PMG :: Volume #3

#754: Black Tortoise nine heavy

Lin Feng cultivation base is the boundary of Eighth Xuan Qi Layer, however his battle efficiency, ordinary Ninth Xuan Qi Layer can writing off easily fall, the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer peak, the same war and photo kill do not harm. 林枫修为玄武境八重之境,然而他的战斗力,普通玄武境九重都能够轻易的抹杀掉,玄武境九重巅峰,都一样战、照杀不误。 Past the Di Ling book was Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base, used the heaven bloodlines to promote cultivation base, selected for promotion cultivation base to the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer peak actually, extremely fearful, however he defeated in the hand of Lin Feng and Duan Wu Dao, afterward, Duan Wu Dao also defeated in Lin Feng, obviously, Eighth Xuan Qi Layer Lin Feng rarely had the rival in Xuan Qi this boundary. 昔日帝陵本就是玄武境九重修为,使用苍天血脉提升修为,硬是将修为拔升到玄武境九重巅峰,极其的可怕,然而他还是败在了林枫段无道的手中,后来,段无道也败在了林枫手里,可见,玄武境八重林枫玄武这一境界中就鲜有敌手了。 If Lin Feng breaks through again, strides in the boundary of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, is very difficult to imagine, under Tian Qi, who can also fight with him. 若是林枫再突破,跨入玄武境九重之境,很难想象,天武之下,谁还能够与他一战。 On the face of Tang Youyou reveals wipes the anticipation the happy expression, she somewhat anticipated, Lin Feng strides in the mystical place time, can be what kind of scene, the genuine elite who these big influences cultivate, will perhaps be shocked. 唐幽幽的脸上露出一抹期待的笑意,她有些期待,林枫跨入秘境的时候,会是怎样一番情景,那些大势力培育出来的真正精英,恐怕也会震惊吧。 As Lin Feng enters the condition of sitting in meditation, snowflake unceasing flutters downward is adhering to stick cohere on his body, light of one group of flame past on Lin Feng slowly, shortly, in the middle of snowflake was refined succinctly, dissolves in that Yang fire, as for falling gently in Lin Feng snow thoroughly vanishes does not see. 随着林枫进入入定的状态,雪花不断的飘飞着往下附着在他的身上,一团火焰之光缓缓在林枫身上流转,顷刻间,雪花当中的精粹被提炼,溶于那阳火之中,至于飘落在林枫身上的雪则彻彻底底的消失不见。 Here airborne is fluttering the snowflake, they are containing the greatly strengthened cold air/Qi, is not truly the pure snow, but derived the world essence vitality strength snow, some cold feelings, when the Lin Feng practice, directly the essence in the snow refining, then swallows into within the body, dissolves in the middle of Yang fire, is strengthening his flame. 这里空中飘荡着的雪花,他们本身蕴含着极强的寒冷之气,并非是真正纯粹的雪,而是汲取了天地精华元气力量的雪,才会有种冷的感觉,而在林枫修炼的时候,直接将雪中精华给提炼出来,然后吞入体内,溶于阳火当中,增强着他身上的火焰。 The flame is getting more and more intense, the Lin Feng whole body is that blazing brilliance pasts completely continuous, on him, as if the solar design faintly forms, this solar design is blazing and dazzling, probably is Sun of space is the same, brilliant. 火焰越来越强烈,林枫周身全部都是那一道道炽热的光华流转不休,在他身上,仿佛有一个太阳图案隐隐成形,这太阳图案炽热、耀眼,就好像是天上的太阳一样,光彩夺目。 A ray lift-off slowly, is the solar light beam, as if must break through the fetter of this snow white white snow, summons Sun of space. 一道光线缓缓的升空,是太阳光束,仿佛要冲破这皑皑白雪的束缚,去召唤天上的太阳。 This light beam is getting more and more bright and is getting more and more radiant, above the snowy mountain, presented a gorgeous Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly, that beautiful. 这一道光束越来越亮、越来越璀璨,雪山之上,竟出现了一道绚丽的彩虹桥,是那么的美丽。 However, boundless white snow in this cold snowy mountain, was not that easily can break through, this light beam continuously upward, but has not broken through the boundless white snow as before, was rising slowly. 然而,这寒冷雪山中的茫茫白雪,也不是那么轻易能够突破得了的,这道光束一直往上,但依旧没有冲破得了茫茫白雪,缓缓的上升着。 On the 1st and on the 2nd, nine days later, that wipes the light beam most the above snow to break through finally, a dazzling ray from airborne sprinkles, is the light of Sun, is connecting the body of Lin Feng. 一日、两日,直到九天之后,那一抹光束终于将最上空的雪都冲破来,一道耀眼的光芒从空中洒下来,是太阳之光,连接着林枫的身体。 At this moment, in the snowy mountain the innumerable crowds gained ground, looks toward the upper air, Sun, in the Tianchi Xue mountain, they saw the solar light beam unexpectedly, this is the what kind mystery. 这一刻,雪山中无数人群抬起头来,朝着高空中望去,太阳,在天池雪山,他们竟然看到了太阳光束,这是何等的神奇。 „Did Tianchi, when have to practice formidable Venerable of solar cultivation technique?” Some people muttered in the heart whisper, [say / way] of doubts, but Tianchi Xue mountain how vast, some seniors old monster many people do not know that even if there are not strange, no person requested to enter Tianchi on if surely the snow cultivated, but cannot practice solar cultivation technique. “天池,何时有修炼太阳功法的强大尊者了?”有人在心中喃喃低语,疑惑的道,不过天池雪山何其的浩瀚,一些尊者的老前辈老怪物很多人都是不知道的,即便有也不稀奇,从来没有人要求过进入天池就必定要是雪修而不能修炼太阳功法 This cultivation technique can break through boundless white snow directly, echoes with Sun of space, absorbs the essence of livelihood, decided however is solar cultivation technique without doubt, big power and influence. 功法能够直接冲破茫茫白雪,与天上的太阳相呼应,吸取日月之精华,定然是太阳功法无疑了,好大的威势。 Surprised , the people are handling their matter, or practice. 惊奇过后,众人就都又做着自己的事情,或自己修炼。 Nobody knows that inspires the solar strength, derived Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator of essence of day unexpectedly is only a youth, he was sitting cross-legged to sit before the hut, the eye pupil shut tightly, the void snowflake thorough alienation, was involved in his body finally crazily, then vanished, he sits the place, the surrounding snow did not have completely, was swallowed to melt by him. 没有人知道,引动太阳力量,汲取日之精华的武修竟只是一位青年,他正盘膝坐在小屋之前,眼眸紧闭,虚空中的雪花终于彻底的狂乱了起来,疯狂的卷入他的身体,然后又消失,他坐着地方,周围的雪全部都没有了,被他吞噬融化掉了。 Tang Youyou with snow exquisite from some Lin Feng distances, because this time Lin Feng steam was too intense, this snow and ice cold must be stronger, will feel that in his side the person as if must be fired the death to be the same. 唐幽幽和雪玲珑都距离林枫有些距离,因为此时的林枫身上的热气太强烈了,比这冰雪的冷还要更强,在他身边会感觉到人都仿佛要被灼烧死亡一样。 Does not know how really he obtains these methods.” “真不知道他是怎么得到这些手段的。” Tang Youyou shakes the head secretly, the power and influence that the Lin Feng practice creates was getting stronger and stronger, the snowflake is melting completely, the snow that in the hut covers does not let off, fearful blazing flame is pasting in Lin Feng crazily, Lin Feng spirit, in enhancement slowly, is getting stronger and stronger. 唐幽幽暗暗摇头,林枫修炼造成的威势越来越强了,雪花全部在融化,就连小屋中覆盖的雪都不放过,一股可怕的炽热火焰在林枫是身上疯狂的流转着,林枫气息,在缓缓的增强,越来越强。 Must break through!” The eye pupil of Tang Youyou concentrates, experience of the death, making the Lin Feng heart think, feels, becomes aware, has experienced a secondary dying big boundary, the boundary on his cultivation base also as if became aware to pass and thoroughly comprehend, only needed the crazy swallowing world vitality, the breakthrough, was successful. “要突破了!”唐幽幽的眼眸微凝,一次死亡之经历,让林枫心有所思、所感、所悟,体验了一次生死大境界,他修为上的境界也仿佛悟通、悟透了,只需疯狂的吞噬天地元气,突破,便是水到渠成。 Bang!” Shoots up to the sky with the fearful flame together, the snow of entire space as if must melt, connects the light beam of Sun to be imaginary the most radiant ray in this moment, Lin Feng Sun keeps the eyes of person from looking straight ahead suddenly, was too dazzling, the light sound spreads together, seemed any thing breaks was the same. “轰!”伴随着一道可怕的火光冲天而起,整个天上的雪都仿佛要融化掉,连接着太阳的光束在这一刻幻出最为璀璨的光芒,林枫身上的太阳突然让人的眼睛都无法直视,太刺眼了,一道咔嚓的轻响声传出,仿佛是什么东西破碎了一样。 That was the boundary breaks, has broken through the original boundary shackles, Lin Feng opened the eye the time, the light of fearful flame bloomed together, his eye completely was the flame is probably same, the flaming combustion, was extremely crazy and hot tempered, this was the characteristics of flame. 那是境界破碎了、冲破了原有境界的桎梏,林枫睁开眼睛的时候,一道可怕的火焰之光绽放而出,他的眼睛好像都全部都是火焰一样,熊熊的燃烧着,极其的疯狂、暴躁,这是火焰的特性。 In the eye pupil of Lin Feng revealed has wiped the happy expression, broke through, such that just like snow robe Venerable said that his heart did not subside, let alone Tian Qi, even if Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cannot break through, the experience that one time died, making him know own heart, knew to want anything, the boundary complied with the breakthrough, immediately was cultivation base. 林枫的眼眸中露出了一抹笑意,突破了,正如雪袍尊者说的那样,他的心不平息下来,别说天武,即便玄武境九重都突破不了,一次死亡的经历,让他知道了自己的心,知道想要什么,境界顺应突破,随即是修为 Puts out a hand, one group of radiant and dazzling day positive fires are burning in the palm slowly, makes the sound, in the flame is having the fearful burning down destruction strength, moreover Lin Feng also feels that his solar cultivation technique, the distance played solar cultivation technique might to be getting more and more near, on the present, the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base person, perhaps does not dare to touch his flame easily, as for Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, Lin Feng can affirm that the flame entered the body, immediately can burn down them until death, resisted irresistibly results. 伸出手,一团璀璨而耀眼的天阳之火在手掌中缓缓的燃烧着,发出噼里啪啦的声响,火焰中带着可怕的焚烧毁灭力量,而且林枫还感觉到,他的太阳功法,距离发挥出太阳功法的威力越来越近了,就现在而言,玄武境九重修为的人,恐怕都不敢轻易碰他的火焰吧,至于玄武境九重之下,林枫敢肯定,火焰一入身,立即能将他们焚烧至死,抵挡都无法抵抗得了。 Snow robe old man slowly walks from hut, saw on Lin Feng is ascending probability empty flame, slight bow, this is fire of Yang fire and Sun, has not thought that Lin Feng practice cultivation technique so fierce, solar cultivation technique, will no wonder have the strength of flame will. 雪袍老者缓缓的从小屋中走出来,看到林枫身上升腾着的似实似虚的火焰,微微点了点头,这是阳火、太阳之火,没想到林枫修炼的功法如此的厉害,太阳功法,难怪会拥有火焰意志的力量。 The Lin Feng comprehension ability truly is also very terrifying, the experience that one time died, made his boundary transform, has stepped directly a boundary, this person, did not enter Tian Qi not to be impossible, naturally the premise was he does not have the heart demon, the heart did not have the demon barrier, the heart, if were blocked, can never enter Tian Qi. 林枫的领悟能力也确实很恐怖,一次死亡的经历,就让他的境界蜕变了,直接跨了一层境界,这种人,不入天武都不可能,当然前提是他没有心魔,心没有魔障,心若受阻,永远入不了天武 Lin Feng, do you want to study the magical powers ability in flame?” The snow robe old man was asking to Lin Feng. 林枫,你想不想学火焰方面的神通能力?”雪袍老者对着林枫问道。 Lin Feng has gawked, immediately nodded, studies, why not study, so long as can let his cultivation base promotion, lets his strength strengthen, must study. 林枫愣了下,随即点了点头,学,为何不学,只要能够让他的修为提升,让他的实力变强,都要学。 Good, I lead you to see a person, your two friends make them practice temporarily here.” The snow robe old man said that Lin Feng looked at Tang Youyou and Meng Qing, sees only Tang Youyou to hold the snow to be exquisite, to the Lin Feng slight bow, the snow also is very exquisite clever, has not gone to disturb Lin Feng. “好,那我带你去见一个人,你的两位朋友就让他们暂时在这里修炼。”雪袍老者说了一声,林枫看了唐幽幽梦情一眼,只见唐幽幽抱着雪玲珑,对着林枫微微点头,雪玲珑也很乖巧,没有去打搅林枫 Thanked the senior.” Lin Feng is raising slightly to the old person slightly, the old person should intrepidly Venerable, he had a sudden enlightenment by himself, cultivation base broke through, Lin Feng was grateful, now, he must bring itself to see his friend, the friend of Venerable, naturally is also Venerable. “谢前辈。”林枫对着老人微微欠身,老人应该是强悍的尊者,他让自己有了一种顿悟,修为突破,林枫已经非常感激,如今,他还要带自己去见他的朋友,尊者的朋友,当然也是尊者。 We walk.” The Venerable thought moves, immediately one group of snowflake gatherings, dragging his body to go toward airborne. “我们走。”尊者意念一动,顿时一团雪花汇聚而成,拖着他的身体朝着空中而去。 Lin Feng one step steps forward, stepped that snows directly, flutters along with the body of Venerable. 林枫一步跨出,直接踏上了那片雪,随着尊者的身体飘动。 This Lin Feng truly discovered that this Tianchi Xue mountain has how vastly, completely is snowy mountains, inexhaustible, their speeds are extremely fast, however snow robe Venerable stops as before after a period of time, below snowy mountain, has a simple residence similarly, at this moment there has form together to shoot up to the sky directly, strides in void middle. 这一次林枫才真正发现这天池雪山有多么的浩瀚,全部都是一座座的雪山,无穷无尽,两人的速度极快,然而依旧过了一段时间雪袍尊者才停下来,在下方的雪山,同样有着一处简单的住所,此刻那里有一道身影直接冲天而起,跨入虚空当中。 Snow Lao Gui, sees your there some people in the practice too Yang fire flame strength, I know that you can come.” The form that this soars is throwing over the strength long gown, design completely is the flame. “雪老鬼,看到你那里有人在修炼太阳火焰力量,我就知道你会过来。”这腾空的身影披着火色的长袍,身上的图案全部都是火焰。 eyesight fell on the body of Lin Feng, Lin Feng clearly feels to scalding hot of grid pupil. 目光落在林枫的身上,林枫分明感觉到了对方眼眸的灼热。 Do not tell me are the Yang fire flame that too this kid inspires.” Flame long gown Venerable is staring at Lin Feng, making Lin Feng feel that as if must be fired to be the same, in eyesight, passes spirit that catches fire together. “你不要告诉我是这小家伙引动的太阳火焰。”火焰长袍尊者盯着林枫,让林枫感觉仿佛都要被灼烧起来一样,一道目光中,都透着火的气息 Lin Feng understands that this person surely is powerful flame Venerable! 林枫明白,此人定是一名强悍的火焰尊者! : The fresh flower sought the support! :鲜花求支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 754 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第754章 Xuan Qi Ninth Layer address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 玄武九重地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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