. “嗷……”又是一声蛮荒怒龙之啸声震颤着人群的耳膜,人群震惊的盯着皇甫龙,这家伙,好可怕的力量,他的体内,有血脉的力量在其中。 Snort, this is the leader of your Tian Shu peak, my Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak unmanned energy enemy? Could not defeat including my Star of Celestial Rotating Jade weakest one person, had no sense of shame.” Tianchi Xue let somebody cool off or calm down said that let the Tian Shu peak crowd complexions not greatly attractive. “哼,这就是你们天枢峰的领袖人物,我天璇峰无人能敌?连我天璇最弱的一人都击败不了,真可谓不知羞耻。”天池雪冷冷的说了一声,让天枢峰的人群一个个脸色都不大好看了起来。 Although Huangfu Long got rid a moment ago overbearingly, Ling Xue responded hastily has the unfair ingredient, however that fist Ling Xue was indeed was rumbled retrocedes, is speechless. 虽说刚才皇甫龙霸道出手,凌血仓促回应有不公的成分在其中,然而那一拳凌血是的的确确的被轰得后退,无话可说。 Huangfu Long has smiled simple and honest, feels the head saying: „The leader of Tian Shu peak, is truly not much.” 皇甫龙憨厚的笑了下,摸着脑袋道:“天枢峰的领袖,确实不怎么样。” Tittered......” Ling Xue to hear Huangfu Long this simple and honest words to spit a wisp of blood thread to come out directly, in fact, Huangfu Long that terrifying the fist of barbarian uncultivated land has shaken him has been injured, he was extremely negligent, the time of when responding already without enough time, if he chooses to retrocede first will not have the issue, but was the Tian Shu peak leader, the people visit him, he can draw back, can only eat this invisible losses stiffly. “噗嗤……”凌血听到皇甫龙这憨厚的话直接吐了一缕血丝出来,事实上,皇甫龙那恐怖的蛮荒之拳已经将他震得受伤了,他太过大意,等到反应过来的时候已经来不及,若是他先选择后退的话就不会有问题,但身为天枢峰领袖,众人都看着他,他能退吗,只能硬生生的吃这暗亏。 Right, since he is your day spin peak weakest one person, I try another person.” The first start to talk satirized that person of complexion ugly [say / way] of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, this Huangfu Long strength terrifying, was the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak strength is absolutely strongest, he did not believe also some people able strong Huangfu Long. “是吗,既然他是你们天旋峰最弱的一人,那我就来试试另外一人。”第一个开口讽刺天璇峰的那人脸色难看的道,这皇甫龙力量恐怖,绝对是天璇峰力量最强的,他不信还有人能强过皇甫龙 eyesight sweeps the crowd, his eyesight framed on the body of Lin Feng, because Lin Feng cultivation base was also Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, was insufficient appears he humiliates small and weakly, furthermore, Lin Feng Ninth Xuan Qi Layer spirit as if was also not extremely stable, should just stride in shortly after the Ninth Layer boundary, dealt with the boundary not steady person, was easiest. 目光一扫人群,他的目光定格在了林枫的身上,因为林枫修为也是玄武境九重,不至于显得他欺凌弱小,再者,林枫玄武境九重气息似乎还不是太过稳定,应该刚刚跨入九重境界不久,对付境界不稳之人,最容易。 Chooses Lin Feng?” Huangfu Long also wants to speak, but saw that opposite party eyesight is staring at Lin Feng, the mouth that opens has also closed, the corners of the mouth show a bright happy expression, the Lin Feng strength with him almost, this person dares to choose Lin Feng unexpectedly, with choosing him does not have anything to distinguish, looks to hit. “选择林枫?”皇甫龙本来还想说话的,但看到对方的目光盯着林枫,张开的嘴巴也闭上了,嘴角露出一丝灿烂的笑意,林枫的实力可是跟他差不多呢,这人竟然敢选择林枫,和选择他没什么区别,找打。 Tianchi Xue saw that person of eye pupil fell on Lin Feng has also gawked, immediately was silent does not say, made him try the Lin Feng strength. 天池雪看到那人的眼眸落在林枫身上也是愣了下,随即沉默不言,就让他试试林枫的实力吧。 Prepared, now, I must get rid to you, the person of my Tian Shu peak, such as you like that will not be mean, must fight, was open and aboveboard.” This person of visible satire said that naturally refers to a moment ago sudden getting rid of Huangfu Long to ice blood. “准备好了,现在,我要对你出手,我天枢峰之人,可不会如你们那般卑鄙,要战,也要堂堂正正。”这人明着讽刺说道,自然是指刚才皇甫龙对凌血的突然出手。 I am also the Tian Shu peak weakest person, powerhouse who has a look at your Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, is any level.” This person said that one step steps forward, bang the sound spreads, above the fist, is passing the fearful penetration strength, the will strength of snow and ice, blows bugle and beats drums on the body of Lin Feng, must freeze the body of Lin Feng. “我也是天枢峰最弱的人,看看你们天璇峰的强者,是什么水平。”这人说罢,一步跨出,轰隆隆的声响传出,拳头之上,透着可怕的穿透力量,还有冰雪的意志力量,吹打在林枫的身上,要将林枫的身体都冻结。 Lin Feng looks that the opposite party comes, in the eye pupil flashes through together cold Mang, palm uphold slowly, in the place of fingertip, the meaning of terrifying sword winds around in that extremely fearful, however because of reason of Lin Feng desirably suppression, this fearful sharp air/Qi, by the rushing imposing manner of opposite party covering. 林枫看着对方而来,眼眸中闪过一道冷芒,手掌缓缓的抬起,在指尖之处,恐怖的剑之意缭绕在那,极其的可怕,然而因为林枫刻意压制的缘故,这可怕的锋锐之气,被对方的澎湃气势给掩盖住了。 Leave and leave......” this person to shout angrily, the terrifying strength as if must throw off all, the palm of Lin Feng lifts, shortly, will be disillusioned all Swordsmanship will strengths to bloom in the fingertip, will only have this to shell his person to be able the personal feeling. “滚、滚……”这人怒喝一声,恐怖的力量仿佛要将一切都掀翻来,林枫的手掌抬起,顷刻间,一股破灭一切的剑道意志力量在手指尖绽放而出,唯有这轰击他的人能够切身的感受到。 Scoffs at and scoff at......” finger to tremble, the Lin Feng referring to strength fell in the opposite party Ba Dao fist vigor, ripped open all. “嗤、嗤……”手指颤出,林枫的指力落在了对方的霸刀拳劲当中,撕开一切。 „......” The sound of pitiful yell spreads together, that person of fist shrank instantaneously, the potential of body also fierce stopping advance, the twinkling then returns same place, sees only he is covering his fist unceasingly, the forehead is infiltrating the sweat. “啊……”一道惨叫之声传出,那人的拳头瞬间缩了回去,身体也猛的止住前进之势,瞬息便又退回到原地,只见他捂着自己的拳头,额头不断的渗着汗水。 Drop and drop!” In the middle of the slit, two place blood drop above the snow and ice of ground, shortly will then increase one point of tender and beautiful red above that pure white snow and ice, appears especially striking. “滴、滴!”缝隙当中,两地鲜血滴落在地面的冰雪之上,顷刻间便在那纯白的冰雪之上添加了一分娇艳的红,显得格外的醒目。 The crowd gains ground, eyesight framed on the body of Lin Feng, this silent youth, has gotten rid an astonishing, optional finger, broke the fist strength of opposite party terrifying, making the opposite party be injured. 人群纷纷抬起头,目光都定格在了林枫的身上,这一直沉默的青年,出手惊人,随意的一指,将对方恐怖的拳力破开,让对方受伤。 You are truly weak.” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out together sound, lets opposite party eyesight is one stiff, only felt that on face burning, probably was flung a numerous ear and area around it. “你确实很弱。”林枫的嘴中吐出一道声音,让对方的目光又是一僵,只感觉脸上火辣辣的,就好像被甩了一个重重的耳光。 The complexion of Tian Shu peak crowd became especially ugly, their youth generation of leader, had been drawn back by others fist bang, was not convinced, therefore in another person, others were only optional one finger, made him be injured, Tian Shu peak honor, thorough losing completely. 天枢峰人群的脸色都变得格外的难看了起来,他们青年一辈的领袖,被别人一拳轰退了,不服气,于是另外一人上,别人只是随意的一指,就让他受伤,天枢峰的脸面,彻底的丢尽了。 „The Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, eight people of this choice, are not as if simple!” Crowds on several other snowy peaks look at these to throw over eight people of various type clothing, did not have the meaning of contempt again, is only competent, can be respected, in the world of martial arts, this is the timeless truth. 天璇峰,这次挑选的八人,似乎不简单呢!”其它几座雪峰上的人群看着这些披着各式服装的八人,再也没有了刚才的轻视之意,唯有实力,才能够得到尊重,在武道的世界,这是亘古不变的道理。 Interesting, it seems like Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, does not set the base willingly.” The sound spreads from one line of purple forms together, is throwing over the person of purple clothing, is Tianchi Xue peak prominent peak the person of Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak: Does not know eight people that this chooses with great difficulty, can live are coming back several.” “有意思,看来天璇峰,也不甘心垫底。”一道声音从一行紫色的身影中传出,披着紫色服饰的人,乃是天池雪峰主峰的天玑峰的人:“只是不知道这好不容易挑选出来的八人,能活着回来几个。” This person of speech voice seems like cloud poor business conditions is light, then unknowingly is actually passing an arrogant meaning. 这人说话声音看似云淡风轻,然则在不经意间中却透着一股高傲之意。 Tianchi Xue eyesight has swept this person of one, but this time she has not actually opened the mouth, the youth of this speech, is the youth generation of leader of Tianchi Xue peak prominent peak Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, Yu Tianji, the fairy not measured that knows the secret! 天池雪目光又扫了这人一眼,不过这一次她却没有开口,这说话的青年,乃是天池雪峰主峰天玑峰的青年一辈领袖,宇天机,神鬼莫测,知天机! Yu Tianji in the Tianchi Xue peak, has the extremely high prestige, if he can inherit the position of prominent peak Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak leader in the future, then entire Tianchi Xue mountain, will take him as Venerable. 宇天机天池雪峰,拥有极高的威望,若是将来他能继承主峰天玑峰领袖之位,那么整个天池雪山,也将以他为尊。 Tianchi, is a very special influence, to having the talent of talent, takes seriously the degree is above the imagination, even the status of seven big snowy peaks, will change because of the youth strengths of major snowy peaks! 天池,是一个很特殊的势力,对有天赋的天才,重视程度超乎想象,甚至七大雪峰的地位,都会因各大雪峰的青年实力而改变! : The fresh flower fresh flower, takes by force! :鲜花鲜花,打劫一下! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 762 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第762章 A finger of prestige address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 一指之威地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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