PMG :: Volume #3

#759: Once again breakthrough

Lin Feng, several days later, then should go to the mystical place, whom these day time you want to instruct you to practice, you decided.” Snow robe Venerable considers as finished the next time, opens the day that not to be far from the mystical place, thinks now this universe formidable one after another started to take action and go to the mystical place, their Tianchi empire, cannot certainly fall behind. 林枫,再过几日,便该前往秘境了,这几日的时间你想要谁来指导你修炼,你自己来决定。”雪袍尊者算了下时间,距离秘境开启的日子已经不远了,想必如今这乾坤的强大都陆续开始行动、前往秘境了吧,他们天池帝国,当然也不能落后。 The mystical place, cannot miss absolutely, this is a time extremely good opportunity, many big influences of universe for this day, have prepared for a long time, the seven peaks of Tianchi Xue mountain, is making the respective preparation, their Star of Celestial Rotating Jade snowy peak, this time chooses the talent from the empire, in addition a Tianchi Xue person, forms eight people of teams to enter the mystical place, other Liufeng, should send out the talent outstanding youth powerhouse to go. 秘境,绝对不能错过,这是一次极其好的机会,乾坤的许多大势力为了这一天,都已经准备了许久,就连天池雪山的七峰,也都做着各自的准备,他们天璇雪峰,此次从帝国中挑选天才,再加上天池雪一人,组成八人的队伍进入秘境,其它六峰,也应该都会派出天赋出众的青年强者前往。 Naturally regarding the outside, does not know Tianchi actually, but also has seven prominent peaks, only then enters the person in Tianchi, can know. 当然对于外界而言,其实并不知道天池,还有着七座主峰,只有入天池的人,才能够知道。 But they represent, is only one of the seven peaks, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, other Liufeng, will send other talent powerhouses to go to the mystical place. 而他们所代表,只是七峰之一、天璇峰,其它六峰,也会派其它天才强者前往秘境。 Quickly to time.” In Lin Feng eyesight flashes through together the point, the mystical place, Duan Wu Dao, Duan Wuya and Dragon Mountain Empire person and person of jade day emperor's clan, the Deity Palace person, this must meet. “快到时间了。”林枫目光中闪过一道锋芒,秘境,段无道段无涯龙山帝国的人、玉天皇族的人,神宫的人,又该要见面了吧。 Hesitated the moment, Lin Feng eyesight looked to several Venerable, said: This final several days, I want myself to comprehend and practice.” 沉吟了片刻,林枫目光看向几位尊者,道:“这最后的几天,我想要自己领悟、修炼。” Heard words three Venerable of Lin Feng to show an accidental look, if has changed one person, perhaps firmly will seize this rare opportunity, but Lin Feng, he wanted to practice the comprehension, it seems like Lin Feng to oneself, has the intense self-confidence, can in this final time sprint. 听到林枫的话三位尊者都露出了一丝意外的神色,若是换了一人,恐怕会紧紧的抓住这难得的机会吧,但林枫,他要自己修炼领悟,看来林枫对自己,有着强烈的自信,能够在这最后的时间冲刺。 Good.” Snow robe Venerable nodded: You comprehend well, we did not disturb your slightest, the time to arrive, we shouted you again.” “好。”雪袍尊者点了点头:“那你自己好好领悟,我们不打扰你分毫,时间到了,我们再喊你。” Then, snow robe Venerable has been hinting to two Venerable, three people get out of the way with tacit one, no longer watches the Lin Feng practice, making him become aware. 说罢,雪袍尊者对着两位尊者示意了下,三人和默契的一起走开来,不再观看林枫修炼,让他自己去悟。 Lin Feng sat cross-legged to sit directly, the thought moved, immediately sank to the middle of own world. 林枫直接盘膝坐了下来,意念一动,顿时沉入自己的世界当中。 In the mind memory, boundless world and a handle broken day great sword break through all fetters, in the middle of the insertion ground, punctures the crack the earth, is releasing ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, as well as inexhaustible terrifying sword air/Qi. 脑海的记忆里,苍茫天地、一柄破天巨剑冲破一切束缚,插入地面当中,将大地刺裂,释放着万丈剑芒,以及无穷无尽的恐怖剑气。 In the middle of boundless world, only then that handle great sword in that does not have other, this is the world of sword. 苍茫的世界当中,只有那柄巨剑在那,没有其它,这是剑的世界。 Now, attainments of Lin Feng when Swordsmanship was more profound, however sees this boundless great sword, is unable to bear shivering and trembling of heart as before, this truly has the life sword, static lying down in that can let the world discoloration, this fearful Swordsmanship strength, has not needed him to release or conceal, it exists in that making the common people observe and emulate, to lie prostrate in worship. 如今,林枫在剑道上的造诣已经更加的深刻了,然而看到这苍茫巨剑之时,依旧无法忍住心头的颤抖、战栗,这才是真正拥有生命的剑,静静的躺在那,都能够让天地色变,这种可怕的剑道力量,已经不需要他去释放或者掩饰,它就那么存在于那,让世人去观摩、去顶礼膜拜。 On unknowingly, the body of Lin Feng, a fearful sword air/Qi proliferation gradually, blooms from his body. 在不知不觉中,林枫的身上,一股可怕的剑气渐渐的扩散,从他的身上绽放而出。 At this time the total involvement investment, immerses to the view of sword thinks that Lin Feng, forgets oneself, he does not know that outside is having anything, thought that completely above great sword in mind. 此时全身心投入、沉浸到对剑的观想中的林枫,忘乎所以,他不知道外面发生着什么,意念,全部都在脑海中的巨剑之上。 , Lin Feng to the person an misconception, his whole person, changed to a handle sword gradually gradually, takes root above the earth. 渐渐的,林枫给人一种错觉,他整个人,渐渐化作了一柄剑,扎根于大地之上。 He is not the person, but is a handle sword, static inserting there, the space of body week, completely is the inexhaustible sword air/Qi. 他不是人、而是一柄剑,静静的插在那里,身周的空间,全部都是无穷无尽的剑气。 Several day time, suddenly, above the snowy area, snow robe Venerable and flame Venerable they are playing chess, but sword Venerable maintains mental tranquility in one side close eyes, two who as if that plays chess have nothing to do with him. 几日时间,眨眼即过,雪地之上,雪袍尊者和火焰尊者两人正在下棋,而剑尊者则是在一旁闭目养神,仿佛那下棋的两人与他无关。 Snow Lao Gui, you looked whether time was up, Lin Feng does not wake up, we must wake up by shouting him.” Flame Venerable drops the board game piece, said one lightly. “雪老鬼,你看时间是否差不多了,林枫再不醒来,我们就要将他喊醒了。”火焰尊者落下棋子,淡淡的说了一声。 Waits again.” The snow robe Venerable response said that making Lin Feng practice some time, had better be able before entering the mystical place, some breakthroughs are again good. “再等等吧。”雪袍尊者回应说道,让林枫多修炼一些时间,最好能在进入秘境之前,再有一些突破才好。 And!” At this time, slight sounds spread, as if there is sword air/Qi in howling of keeping, playing chess two eyesight stagnates, immediately eyesight looks toward the snow valley that side, sword air/Qi that this soars to the heavens, is very formidable. “咻、咻!”此时,一道道细微的声响传出,仿佛有剑气在不停的呼啸,下棋的两人目光一滞,随即目光朝着雪谷那边望去,这冲天的剑气,很强大呢。 The eye pupil of sword Venerable has also opened, is the sharp light of sword to flash past together, immediately his body has stood slowly, walks in the snow valley direction. 剑尊者的眼眸也睁开了,一道属于剑的锋锐之光一闪而过,随即他的身体缓缓的站了起来,朝着雪谷方向走去。 Fellow apprentice, these many years, did you have to notice that the lunatic such has cared?” Flame Venerable looks at the back of sword Venerable, shows look looking pensive, the board game piece falls, in his eye flashes through a complex mood unexpectedly. “师兄,这么多年了,你有没有看到疯子这么在意过?”火焰尊者看着剑尊者的背影,露出若有所思的神色,棋子落下,他的眼中竟闪过一丝复杂的情绪。 Snow robe Venerable hears flame Venerable to shout that this fellow apprentice, immediately the heart could not bear shiver, eyesight was staring at beginning Junior Brother, sighed. 雪袍尊者听到火焰尊者喊这一声师兄,顿时心头忍不住颤动了下,目光盯着落子的师弟,叹息了一声。 If is not my this fellow apprentice is incompetent, the lunatic so will not be infatuated in the sword, infatuated in the strength.” Shook the head, in the eye pupil of snow robe Venerable has shown a guilty look. “若非是我这师兄无能,疯子也不会如此痴迷于剑、痴迷于实力。”摇了摇头,雪袍尊者的眼眸中露出了一丝愧疚的神色。 Sword Venerable, is youngest in them, rank final, is Junior Brother, but he, is biggest, is their fellow apprentices, however, sword Venerable, truly in the middle of three people a strongest person, because of his talent, because of his rigid. 剑尊者,在他们三人中最年轻,排行最后,是师弟,而他,最大,是两人的师兄,然而,剑尊者,确实三人当中最强的一人,因为他的天赋,也因为他的执着。 Fellow apprentice, how this can blame you, we understand that you to reviving the hope of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, is most intense, will not compare the lunatic to be weak, past the teacher, in Star of Celestial Rotating Jade, was seven peak strongest peaks, was the prominent peak of Tianchi Xue mountain, however afterward the teacher drifted away the mainland to be missing, since then did not have the message lost to view, our Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein] declined gradually, now even is one's turn us to go to the vacancy of making up for lacks successors to the empire recruitment talent disciple, this time we have met Lin Feng simply, was the happiness of accident, first time saw that his you also know, I indeed have not paid attention to him, thought him. It is not person who we must find, but now......” “师兄,这怎么能怪你,我们都明白,你对复兴天璇峰的渴望,是最强烈的,不会比疯子弱,昔日师尊在时,天璇中,乃是七峰最强峰,为天池雪山的主峰,然而后来师尊游离大陆失踪,从此杳无音讯,我们天璇峰一脉渐渐没落,如今甚至轮到我们去面向帝国招收天才弟子来弥补后继无人的空缺,索性这次我们遇到了林枫,算是意外之喜,第一次看到他你也知道,我的确没有将他放在眼里,认为他。不是我们要找的人,不过现在……” Flame Venerable was saying has stopped, immediately continues saying: I believe now, Lin Feng, he can revive our Star of Celestial Rotating Jade [lineage/vein], becomes a Star of Celestial Rotating Jade [lineage/vein] spokesman, I think that the lunatic his idea is same as me, so will attach great importance, he in the past was the disciple who the teacher most loved, to Yu Fuxing Star of Celestial Rotating Jade [lineage/vein], he similarly hopefully.” 火焰尊者说着停顿了下,随即又继续道:“我现在相信,林枫,他能够复兴我们天璇一脉,成为天璇一脉的代言人,我想,疯子他的想法和我一样,才会如此的重视,他当年是师尊最疼爱的弟子,对于复兴天璇一脉,他同样充满渴望。” „......” Snow robe Venerable does not shake the head slightly, making flame Venerable eyesight concentrate: Fellow apprentice did not agree words that I spoke?” “不……”雪袍尊者微微摇头,让火焰尊者目光一凝:“师兄不同意我说的话?” Snow robe Venerable eyesight is staring at flame Venerable, eyesight is sharp, speak unhurriedly and clearly: I hope, Lin Feng, he can let a Tianchi Xue mountain series, becomes the Tianchi Xue mountain, only spokesman.” 雪袍尊者目光盯着火焰尊者,目光锋锐,一字一顿:“我希望,林枫,他能够让天池雪山一统,成为天池雪山,唯一的代言人。” Flame Venerable hears this saying heart to tremble, wants Lin Feng, becomes the Tianchi Xue mountain only spokesman! 火焰尊者听到这话心头一颤,要林枫,成为天池雪山唯一的代言人! If so, he naturally wants to see on the day of , however, this easier said than done. 若真如此,他当然想看到这一天,然而,这谈何容易。 Sword Venerable has not participated in their talks, arrives at that snow valleys the place above, peaceful is waiting and seeing the practice of Lin Feng. 剑尊者没有参与两人的谈话,走到那片雪谷的上方,安静的观望着林枫的修炼。 The Lin Feng whole body at this moment completely is the fearful sword air/Qi, the strength of Swordsmanship will, blots out the sky, extremely fearful. 此刻的林枫浑身全部都是可怕的剑气,剑道意志的力量,铺天盖地,极其的可怕。 Adds a fire to you again.” Sword Venerable puts out a sound, shortly, Lin Feng will sit cross-legged to sit, in that body trembled slightly, as if must suffocate, invisible, he felt that in his world, has been completely full of the picture of sword. “再给你加一把火吧。”剑尊者吐出一声音,顷刻间,林枫盘膝坐在那的身体微微颤动了下,仿佛是要窒息,无形当中,他就感觉到在他的世界当中,全部都充满了剑的画面。 The sword, wants suffocating sword truly, crazy in addition various in the body of Lin Feng. 剑、真正要让人窒息的剑,疯狂的加诸于林枫的身上。 Breaks through all, sword, sacred, is unstoppable, he lives for the destruction, because of slaughtering to exist.” Sword Venerable puts out together the sound, shivers directly in the Lin Feng heart of hearts resounds, the sword, omnipotent, lives because of the destruction, because of slaughtering to exist, at this moment, he is that omnipotent sword cultivates, his sword, can break all, cuts off the vault of heaven. “冲破一切吧,剑,神圣,无可抵挡,他为毁灭而生、因杀戮而存在。”剑尊者吐出一道声音,直接颤动在林枫的内心深处响起,剑、无所不能、因毁灭而生、因杀戮而存在,此刻,他便是那无所不能的剑修,他的剑,可以破开一切,斩断苍穹。 Broken!” Sword Venerable gives a loud shout suddenly, sound thinks in the head of Lin Feng directly for the first time. “破!”剑尊者突然大喝一声,声音在林枫的脑袋中直接乍想。 Broken, broken and broken!” That broken character probably is a timely exhortation to virtue and purity, is vibrating the heart of Lin Feng, fearful sword intent direct impact clouds, the strength of Swordsmanship will, thorough crazy, toward the above bang in the past, seemed must destroy the world. “破、破、破!”那一破字就好像是暮鼓晨钟,震动着林枫的心,一股可怕的剑意直冲云霄,剑道意志的力量,也彻底的疯狂了起来,朝着上空轰过去,好似要将天地都毁灭掉。 Swordsmanship will and Sixth Layer!” Sword Venerable eyesight stagnates, another two Venerable personal appearance dodge, arrived at the side of lunatic, is staring at Lin Feng. “剑道意志、第六重!”剑尊者目光一滞,另外两名尊者身形一闪,也来到了疯子的身旁,盯着林枫 Broke through.” Eye pupils of two Venerable both tremble, Lin Feng his final several day wants to practice, but does not make them instruct, to bring the formidable self-confidence, but so, Lin Feng really has achieved, his Swordsmanship will strength, strided in Sixth Layer, still further, his strength, will be more fearful. “突破了。”两位尊者的眼眸都是一颤,林枫他最后几日要自己修炼,而不是让他们指导,带着强大的自信,而如此,林枫真的做到了,他的剑道意志力量,跨入了第六重,更进一步,他的实力,也将更可怕。 Enters the mystical place by this cultivation base boundary, Lin Feng will certainly take away the huge pleasant surprise to the people.” Three Venerable anticipated more and more, goes to the mystical place time must arrive, they, as if saw the Lin Feng future! “以这种修为境界进入秘境,林枫必将给众人带去巨大的惊喜。”三位尊者越来越期待,前往秘境的时候要到了,他们,仿佛看到了林枫的未来! : The fresh flower only then, the tears rushes! :鲜花只有一朵,泪奔! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 759 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第759章 Once again breakthrough address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 再度突破地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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