PMG :: Volume #3

#758: Normalizing sword knack

The time unknowingly flies, in an instant one month then elapses like the running water. 时光在不经意间飞逝,转眼间一个月的时间便如流水般逝去。 The Tianchi Xue mountain, in that boundless white snow, there is a form together to brandish a sword in the snow, the sword air/Qi is formidable, snowflake dances in the air, seems waving an exquisite snowflake Divine sword. 天池雪山,那茫茫白雪之中,有一道身影正在雪中舞剑,剑气强大、雪花飞舞,仿佛在舞动着一曲精妙的雪花神剑。 In not far away of this form, in snow the sword saw the sword and snow that Bai Li Xi waves nod secretly, one month, he assists the Bai Li Xi promotion will fully the strength, let the Bai Li Xi the Swordsmanship will as well as snow will had the promotion of First Layer, the progress extremely in a big way, satisfying him, now, Bai Li Xi Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base, will of Fourth Layer Swordsmanship will Third Layer and snow, this under Tian Qi is greatly strengthened, will not be perhaps remote from Tianchi saintess Tianchi Xue. 在这身影的不远处,雪里剑看到百里奚舞动的剑与雪暗暗点头,一个月时间,他全力辅助百里奚提升意志的力量,让百里奚的剑道意志以及雪之意志都有了一重的提升,进步极其的大,让他很满意,如今,百里奚玄武境九重修为,剑道意志第三重、雪之意志第四重,这在天武之下已经算是极强的了,恐怕距离天池圣女天池雪也不会太遥远了。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” the sound of light sound to spread together, in the snowflake is burying the sword, that wipes the radiant gloss to be dazzling and eye-catching, punctures the space, Bai Li Xi this sword, as if brings to kill spirit. “嗤、嗤……”一道轻响之声传出,雪花中埋藏着剑,那一抹璀璨的光泽耀眼而夺目,刺破空间,百里奚这一剑,仿佛带着必杀之气息 killing intent?” In the snow the brow of sword provokes, was saying to Bai Li Xi: „Do hundred li (0.5km), in your heart have the hatred of not being able to put down?” 杀意?”雪里剑的眉头挑动,对着百里奚道:“百里,你心中是有放不下的仇恨吗?” killing intent that Bai Li Xi released a moment ago is not only killing intent of Swordsmanship, his killing intent, wants to kill people. 百里奚刚才释放的杀意不仅是剑道的杀意,还有他本身的杀意在其中,想杀人。 The sword light dissipates, Bai Li Xi turns over to sword to sheathe, the sword was revealing to the snow in has wiped the smiling face, shook the head saying: Teacher, the disciple is all right.” 剑光消逝,百里奚归剑入鞘,对着雪里剑露出了一抹笑容,摇头道:“老师,弟子没事。” In the snow the sword looks at the Bai Li Xi moment, immediately the slight bow, has not closely examined anything, Bai Li Xi was not willing saying that he naturally will not interfere. 雪里剑看着百里奚片刻,随即微微点头,没有追问什么,百里奚不愿多说他自然也不会去干涉。 Hundred li (0.5km), passed in an instant for one month, by your talent as well as the strength, in eight people of Tianchi this choice, should also be able to enter first three, if careful, in addition the luck is not that bad, enters the mystical place, should be able to obtain some advantage, you must grasp well, but must remember, the life, is most important, in any event, the treasure can not want, but must save the life.” “百里,转眼间也过去了一个月,以你的天赋以及实力,在天池此次挑选的八人当中,应该也能进入前三吧,若是小心点,再加上运气不是那么差,进入秘境,应该能够得到一些好处,你要好好把握,但一定要记住,命,最重要,无论如何,宝物可以不要,但一定要保住性命。” In the snow the sword has exhorted Bai Li Xi one, the Bai Li Xi slight bow: Teacher, the disciple understands.” 雪里剑嘱咐了百里奚一声,百里奚微微点头:“老师,弟子明白。” But at this time, in the Bai Li Xi mind, actually reappeared the Lin Feng form, a moment ago that killing intent, because of Lin Feng, actually he and Lin Feng simply did not have any enmity, even shortly after knew, because Lin Feng was not Han Qiuyu they such has the resounding reputation in Tianchi likely, suddenly the appearance, that day above Tianchi, he has also thought Lin Feng as well as Tang Youyou bang Xiatianchi. 而此时,在百里奚的脑海当中,却浮现了林枫的身影,刚才那杀意,是因为林枫,其实他与林枫根本没有任何的仇怨,甚至才认识不久,然而因为林枫不像是寒秋雨他们那样在天池有着响亮的名声,突然出现,那日在天池之上,他还想过将林枫以及唐幽幽轰下天池。 However, afterward he actually discovered that Lin Feng is stronger than him, moreover formidable many, making him appear tiny is very same, the vanity was attacked enormously, nobody pays attention to him radically, therefore, this psychology did not balance makes him treat as the false appearance foe Lin Feng, perhaps, Lin Feng has not noted this character. 然而,后来他却发现林枫比他还要强,而且强大不少,让他显得很渺小一样,虚荣受到极大的打击,根本没人注意他,所以,这种心理的不平衡让他将林枫当做了假象的仇敌,也许,林枫根本就没有注意到他这个人物。 Does not know how he cultivates now, since he had Swordsmanship will Fifth Layer, should unable to go a step further again.” In the Bai Li Xi heart talked to oneself that was guessing at this moment how Lin Feng cultivates. “不知道他现在修炼得如何,既然他已经拥有剑道意志第五重,应该无法再进一步了吧。”百里奚心中自语,在猜测林枫此刻修炼如何。 This time Lin Feng, in the middle of a piece of hollow iceberg snow valley, the vast endless sword air/Qi able to move unhindered is howling, the air/Qi of that fearful sharp destruction as if must puncture all. 此时的林枫,正在一片凹陷的冰山雪谷当中,浩瀚无尽的剑气纵横呼啸,那股可怕的锋锐毁灭之气仿佛要将一切都刺破。 Sees only the Lin Feng eye pupil to shut slightly, stands in that motionlessly, in the middle of the trim mountain valley, actually completely is the fearful sword air/Qi, particularly sky over the Lin Feng top of the head, completely is the swords of howling, the handle sword, points at a direction ten million/countless, this time sound so grating. 只见林枫眼眸微微闭着,站在那一动不动,整片山谷当中,却全部都是可怕至极的剑气,尤其是在林枫的头顶上空,全部都是呼啸的剑,千万柄剑,遥指一个方向,此次的声响是如此的刺耳。 At this time, the body of Lin Feng suddenly moved, both hands wave, immediately, that handle handle sword, has waved with his both hands together, where his both hands aim , the sword, where aims. 就在这时候,林枫的身体突然动了,双手舞动,顿时,那一柄柄剑,也跟着他的双手一起舞动了起来,他的双手指向哪里,剑,就指向哪里。 A person, is controlling ten million/countless the handle sword, same rhythm, that uniform. 一人,控制着千万柄剑,同一个节奏,是那么的整齐划一。 Control handle sword is not surely difficult, changes a formidable sword to cultivate can also achieve, however such as Lin Feng so, the intention, tens of thousands of swords, maintain with his breath consistent, rhythm are merging into one organic whole completely, was too difficult, these swords, became the hand of Lin Feng seem to be same. 控制千万柄剑不难,换一强大的剑修也能做到,然而如林枫这般,心念所动,成千上万的剑,和他的呼吸保持着一致、节奏完全融为一体,太难了,那些剑,仿佛成为了林枫的手一样。 Ten thousand sword normalizing!” “万剑归一!” The sound of whispering spreads together, sees only above downward the hollow snow valley, three forms stand in that look at the Lin Feng practice, the first type, must succeed! 一道低语之声传出,只见在往下凹陷的雪谷之上,三道身影站在那看着林枫修炼,第一式,要成功了吗! Tens of thousands of swords and in same breath, tens of thousands of probably people also breathe, Lin Feng, he used several days of time to achieve merely, was too rare.” The snow robe Venerable corners of the mouth reveal wipe the happy expression, appreciates to the performance of Lin Feng. “成千上万的剑、在同一个呼吸,就好像成千上万的人同时呼吸,林枫,他仅仅用了十几天时间就做到了,太难得了。”雪袍尊者嘴角露出一抹笑意,对林枫的表现非常赞赏。 Compared with this lunatic must, he in Xuan Qi Layer, not have including the opportunity of contact normalizing sword Secret Art in the past.” Saying that flame Venerable smiles pale, eyesight has swept side wooden sword Venerable. “比这疯子当年要强多了,他在玄武境的时候,连接触归一剑诀的机会都没有。”火焰尊者淡笑的说道,目光扫了一眼身旁目无表情的剑尊者。 They planned to make Lin Feng practice the celestial pole low grade sword Secret Art first, after seeing the Lin Feng use drinks the blood 13 swords they have then cancelled this thought that drinks the blood 13 swords, itself should then be the celestial pole low grade sword Secret Art, but Lin Feng is also short of the crucial moment, is unable to melt the will of Swordsmanship in thoroughly. 他们本打算先让林枫修炼天极下品剑诀,然而在看到林枫使用饮血13剑后他们便打消了这种念头,饮血13剑,本身应该便是天极下品剑诀,只是林枫还欠缺火候,无法将剑道的意志彻底融于其中。 Therefore they decided that making Lin Feng practice in the celestial pole Pin Jianjue, the normalizing sword Secret Art! 于是他们决定,让林枫修炼天极中品剑诀,归一剑诀! Let Lin Feng comprehend, to become aware the sword in the practice, in the middle of the sword Secret Art, contains the formidable will strength. 林枫在修炼中领悟、自己去悟剑,剑诀当中,蕴含强大的意志力量。 Bang!” A dull thumping sound spreads, immediately they see only the Lin Feng footsteps to tread, the snowy area by the sword air/Qi to thorough tearing, the land under that mountain valley was presented immediately fissures, both hands of Lin Feng moved again, slowly refers to toward the front, but tens of thousands of swords, along with the movement of his both hands, but is moving slowly. “轰!”一声闷响传出,随即他们只见林枫的脚步一踏,顿时雪地被剑气给彻底的撕裂,那山谷下的土地都出现了一道道裂痕,林枫的双手再一次动了起来,缓缓的朝着前方指去,而成千上万的剑,随着他双手的动作,而缓缓的移动着。 Ten thousand sword normalizing and killing!” “万剑归一、杀!” The Lin Feng eye pupil opens suddenly, the fearful sword glow puts out from his mouth, that tens of thousands of sword howls, projects in the same direction, immediately, fuses in the middle of void, Wan sword, normalizing! 林枫眼眸遽然间张开,可怕的剑芒从他的嘴中吐出,那成千上万的剑呼啸,朝着同一个方向射出,随即,在虚空当中融合,万剑、归一! Bang!” The fearful sound spreads together, crowd only felt that the earth as if maliciously trembled , the sword of that fusion breaks in the middle of a snowy mountain directly, the penetration enters inside, immediately howls from another of snowy mountain, in the entire snowy mountains, presented a slit, can see the opposite ray. “轰隆!”一道可怕的声响传出,人群只感觉大地都仿佛狠狠的震颤了下,那融合的剑直接冲入一座雪山当中,穿透进入里面,随即从雪山的另一头呼啸而出,整个雪山中间,出现了一道缝隙,可以看到对面的光线。 A sword, breaks the mountain range! 一剑、破开山脉! Shouted, in the celestial pole martial skill, was too difficult, comprehended the first type ten thousand sword normalizing on the several th!” Lin Feng puts out the tone, but in the heart has also had the faint trace heroic feelings, when is young, he looks up to the magical powers ability of powerhouse, in the legend may being disillusioned mountain range, cuts off the rivers, now, he also achieves a sword to puncture a hole the mountain range unexpectedly. “呼,天极中品武技,太难了,十几日,才领悟了第一式万剑归一!”林枫吐出口气,不过心中也生出了丝丝豪情,年少时,他仰望强者的神通能力,传说中可破灭山脉,斩断河流,如今,他竟然也做到了一剑将山脉都刺出了个窟窿。 If other people know in his heart thinks that legal however is mad spits blood, several day time, can utilize in the celestial pole the martial skill first type, he actually thought that the time was too long, this is celestial pole martial skill . Moreover, many Xuan Qi Layer people immerse in several moon/month even several years of time, can perhaps will comprehend part of strengths. 若是其他人知道他心中的想法定然气得吐血,十几日时间,就能够运用天极中品武技的第一式,他竟然觉得时间太长了,这可是天极武技,而且还是中品,许多玄武境的人沉浸在其中几月甚至几年时光,也许才能堪堪领悟其中的一部分力量。 Senior.” Lin Feng gains ground, eyesight saw three forms upwards, on the face has shown a happy expression. “前辈。”林枫抬起头,目光看向上方的三道身影,脸上露出了一丝笑意。 „Does Lin Feng, in Swordsmanship will, have the feeling to become aware?” Sword Venerable asked one. 林枫,在剑道意志方面,有没有感觉有所悟?”剑尊者开口问了一声。 Some, perhaps, I need to close up on the several th, possibly can make the Swordsmanship will break through First Layer again, strides in Swordsmanship will Sixth Layer.” Lin Feng has hesitated, immediately nods to say. “有一些,也许,我需要闭关几日,可能能够让剑道意志再突破一重,跨入剑道意志第六重。”林枫沉吟了下,随即点头说道。 „It is not anxious, I when with your same cultivation base, the Swordsmanship will comprehend Second Layer, strided in the Tian Qi powerhouse, the Swordsmanship will did not have the depth that you comprehended, will be more difficult in the future, cultivated not from morning until evening matter, the way of book martial arts was an incomparably long process, needs to try to find out in the long years that you were young, take your time, grip the steady heel, carefully proceeded to walk, one day can finally arrogant sword Lingyun.” “不急,我在和你一样修为的时候,剑道意志才领悟第二重,很多跨入了天武的强者,剑道意志都远没有你领悟的深,而且越往后越难,修炼非朝夕之事,武道之途本就是个无比漫长的过程,需要在悠悠岁月中去摸索,你还年轻,慢慢来,扎稳脚跟,一步一个脚印往前行走,终有一日能够傲剑凌云。” Sword Venerable seemed worried that Lin Feng will be therefore discouraged, the reminder said that in fact the Lin Feng will was very terrorist, before depended upon itself to stride in the Fifth Layer will, so long as gave him the time, he had confidence when Lin Feng strided in Tian Qi made the Lin Feng Swordsmanship will enter Seventh Layer, the Seventh Layer Swordsmanship will, thinks that he felt fearful, suffocated, if after Lin Feng strided in Tian Qi, that is what kind of shock scene! 剑尊者似乎担心林枫会因此而气馁,提醒说道,事实上林枫的意志已经很恐怖了,以前依靠自己都跨入五重意志,只要给他时间,他有把握在林枫跨入天武之时让林枫的剑道意志进入第七重,第七重的剑道意志,想想他都感到可怕、窒息,若是林枫跨入了天武之后,那将是一番怎样的震撼情景! Lin Feng nodded, has not said anything, in fact he indeed is felt that he possibly can break through, only needs to go to the view to think that to his some time the sword in mind, possibly can stride in Swordsmanship will Sixth Layer, Lin Feng also understands, upward, is more difficult to become aware, the strength of will, belonged to the exclusive strength of Tian Qi Layer powerhouse. 林枫点了点头,也没有多说什么,事实上他的确是感觉到自己可能能够突破了,只需要给他一些时间去观想脑海中的剑,就可能能够跨入剑道意志第六重,林枫也明白,越往上,越难悟,意志的力量,本是属于天武境强者的专属力量。 Month of time was too tight, radically including instructing your time does not have, but by your present strength, enters the mystical place also absolutely rarely to meet the rival, is more prudent in the mystical place, after coming out, we instruct your again well, helping you stride in the boundary of Tian Qi.” “一个来月的时间太仓促了,根本连指导你的时间都没有,不过以你如今的实力,进入秘境也绝对罕逢敌手,在秘境中慎重一些,等出来后,我们再好好指导你一番,帮你跨入天武之境。” Snow robe Venerable also said that one month, is too short, Lin Feng comprehended under the normalizing sword Secret Art, spent the most time, they instructed without enough time! 雪袍尊者也说道,一个月,太短暂,林枫只是领悟了下归一剑诀,就花去了大半时间,他们都来不及指导! : Asked the flower to ask the monthly ticket, the competition was very fierce! :求花求月票,竞争很激烈啊! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 758 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第758章 Normalizing sword Secret Art address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 归一剑诀地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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