PMG :: Volume #3

#753: The evil spirit also becomes the Saint

Teacher.” Hunter eyesight stagnates, anxious shouted to make noise, the teacher is this was doing. “师尊。”猎人目光一滞,焦急的喊出声来,师尊他老人家这是在干什么。 That [say / way] illusory form has not paid attention to the hunter, the body flutters to the Lin Feng front, that fearful cold intent must freeze Lin Feng **, freezes Lin Feng a Yuan strength, freezes the Lin Feng soul. 那道虚幻的身影没有理会猎人,身体飘动到林枫的面前,那可怕的冷意要冻结林枫的**、冻结林枫的真元力量、冻结林枫的魂魄。 Good quite to be coldly and cold.” The eyelid of Lin Feng has been fighting, as if must fall into the middle of that endless abyss, this closes one's eyes, possibly died. “好冷、好冷。”林枫的眼皮已经在打架,仿佛要陷入那无尽的深渊当中,这一闭眼,可能就是死亡。 „It is not good, I have not been able dead.” The heart of Lin Feng in crazy call, cannot die, he also has too many matters not to do, he can die, if he dies, Xue yue ended, his parents will have the danger, Meng Qing, she what to do? On him is also shouldering the deep hatred, person who these once disregarded his family member friend life, how he can make them ramble in society. “不行,我还不能死。”林枫的心在疯狂的呐喊,不能死,他还有太多事情没做,他怎么能死,他若死,雪月就完了,他的父母会有危险,梦情,她怎么办?他身上还背负着血仇,那些曾经无视他亲人朋友生命的人,他怎么能够让他们在世间逍遥。 He must pursue that unsurpassed martial arts, he does not hope that own life and safety of family member friend was controlled by other people. 他还要追求那无上的武道,他不希望自己的性命、亲人朋友的生命安全被他人掌控。 In the heart passes the incomparably tenacious will, Lin Feng is clenching teeth, is maintaining by oneself fresh. 心中透着无比坚韧之意志,林枫咬牙,让自己保持着清新。 In the past how however did not rest can, he at this moment frozen stubbornly, that extreme chill in the air may momentarily let his thorough stalemate deep sleep, the death, froze to death him while still alive, he did not have the strength to prevent all these, by frozen him, anything was not done. 然而不睡过去又能如何,此刻的他被冰封得死死的,那极度的寒意随时可能会让他彻底的陷入沉睡,死亡,将他活活冻死,他没有力量去阻挡这一切,被冰封的他,什么都做不了。 The eye pupil opens, sees that dignified illusory form, the eye pupil of Lin Feng is flooding the anger, ice-cold, as if eye pupil of Nine Nether Hell, however, all were irretrievable. 眼眸张开,看着那威严的虚幻身影,林枫的眼眸充斥着怒火,冰冷、仿佛九幽地狱的眼眸,然而,一切已经不可挽回。 The whole body blood as if stopped flowing, a Yuan strength is unable to transfer one really again, Lin Feng that pair of indifferent eye pupil gradually becomes desperate. 浑身的血液仿佛都停止了流动,真元的力量再也无法调动一丝,林枫那双冷漠的眼眸渐渐变得绝望。 Was dying?” In the Lin Feng heart resounds together, sound that weak, his eye, gradually, gradually closes...... “要死了吗?”林枫心中响起一道,声音是那么的微弱,他的眼睛,渐渐的、渐渐的闭上…… Has the tears, as if must come out following the eye class, perhaps he did not dread the death, but after he dreaded the death, all that can have. 有泪,仿佛要顺着眼睛流出来,也许他不畏惧死亡,但他畏惧死亡后将会发生的一切。 Eye that his must close gradually, as if saw the Meng Qing leaning world appearance, that snow and ice beautiful woman holiness, that smiles attracting of beautiful woman, he as if saw the look that the parents anticipate, saw Xinye desperate eyesight, he also saw Tang Youyou, she seems sobbing for herself. 他那渐渐要闭上的眼睛,仿佛又看到了梦情的倾世容颜,那冰雪美人般的圣洁,那一笑倾城的魅惑,他又仿佛看到了父母期待的眼神,看到了欣叶绝望的目光,他还看到了唐幽幽,她似乎在为自己哭泣。 Finally, Lin Feng anything could not see, his eye has closed, is unable to open again. 终于,林枫什么都看不到了,他的眼睛闭上了,再也无法睁开来。 Died......” this is a Lin Feng final idea, was bringing an unwillingness, his consciousness, thorough did not have, fell into the endless death abyss. “死了吗……”这是林枫最后的一道想法,带着一丝不甘,他的意识,彻底的没有了,陷入了无尽的死亡深渊中。 ............ ………… Does not know how long, probably a century and a samsara is long, Lin Feng he felt suddenly one also had a consciousness, as if has remembered anything, his eye fierce opens, saw snowflake that all over the sky dances in the air, unceasing toward airborne sprinkling under. 不知道过去了多久,好像一个世纪、一个轮回般漫长,林枫他突然感觉自己又有了一丝意识,仿佛是想起了什么般,他的眼睛猛的睁开来,看到的,是满天飞舞的雪花,不断的朝着空中洒下。 That ice-cold white snow, in airborne carelessly is floating, falls in the middle of the eye pupil of Lin Feng, actually that beautiful. 那冰冷的白雪,在空中胡乱的飘洒着,落在林枫的眼眸当中,却是那么的美丽。 „Haven't I died?” Lin Feng muttered whispered, hum the sound spread together, the white light flashed through, a snow white small monster jumped his chest, with the flexure of hand on his face, lying down slowly, was lying down in his bosom immediately, was very serene. “我没死?”林枫喃喃低语了一声,一道呜呜的声响传出,白光闪过,一雪白的小妖跳到了他的胸口,用手在他的脸上挠着,随即缓缓的躺下,躺在了他的怀中,很安详。 Meng Qing.” In the Lin Feng eye has shown a bright smiling face, this is not the dream, even if the dream, showed that he has the consciousness, has the consciousness, means that he is also living. 梦情。”林枫的眼中露出了一丝灿烂的笑容,这不是梦,即便是梦,也证明他是有意识的,有意识,意味着他还活着。 The head has transferred slightly, Lin Feng saw Tang Youyou sits in the snowy area, the Tang Youyou injury seemed to be good, can unable to withstand in this cold snow, on the face also restored a wisp of ruddy color. 脑袋微微转过,林枫看到了身旁唐幽幽坐在雪地上,唐幽幽的伤势似乎好了许多,在这寒冷的雪中已经能够承受得住,脸上也恢复了一缕红润之色。 You awoke.” Tang Youyou saw Lin Feng, in the eye has revealed wisp of delightful smiling, moved under the body, the snow under her body presented a mark, but the snows of other places, as before that neat, as if Tang Youyou has sat in the Lin Feng side, has not moved. “你醒了。”唐幽幽看到林枫,眼中露出了一缕甜美的笑,挪动了下身子,她身下的雪出现了一道印痕,而其它地方的雪,依旧是那么的整齐,似乎唐幽幽就那么一直坐在林枫的身边,没有动过。 What's the matter, haven't I died?” In the Lin Feng eye full is the doubts, on that day, he clearly felt that he died, life freeze. “怎么回事,我没死?”林枫眼中满是疑惑,那天,他分明感觉到自己已经死了,生命冻结。 You died, had died one time.” The sound conveys together, immediately in the middle of hut, together form slowly arrives at the Lin Feng front, person who this person, on that day wanted the Lin Feng life impressively, but his body did not have that overbearing murder power and influence at this time, but has several points to be tranquil and indifferent, cannot see him to have that fearful cultivation base strength. “你死了,已经死过一次。”一道声音传来,随即在小屋当中,一道身影缓缓的走到林枫的面前,此人,赫然正是那天要林枫命的人,不过这时他的身上却没有那股霸道的杀人威势,而是带着几分平静、淡然,根本看不出他有着那么可怕的修为实力。 Lin Feng saw that this person has shown a strange look, this person, has as if killed oneself one time. 林枫看到此人露出了一丝古怪的神色,这人,似乎杀了自己一次。 Feeling of death how?” The whole body white old man is all smiling to Lin Feng, asks. “死亡的感觉如何?”浑身皆白的老者对着林枫一笑,问道。 Feeling is not very good.” Lin Feng puts out together the sound, the quite indifferent sound, that feeling, is not only not the good two characters to be broad, that type is incapable, that despair, is unable to state clearly. “感觉很不好。”林枫吐出一道声音,颇为冷漠的声音,那种感觉,岂止是不好两个字能够概括的,那种无力、那种绝望,无法言明。 Felt that was not good to be right, main road ruthless \ Wu Qing, has experienced the person of death, knew the life the value \; Main road ruthless \ Wu Qing, on pursuing the path of powerhouse dies the person who goes far beyond absolutely living the person, you never know which day dies can be you, Lin Feng, you experienced a death, does not have to feel, becomes aware.” “感觉不好就对了,大道无情,体验过死亡的人,才知道生命的可贵\;大道无情,在追求强者的道路上死的人绝对远远超过活着的人,你永远不知道哪天死的会是你,林枫,你经历了一次死亡,难道没有所感、所悟吗。” Snow robe old person gentle saying, making Lin Feng eyesight slightly one stiff, that indifferent hatred will be shortly nothing left. 雪袍老人柔和的说道,让林枫目光微微一僵,那丝冷漠的恨意在顷刻间荡然无存。 The death, was one time to realizing from experience of life, the life of broad person, simplest only then two characters, lived, with dying, the experience death, was in itself experiences one type to the high boundary. 死亡,何尝不是一次对生命的体悟,概括人的一生,最简单的就只有两个字,生、与死,体验死亡,本身就是体验一种至高的境界。 In that moment of dying, in his mind has the innumerable thoughts, to reappear the innumerable [say / way] forms, he as if understood he wants anything, as if looked at thoroughly several points to the world. 在将死的那一刻,他的脑海中出现过无数个念头、浮现过无数道身影,他仿佛更加的明白了自己想要什么,对世界都仿佛看得更透彻了几分。 Heart cannot tie, you stride in Ninth Xuan Qi Layer to be difficult, idle talk Tian Qi, they said that makes me help you pursue the demon barrier, I, all will not depend on you, the demon is lived by the heart, even if your fairyhood from elsewhere, but if in your heart does not have the demon, the demon is unable to corrode you, if in your heart has the demon, that is the demon, why must pursue this demon, that demon is your heart, you have a clear conscience, the demon also how, has the Great Expert slaughter common people, being in a rage rivers of blood, but his inadequate demon, but to become Sheng, he follows the conscience, Society I, the demon also becomes the Saint.” “心结不开,你连跨入玄武境九重都难,更遑论天武,他们说让我帮你驱逐魔障,我不会,一切都靠你自己,魔由心生,即便你的魔性从别处来,但若你心中无魔,魔也无法腐蚀得了你,若你心中有魔,那就是魔,何必要去驱逐这魔,那魔是你的心,你问心无愧,魔又如何,古有大能者屠杀苍生,一怒之下血流成河,但他不成魔,而成圣,他遵循本心,学会本我,魔也成圣。” The white robe old man was relating slowly, making the Lin Feng mind shiver, the words and past Mr. Yan Yu of white robe old man guidance was how similar, but he always looked compared with Yan Yu thoroughly. 白袍老者缓缓的诉说着,让林枫心神颤动,白袍老者的话和昔日烟雨老师的教导何其相似,只是他比烟雨平生看得更加的透彻。 Has a clear conscience, is this me, even if slaughters the common people, not demon, but can to become Sheng. 问心无愧,做回本我,即便屠戮苍生,也不化魔,而能成圣。 On the Lin Feng indifferent air/Qi as if vanished, stands up, is bowing to the white robe old man slightly, said: Lin Feng Xie Qianbei taught.” 林枫身上的冷漠之气都仿佛消失了许多,站起身来,对着白袍老者微微躬身,道:“林枫谢前辈教导。” Slight effort, you have died one time, knows about own heart thoroughly, does not need me to teach you to make anything, I am unable to teach you, the powerhouse can give you, only then magical powers magic arts, but the magical powers magic arts have the strong and weak limit eventually, one set of fierce martial skill , etc. you arrived at certain boundary perhaps to get rid, only has the comprehension, only to have the boundary, will follow the life of your martial arts, your present heart has to become aware, I do not teach you other, well are first clear.” “举手之劳而已,你死过一次,对自己的心也了解得更加的透彻,也不需要我教你该做什么,我也无法教你,强者能交给你的只有神通法术,但神通法术终究有强弱限制,一套厉害的武技等你到了一定的境界恐怕就会抛弃掉,唯有领悟、唯有境界,会追随你武道的一生,你现在心有所悟,我也不教你其它,自己先好好想清楚吧。” Bai Pao the old man said that body slowly has transferred, walks toward the hut. 白袍老者说罢,身体缓缓的转过,朝着小屋中走去。 In Lin Feng eyesight reveals the meaning of thinking, immediately smiles, has held the snow exquisite, effort has from the sky thrown two, making the snow exquisite merry to make threatening gestures, appeared especially excited. 林枫目光中露出思索之意,随即一笑,将雪玲珑抱了起来,用力在空中抛了两下,让雪玲珑快活得张牙舞爪了起来,显得格外的兴奋。 Tang Youyou in one side peaceful looks that Lin Feng teases the snow to be exquisite, the corners of the mouth have revealed happy smiling, this moment Lin Feng, good, this likely is Lin Feng that she knows. 唐幽幽在一旁安静的看着林枫逗着雪玲珑,嘴角露出了一丝甜蜜的笑,这一刻的林枫,好真,这才像是她认识的林枫 In a minute, Lin Feng holds the snow to be exquisite, immediately body slowly sits, looks to Tang Youyou. 片刻,林枫抱着雪玲珑,随即身体又缓缓的坐下来,看向唐幽幽 Tang Youyou lowered the head slightly, the happy expression on face has also been restraining, however slightly trembled at this moment her body, saw only the palm of Lin Feng, on her face gentle has caressed. 唐幽幽微微低着脑袋,脸上的笑意也收敛了些,然而就在此刻她的身体微微一颤,只见林枫的手掌,在她的脸上温柔的抚过。 Gains ground, Tang Youyou eyesight stunned looks at Lin Feng, as if somewhat delay. 抬起头,唐幽幽目光愕然的看着林枫,似乎有几分呆滞。 I am very good, remember that looks after itself good.” The Lin Feng gentle voice said that bright smiling face, the gentle sound, lets the impulsion that Tang Youyou has to cry unexpectedly, is the Tang Family daughter, she never follows others to drift to roam about outside, even also with trepidation of time, however at this moment, she felt all that as if makes are such worth. “我很好,记得照顾好自己。”林枫柔声说道,灿烂的笑容,温柔的声音,竟然让唐幽幽有想哭的冲动,身为唐家的千金,她何尝跟随着别人在外漂泊流浪过,甚至还时刻的提心吊胆,然而此刻,她感觉仿佛自己做的一切都是那么的值得。 Did not say that I must break through probably.” Lin Feng has smiled, immediately takes back the palm, the closing one's eyes pupil, entered the condition of sitting in meditation instantaneously, lets Tang Youyou stunned, can break through? “不说了,我好像要突破了。”林枫笑了下,随即将手掌收回,闭上眼眸,瞬间就进入了入定的状态,让唐幽幽一阵愕然,要突破了? : Falling ill time will discover that health is much important, money shenma is the floating clouds, got better to forget immediately, Ha Ha, everybody remembered the multi- attention body! :生病的时候才会发现健康多重要,钱神马是浮云,病好了立马就忘记了,哈哈,大家记得多注意身体! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 753 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第753章 The demon also becomes the sacred place site for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 魔亦成圣地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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