PMG :: Volume #3

#756: Combustion

Celestial pole martial skill, has not stepped into Tian Qi Layer Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator regarding one, absolutely was extremely fierce martial skill, the major Sect influences, will only give in the Sect influence the true talent. 天极武技,对于一名还未踏入天武境武修而言,绝对算是极其厉害的武技了,各大宗门势力,只会给宗门势力中真正的天才。 Must know that regarding ordinary Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, after striding in Tian Qi, starts to comprehend the will the strength, but in the middle of day level cultivation technique martial skill, is containing the will, can let a Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator better comprehension. 要知道,对于普通武修而言,跨入天武之后,才开始领悟意志的力量,而天级功法武技当中,就蕴含着意志,能够让武修更好的领悟。 One set of best quality goods celestial pole cultivation technique, even makes the Tian Qi powerhouse stride in Venerable sufficiently, most, practice magical powers martial skill, is only the celestial pole. 一套极品的天极功法,甚至足以让天武强者跨入尊者之列,大多数尊者,修炼的神通武技,也只是天极而已。 Like celestial pole powerful cultivation technique martial skill, even if such as their Tianchi same terrorist forces, little will take, only then the most outstanding disciple, can obtain celestial pole cultivation technique or the martial skill practice, Tianchi is so, other influences, is so, if puts out fiercer cultivation technique martial skill to the person of Xuan Qi Layer, they are unable to comprehend, is unable to practice. 像天极这种强悍的功法武技,就算如他们天池一样的恐怖势力,都很少会拿出来,只有最优秀的弟子,才可以得到天极功法或者武技修炼,天池是如此,其它的势力,也是如此,若是拿出更厉害的功法武技玄武境之人,他们也无法领悟得了,无法修炼。 Lin Feng he also understands that precious of celestial pole martial skill, cultivates the low grade cultivation technique wind to get up for nine days, he windward had the feeling immediately, as if can feel existence of thin breeze element, is very sensitive, along with his practice, comprehended the will of wind gradually, the short time, strides will of Second Layer wind. 林枫他也明白天极武技的珍贵,修炼过下品功法风起九天,他对风立刻就有了感觉,仿佛能够感受到细微风元素的存在,很敏感,随着他的修炼,渐渐的领悟了风之意志,短短的时间,跨入风之意志第二重 The will, so is can it be that easy to comprehend, if to one set of celestial pole cultivation technique to Xuan Qi Layer Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, can ask him little to leave too many tortuous paths, with the path of most shortcut, moves toward the will the front door, becomes the powerhouse in Xuan Qi Layer, with the boundary, has Xuan Qi Layer Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator of will, can defeat easily has not comprehended the will Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator. 意志,岂是那么容易领悟的,若是给一套天极功法给一位玄武境武修,可以让他少走太多的弯路,以最捷径的道路,走向意志的大门,成为玄武境中的强者,同境界,拥有意志的玄武境武修,能轻易战胜没有领悟意志的武修 Snow Lao Gui, you may feel relieved greatly that rare Tianchi presents such a talent, I will do my best help him, if Tian Qi low grade martial skill also insufficiently he comprehends, I in martial skill the celestial pole take voluntarily.” Flame Venerable also no longer joke, but said one earnestly. “雪老鬼,你大可放心,难得天池出现这么一个天才,我会尽我所能去帮助他,若是天武下品武技还不够他领悟,我自愿将天极中品武技拿出来。”火焰尊者也不再玩笑,而是认真的说了一声。 Snow robe Venerable deep looked at flame Venerable one, immediately shows a faint smile, the old friend was the old friend, the opposite party obviously understood his meaning. 雪袍尊者深深的看了火焰尊者一眼,随即微微一笑,老朋友就是老朋友,对方显然已经明白了他的意思。 Good, since you said that I then give him Lin Feng, within seven days, if the strength of his flame will also stays in Third Layer, your this flame Venerable name, perhaps was smelly.” “好,既然你这么说,我便将林枫交给他,七天之内,若是他火焰意志的力量还停留在第三重的话,你这火焰尊者之名,恐怕就要臭了。” You can make his cultivation base go a step further, I can make his will go a step further.” Flame Venerable said self-confidently. “你能让他修为进一步,我就能让他意志进一步。”火焰尊者自信说道。 eyesight of snow robe Venerable falls on the body of Lin Feng, said: Lin Feng, you with the Lao Gui practice, your two friends do not need to be worried that I will instruct them.” 雪袍尊者的目光落在林枫的身上,道:“林枫,你就跟着老鬼修炼吧,你的两位朋友不用担心,我会指导她们。” Lin Feng nodded, then sees the snow robe Venerable robe sleeve to wield, the twinkling vanishes does not see. 林枫点了点头,便见雪袍尊者袍袖一挥,瞬息消失不见。 Lin Feng, comes along with me.” Flame Venerable footsteps step forward, return to his dwelling, although he cultivates the flame, however the sky is fluttering as before the snowflake, above the ground, accumulated thick white snow similarly . Moreover, outside of flame Venerable residence is very broad, completely is the white snows. 林枫,随我来吧。”火焰尊者脚步跨出,回到他的住处,虽然他修火焰,然而天空依旧飘着雪花,地面之上,同样积了一层厚厚的白雪,而且,火焰尊者居所的外面很宽阔,全部都是白雪。 Sits.” Flame Venerable sat above the snowy area directly, Lin Feng sat in his opposite, can the direction of Venerable, was the matters of many person of long-cherished goals, he can have this chance, naturally must treasure well. “坐。”火焰尊者直接坐在了雪地之上,林枫在他对面坐下来,能够得到尊者的指点,是多少人梦寐以求之事,他能够有此机缘,当然要好好珍惜。 Lin Feng, in your opinion, flame, what he grows is what kind of will strength?” Venerable was asking to Lin Feng one, from most basic mentioning, the flame, is any strength! 林枫,在你看来,火焰,他衍生的是怎样的意志力量?”尊者对着林枫问了一声,从最基本的谈起,火焰,是什么力量! Lin Feng silent, this issue, he has not gone to think really carefully. 林枫沉默了下,这问题,他还真没有去仔细想过。 Destruction!” Lin Feng had pondered over under responded, the fire, tyrannical, burnt to kill, has the formidable destruction strength, was a destruction strength, should destroys the will. “毁灭!”林枫思忖了下回应道,火,暴虐、焚杀,拥有强大的毁灭力,是一股毁灭力量,应该是毁灭意志。 Farmer makes a fire to live the food, the will of flame, if belongs to the destruction, how he lives the food, destroys the meal?” Flame Venerable said slowly that making Lin Feng eyesight stagnate. “农夫取火而生饭,火焰的意志若是属于毁灭,他如何生饭,难道将饭菜毁灭?”火焰尊者缓缓说道,让林枫目光一滞。 Lin Feng, you are the same with many people, pursues formidable strength and pursue destruction strength, has actually neglected his source, most primitive thing, only then had understood the source of will, can a better help you comprehend, utilizes, your sword is formidable , because your deep to sword comprehension, you should understand that the will of sword, is destroys and slaughters.” 林枫,你和很多人一样,去追求强大的力量、追求毁灭的力量,却忽略了他的本源,最原始的东西,只有了解了意志的本源,才能够更好的帮助你去领悟、去运用,你的剑强大,是因为你对剑领悟的更深,你应该明白,剑的意志,才是毁灭、是杀戮。” Venerable continues saying that Lin Feng silent and static is listening respectfully, traces the source, he has indeed neglected, is destroys and murders as for the sword, he knows certainly that the will of his Swordsmanship, from murdering to start to comprehend. 尊者继续说道,林枫沉默、静静的聆听着,追溯本源,他的确忽略了,至于剑是毁灭与杀伐,他当然知道,他剑道的意志,从杀伐开始领悟。 „The simplest thing, is often easiest to be neglected, the flame, his source, his will strength is very simple, is the combustion.” The words of flame Venerable made Lin Feng stare , the combustion, indeed was very simple two characters. “最简单之物,往往最容易被人所忽略,火焰,他的本源,他的意志力量很简单,是燃烧。”火焰尊者的话让林枫愣了下,燃烧,的确是很简单的两个字。 By flame next life food, destroys by the flame, the flame needs to do, burns, the combustion of flame different way, are doomed the different results, different combustion, can make the flame will strength the strong and weak have the enormous disparity, Lin Feng, you look at this group of flame.” “无论是以火焰来生饭,还是以火焰来毁灭,火焰需要做的,都是燃烧,火焰不同方式的燃烧,注定着不同的结局,不同的燃烧,也能够让火焰意志力量的强弱发生极大的差距,林枫,你看这团火焰。” Flame Venerable was saying, in palm is dragging one group of fires, immediately the palm trembles, the flame howls, the bang above the snowy mountain mountain wall of distant place, has left behind a scorch, even melts some white snows. 火焰尊者说着,手掌中拖着一团火,随即手掌一颤,火焰呼啸而出,轰在了远处的雪山山壁之上,留下了一道焦痕,甚至将一些白雪融化掉。 Um?” Lin Feng does not understand that Venerable is what intent, however at this moment, in hand of flame Venerable, has picked up one group of flame once again, was almost just the same as that group of flame a moment ago. “嗯?”林枫不明白尊者是何意,然而此刻,火焰尊者的手中,再度托起了一团火焰,和刚才那团火焰几乎一模一样。 „The intensity of this flame was completely same as the flame, you again look now.” Venerable said that immediately, flame concentration in his hand gradually, the palm trembles immediately once again, was the position, however the sound spread together, was concentrated into the black flame to change to together the fearful light beam, has torn the snow of outer layer, permeated in the snowy mountain mountain wall directly. “这火焰的强度和刚才的火焰完全一样,你现在再看。”尊者说了一声,随即,他手中的火焰渐渐的浓缩,随即手掌再度一颤,还是刚才的位置,然而一道嗤嗤的声响传出,那被浓缩成为黑色的火焰化作一道可怕的光束,撕裂了外层的雪,直接渗入雪山山壁之中。 The might, did not know formidable many. 威力,不知道强大了多少。 Lin Feng, did you understand?” Flame Venerable asked. 林枫,你明白了吗?”火焰尊者问道。 The Lin Feng slight bow, the way of combustion and flame combustion was different, has been doomed his might disparity in a big way, such as his whole body Yang fire really Yuan, if like this attacked to the person, the might was limited, when condensed the Underworld black lotus, the might of this black lotus does not know immediately formidable many quilt, this, was the way of combustion is then different, the source of flame, should be the combustion, the flame will, should the meaning be the combustion will. 林枫微微点头,燃烧、火焰燃烧的方式不同,注定了他的威力差距会有多大,就如他浑身的阳火真元,若是就这样对人攻击,威力有限,然而凝聚成幽冥黑莲之时,这黑莲的威力立刻不知道强大多少被,这,便是燃烧的方式不同,火焰的本源,应该是燃烧,火焰意志,应该意为燃烧意志。 Lin Feng, you look there.” Flame Venerable finger points at a not far away snowy mountain wall, Lin Feng eyesight is looking toward that only listens to flame Venerable to continue saying: Lin Feng, you this Pian Shan wall, erase him, remember, only permits to use your flame the strength, other strengths, can not use.” 林枫,你看那里。”火焰尊者手指指着不远处的一座雪山壁,林枫目光朝着那看去,只听火焰尊者继续道:“林枫,你将这片山壁,将他抹除掉吧,记住,只准动用你火焰的力量,其它力量,不得使用出来。” The Lin Feng eye pupil concentrates, with flame, a mountain wall melting, was too difficult. 林枫眼眸微凝,用火焰,将一座山壁给融化掉,太难了。 Has remembered, only permits combustion the flame, melting.” The old person had supplemented, waves saying: Goes.” “记住了,只允许燃烧的火焰,将之融化。”老人补充了一声,挥手道:“去吧。” The body of Lin Feng stands, the arriving snow wall edge slowly, looks at that mountain, he only felt that the whole body is pressing a big stone, with the flame, melts him...... 林枫的身体站起来,缓缓的走到雪壁边缘,看着那一座山,他只感觉浑身都压着一块大石头,用火焰,将他融化…… Burns!” Lin Feng drinks one lowly, the strength of flame throws toward the mountain wall of snowy mountain, however actually melted the snow of faint trace, making him unable to bear shake the head. “焚!”林枫低喝一声,火焰的力量朝着雪山的山壁扑去,然而却只是融化了丝丝的雪,让他忍不住摇了摇头。 However Lin Feng has not given up, the little probe, is burning, simultaneously, unceasingly is also sensing. 然而林枫并未放弃,一点点的试探着,燃烧着、同时,也在不断的感悟着。 That iceberg stone cliff stands erect as in that several days, Lin Feng sat before the mountain wall motionless, seems was pondering. 那座冰山石壁依旧矗立在那,已经几天了,林枫坐在山壁前一动不动,似乎是在思考。 In the snowy area of distant place, two forms are playing chess, impressively snow robe Venerable as well as flame Venerable, but side them, an old man, the whole body is passing the sharp air/Qi, the whole person seems a handle sword is the same. 远处的雪地上,有两道身影正在下棋,赫然正是雪袍尊者以及火焰尊者,而在他们身旁,还有一位老者,浑身透着锋锐之气,整个人就好似一柄剑一样。 This person occasionally will go to Lin Feng eyesight, the Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will strength, is very rare. 此人偶尔会将目光投向林枫,五重剑道意志力量,很难得。 Sword Madman, do not look again, disturbing Lin Feng to comprehend.” Flame Venerable white Sword Madman said. 剑疯子,不要再看了,打扰林枫领悟。”火焰尊者白了剑疯子一眼说道。 Sudden enlightenment? Your this person instructs, but how can also see the light suddenly.” Sword Madman let somebody cool off or calm down said that flame Venerable did not care: He will comprehend, certain.” “顿悟?你这种人来指导,还能如何顿悟。”剑疯子冷冷的说了一声,火焰尊者也不在意:“他会有所领悟的,一定。” The palm of Lin Feng stretches out, one group of flame twinkling condense, immediately extrusion slowly, this group of flame seem like ordinary, falls above snow and ice stone cliff, melts the snow and ice, sends out the faint trace the sound, the might, was more powerful. 林枫的手掌伸出,一团火焰瞬息凝聚而成,随即缓缓的推出,这一团火焰看似平常,落在冰雪石壁之上,将冰雪融化,发出丝丝的声响,威力,强大了很多。 Combustion and combustion......” Lin Feng muttered, but also was insufficient, the source will of flame was the combustion, must practice peak the will, he definitely must first burning two characters thoroughly thoroughly comprehended. “燃烧、燃烧……”林枫喃喃自语,还不够,火焰的本源意志是燃烧,要将意志修炼到极致,他必然先要将燃烧两个字彻底的悟透来。 Six days later, Lin Feng sits in the original position, bathes in the middle of one group of flame, the strength of flame it six days ago, in unknowingly became formidable, he sat in that ponder time, was letting the flame the combustion will strength in the tip promotion. 六天之后,林枫还是坐在原来的位置,沐浴在一团火焰当中,火焰的力量比之六天前,在不知不觉中变得强大了许多,他坐在那的时候,思考的时候,便在让火焰的燃烧意志力量在点滴的提升着。 „The will of flame is the combustion, wish makes the flame the might stronger, must control the flame.” Body standing up of Lin Feng slowly, the mind moves, immediately, one group of flame, wrap stone cliff of that iceberg, is passing light of layer upon layer illusory flame. “火焰的意志是燃烧,想要让火焰的威力更强,就必须要掌控火焰。”林枫的身体缓缓的站起身来,心神一动,顿时,一团火焰,将那座冰山的石壁包裹住,透着一层层虚幻的火焰之光。 : Asked the fresh flower! :求鲜花! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 756 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第756章 Combustion address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 燃烧地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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