PMG :: Volume #3

#768: Inciting

The Duan Wu Dao complexion is also very ugly, Lin Feng, has not died unexpectedly, moreover relieves from the realm of the devil, restores as usual, that pair of ice-cold pupil, was colder. 段无道的脸色也很难看,林枫,竟然还没死,而且从魔道中解除出来,恢复如常,那双冰冷的眸子,更加的寒冷了。 Past in Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with stage, Lin Feng was in front of all people to defeat him to capture Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with the champion seat, since now, these days he received the powerhouse to look after the instruction to practice in the jade day emperor's clan, the cultivation base progress was amazingly quick, the strength of will was getting stronger and stronger, cultivates genuine emperor cultivation technique, was more formidable than before many times, but how did not know Lin Feng now the strength. 昔日在雪域大比的舞台,林枫便当着所有人的面击败他夺得雪域大比冠军席位,如今,这段时间以来他在玉天皇族受到强者照料指导修炼,修为进步神速,意志的力量越来越强大,修炼真正的皇者功法,比以前更强大了许多倍,但不知道林枫现在实力如何了。 That day in Xue Yue Country, Lin Feng grasps the scene that the demon sword must murder all living things is extremely fearful. 那日在雪月国,林枫手持魔剑要杀伐众生的场景可是极其的可怕。 Can kill him while this opportunity.” Some people arrive in front of the Tian Qi powerhouse who that leads, suggested saying that the people of jade day emperor's clan knew existence of Lin Feng, if entered the mystical place, by the jade day the gratitude and grudges between emperor's clan and Lin Feng, Lin Feng will be perhaps disadvantageous to the people of jade day emperor's clan, therefore, he wants to seize the chance to remove Lin Feng, by never recurring trouble. “能不能趁此机会杀了他。”有人走到那领头的天武强者面前,建议说道,玉天皇族的人都知道林枫的存在,若是进入秘境,以玉天皇族与林枫间的恩怨,林枫恐怕会对玉天皇族的人不利,因此,他想趁机除掉林枫,以绝后患。 You think people who Tianchi Xue mountain is a fool?” The powerhouse shot a look at his one eyes lightly, these people must enter the mystical place, is the same with the people of these talents he leads, will be the Sect foundation and future hope, so will be can it be that easy to be planned to write off. “你以为天池雪山的人都是傻子吗?”那强者淡淡的瞥了他一眼,这些人是要进入秘境的,就和他带领的那些天赋之人一样,是宗门的根基、未来的希望,岂是那么容易被人算计抹杀的。 That seven snow hawks are uncommon, the strength is very strong, even if no these snow hawks, Tianchi impossible nobody to be protecting in secret.” “那七头雪鹰都非常不凡,实力恐怕很强,就算没有那些雪鹰,天池也不可能没有人在暗中保护。” This person of light saying, the talented person itchy retreat, this truth he naturally also understands that wants to kill Lin Feng while this opportunity, easier said than done, the person in Tianchi empire, is impossible the opportunity that gives them this type to start easily. 这人淡淡的说道,那人才痒痒的退去,这道理他当然也明白,想要乘此机会杀林枫,谈何容易,天池帝国的人,不可能给他们这种轻易下手的机会。 The dragon scale warhorse roared as before, rolling faced forward, follows closely direction galloping of snow hawk to go, from the sky started a piece of billowing tide, extremely formidable, as if had the mighty force from the sky to speed along, but. 龙鳞战马依旧咆哮,滚滚朝前,紧随着雪鹰的方向奔腾而去,在空中掀起一片滚滚的浪潮,极其的强大,仿佛有千军万马在空中飞驰而过般。 The eye pupil of Lin Feng is shutting slightly, represses the indifferent meaning in heart, this time arrives at the mystical place, he will certainly run into many old friends, including many people, are his enemy, he must do now, suppresses this hatred in the heart, cannot chaotic the mind, strives to enter in the mystical place to capture the big opportunity, since is controlling the opportunity of strengthen, cannot drain in the hand absolutely. 林枫的眼眸微微闭着,将心中的冷漠之意按捺住,此次来到秘境,他一定会遇到不少故人,其中有不少人,都是他的敌人,他现在要做的,是将这股仇恨压制在心头,不能乱了心神,争取进入秘境中夺得大的机遇,既然掌控着变强的机会,绝对不能在手中流失。 Look, that side, many people, did we arrive?” eyesight of crowd looks to the distant place, there, in the ground has many sunspots, is the person's shadows, they, to mystical place. “看,那边,好多人,难道我们到了?”人群的目光看向远处,在那里,地面上有着许多黑点,都是人影,他们,是到了秘境吗。 Many powerhouses , many people are the same with us, is the Xuan Qi Ninth Layer boundaries, perhaps is prepares to step into the person in mystical place, it seems like we indeed arrived, but why I have not seen the mystical place where.” “好多强者,也有很多人和我们一样,都是玄武九重境界,恐怕是准备踏入秘境的人,看来我们的确到了,但为何我没有看到秘境在何处。” The crowd makes noise in abundance, eyesight is staring at that direction. 人群纷纷出声,目光一个个都盯着那个方向。 At this time, Lin Feng eye pupil also Zhang Kailai, together the point flashes through, in his eyesight institute and direction, the giant hills, seem a grave are the same, but the crowd, waits for in the surroundings of this grave, eyesight is staring at the present grave. 此时,林枫的眼眸也张开来,一道锋芒闪过,在他目光所及的方向,有一座巨大的山包,好似一座坟墓一样,而人群,就都守候在这座坟墓的周围,目光盯着眼前的坟墓。 Grave, the grave of emperor?” “坟墓,皇者之墓?” Lin Feng eyesight concentrates, such that such as these powerhouses said , is the mystical place, actually emperor the burial ground , the grave of emperor? 林枫目光一凝,难道真的如那些强者说的那样,秘境,其实是皇者的葬身之地,皇者之墓? This backs off there hill, truly very much looks like a tomb pit, letting the person has to the recollections in close succession, the grave link very much. 这座倒扣在那里的山包,确实很像一座墓穴,让人不得不浮想联翩,很坟墓联系在一起。 To, that grave mountainous region, is the entrance of mystical place.” “到了,那座坟墓般的山地,就是秘境的入口。” In the mouth of snow hawk puts out the sound, the crowd in abundance nods together, both hands grip tightly, namely is also anxiously and excited, them arrived at the mystical place finally, steps into, this places were waiting for they explore. 雪鹰的嘴中吐出一道声音,人群都纷纷点头,双手紧握,即紧张、又兴奋,到了,他们终于到达了秘境,踏入其中,这片之地等待着他们去探索。 Saw that here some people come, many people throw eyesight toward here, where some powerhouses see them immediately are the troops. 看到这边有人过来,许多人朝着这里投来目光,一些强者立刻看出了他们是何方人马。 „The people in Tianchi empire also arrived, jade day emperor's clan, good quick movement.” “天池帝国的人也到了,还有玉天皇族,都好快的动作。” From mystical place the opening also several day time, but here gathered the Dry Region most strong presence now, is qualified for the Dry Region person, nearly will arrive, only then the minority influences have not arrived. 距离秘境的开启还有几日的时间,但现在这里已经聚集了乾域大半的强大势力,有资格进入乾域的人,已经将近都到了,只有少数势力没到。 The mystical place is the emperor palace or the tomb, was no one can enter, only then the Dry Region person can step into, the influence that any other regions came, will certainly suffer the obstruction of entire Dry Region strong presence, wanted to be too difficult for the enemy with an area, only if were in Sacred City the terrorist forces of state arrives, but this terrifying influence itself formidable boundless, has the innumerable resources, will not spend the too big experience to use in this illusory emperor tomb, even, in some incomparable powerful influences, itself on was the Martial Emperor exceedingly high character exists. 秘境乃是皇者宫殿或者墓地,并不是什么人都能够进入了其中的,只有乾域的人可以踏入,凡是其它地域的势力前来,必将遭受到整个乾域强大势力的阻截,想要与一个疆域为敌太难了,除非是圣城中州的恐怖势力降临,不过这种恐怖的势力本身就强大无边,有着无数的资源,不会花费太大的经历用在这虚无缥缈的皇者墓地中,甚至,在一些无比强悍的势力中,本身就是武皇的通天人物存在。 The goals of these talent youth do not seek for the mystical place treasure, but only the firm rigid goals, become the Martial Emperor disciples. 那些天赋青年的目标不是寻找秘境宝物,而是唯有一个坚定执着的目标,成为武皇门徒。 The Martial Emperor disciple to them, is the supreme glory, as well as incomparable martial arts future. 武皇门徒对他们而言,才是至高无上的荣耀,以及无可比拟的武道前途。 Naturally, even if the person of Dry Region native place, is impossible to have the qualifications to step into the middle of the mystical place, mystical place inside had the opportunity, the Dry Region powerful strength had not allowed that too many people carved up, therefore, only then these received all Sect influences any and these well-matched first-class influences, had the qualifications to lead his hanger-on disciple to come, strides in Dry Region, has been separated from the influence, individual did not allow to enter in the mystical place. 当然,即便是乾域本土之人,也不可能都有资格踏入秘境当中,秘境里面充满了机遇,乾域的强大实力不容许太多的人来瓜分,因此,只有那些受到所有宗门势力任何、那些旗鼓相当的一流势力,才有资格带着其门下弟子前来,跨入乾域之内,脱离了势力,个人都不允许进入秘境中。 Seven snow hawks, when arrives at the emperor tomb pit front simultaneously to change into the human form, eyesight is sharp, falling slowly on the ground, other people also stands firm the personal appearance, looks at the present hill, is ordinary, cannot see any, will be very difficult to imagine here is the place that the mystical place will open. 七头雪鹰,在降临皇者墓穴前方的时候同时化为人形,目光锋锐,缓缓的落在地上,其他人也纷纷稳住身形,看着眼前的山包,非常普通,看不出任何的一样,很难想象这里将是秘境开启的地方。 Lin Feng eyesight has not looked at that giant hill, eyesight searches in the crowd, when his eyes pupil falls on one crowd of forms body, the cold brightness explodes to shoot, the indifferent air/Qi clashes from the body. 林枫目光并没有看那巨大的山包,目光在人群中搜索,当他眼眸落在一群身影的身上时,寒光爆射而出,冷漠之气从身体中冲出去。 In the direction of East China Sea dragon palace, Purple gold Dragon King leads the crowd to come here personally, seems realized that what, his brow has selected, the eye looks toward the crowd of Tianchi, these people just came some people to dare with the indifferent eye pupil to provoke they? 在东海龙宫的方向,紫金龙王亲自带领着人群前来这里的,似乎是察觉到了什么,他的眉头一挑,眼睛朝着天池的人群看去,这些人怎的刚来就有人敢用冷漠的眼眸挑衅他们? When his eye pupil sees Lin Feng, cannot help but slightly one stiff, besides Purple gold Dragon King, in the middle of the East China Sea dragon palace, but also the eye pupils of two coagulated slightly, they separately are when presents the choice to join Di Ling of East China Sea dragon palace, afterward as well as entered Duan Wuya of dragon palace. 然而当他的眼眸看到林枫的时候,不由得微微一僵,除了紫金龙王外,在东海龙宫当中,还有两人的眼眸微微凝固了下,他们分别是当出现选择加入东海龙宫的帝陵,以及后来入龙宫的段无涯 Lin Feng!” In the mouth of Di Ling puts out together the cold sound, in Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with the stage was defeated by Lin Feng, witnesses Lin Feng to defeat Duan Wu Dao to capture first with own eyes, Di Ling, he will forget how possibly the present youth, even if his makings had many fluctuating compared with it past. 林枫!”帝陵的嘴中吐出一道寒冷的声音,在雪域大比的舞台被林枫击败,又亲眼见证林枫击败段无道夺得第一,帝陵,他怎么可能会忘记眼前的青年,即便他身上的气质比之昔日有很多的起伏。 Actually Duan Wuya appears quite indifferent, although in that pair of monster different pupil has also gawked, but actually shows a wisp of smiling face immediately, however this smiling face falls in the Lin Feng eye, without doubt is in society most makes his disgusting smiling face. 倒是段无涯显得颇为淡然,那双妖异的眸子中虽然也愣了下,但随即却露出一缕笑容,然而这笑容落在林枫的眼中,无疑是世间最令他恶心的笑容。 Xue Yue Country Second Prince Duan Wuya, all people think that he is temperate and amiable, however his true colors, actually must not have the several fold compared with Duan Wu Dao fiercely, several hundred thousand officers die because of him in the border area, three General die because of his plot, he also wants Lin Feng and Duan Wu Dao fight, lets Deity Palace and jade day emperor's clan fights, but he with the East China Sea dragon palace, profits from another's strife. 雪月国二皇子段无涯,所有人都认为他温和、平易近人,然而他的真面目,却比段无道还要狰狞无数倍,几十万将士因他而死在边疆,三位将军因他的阴谋而死,他还要林枫段无道斗,让神宫与玉天皇族斗,而他和东海龙宫,坐收渔利。 If said that who is the person who Lin Feng most wants to kill, that person surely was Duan Wuya without doubt, all plots, were begin in the hand of Duan Wuya. 若说谁是林枫最想杀的人,那人定是段无涯无疑了,一切的阴谋,都是始于段无涯的手中。 The murderous intention in Lin Feng eye pupil that scarlet / bare, does not evade, Duan Wuya eyesight and Lin Feng with a smile are looking at each other, he knows certainly that Lin Feng wishes one could to be cut to pieces him, to Lin Feng, Duan Wuya also very much dreaded that he is the foolproof plan, under the cloth the bureau of going against heaven's will, actually was unable to want the Lin Feng life, in the final time, Lin Feng offered a sacrifice to the demon sword, repelled them, even they almost died in the Lin Feng hand. 林枫眼眸中的杀机是那么的赤/裸,毫不避讳,段无涯含笑的目光林枫对视着,他当然知道林枫恨不得将他千刀万剐,对林枫,段无涯也是很忌惮的,他已经是算无遗策了,布下逆天之局,竟然还没能够要林枫的命,在最后的时刻,林枫祭出了魔剑,将他们击退,甚至他们都差点死在林枫手中。 However Lin Feng since now has not died, is separated from the realm of the devil, thinks that is unable to use the demon sword, does not know the good luck that which Lin Feng comes, afterward also obtained any opportunity, can restore from fascinated unexpectedly, but also has joined a influence outside Deity Palace. 不过林枫如今既然没死,从魔道中脱离出来,想必也无法利用魔剑了,不知道林枫哪来的好运,后来又得到了什么机遇,竟然能从入魔中恢复,还加入了神宫之外的一股势力。 Thinks of this, the eye pupil of Duan Wuya toward the direction exploration of Deity Palace in the past, the Deity Palace person already arrived, because they the Deity Palace internal talent, but also has made Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with many talent youth come, naturally must waiting here early, otherwise win over not quite to be wonderful by others. 想到这,段无涯的眼眸朝着神宫的方向探索过去,神宫的人早就到了,因为他们除了神宫内部的天才外,还约了雪域大比的不少天赋青年前来,自然要早早的在这里等待,否则的话被别人拉拢走了就不大妙了。 Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with the champion, should not in your Deity Palace?” Duan Wuya said lightly, making the pupil of Deity Palace crowd fierce concentrates, immediately throws completely toward the crowd of Tianchi, the eye pupils of many people, fell on Lin Feng. 雪域大比的冠军,不应该是在你们神宫的吗?”段无涯淡淡的说了一声,让神宫人群的瞳孔猛的一凝,随即全部朝着天池的人群投去,许多人的眼眸,都落在了林枫身上。 A Duan Wuya start to talk, incites the relations of Deity Palace and Lin Feng! 段无涯一开口,就挑唆神宫林枫的关系! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 768 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第768章 Incites the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 挑唆地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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