PMG :: Volume #3

#752: Ice-bound

Good, you are very good.” Hunters frank has smiled, has not been continue get rid to Lin Feng, Lin Feng has done many suffices, facing the Tian Qi Layer powerhouse, he has not considered to give up, but, fights in full striving for success, seeks, even if an opportunity of victory. “好,你很好。”猎人爽朗的笑了起来,没有在继续对林枫出手,林枫已经做得够多了,面对天武境的强者,他从来就没有考虑放弃,而是在全力的拼搏、去战斗,博取哪怕是一丝胜利的机会。 This, he has the fearful martial arts talent, three strengths of wills . Moreover, he also has heart of the tenacious tenacious martial arts. 此子,他拥有可怕的武道天赋,三种意志的力量,而且,他还有一颗顽强坚韧的武道之心。 Nearby old man noticed that this has also smiled, Lin Feng not only has not disappointed him, instead has given him a pleasant surprise, this time, shocks because of him including the hunters. 一旁的老者看到这也微微笑了下,林枫不但没有让他失望,反而又给了他一个惊喜,这一次,连猎人都因为他而震惊。 The eyesight twinkle of Tianchi Xue is uncertain, the Lin Feng strength, somewhat was above his imagination, was very strong, has controlled three strengths of Swordsmanship wills unexpectedly, moreover was very strong, so was no wonder haughty and is supercilious, at least, in her eyes, Lin Feng was supercilious. 天池雪目光闪烁不定,林枫的实力,有些超乎他的想象了,很强,竟掌控了三种剑道意志的力量,而且还都很强,难怪那么狂傲、目中无人,至少,在她眼中,林枫是目中无人的。 At this moment the complexions of some people are not quite also attractive, in one line of who for example Bai Li Xi, this comes, he is first carries on the inspection, now looks like, as if his performance, is most disappointing. 此刻也有人的脸色不大好看,就比如说百里奚,这来的一行人中,他是第一个进行考核的,现在看来,似乎他的表现,算是最差劲的。 The Han Qiuyu performance is better than him, Huangfu Long is better than him, Lin Feng, must be more shocking than him, this makes his complexion very unattractive, he also had satirized during the stay in Tianchi injured Tang Youyou, has catches up with the idea of Xiatianchi Tang Youyou. 寒秋雨表现比他好,皇甫龙比他好,林枫,也比他要更惊艳许多,这让他的脸色很不好看,在天池的时候,他还讽刺过受伤的唐幽幽,有将唐幽幽赶下天池的想法。 „Does hunter, how you see?” The old men go forward one step, is smiling to ask to the hunter, he has given in the snow the sword, give pure Yang the Bai Li Xi arrangement the Han Qiuyu arrangement, now, how he places Lin Feng. “猎人,你如何看?”老者上前一步,对着猎人笑问道,他将百里奚安排给了雪里剑、将寒秋雨安排给了纯阳,如今,他如何来安置林枫 I lead him to see a person.” The hunters are opening the mouth to say to the old man. “我带他去见一个人。”猎人对着老者开口说道。 The eye pupil of old man narrows the eyes slightly, one wipes the fine glow to glitter in the eye pupil, immediately says with a smile: Good, as you like.” 老者的眼眸微微眯起,有一抹精芒在眼眸中闪烁,随即笑着道:“好,随你。” You lead them to the place that they should go, gives me as for him.” “你将他们都带到他们该去的地方,至于他交给我。” Ok.” The old men looked at crowd one with a smile, has been hinting to them, immediately the people understand that sets out in abundance, follows in the old man, old man, this is must lead them to see to the person of direction they arrange, the formidable Tian Qi Layer powerhouse, they naturally is glad. “行。”老者笑着看了人群一眼,对着他们示意了下,顿时众人都明白过来,纷纷起身,跟随在老者的身后,老者,这是要带他们去见给他们安排的指点之人,强大的天武境强者,他们自然非常乐意。 Quick this line of then in abundance leave, they when departure, but could also not bear has turned head deeply looked at Lin Feng one, was very curious, will Lin Feng, where be placed? 很快这一行人便都纷纷离开,他们在离去之时,还忍不住回过头深深的看了林枫一眼,很好奇,林枫,会被安置到哪里? After their forms disappear, here on only remaining Lin Feng and Tang Youyou, as well as squatted in the snow of ground is exquisite. 等到他们的身影消失后,这边就只剩下了林枫唐幽幽,以及蹲在地上的雪玲珑。 You come along with me.” The hunters nodded to Lin Feng, immediately footsteps step forward, walks toward the snowy mountain deep place. “你随我来。”猎人对林枫点了点头,随即脚步跨出,朝着雪山深处走去。 Lin Feng is holding Tang Youyou, follows together in the hunter, the snow exquisite was very much cleverly jumped up the shoulder of Lin Feng, three people, continued to walk toward that boundless snowy mountain. 林枫扶着唐幽幽,一起跟随在猎人的身后,雪玲珑则是很乖巧的跳上了林枫的肩头,三人,继续朝着那茫茫的雪山中走去。 They passed through the pavilion building, to bridge over the palace, more walked unexpectedly bleakly, the surroundings were empty, only then space unceasing was fluttering the snowflake . Moreover, as if fluttered was fiercer, these were big like the goose feathers, fall on the body, will feel unexpectedly also an intense chill in the air. 他们经过了亭楼、跨过了宫殿,竟然越走越荒凉了起来,周围空荡荡的,只有天上不断的飘着雪花,而且,似乎飘荡得更加的厉害了,这些如鹅毛般大,落在身上,竟还会感受到一股强烈的寒意。 Very cold, body of Tang Youyou, cannot bear shiver, this terrifying cold meaning, gives to be frozen stiff sufficiently an average person. 很冷,唐幽幽的身体,又忍不住打着冷颤,这种恐怖的寒冷之意,足以将一个普通人给冻僵来。 In the front not far away, can see a sunspot faintly, seems small houses. 在前面不远处,隐隐能够看到一个黑点,似乎是一间小房舍。 Lin Feng has not asked anything, took out a sword long gown to throw over from the Chu ring on the body of Tang Youyou, simultaneously a Yuan strength rolled, spreads over the body of Tang Youyou, helping her pursue a chill in the air, the hut was gradually getting more and more near, in the hut front, this ten rice short Xue Qiao, under of Xue Qiao, looked at the snowy mountain cliff. 林枫也没有问什么,从储物戒指中取出了一剑长袍披在唐幽幽的身上,同时真元之力滚动,传遍唐幽幽的身体,帮她驱逐掉一丝寒意,渐渐的,小屋越来越近了,在小屋前方,还有这一座十来米长的短短雪桥,雪桥的下方,是望不到底的雪山悬崖。 Regarding Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, the distances of ten rice only need one step to surmount, this Xue Qiao is located here to be as if unnecessary, however as if increases for several points to embellish for Xue Qiao another hut, as if represents, passes this Xue Qiao, is another stretch of world. 对于武修而言,十来米的距离只需要一步就能够跨越,这雪桥设在这里似乎是多余的,然而又似乎为雪桥另一头的小屋添加着几分点缀,仿佛是意指,通过这雪桥,就是另一片的天地。 The hunters stepped Xue Qiao in front, he does not have cross to come up directly, but slowly is walking in Xue Qiao, step by step arrives at the opposite along Xue Qiao. 猎人在前面踏上了雪桥,他没有直接跨上去,而是缓缓的在雪桥上行走着,一步步的沿着雪桥走到对面。 How he does, Lin Feng, step by step, is also treading the school, arrived at that piece is not in the too spacious snowy area, before the hut. 他如何做,林枫也跟着,一步步的,踏着学校,走到了那片并不是太宽敞的雪地上,小屋前。 Quite cold.” Lin Feng shivered, only felt that the body is one stiff, cold, the head of Xue Qiao, was colder, in the sky is fluttering as before the snowflake, that snowflake falls on the body, immediately can feel greatly strengthened cold air, cold biting cold. “好冷。”林枫打了个冷颤,只感觉身体都是一僵,冷,雪桥的这一头,更冷了,天空中依旧飘着雪花,那雪花落在身上,立刻就能够感觉到一股极强的寒气,寒彻骨。 The face of Tang Youyou instantaneously understood that red, the breath somewhat is rapid, Lin Feng Yang fire Yuan circulation is really restless, is holding the hand of Tang Youyou, the Yuan strength unceasing transmission on the body of Tang Youyou, wraps the Tang Youyou whole person really in this Yang fire really Yuan, pursues the cold air. 唐幽幽的脸都瞬间懂得通红了起来,呼吸微有些急促,林枫身上的阳火真元流转不息,拉着唐幽幽的手,真元的力量不断的传递到唐幽幽的身体上,将唐幽幽整个人都包裹在这股阳火真元当中,驱逐寒气。 Calmest is the snow that Lin Feng carries on the back is unexpectedly exquisite, sees only her peaceful lying in the shoulder of Lin Feng, the attractive eye is staring in the middle of the hut, seems is thinking deeply about anything. 最淡定的竟是林枫背上的雪玲珑,只见她安静的趴在林枫的肩头,漂亮的眼睛盯着小屋当中,似乎是在思索着什么。 The hunters walk to go forward slowly, before arriving at the gate of hut, to the hut wooden door that is opening slightly bows, shouts: Teacher.” 猎人缓缓的走上前,到达小屋的门前,对着那张开的小屋木门微微躬身,喊道:“师尊。” Teacher.” The eye pupil of Lin Feng concentrates slightly, the hunter, actually leads him to look for own teacher. “师尊。”林枫的眼眸微微一凝,猎人,竟然带着他来找自己的师尊。 Lets that girl arrives in Xue Qiao another one carry, here does not suit her, when her injury was good, crosses a bridge again not lately.” In the middle of the hut broadcast the sound, the hunter slight bow, eyesight looks together to Lin Feng Tang Youyou, this moment Tang Youyou also needed Lin Feng to protect to resist this cold air, injured she, indeed not suitable here. “让那女孩到雪桥的另一端去吧,这里不适合她,等她伤势好了,再过桥不迟。”小屋当中传来一道声音,猎人微微点头,目光看向了林枫身旁的唐幽幽,此刻唐幽幽还需要林枫护着才能够抵挡住这股寒气,受伤的她,的确不适合这边。 I deliver you to pass.” Lin Feng was saying to Tang Youyou that immediately is escorting Tang Youyou and snow arrives at another end of bridge exquisite, that side, was too cold, even if by the Lin Feng powerful body and spirit, needs to use a Yuan strength to suppress this coldness unexpectedly, it can be imagined his cold intent has intensely how. “我送你过去。”林枫对着唐幽幽说道,随即护送着唐幽幽和雪玲珑来到桥的另一端,那边,实在太冷了,即便是以林枫的强悍体魄,竟还需要使用到真元的力量来镇压这股寒冷,可想而知其冷意有多么的强烈。 Before Tang Youyou delivers to Xue Qiao another one carries Lin Feng has arrived at the hut, stands outside the room peaceful is waiting. 唐幽幽送到雪桥的另一端林枫又走到了小屋前,站在屋外面安静的等候着。 The hunters also stand in that has not spoken, they as if can hear the opposite party in the sound that in the cold air exhales diligently. 猎人也站在那,没有说话,两人似乎都能够听到对方在寒冷空气中努力呼气的声音。 Shouted and shouts!” Slight howling rumor transmits, Lin Feng only felt that intense cold air caresses the face, immediately, in the hut, there is an illusory white form translation to come together, this form body empty, the whole person is partly visible, seems passing a wisp of different kind brilliance. “呼、呼!”轻微的呼啸风声传来,林枫只感觉一股强烈的寒气扑面,随即,在小屋内,有一道虚幻的白色身影平移而来,这身影身体都是虚的,整个人若隐若现,仿佛透着一缕别样的光华。 Soul!” Lin Feng eyesight stares, this empty shade, is the soul strength. “灵魂!”林枫目光一愣,这虚影,是灵魂力量。 Quite is coldly and cold.” Suddenly, formidable cold air billowing throws toward Lin Feng, along with that illusory form same place, the slight sound spreads, the body of Lin Feng, starts to be frozen stiff. “冷、好冷。”突然间,一股强大的寒气滚滚的朝着林枫扑来,随着那虚幻的身影一起,咔嚓的轻微声响传出,林枫的身子,开始在冻僵。 The cold wind comes, same hangs like the knife on the face of Lin Feng, the illusory soul shadow that heads on, takes to Lin Feng, only then terrifying the cold meaning and sharp oppression meaning. 寒风呼啸而来,就如刀子一样挂在林枫的脸上,那扑面而来的虚幻灵魂影子,带给林枫的,只有恐怖的寒冷之意和锋利的压迫之意。 Bang!” The terrifying Yuan strength crazy release, is resisting this fearful strength, however that illusory soul shadow continues to face forward, the sound is unable to stop as before, his body, in unceasing icing up, moved is unable to move, that cold and dignified face, was away from itself to be getting more and more near. “轰!”恐怖的真元力量疯狂的释放而出,抵御着这股可怕的力量,然而那虚幻的灵魂影子继续朝前,咔嚓的声响依旧无法停下来,他的身体,在不断的结冰,动弹都无法动弹得了,那张寒冷而威严的脸孔,距离自己越来越近。 Sword!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, the terrifying Swordsmanship will crazy release, that frozen his snow and ice started to split, as if momentarily possibly blasted open to be the same. “剑!”林枫怒喝一声,恐怖的剑道意志疯狂的释放,那冰封他的冰雪开始裂开,仿佛随时可能炸裂一样。 However this cold ice has not split with enough time , the cold ice cover on, freezes his body, making Lin Feng unable to move. 然而这寒冰还没有来得及裂开,又有一层寒冰覆盖而上,将他的身体都冻结住,让林枫动弹不得。 Flame.” Terrifying blazing air/Qi crazy, the strength of strength and flame will of Swordsmanship will also blooms. “火焰。”恐怖的炽热之气疯狂了起来,剑道意志的力量和火焰意志的力量同时绽放。 Is useless, all, are useless, that dignified face was away from him to be getting more and more near, his whole person, quick frozen, only remaining a face still outside, the other spots of body, changed to together the ice sculpture. 没有用,一切,都没有用,那威严的面孔距离他越来越近了,他整个人,都快冰封了,只剩下了一张脸还在外面,身体的其它部位,化作一块冰雕。 Frozen!” Illusory soul shadow puts out together sound, the light sound spreads, Lin Feng that reveals face outside, thorough frozen lives, Lin Feng, has become a matchmaker and an ice sculpture. “冰封!”虚幻的灵魂影子吐出一道声音,咔嚓的轻响传出,林枫那露出在外的脸,也彻底的冰封住,林枫,成了一个冰人、一座冰雕。 Lin Feng.” Xue Qiao another Tang Youyou eyesight concentrates, but also stands up in her of therapy directly, is staring at frozen Lin Feng, what's the matter, how Lin Feng can frozen. 林枫。”雪桥另一头的唐幽幽目光一凝,还在疗伤的她直接站起身来,盯着冰封的林枫,怎么回事,林枫怎么会被冰封的。 She cannot even see that soul shadow, she only sees Lin Feng suddenly thoroughly frozen in snow. 她甚至看不到那道灵魂影子,她只看到林枫突然就被彻底的冰封于雪中。 Quite cold.” The consciousness of Lin Feng is sobering, strength wants to release, but this time he discovered that he is incapable, his strength that tiny, his life, so frail. “好冷。”林枫的意识还是清醒着的,身上的力量想要释放,但此时的他发现自己是那么的无力,他的力量是那么的渺小,他的生命,是如此的脆弱。 That dignified face appeared in his front, to him, seems being is ridiculing his incompetent. 那张威严的面孔已经出现在了他的面前,正对着他,仿佛是在嘲笑他的无能。 The fearful chill in the air somewhat froze Lin Feng to be numb, flowing in within the body blood as if in stop gradually, really the Yuan, seemed is unable to continue to flow, all, must frozen. 可怕的寒意冻得林枫有些麻木了,体内血液的流动都仿佛在渐渐的停止,真元,都好似无法继续流动起来了,一切,都要被冰封。 When the blood and Yuan frozen is unable to move really completely, is the vitality frozen until death. 等到血液和真元全部被冰封无法动弹的时候,就是生机被冰封至死。 „Was I dying?” Lin Feng looks at that dignified face, felt one are that tiny, the strength of life, so tiny, is frail collapses at the first blow. “我要死了吗?”林枫看着那威严的脸孔,感觉自己是那么的渺小、生命的力量,是如此的渺小,脆弱得不堪一击。 : The fresh flower fresh flower fresh flower, is not very powerful! :鲜花鲜花鲜花,很不给力啊! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 752 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第752章 Frozen address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 冰封地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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