PMG :: Volume #3

#761: Snow palace battle

Venerable!” “尊者!” Body of Bai Li Xi directly stiff there, seemed is frozen to be the same, moved is unable the move slightest, the expression on face also became especially interesting. 百里奚的身体直接僵在了那里,就好似被冻结住了一样,动都无法动弹分毫,脸上的表情也变得格外的有趣了起来。 Venerable, this leads the person who Lin Feng is coming, unexpectedly is Venerable of keeping aloof, after his teacher, has several other people of teachers saw, needs to bow formidable existence that pays a visit, usually in he can only look, even existence that misses to see in the heart. 尊者,这带着林枫前来的人,竟是高高在上的尊者,他的老师、还有其他几人的老师见到后,都需要躬身拜见的强大存在,平日里他只能在心中仰望、甚至无缘见到的存在。 But in a moment ago, him still in ridiculing Lin Feng put the cart before the horse nondescriptly, making the snow cultivate the guidance sword to cultivate, however the mood of this taunt will be shortly nothing left at this time, remaining, only then a wisp to the Venerable deep awe as well as to the Lin Feng intense envy, why, why Lin Feng can the Venerable instruction, but instructed his teacher, the boundary of Tian Qi Third Layer, this disparity, too was big, making in his heart have the intense jealousy feeling, he and was Lin Feng disparity so big? 而在刚才,他还在嘲笑林枫不伦不类本末倒置,让雪修教导剑修,然而此时这种嘲讽的心境在顷刻间荡然无存,剩下的,只有一缕对尊者深深的敬畏以及对林枫强烈的嫉妒,凭什么,凭什么林枫能够得到尊者指导,而指导他的老师,却才天武三重之境,这差距,实在太大了,让他心中生出强烈的妒意,难道他和林枫的差距就有这么大? Um.” Snow Venerable to several people of slight bows, eyesight has been sweeping the people, unknowingly has swept Bai Li Xi one, making Bai Li Xi feel that the body as if in instantaneously must come frozen stiff, is quite coldly and cold, however Snow Venerable eyesight was the twinkling then left merely, as if did not visit him desirably, perhaps was only reason that because the snow cultivated, in his eyesight was having a chill in the air of gang of frozen stiff person. “嗯。”雪尊者对着几人微微点头,目光扫过众人,不经意间扫了百里奚一眼,让百里奚感觉身体仿佛在瞬间要冻僵来,冷、好冷,然而雪尊者目光仅仅是瞬息便又离开了,似乎并不是刻意看他,也许只是因为雪修的缘故,他的目光中本就带着一股冻僵人的寒意。 Besides the intense envy of Bai Li Xi, several other people, has shown the stunned shocking facial expression, even if Tianchi Xue is unable to stop shock of heart, Snow Venerable, actually personally taught Lin Feng, this treatment, in their Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein], only then her Tianchi Xue person had this treatment, but now, Lin Feng also had this treatment, this made in her beautiful pupil show a strange look, she vaguely still remembers that arrogance of Lin Feng before her, making her feel was very uncomfortable, which man will never have before her like that indifferently and proudly, on probably basic not her. Pays attention to be the same. 除了百里奚的强烈妒忌之外,其他几人,也都露出了错愕震惊的神情,即便是天池雪也无法止住心头的震撼,雪尊者,竟然亲自教导林枫,这种待遇,在他们天璇峰一脉,只有她天池雪一人有这待遇,不过如今,林枫也有了这待遇,这让她的美眸中露出了一丝古怪的神色,她依稀还记得林枫在她面前的高傲,让她感觉很不舒服,从来没有哪个男子在她面前会那般的冷漠、傲然,就好像根本没有将她。放在眼里一样。 Teacher.” The hunters walk up, is bowing to Snow Venerable slightly. “师尊。”猎人走上前来,对着雪尊者微微躬身。 Person arrived.” Snow Venerable was saying to the hunter that hunter nodded saying: Teacher, eight people, here.” “人都到了吧。”雪尊者对着猎人说道,猎人点了点头道:“师尊,八人,都在这里。” Good.” Snow Venerable eyesight looks once again to people, [say / way] slowly: Perhaps your also not clear Tianchi Xue mountain, I first simply said one with you, the Tianchi Xue mountain, is divided into seven big snowy peaks, here, is only a peak, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, the Tianchi Xue mountain has the custom, in the Tianchi seven big snowy peaks, only permits a snowy peak and outside border on, representative Tianchi Xue mountain.” “好。”雪尊者目光再度看向众人,缓缓的道:“也许你们还不清楚天池雪山,我先与你简单的说一声,天池雪山,分为七大雪峰,这里,只是其中一峰,天璇峰,天池雪山有规矩,在天池七大雪峰中,只允许其中一处雪峰与外界接壤,代表天池雪山。” Several other people of eye pupils slightly one stiff, the Tianchi Xue mountain, divides seven big peaks, they in the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, are only in which peak of seven big snowy peaks, Tianchi that it seems like they understand, is only the tip of the iceberg. 其余几人的眼眸都微微一僵,天池雪山,分七大峰,他们所在天璇峰,只是七大雪峰的其中一峰,看来他们所了解的天池,只是冰山一角而已。 Generally in this rein one overlord influence of empire, is really mysterious extraordinary, the common people are unable to know their inside story strongly. 大凡这种统御一个中品帝国的霸主势力,果然都是神秘非凡,世人都无法知道他们的底蕴到底有多强。 I told you these, but wants to allow you to understand, besides your eight people, another six column snowy peaks, will send talent disciples in eight snowy peak to accompany you to enter in the middle of the mystical place separately together, perhaps among you will have some small friction in the spoken language, but did not allow you to get rid to the person on one's own side absolutely, did you understand?” “我告诉你们这些,只是想让你们了解,除了你们八人之外,另外六柱雪峰,也分别会派遣八位雪峰之内的天赋弟子随同你们一道进入秘境当中,也许你们之间会在言语上产生一些小的摩擦,但绝对不允许你们对自己人出手,你们明白了吗?” Yes.” “明白。” I understand......” “我明白……” The people nod in abundance, before originally, they knew, imagines is not real, enters the powerhouse in mystical place, not only their eight people, other are 48 people, 56 talent powerhouses, will step into the middle of the mystical place together, this lineup, the good terrifying, making their mind slightly one tight. 众人一个个纷纷点头,原来,以前他们所知道的、所想象的并非是真实的,进入秘境的强者,并不只是他们八人,还有另外是48人,共有56位天才强者,将一起踏入秘境当中,这阵容,好恐怖,让他们的心神都微微一紧。 However this can also look, in the middle of the mystical place, will have the big opportunity, is worth Tianchi setting out the so powerful lineup to go to unexpectedly. 不过这也更能够看出来,秘境当中,将拥有多大的机遇,竟值得天池出动如此强悍的阵容前往其中。 You lead them to go to snow palace.” Snow Venerable was saying to the hunter, the hunter slight bow, said: Comes along with me.” “你带他们前往雪殿吧。”雪尊者对着猎人说了一声,猎人微微点头,道:“随我来。” Then, his footsteps step forward, goes toward the boundless snowy mountain in the middle. 说罢,他的脚步跨出,朝着茫茫的雪山当中而去。 Eight forms the steps, imperial are simultaneously spatial and good, after following closely the hunter, besides Tianchi Xue, other people does not know where the snow palace is. 八道身影同时踏步、御空而行,紧随着猎人之后,除了天池雪外,其他人都不知道雪殿是什么地方。 In the middle of the boundless snow and ice, imperial flew spatially a double-hour, the crowd finally arrived at the snow palace, making eight people sigh in the heart that this Tianchi Xue mountain, has how vastly. 茫茫冰雪当中,御空飞行了一个时辰,人群才终于到达了雪殿,让八人都在心头感叹,这天池雪山,到底有多么的浩瀚。 At their speeds, has spent a double-hour, it can be imagined, they surmounted the region of multi- length and breadth. 以他们的速度,都花了一个时辰,可想而知,他们跨越了多广袤的地域。 Moreover, at this moment they also faintly knew the Tianchi seven snowy peaks, in they lead the way on the way, then presented several to stand tall and erect into the day snowy peak, highest, was vastest in a giant region, the snowy peak that just entered Tianchi Xue mountain sees when compared with that them, must a more palatial dignity. 而且,此刻他们也隐隐知道了天池七雪峰,在他们前行的途中,便出现了好几座高耸入天的雪峰,在一片巨大的地域中最高、最浩瀚,比起那座他们刚入天池雪山之时看到的雪峰,要更巍峨威严。 Especially at this moment, appears in their line of sight, is an exceedingly high snowy peak, even if at this moment their people already in midair, but when gains ground looks at that snowy peak, as before faintly felt the summit of that snowy peak, as if had a day of docking, to touch the day. 尤其是在此刻,出现在他们视线当中的,是一座通天雪峰,即便此刻他们的人已经在半空当中,但抬头看那雪峰之时,依旧隐隐感觉那雪峰之巅,仿佛有天相接、触及到了天。 Here is the prominent peaks of Tianchi Xue peak seven peak, the Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak.” The hunters have turned head to say to the people, immediately footsteps one cross, the body rising typhoon on, the Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, is the snow palace. “这里就是天池雪峰七峰之主峰,天玑峰。”猎人回过头对着众人说了一声,随即脚步一跨,身体扶摇而上,天玑峰顶,便是雪殿。 Eight people of body rising typhoons on, go toward the sky in abundance, see only the Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak the place of mountainside, has the palaces of many snows to construct, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak and Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak compare, appeared wants too to be poor many, lets several people of secret feelings, this Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, worthily was the prominent peak of Tianchi Xue mountain. 八人的身体纷纷扶摇而上,朝天空而去,只见天玑峰的山腰之地,有着许多一座座的雪之宫殿建筑,天璇峰与天玑峰比起来,就显得要寒酸了太多,让好几人暗暗感慨,这天玑峰,不愧是天池雪山的主峰。 The Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak peak is together the vast boundless snowy area, center the snowy area, that remote place, palace of the snow, is such dignity and grand, making the person want to lie prostrate in worship. 天玑峰顶端是一块浩瀚无垠的雪地,在雪地正中,那遥远的地方,有一座雪之宫殿,是那么的威严、壮阔,让人想要顶礼膜拜。 The hunters led the people to step this Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak, walked above the snowy area, Lin Feng gained ground, looks at the snowflake that airborne floated, as if put out a hand, can touch the day to be the same, here cultivated, perhaps in the heart can cannot help but have the great ambition of pitching world. 猎人带着众人踏上了这天玑峰顶,步行在雪地之上,林枫抬起头,看着空中飘飘洒洒的雪花,仿佛伸出手,就可以触及到天一样,在这里修炼,或许心中都能够不由自主的生出一种俯仰天地之雄心。 When the person arrived at the grand snow palace in the presence of everyone, before the palace in snow palace, many crowds arrived here, can clear transparent seeing, these crowds be divided into six big camps, crowd in each camp wears the unified clothing, above is carving the stars design, is showing their status, is the person of which column snowy peak. 当众人来到了雄伟的雪殿之时,在雪殿的殿前,已经有不少人群来到了这里,一眼就可以清楚明了的看到,这些人群分为六大阵营,每一个阵营中的人群都穿着统一的服饰,上面刻着星辰图案,彰显着他们的身份,是哪一柱雪峰的人。 The person arrival of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, eyesight of crowd has transferred in abundance, saw that Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak crowd the eye pupil of time their cannot help but slightly stagnates, the corners of the mouth of many people have shown immediately a look of wisp of satire. 天璇峰的人到来,人群的目光纷纷转过,看到天璇峰人群的时候他们的眼眸不由得微微一滞,随即许多人的嘴角都露出了一缕讽刺的神色。 Worthily is the Tianchi Xue peak weakest Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, the good and evil intermingled, does not know highly improper.” Some people satirized make noise, making the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak eight people of eyesight concentrate, complexion micro some were unattractive, has not thought that just visited here, was taunted, no matter what no one will be comfortable. “不愧是天池雪峰最弱的天璇峰,良莠不齐,不知成何体统。”有人讽刺出声,让天璇峰的八人都目光一凝,脸色微有些不好看,没想到刚刚踏足这里,就被人嘲讽,任谁都不会舒服。 Shut up.” Tianchi Xue icy shouting to clear the way, in the eye of outside crowd, Tianchi Xue is the Tianchi saintess, however in fact, she has the extremely high status in the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, is the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak most well-respected later generation attaches great importance, but enlivens in the outside world only then Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, therefore Tianchi Xue had the name of Tianchi saintess. “闭嘴。”天池雪冷冰冰的喝道,在外界人群的眼中,天池雪是天池圣女,然而事实上,她只是在天璇峰拥有极高的地位,是天璇峰最受重视的后辈重视,而活跃在外面世界的又只有天璇峰,因此天池雪拥有了天池圣女之称。 In the Tianchi seven peaks, her Tianchi Xue, has represented faintly the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, at this moment she naturally must stand the speech. 在天池七峰当中,她天池雪,隐隐就代表了天璇峰,此刻她自然要站出来说话。 Tianchi Xue, good power and prestige, the words that but, I spoke have the issue, do not forget, in the Tianchi seven big snowy peaks, only has the weakest snowy peak, was allowed to exchange with the common custom, your Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, is seven big snowy peaks is weakest, perhaps, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak has not told them several.” 天池雪,好威风,不过,我说的话难道有问题吗,你不要忘了,天池七大雪峰中,唯有最弱的雪峰,才被准许与世俗交流,你们天璇峰,就是七大雪峰最弱的,也许,天璇峰还没有告诉他们几个吧。” This person ridiculed once again makes noise, many people have smiled immediately, they, somewhat were looking down upon the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, the beforehand Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak was how imposing, presses their head, but only vanished from the master ancestor of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak moved toward the decline, became in the worst seven big snowy peaks is weakest, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak also degenerated into the jokes of Tianchi seven big peaks, other Liufeng looked down upon. 这人再度讥讽出声,顿时许多人都笑了起来,他们,都是有些瞧不起天璇峰的,以前的天璇峰何其威风,压他们一头,但只从天璇峰的师祖消失,天璇峰走向了没落,成为最差七大雪峰中最弱的,天璇峰也沦为了天池七大峰的笑话,其它六峰都看不起。 Your mouth is really smelly.” Tianchi Xue footsteps one cross, immediately fearful cold air/Qi billowing kicking out, the strength of snow and ice will blooms, must freeze that person of body. “你的嘴真臭。”天池雪脚步一跨,顿时一股可怕的寒冷之气滚滚的扑出,冰雪意志的力量绽放,要将那人的身体都冻结。 Tianchi Xue, here, but snow palace.” At this time, steps in front also one person of person of that speech, terrifying spirit blooms, confronts with Tianchi Xue, resists completely the Tianchi Xue ice cold pressure. 天池雪,这里可是雪殿。”此时,在那说话之人的面前也有一人跨出来,恐怖的气息绽放,和天池雪对峙,将天池雪的冰寒威压全部抵挡住。 Makes way.” The body of Tianchi Xue throws to the opposite party in front of instantaneously, is relentless must begin, the ice-cold palm strength of containing ones anger lays out directly. “让开。”天池雪的身体瞬间扑到对方面前,毫不留情就要动手,含怒的冰冷掌力直接拍出。 Seven big snowy peaks, will not always prevent to compete, competition. 七大雪峰,从来都不会阻止竞争、比试。 Goes back to me.” That station form footsteps maliciously treads the ground, the snowflake dance, similarly holds the strength to whip together, as if changes to illusory images, the sound of bang spreads, the body of Tianchi Xue was repelled to return same place by a palm, the complexion ice is cold. “给我回去。”那站出来的身影脚步狠狠的一踏地面,雪花狂舞,同样一道掌力拍打而出,仿佛化作一道道幻影,轰的一道声响传出,天池雪的身体被一掌击退回到原地,脸色越加的冰寒。 He he, Tianchi Xue, saw our Tian Shu peak youth leader Ling Xue strength, otherwise you married the ice blood to consider as finished, instead in your Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak , some impossible people more outstanding than Ling Xue.” That following person has opened the mouth, the sound is coarse. “呵呵,天池雪,看到我们天枢峰青年领袖凌血的实力了吧,不然你就嫁给凌血算了,反正在你们天璇峰中,也不可能有人比凌血更优秀。”那后面的人又开口了,声音难听。 : Thanks dozen to enjoy, the blood tyrant peak is the younger sister paper, Ha Ha, asked the fresh flower! :谢谢诸位打赏,血霸巅峰是个妹纸哦,哈哈,求鲜花了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 761 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第761章 Snow palace battle address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 雪殿争斗地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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