PMG :: Volume #3

#757: Three lunatics

„When fight, sometimes uses one group of flame, will be suppressed easily, but use wisp of flame, can actually burn down the opposite party lethal , because I am insufficient to the flame control, making the former flame combustion strength too weak, if the combustion will be used in every time to the use of flame during, unusual conditions, then I use the flame the striking power also to be more formidable.” “战斗之时,有时候使用一团火焰,会轻易被人扑灭,而使用一缕火焰,却能将对方焚烧致死,是因为我对火焰掌控不够,使得前者火焰燃烧力量太弱,若是将燃烧意志用于每一次对火焰的使用当中,浑然天成,那么我使用火焰的攻击力也能强大许多。” The hand of Lin Feng was in charge above snow and ice, in the heart muttered, continuously flame looked like has the life to be the same, the seepage entered in the middle of the snow and ice, the tyrannical soul strength also kicked out, Lin Feng he was controlling each wisp of flame, this bunch of fearful flame, changed to a whole, but was not loses as before directly one group of flame. 林枫的手掌印在了冰雪之上,心中喃喃自语,一缕缕火焰就像是有了生命一样,渗透进入冰雪当中,强横的灵魂力量也同时扑出,林枫他控制着每一缕火焰,这一团团可怕的火焰,化作一个整体,而不是像以前一样直接将一团火焰丢出去。 „The strength of Underworld black lotus is strong, only if it is condenses the compression the flame, but also is the Netherworld Fire flame melts with my soul at one's convenience, I diligently am controlling its combustion and its moving restlessly from beginning to end.” Lin Feng he is analyzing in the heart usually to the use of flame, then also understands own where need makes up, the flame is the same with the sword, similarly has its life, must guide them, controls them to burn. 幽冥黑莲的力量强大,除非它本身是凝聚压缩的火焰,还有便是幽冥火焰与我灵魂相融,我从头至尾都在努力控制着它的燃烧、它的躁动。”林枫他在心中分析着自己平时对火焰的使用,便也明白自己哪里需要弥补,火焰和剑一样,同样拥有它的生命,要引导着他们,控制他们燃烧。 One continuously terrifying Yang fire really Yuan together seeps with the flame enters the snow and ice each corner, outside of snow and ice mountain wall similarly is one group of flame slowly is also burning, snow and ice mountain wall, by the Lin Feng flame thorough package. 一缕缕恐怖的阳火真元伴随着火焰一起渗透进入冰雪的每一个角落,冰雪山壁的外面也同样是一团火焰在缓缓的燃烧着,冰雪山壁,被林枫的火焰彻底的包裹。 Combustion!” In the mouth of Lin Feng has put out a sound, does not have the tyrannical flame birth of terrifying, does not have the sound, but on that snow and ice mountain wall has running water unceasing downhill, that is the snow and ice is melting, the running water as if changes to small rivers, the melting is getting quicker and quicker, has to gather the potential of mountains and rivers turbulent current faintly. “燃烧!”林枫的嘴中吐出了一道声音,没有恐怖的暴虐火焰诞生,也没有噼里啪啦的声响,只是那冰雪山壁上有着流水不断的滑下,那是冰雪在融化,流水仿佛化作一条条小的河流,融化越来越快,隐隐有汇聚成山河激流之势。 Lin Feng Yang fire Yuan has glittered really, immediately on his face revealed has wiped the happy expression, the strength of will boundary was very mysterious thing, thoroughly comprehended with has not comprehended, was only in the error in thought that this moment Lin Feng on clear feeling, oneself flame strength, stronger several points, flame the strength of combustion, was getting more and more terrorist. 林枫身上的阳火真元闪烁了下,随即他的脸上露出了一抹笑意,意志境界的力量是很玄妙之物,悟透与没有领悟,只是在一念之差而已,此刻林枫就清晰的感受到,自己身上的火焰力量,更强了几分,火焰的燃烧之力,越来越恐怖。 Sword Madman, sees not to have, the person who I have a liking, also has the issue, you must teach Lin Feng, the good and evil must respects one cup of tea to me and snow Lao Gui.” Flame Venerable saw that the expression on this face relaxed, has shown a smiling face, this is the talent and perception, is similar to snow robe Venerable makes Lin Feng die Lin Feng to stride in the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer boundary to be the same, he indicated at will Lin Feng, can have the effect of timely exhortation to virtue and purity. 剑疯子,看到没,我看上的人,难道还有问题,你要教林枫可以,好歹也要给我和雪老鬼敬一杯茶吧。”火焰尊者看到这一幕脸上的表情松弛了下来,露出了一丝笑容,这就是天赋与悟性,就如同雪袍尊者让林枫死过一次林枫就能跨入玄武境九重境界一样,他随意的点拨林枫一番,就能起暮鼓晨钟的效果。 Then, Lin Feng he can perceive through meditation, depends upon his talent, comprehends , to promote, but he, told the source will of Lin Feng flame merely, is the combustion. 接下来,林枫他自己能够参悟,依靠自己的天赋,去领悟、去提升,而他,仅仅告诉了林枫火焰的本源意志,是燃烧。 The flame takes back from iceberg stone cliff, instantaneous that is flowing the running water congeals into the ice, stopped gradually, Lin Feng is very clear, flame Venerable makes him go this iceberg stone cliff to melt, really do not achieve this, but to let him with the aid of this iceberg stone cliff comprehension will, the strength of will has thoroughly comprehended now, and does not need to continue to melt the iceberg. 火焰从冰山石壁上收回,瞬间那流淌着的流水又凝结成为冰,渐渐的停了下来,林枫很清楚,火焰尊者让他去将这冰山石壁融化,并不是真的要做到这,只是为了让他借助这冰山石壁领悟意志而已,如今意志的力量已经悟透,并也没有必要继续融化冰山了。 Lin Feng turns around slowly, arrives at three Venerable front, is raising slightly to sword Venerable slightly, respects, immediately his eyesight looks to flame Venerable, said: Senior, I did not understand that before the flame the source will is the combustion, but can comprehend the will as before the strength, I think that the strength of will, should not have one type.” 林枫缓缓转身,走到三位尊者的面前,对着剑尊者微微欠身,以示尊敬,随即他的目光看向火焰尊者,道:“前辈,以前我并不了解火焰的本源意志为燃烧,但依旧能够领悟意志的力量,我想,意志的力量,应该不是只有一种吧。” This nature, I said that the source will strength of flame, burns, the comprehension of everyone is different, can grow the different will strengths, you did not understand the source will to comprehend before as before, that is called the talent, you must understand well uses your talent.” “这个自然,我只是说,火焰的本源意志力量,才是燃烧,每个人的领悟不同,能够衍生出不同的意志力量,你之前不懂本源意志依旧能够领悟,那叫做天赋,你要好好懂得利用你的天赋。” Flame Venerable response said that Lin Feng nodded, he understands that which his superiority, each element, has his source strength and source will, the sword, murders the destruction \; The flame, is the combustion, before, he held the sword to murder to become a lay priest, the comprehension murdered the will, afterward, he observed since the day the sunset, once had comprehended the Chaoyang will and setting sun will, these, were the derivations of will of sword, by individual perception. 火焰尊者回应说道,林枫点了点头,他明白自己的优势在哪,每一种元素,有他的本源力量、本源意志,剑、是杀伐毁灭\;火焰,是燃烧,以前,他持剑以杀伐入道,领悟杀伐意志,后来,他观日起日落,也曾领悟过朝阳意志、夕阳意志,这些,都是剑之意志的衍生,靠个人的悟性而言。 Has understood the source, can the strength of better use element, like the present , he even if the strength of not additional will, by the flame attack, the might also absolutely were directly stronger than before. 懂得了本源,就能够更好的利用元素的力量,就如现在,他即便不附加意志的力量,直接以火焰攻击,威力也绝对比以前强大很多。 Sword Venerable has been sizing up Lin Feng, that pair of pupil extremely sharp, falls probably a handle sword is the same on Lin Feng, letting Lin Feng has to note him. 剑尊者一直打量着林枫,那双眸子极其的锋锐,落在林枫身上就好像一柄剑一样,让林枫不得不注意到他。 „Does senior have what instruction?” Lin Feng was asking to sword Venerable. “前辈有何吩咐吗?”林枫对着剑尊者问道。 Follows me.” Sword Venerable footsteps one cross, has stood instantaneously, Lin Feng only felt that the arm hurts, was covered by sword Venerable. “跟我走。”剑尊者脚步一跨,瞬间站了起来,林枫只感觉手臂一疼,被剑尊者扣住了。 Lunatic, your this is insincere.” Their form twinkle falls on the sword Venerable front, sword Venerable interception, faint smile looks at sword Venerable, this lunatic, could not repress finally. “疯子,你这可不厚道。”两人身影闪烁落在剑尊者的面前,将剑尊者拦截住,似笑非笑的看着剑尊者,这疯子,终于按捺不住了。 What's wrong, must fight you are not my match.” The sword Venerable double pupil anger opens the eyes, the sharp sword glow blooms from the eye pupil, as if the air makes the sound. “怎么,要打架你们可不是我对手。”剑尊者双眸怒睁,锋锐的剑芒从眼眸绽放而出,仿佛空气都发出嗤嗤的声响。 „A person is not your match, my they on, could not have left behind you together.” Understood that snow robe Venerable of Sword Madman temperament is not angry, says with a smile, usually they have not been short of by the air/Qi of this lunatic, the reason is this lunatic recognizes the sword not to recognize people, dares to get rid to them frequently, is a through lunatic. “一个人不是你的对手,我两人一起上,难道还留不下你。”了解剑疯子脾气的雪袍尊者也不生气,笑着道,平时他们可没少受这疯子的气,原因就是这疯子认剑不认人,经常敢对他们出手,是个彻头彻尾的疯子。 Right, Sword Madman, the words I explain first, the Lin Feng practice, can only here, you probably instruct him to be able, two conditions, its one, gives me and a snow Lao Gui person respects one cup of tea \; Second, put out one set of us two to have a liking for the eye swordsmanship magical powers to give Lin Feng first \; Is, when I instruct to end, can be one's turn you.” “对,剑疯子,话我先说明白,林枫修炼,就只能在我这里,你要指导他可以,有两个条件,其一,给我和雪老鬼一人敬一杯茶\;其二,先拿出一套我们两看得上眼的剑术神通给林枫\;还有就是,等我指导完,才能轮到你。” Flame Venerable little has not received the air/Qi of this lunatic, now has the opportunity, how can not retaliate well. 火焰尊者也没少受过这疯子的气,如今有机会,怎么会不好好报复一番。 Sweat!” Lin Feng in nearby stunned, has wiped secretly the perspiration, he somewhat was ignorant, usually in wants to see Venerable at the same time is the countless sufferings and hardships, extremely few people have this grade of opportunity, even though he talent is good, but as if also being insufficient makes Venerable ask him to instruct, but must be good to his formidable magical powers martial skill, just started snow robe Venerable threat flame Venerable, now they together like this threaten sword Venerable. “汗!”林枫在旁边一阵愕然,偷偷的抹了把汗,他都有些懵了,平日里想要见尊者一面都是千难万难,极少人有这等机遇,他纵使天赋不错,但似乎也不足以让尊者求着他来指导吧,还要给他强大的神通武技才行,刚开始雪袍尊者威胁火焰尊者,如今他们又一起这样来威胁剑尊者。 This makes Lin Feng somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry, oneself this luck is truly good, fight whole-heartedly obtained the approval of hunter, immediately was delivered to Snow Venerable there, now, Snow Venerable also recommends two old friends to instruct him. 这让林枫有些哭笑不得,自己这运气确实不错,全力以赴的战斗得到了猎人的认可,随即被送到了雪尊者那里,如今,雪尊者又引荐了两位老友指导他。 „The second condition does not have issue, first is not good.” Sword Venerable is staring them, is as before icy, eyesight is sharp. “第二个条件没有问题,第一个不行。”剑尊者瞪着两人,依旧是冷冰冰的,目光锋锐。 You do as you please.” Flame Venerable puts out a hand the impolite [say / way], unexpectedly directly by guest. “那你请便吧。”火焰尊者伸手不客气的道,竟直接逐客。 The sword Venerable personal appearance twinkle, such as the sword has delimited the space together, shoots up to the sky toward the sky. 剑尊者身形闪烁,如一道剑般划过空间,朝着上空冲天而起。 Concentrates to me!” Snow Venerable drinks one fiercely, immediately the space freeze, the snow and ice cover the body of sword Venerable directly, the body of flame Venerable simultaneously moved, shoots up to the sky. “给我凝!”雪尊者猛喝一声,顿时空间冻结,冰雪直接将剑尊者的身体覆盖,火焰尊者的身体同时动了起来,冲天而起。 Lin Feng was being drawn the same place by sword Venerable, falls with the Snow Venerable voice, he only felt space thorough frozen was lived, the whole person cannot move, the heart is panic-stricken, this is the great strength of Venerable, was aloof the category of will, a thought that world frozen. 林枫被剑尊者拉着一起,伴随着雪尊者的话音落下,他只感觉空间都彻底的被冰封住,整个人动弹不得,心头惊骇,这就是尊者的强大,超脱了意志的范畴,一个意念,天地冰封。 Bang!” The sword air/Qi the frozen world will tear, then together terrifying flame palm strength directly toward sword Venerable bang in the past, the sword Venerable body draws back, then Lin Feng actually by flame Venerable overtaking. “轰!”剑气将冰封的天地撕裂掉,然后一道恐怖的火焰掌力直接朝着剑尊者轰过去,剑尊者身体微退,然后林枫却已经被火焰尊者给抢了过去。 Sword Madman, you want to rob the person before us, looks down upon my two.” Flame Venerable faint smile looks at sword Venerable, nearby Lin Feng is speechless, this is three lunatics, has hit unexpectedly. 剑疯子,你想在我们面前将人抢走,也太看不起我两个吧。”火焰尊者似笑非笑的看着剑尊者,旁边的林枫无语,这是三个疯子,竟然打了起来。 Sword Venerable eyesight is indifferent, is staring at them, silent, immediately said: I accept your conditions.” 剑尊者目光冷漠,盯着两人,沉默了下,随即道:“我答应你们的条件。” He he, this was right, lives together in peace and harmony.” Flame Venerable and snow robe Venerable have shown a happy expression, immediately returned to the snowy area, the tea as well as the cup, have prepared for sword Venerable. “呵呵,这就对了,和睦相处。”火焰尊者和雪袍尊者都露出了一丝笑意,随即回到了雪地上,茶水以及杯子,都已经为剑尊者准备好了。 Sword Venerable has been calm the face, under the Lin Feng dumbfounded gaze, really gives two Venerable to steep tea unexpectedly, on faces of two Venerable has shown immediately also the fox satisfactory smiling face, is tried to rectify an embarrassing situation finally. 剑尊者一直沉着脸,在林枫目瞪口呆的注视下,竟还真的去给两位尊者沏茶,两位尊者的脸上顿时也露出了狐狸般满意的笑容,总算是找回了点面子啊。 Above the snowy mountain of distant place, the hunter stands in that can witness all that the snowy area has, sees the teacher and teacher's younger brother their several old styles, cannot help but does not know whether to laugh or cry. 在远处的一座雪山之上,猎人站在那,能够目睹雪地发生的一切,看到师尊和师叔他们几个还是老样子,不由得哭笑不得。 „The person who it seems like I elect right, the teacher they have approved Lin Feng, in the choice Lin Feng!” The hunters muttered whisper, immediately turned around, leaves, blesses that the kid of good luck! “看来我选的人没错,师尊他们都认可了林枫,挑选中了林枫!”猎人喃喃低语一声,随即转身,离开,祝福那好运的小家伙了! : Has tears streaming down the face, the fresh flower is not powerful, asking the brothers to support! :泪流满面,鲜花不给力,求兄弟们支援! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 757 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第757章 Three lunatic addresses for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation 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