PMG :: Volume #3

#755: Depressed revering

eyesight of flame Venerable is rotating on Lin Feng, has sized up , the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base boundary, in this year age, was very rare. 火焰尊者的目光林枫身上转动着,打量了下,玄武境九重修为境界,在这年龄,已经很难得了。 You do not think that was I have inspired the fire of Sun?” Snow robe Venerable smiles, responds to the opposite party words, actually saw has swept his one eyes that flame Venerable despised: You?” “那你不会认为是我引动了太阳之火吧?”雪袍尊者一笑,回应对方的话,却见火焰尊者鄙夷的扫了他一眼:“就你?” You also talk nonsense to do.” Snow robe Venerable refuses to admit being inferior, puts out together the foul language, lets Lin Feng stunned, this moment these two old fogy where also likely are Venerable that in the bystander eyes keeps aloof, clearly likely is two naughty children, before only then person of the same generation, they will perhaps display this natural disposition side, Venerable, is the person, is only the powerful person. “那你还放屁干什么。”雪袍尊者不甘示弱,吐出一道秽语,让林枫一阵愕然,此刻这两个老家伙哪里还像是外人眼中高高在上的尊者,分明像是两个顽童,然而只有平辈之前,他们或许才会表现出这本性的一面,尊者,也是人,只是实力强大的人。 Flame Venerable does not have monster snow robe Venerable, eyesight falls on the body of Lin Feng once again, reveals the meaning of several points of appreciation. 火焰尊者也没有怪雪袍尊者,目光再度落在林枫的身上,露出几分欣赏之意。 cultivation technique that you practice, is solar cultivation technique?” “你修炼的功法,是太阳功法吧?” Um.” Lin Feng slight bow, had not denied that before the Zun Qi powerhouse, the person is also otherwise meaningless. “嗯。”林枫微微点头,也没有否认,在尊武强者面前,否人也毫无意义。 Releases your flame will strength fully, shows me.” Flame Venerable opens the mouth saying that heard his words snow robe Venerable body to retrocede slightly several steps, left some spaces to Lin Feng. “全力释放你的火焰意志力量,给我看看。”火焰尊者开口说道,听到他的话雪袍尊者身体微微后退了几步,给林枫留了些许的空间。 Lin Feng nodded, the thought moves, the bang of bang spreads, the terrifying flame strength blooms suddenly, crazy fierce kicking out, moves restlessly and wells up crazily, the trim space, as if must be burnt down into the flame, the snowflake that airborne falls gently must melt completely. 林枫点了点头,意念一动,轰的一声巨响传出,恐怖的火焰力量遽然间绽放,狂猛的扑出,躁动、狂涌,整片空间,仿佛都要被焚烧成为火焰,空中飘落的雪花全部都要融化掉。 The tide of this flame toward the body impact of flame Venerable in the past, covered directly the body of flame Venerable, however opposite party actually as before tranquil standing in that whole person unexpectedly peaceful bathing in the middle of flame, the strength of this flame, but also was insufficient by far to other party becomes the threat, on his body peaceful was dragging, the manic flame became docile. 这股火焰的浪潮直接朝着火焰尊者的身体冲击过去,将火焰尊者的身体笼罩住,然而对方却依旧平静的站在那,整个人竟然安静的沐浴在火焰当中,这股火焰的力量,还远远不足以对他造成威胁,在他的身上安静的摇曳着,狂躁的火焰都变得温顺了起来。 Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base, cultivates Great Sun Burns the Heavens, has the strength of Third Layer flame will, although the talent was very good, but has not calculated that startled picks certainly colorfully.” Flame Venerable is feeling this spirit carefully, immediately shook the head slightly, as if is also not too satisfied, this snow Lao Gui anything meaning, such talent, gave the Tian Qi Layer person to instruct to be then OK, as if has not been one's turn Lao Gui to look for him personally. 玄武境九重修为,修炼大日焚天经,拥有三重火焰意志的力量,虽然天赋已经很不错了,但还不算惊采绝艳。”火焰尊者细细的感受着这股气息,随即微微摇了摇头,似乎还不是太满意,这雪老鬼什么意思,这样的天才,交给天武境的人指导便可以了,似乎还轮不到老鬼亲自来找他吧。 Said that you person who didn't welcome me to recommend?” The look that snow robe Venerable has revealed teasing, lets the flame Venerable eyesight twinkle, does not understand this fellow anything meaning. “这么说,你是不欢迎我引荐的人了?”雪袍尊者露出了一丝戏谑的神色,让火焰尊者目光闪烁,不明白这家伙什么意思。 He is you brings, since you will give to me to train, thinks that he also obtained some advantage in your, his cultivation base boundary is not too stable, he inspired the strength of Sun a moment ago, just broke through Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, originally is Eighth Xuan Qi Layer, after you indicated that breaks through?” “他是你带过来,既然你会送给我调教,想必他也在你那得到了一些好处,他的修为境界不是太稳固,难道,他刚才引动太阳之力,是刚刚才突破到玄武境九重,本是玄武境八重,经过你点拨才突破的?” Flame Venerable could not bear ask, Eighth Xuan Qi Layer and Ninth Xuan Qi Layer missed a boundary, actually also missed is very far, the strength of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer comprehension flame Third Layer will, comprehended with Eighth Xuan Qi Layer is two completely different concepts, if Lin Feng were broke through a moment ago soon, that also means that his will promotion the space was very big, the flame will also had the possibility to go a step further anytime, strides in the Fourth Layer will, on this day tax, some monstruous talent. 火焰尊者又忍不住问了一声,玄武境八重玄武境九重差一个境界,却也差很远,玄武境九重领悟火焰三重意志的力量,和玄武境八重就已经领悟是两个完全不同的概念,若林枫是刚才不久才突破的,那也意味着他意志提升的空间很大,火焰意志随时也有可能更进一步,跨入四重意志,这天赋,就有些妖孽了。 Let alone that many idle talk, I asked that you do welcome not to welcome?” Snow robe old man strong saying, making flame Venerable somewhat depressed, the calm face said: Snow Lao Gui, you replied my words first.” “别说那么多废话,我就问你欢迎还是不欢迎?”雪袍老者强硬的说道,让火焰尊者有些郁闷,沉着脸道:“雪老鬼,你先回答我的话。” Lin Feng, it seems like others do not treat see us, such being the case, we walk, I lead you to look for Sword Madman.” Waving of snow robe Venerable disdains, said arrogantly, the robe sleeve wields immediately, controls the snow group to bring Lin Feng to leave directly, has stepped in an instant forward a kilometer place. 林枫,看来别人并不怎么待见我们,既然如此,我们走,我带你就去找剑疯子。”雪袍尊者不屑的挥了挥手,高傲的说了一声,随即袍袖挥动,直接驾驭着雪团带着林枫离开,转眼间就跨出了千米之地。 Looks for Sword Madman?” Flame Venerable has gawked, immediately eyesight concentrates, footsteps one cross, and Lin Feng pursued toward snow robe Venerable: Snow Lao Gui, you talking clearly, any meaning, why looks for Sword Madman.” “找剑疯子?”火焰尊者愣了下,随即目光一凝,脚步一跨,朝着雪袍尊者和林枫追了过去:“雪老鬼,你把说说清楚来,什么意思,为什么去找剑疯子。” Flame Venerable and Lin Feng intercepts snow robe Venerable, Sword Madman that is a through lunatic, recognizes the sword not to recognize people, the sword was his parents and his wife, snow Lao Gui actually said that brought Lin Feng to look for Sword Madman, only if, Lin Feng, he also understood the sword. 火焰尊者将雪袍尊者和林枫拦截住,剑疯子那是个彻头彻尾的疯子,认剑不认人,剑就是他的爹娘、他的妻子,雪老鬼竟然说带林枫去找剑疯子,除非,林枫,他还懂剑。 Here does not keep the person, keeps the person to locate innately, Lao Gui, you make way to me.” Snow robe Venerable impatient saying. “此处不留人,自有留人处,老鬼,你给我让开。”雪袍尊者不耐烦的说道。 Does not let.” Flame Venerable stands in that motionlessly, said: I do not give shelter, you also counted on that Sword Madman gives shelter inadequately.” “不让。”火焰尊者站在那一动不动,道:“我不收留,你难道还指望剑疯子收留不成。” Method of goading somebody into action?” Snow robe Venerable disdains has swept his one eyes, immediately looks to Lin Feng, said with a smile: Lin Feng, you make this Lao Gui enlarge ones vision, quite makes him leave to give me to regret, this Tianchi Xue Shan Da, Venerable is not only then this, I have not been able to look for other person of inadequate.” “激将法?”雪袍尊者不屑的扫了他一眼,随即看向林枫,微笑道:“林枫,你就让这老鬼开开眼,好让他滚回去给我后悔,这天池雪山大的很,尊者可不是只有他这一个,我难道还不能找其他人不成。” Volume!” “额!” Lin Feng stunned, he sees at this moment, is Venerable senior real side, they will also bicker and mump, vivid. 林枫一阵愕然,他此刻看到的,才是尊者前辈真实的一面吧,他们也会斗嘴、斗气,有血有肉。 Before, in his mind, Zun Qi, probably is a beauty, omnipotent, such as the stars of space were dazzling, should be keeping aloof is unclimbable, but now, he contacts the Zun Qi powerhouse truly, that type of supine view stars the heart of pitching vanished, however the meaning of awe still. 以前,在他的心中,尊武,就好像是天人,无所不能,如天上的星辰般耀眼,应该是高高在上不可攀登的,但如今,他真正接触到尊武强者,那种仰观星辰的俯仰之心消失,然敬畏之意犹在。 Shakes the head the forced smile, the Lin Feng footsteps faces forward to step forward, suddenly, his whole person, as if changes to the sharp incomparable sword, the world howls together, the fearful Swordsmanship will blooms suddenly, is such terrifying. 摇头苦笑,林枫的脚步朝前跨出,突然间,他整个人,仿佛化作一道锋锐无比的剑,天地呼啸,可怕的剑道意志遽然间绽放而出,是那么的恐怖。 Flame Venerable body fierce one stiff, he unexpectedly wish cannot help but retroceded a moment ago, terrifying Swordsmanship will that blooms suddenly, that swift and fierce. 火焰尊者身体猛的一僵,刚才他竟然不由自主的想要后退,那突然间绽放的恐怖剑道意志,是那么的凌厉。 Swordsmanship will Fifth Layer!” On the face of flame Venerable reveals wipes the dignified look, Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will, but is mature, should when long before comprehend, in addition the Lin Feng Ninth Xuan Qi Layer boundary is not too steady, is very obvious, Lin Feng Eighth Xuan Qi Layer boundary, comprehended this fearful Swordsmanship will. “剑道意志第五重!”火焰尊者的脸上露出一抹凝重的神色,五重剑道意志,而是还非常成熟,应该在很早以前就领悟了,再加上林枫玄武境九重的境界不是太稳,很显然,林枫玄武境八重境界之时,就领悟了这可怕的剑道意志。 When Eighth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base Swordsmanship will Fifth Layer and flame will Third Layer, this has been possible compared with Ninth Xuan Qi Layer actually solely only then flame will Third Layer must shock too. 玄武境八重修为之时就已经剑道意志第五重、火焰意志第三重,这可远比玄武境九重却单单只有火焰意志第三重要震撼太多。 You guess does not have the mistake, he before seeing me, is only Eighth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base, then the breakthrough, strides in Ninth Xuan Qi Layer.” Snow robe Venerable has opened at this moment the mouth, immediately said to Lin Feng: Continues to let under his feeling again.” “你猜的没有错,他在见我之前,只是玄武境八重修为,而后突破,跨入玄武境九重。”雪袍尊者此刻又开口了,随即对林枫道:“继续再让他感受下。” Lin Feng understands that the meaning of snow robe Venerable, the mind moves, the will of sword vanishes, gust howls, his body changes to together the illusory image, such as the wind waves, the whole person seems melts in the wind. 林枫明白雪袍尊者的意思,心神一动,剑之意志消失,一阵风呼啸而过,他的身体化作一道幻影,如风般舞动,整个人好似融于风中。 The twinkling, Lin Feng then returned same place, the wind vanishes, however eyesight of flame Venerable is one stiff, will of Second Layer wind. 瞬息,林枫便又回到了原地,风消失,然而火焰尊者的目光又是一僵,风之意志第二重 Lin Feng, he has three strengths of wills, the flame will is strongest, is Fifth Layer. 林枫,他拥有三种意志的力量,其中火焰意志最强,是五重 Lin Feng, his earliest contact should be the sword, practices the sword, therefore the attainments on the Swordsmanship is strongest, solar cultivation technique definitely afterward depended upon the chance to obtain, immediately comprehends the flame will, finally, is the will of wind.” Snow robe Venerable said lightly, the footsteps step forward immediately, said: Good Lao Gui, you do not welcome, thinks that Sword Madman will welcome our, makes way.” 林枫,他最早接触的应该是剑,练剑,因此在剑道上造诣最强,太阳功法肯定是后来依靠机缘得到,随即领悟火焰意志,最后,是风之意志。”雪袍尊者淡淡的说了一声,随即脚步跨出,道:“好了老鬼,你不欢迎,想必剑疯子会欢迎我们的,让开吧。” Wait / Etc., waited for......” flame Venerable one anxiously, blocks them, does not let, on the face shows the smiling face of trembling: Misunderstanding and snow Lao Gui, this misunderstands, who said that I did not welcome you, walked, my this asked you to go back.” “等等、等等……”火焰尊者一急,将两人拦住,不让走,脸上露出颤颤的笑容:“误会、雪老鬼,这都是误会,谁说我不欢迎你们了,走,我这就请你们回去。” Does not use.” Snow robe Venerable beckoned with the hand saying: Your there threshold is too high, I and Lin Feng look for Sword Madman to be quite appropriate, is insufficient to be blocked outside is treated sees.” “不用了。”雪袍尊者摆了摆手道:“你那里门槛太高,我和林枫还是去找剑疯子比较合适,也不至于被拦在外面不受待见。” Flame Venerable in heart snow robe Venerable cursing innumerable, the bastard of this old codger, is playing him intentionally. 火焰尊者在心中将雪袍尊者给诅咒了无数遍,这老不死的混蛋,存心在玩他。 „Doesn't this misunderstand?” Although was cursing snow robe Venerable at heart, but on his face was actually passing smiling, eyesight fell on the body of Lin Feng, said: Lin Feng is right, walks, since you can comprehend the Fifth Layer will on the Swordsmanship the strength, has Great Sun Burns the Heavens, the flame will also similarly can stride in the Fifth Layer will, happen to I some attainments on the flame, can direct your.” “这不都是误会吗?”虽然在心里诅咒雪袍尊者,但他脸上却还是透着笑,目光落在了林枫的身上,道:“林枫对吧,走,你既然在剑道上能领悟五重意志的力量,又拥有大日焚天经,火焰意志也就同样能跨入五重意志,正好我在火焰上有些心得,可以指点你一番。” No, Lin Feng, somebody as if did not treat a moment ago sees you, now he makes you such go back whether also humiliation scope, relax, without him, I will look for other to instruct you to practice.” Snow robe Venerable hits crossing intentionally. “别,林枫,刚才某人似乎并不怎么待见你,现在他让你就这么回去是否也太丢脸面了,放心,没有他,我自会找其他尊者来指导你修炼。”雪袍尊者故意打岔道。 Lin Feng, here has one set of day level martial skill, the spark sets the prairie afire, wisp of flame then transforms the setting the prairie afire roaring flame, burns down all, is quite happen to suitable you to practice.” Flame Venerable enticement said. 林枫,我这里有一套天级武技,星火燎原,一缕火焰即可幻化成燎原烈焰,焚烧一切,正好比较适合你修炼。”火焰尊者诱惑道。 One set of celestial pole low grade martial skill, whom you send.” [Say / Way] that snow robe Venerable disdains, lets flame Venerable stingy ruthless twitched , the bastard of this old codger is fishing in troubled waters! “一套天极下品武技,你打发谁呢。”雪袍尊者不屑的道,让火焰尊者的心狠狠的抽搐了下,这老不死的混蛋是在乘火打劫呢! : The fresh flower urgently needed support, the tears asked! :鲜花急需支援,泪求! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 755 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第755章 Depressed Venerable address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 郁闷的尊者地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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