PMG :: Volume #3

#751: Confrontation day military

Huangfu Long that mouth opens as before, the snowflake dance, changes to swirl, crazy drilling into to his body, a moment later, above the body of Huangfu Long, adheres to stick cohere together the shade of dragon unexpectedly faintly. 皇甫龙那张嘴依旧张开,雪花狂舞,化作漩涡,疯狂的钻入到他的身体当中,片刻之后,皇甫龙的身体之上,竟隐隐附着一道龙之影。 Huangfu Long and Dragon Ying!” The pupil of crowd is a contraction, fierce, as if, they have misread somewhat this crazy youth, although he seems like not normal, but throughout that self-confident free and easy, he must marry Tianchi Xue to become his wife. 皇甫龙、龙影!”人群的瞳孔都是一阵收缩,厉害,似乎,他们都有些看错了这疯癫的青年,虽然他看似不正常,但始终都是那么的自信洒脱,他还要娶天池雪当他的妻子。 The shade of that illusory Snow Dragon is attached to his body, making on the Huangfu Long whole person cover snow, had the air/Qi of dragon to release from his body faintly, but this air/Qi, actually very cold. 那虚幻的雪龙之影附在他的身上,让皇甫龙整个人身上都覆盖了一层雪,隐隐还有龙之气从他的身上释放而出,不过这股气,却非常的冷。 This dragon, is a wild Snow Dragon. 这龙,是一头蛮荒的雪龙。 „The fist of Snow Dragon.” “雪龙之拳。” Roar!” “吼!” Huangfu Long personal appearance one cross, immediately a terrifying as if came from the wild power and influence to bloom, extremely fearful, in the fist has Snow Dragon, China , Italy have Dragon Yin, in the air/Qi has the coldness of snow. 皇甫龙身形一跨,顿时一股恐怖仿佛来自蛮荒的威势绽放而出,极其的可怕,拳中有雪龙,意中有龙吟,气中有雪之寒冷。 Snow Dragon makes threatening gestures, grasps directly toward the middle-aged hunter, wild spirit as if must tear him. 雪龙张牙舞爪,朝着中年猎人直接抓去,蛮荒的气息仿佛要将他撕裂掉。 Stops to me.” The hunters drank one, palm have whipped, immediately the surrounding space as if transformed the snow, plunged that wild Snow Dragon. “给我停下。”猎人喝了一声,手掌拍打而出,顿时周围的空间都仿佛幻化成雪,扑向那蛮荒雪龙。 Roar!” Snow Dragon roars, that transforms, but the barrier of snow tearing , to continue to buckle toward the head of hunter, must give to rip him. “吼!”雪龙怒吼,将那幻化而出的雪之障碍给撕裂掉,继续朝着猎人的脑袋扣过去,要将他给撕了。 Good.” Head slightly one supine, hunter body blooms together the chill in the air of fearful snow, is instantaneously frozen stiff the body of Huangfu Long, the power and influence of Snow Dragon also slightly reduces. “好。”脑袋微微一仰,猎人身上绽放出一道可怕的雪之寒意,瞬间将皇甫龙的身体都冻僵来,雪龙的威势也微微一减。 Extinguishes.” A hunter character puts out, immediately that Snow Dragon snow is dissipating and melt, a moment later, Snow Dragon thorough disappearance, without a trace. “灭。”猎人一字吐出,顿时那雪龙身上的雪在消散、融化掉,片刻之后,雪龙彻底的消失,无影无踪。 Good, almost compelled to draw back me.” The middle age to the Huangfu Long slight bow, in the eye pupil is flashing through together the look of ponder, the powerhouse in which snowy mountain in pondering suits to instruct Huangfu Long, this fellow, the body had spirit of antiquity uncultivated land, does not know that is Monster that which came. “不错,差点就将我迫退了。”中年对着皇甫龙微微点头,眼眸中闪过一道思考的神色,在思考哪一位雪山中的强者适合来指导皇甫龙,这家伙,身上有上古蛮荒之气息,不知道是哪来的怪胎 Senior, you looked that can let me and my future wife cultivates together.” The Huangfu Long simple and honest tracing head, did not have a moment ago the air/Qi of that arbitrary barbarian uncultivated land. “前辈,你看能不能让我和我未来的妻子一起修炼。”皇甫龙憨厚的摸了摸脑袋,一点也没有了刚才那股蛮横的蛮荒之气。 Your future wife?” The hunters stare. “你未来的妻子?”猎人一愣。 „!” Tianchi Xue has coughed, complexion one changed, this bastard. “咳咳!”天池雪咳嗽了一声,脸色唰的一下就变了,这混蛋。 Um, Tianchi Xue, my future wife, I wants to practice with her.” Huangfu Long cluck-cluck smiling, making Tianchi Xue have the impulsion of spitting blood, is staring at Huangfu Long that fellow who eyesight lets somebody cool off or calm down, hateful. “嗯,天池雪,我未来的妻子,我想和她一起修炼。”皇甫龙咯咯的笑着,让天池雪有种吐血的冲动,目光冷冷的盯着皇甫龙那家伙,可恨。 Ha Ha, is good and good, such as you hope, you with Little Xue.” Middle-aged frank saying with a smile, by this fellow amusing, when Tianchi Xue became his future wife, how don't the people on their Tianchi Xue mountain know? “哈哈,好、好,就如你所愿,你就跟着小雪吧。”中年爽朗的笑道,也被这家伙给逗乐了,什么时候天池雪成他未来的妻子了,怎么连他们天池雪山上的人都不知道? This Huangfu Long, interesting, he is also glad to help this fellow, as for can overtake Tianchi Xue, must look at the Huangfu Long skill. 皇甫龙,有意思,他也乐得成全这家伙,至于能不能追上天池雪,就要看皇甫龙的本事了。 Thanked the senior.” Huangfu Long appears especially excited, has turned around also happily to look at Tianchi Xue one, making Tianchi Xue almost probably collapse. “谢前辈了。”皇甫龙显得格外的兴奋,转过身还得意的看了天池雪一眼,让天池雪几乎要崩溃掉。 eyesight of hunter fell on the body of Lin Feng as well as Tang Youyou finally, said: She is not as if suitable to accept inspection.” 猎人的目光最后落在了林枫以及唐幽幽的身上,道:“她似乎不适合接受考核。” Um, I accept the inspection, lets her and I together, how does the senior think?” Lin Feng said. “嗯,我一个人接受考核,让她和我一起,前辈认为如何?”林枫说道。 Does not have the issue, you come.” The middle age was nodding to Lin Feng, in these people, Lin Feng cultivation base falls, but is actually coldest one person, makings that the body as if gang of stranger do not enter. “没问题,那你来吧。”中年对着林枫点了点头,在这些人当中,林枫修为偏落,但却是最冷的一人,身上似乎有一股生人勿进的气质。 How does not know the Lin Feng strength. 不知道林枫的实力如何。 Lin Feng stands up, footsteps slowly treads, the gentle step seems having the faint trace serious feeling, making the middle-aged brow select, the Lin Feng makings, are different from other people, are serious and sad, as if possibly erupts at any time. 林枫站起身来,脚步缓缓的踏出,轻柔的步伐却仿佛带着丝丝沉重之感,让中年眉头一挑,林枫的气质,和其他人都不一样,沉重、忧伤,仿佛随时可能爆发出来。 „Like them, with you strongest method, attacks me.” The hunters were emphasizing one to Lin Feng. “和他们一样,用你最强的手段,攻击我。”猎人对着林枫强调了一声。 Good.” Lin Feng nodded, a sword recited, the blood sword came out of the sheath, air/Qi of bloodthirsty, bloomed in the snow, slaughtered, coldly, in the blood sword was passing the brilliance of faint trace scarlet, as if had the ghost sobbed, above the blood sword, dyed is not knowing the blood of many people. “好。”林枫点了点头,一声剑吟,血剑出鞘,一股嗜血之气,在雪中绽放而出,杀戮、寒冷,血剑中透着丝丝血色之光华,仿佛有亡魂在其中哭泣,血剑之上,染着不知道多少人的鲜血。 These time to strive to obtain the formidable teacher to instruct to practice, Lin Feng, naturally can do everything possible, therefore, the blood sword came out of the sheath. 这一次是为了争取得到强大的老师来指导修炼,林枫,自然会尽力而为,因此,血剑出鞘了。 spirit of trim space, is drinking the blood sword comes out of the sheath in an instant becomes serious, colder several points, Lin Feng has not treated as an inspection this, but is a secondary dies to oppose the enemy, slaughters. 整片空间的气息,在饮血剑出鞘的刹那间都变得严肃起来,更冷了几分,林枫没有将这当做一次考核,而是一次生死对敌,杀戮。 Only has this, he true from body and from innermost feelings whole-heartedly, use strongest strength, if regards as an inspection, is unable to send out the strongest strength. 唯有这样,他才会真正的从身体、从内心中全力以赴,动用最强力量,若只是看做一次考核,便无法发出最强的实力。 The brow of hunter selects, at this moment he discovered that he likely is not a hunter, Lin Feng, is more like a hunter, grasps is drinking the blood sword, killing intent is steaming, in heart secret nod, is different from other people, different is attentive in him, has not treated as the inspection this, but being near enemy. 猎人的眉头一挑,此刻他发现,他不像是猎人,林枫,更像是一个猎人,握着饮血剑,杀意腾腾,心中暗暗点头,没有和其他人不一样,不一样在他用心,没有将这当做考核,而是临敌。 That pair of cold pupil, indifferent, stares at his whole body not to be uncomfortable. 那双寒冷的瞳孔,是那么的冷漠、盯得他浑身都不舒服。 Terrifying sword air/Qi starts to wreak havoc in void, crazy twisting, the crowd was only feeling that the whole body somewhat is tight, the breath became dignified, Swordsmanship will, in crazy increasing. 恐怖的剑气开始在虚空中肆虐,疯狂的绞动着,人群只感觉浑身都微有些紧,呼吸都变得凝重了起来,剑道意志,在疯狂的攀升。 First Layer and twofold...... Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will.” Crowd pupil fierce trembles, originally Lin Feng, he has the Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will, good terrifying sword. 一重、两重……五重剑道意志。”人群瞳孔猛的一颤,原来林枫,他拥有五重的剑道意志,好恐怖的剑。 Wisp of black flame is winding around on the scarlet sword, this flame, enclosed a wisp of jet black color, the color of destruction. 一缕黑色的火焰在血色的剑上缭绕着,这火焰,附上了一缕漆黑之色,毁灭之色。 Lin Feng whole person, changed to a handle sword, the person and sword gather about, intent and sword, the person is a sword. 林枫整个人,也化作了一柄剑,人与剑合、意与剑合,人即是剑。 Kills!” “杀!” Finally, in the mouth of Lin Feng put out a sound, the sword air/Qi has wreaked havoc, the wind got up for nine days, the body of Lin Feng from vanished same place, such as the sword of blood punctured, toward middle-aged assassination. 终于,林枫的嘴中吐出了一道声音,剑气肆虐,风起九天,林枫的身体从原地消失了,如血的一剑刺出,朝着中年刺杀而出。 The pupil fierce contraction of middle age, good quick speed, the will of wind. 中年的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,好快的速度,风之意志。 Fifth Layer Swordsmanship will, good fierce youth. 还有五重的剑道意志,好厉害的青年。 Snow!” The middle age shouted angrily, the billowing snow crazy gathering, resisted before, however that such as under the sword of blood, was penetrated instantaneously, the black flame melted the snow, the sword as if had not been affected by the least bit, faced forward as before, quick, this sword was too quick. “雪!”中年怒喝一声,滚滚的雪疯狂的汇聚,抵挡在前,然而那如血的一剑之下,瞬间被穿透,黑色的火焰将雪融化掉,剑仿佛没有受到半点的影响,依旧朝前,快、这一剑太快了。 The body slides, the footsteps of middle age have drawn back, first drawing back, the Lin Feng sword is too quick and is too fierce, does not draw back good. 身体一滑,中年的脚步退了,第一次退,林枫的剑太快、太猛,不退不行。 Stops to me.” The terrifying Yuan strength releases , the snow the Yuan, cold, freeze, above the blood sword adheres to stick cohere really instantaneously incorruptible. “给我停下。”恐怖的真元力量释放,雪之真元,寒冷、冻结,血剑之上瞬间附着冰霜。 Scoffs at......” the Lin Feng sword to delimit, the flame blooms his destruction prestige energy, the snow melts once again, a Lin Feng body spin, such as the personal appearance of wind glitters once again, is a sword cuts to kill, the brilliance of blood that radiant. “嗤……”林枫的剑划过,火焰绽放出他的毁灭威能,雪再度融化掉,林枫身体一旋,如风的身形再度闪烁,又是一剑斩杀而出,血之光华是那么的璀璨。 Lin Feng he is not inspecting, is fighting. 林枫他不是在考核,是在战斗。 Flame will.” The middle age said in a low voice, the surprised color in eye is getting stronger and stronger, but not far away is standing the old person has also shown a smiling face, he as if already expected that at this moment, hunter fellow is the person of check, knew about the powerhouses in Tianchi very much that enters the talent youth in Tianchi is trains and checks by him, immediately delivers to the most appropriate person hand to instruct. “火焰意志。”中年低声说道,眼中的惊讶之色越来越浓,而不远处站着的老人也露出了一丝笑容,他仿佛早已预料到了此刻的一幕,猎人这家伙是把关之人,对天池的强者很了解,进入天池的天赋青年很多都是由他调教、把关,随即送到最合适的人手里去指导。 Although he strength is not too strong, but the vision is sinister, has been guarding this important checkpoint for Tianchi, sees the talent to be innumerable, but several, satisfy him quite today obviously. 他虽然实力不是太强,但眼光毒辣,一直为天池把守着这一道重要关卡,见过天才无数,但今天几个,显然都让他颇为满意。 Interesting.” The palm grasps toward the sky, the strength release of will of snow, spirit of snow crazy throws toward the sword as well as Lin Feng, the blood sword concentrates, on Lin Feng also the twinkling to cover the frost and snow, the hand is frozen stiff. “有趣。”手掌朝着上空抓出,雪之意志的力量释放,一股雪之气息疯狂的朝着剑以及林枫扑过去,血剑凝、林枫身上也瞬息覆盖着霜雪,手都冻僵来。 Goes back!” A strength pushes out toward the Lin Feng blood sword, the middle-aged corners of the mouth reappeared a wisp of happy expression. “回去吧!”一股力量朝着林枫的血剑推出去,中年嘴角浮现了一缕笑意。 Broken!” Nine revolutions of Buddha charms bloom, the frost and snow that the body covers blasts open. “破!”九转佛魔力绽放而出,身上覆盖的霜雪都炸裂掉。 Kills!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, Murderous Qi was intense, in the middle of the blood sword was releasing the brilliance of fearful blood, seemed must cut to kill the middle age. “杀!”林枫怒喝一声,杀气强烈,血剑当中释放着可怕的血之光华,好似要将中年斩杀。 Um?” The eye pupil of middle age concentrates, the body as if integrates in the snow, floating draws back, the Lin Feng sword cut in the vacancy. “嗯?”中年的眼眸一凝,身体仿佛融入雪中,飘然而退,林枫的剑斩在了空处。 Wind gets up!” The body of Lin Feng is closely associated, the air/Qi of murdering is billowing. “风起!”林枫的身体如影随形,杀伐之气滚滚。 In the middle-aged eye pupil is glittering the fine glow, in both hands completely is the snow and ice, gathers suddenly, clamps the blood sword in the middle of the palm. 中年眼眸中闪烁着精芒,双手中全部都是冰雪,猛然间一合,将血剑都夹在手掌当中。 Lets go.” The middle age has drunk one, the ideal condition of terrifying snow freezes the Lin Feng sword and hand, a palm fierce spin, must let go the Lin Feng sword. “撒手。”中年喝了一声,恐怖的雪之意境将林枫的剑和手都冻结住,手掌猛的一旋,要将林枫的剑撒手。 The hand of Lin Feng has not loosened, person also together revolved along with the sword, the terrifying flame will blooms once again, melts the snow and ice. 林枫的手没有松开,人也随着剑一起旋转了起来,恐怖的火焰意志再度绽放,将冰雪融化一丝。 Kills!” The sound of billowing roaring puts out, the fearful sword glow puts out from the blood sword together, before the twinkling arrives to hunt for the person. “杀!”滚滚的怒吼之声吐出,一道可怕的剑芒从血剑中吐出,瞬息降临猎人身前。 A hunter pupil fierce contraction, the body flutters toward the flank, the sword glow has delimited from the side. 猎人瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,身体朝着侧方飘动,剑芒从身旁划过。 Goes.” The terrifying strength pours out completely, the body of Lin Feng maliciously was drawn back by shaking, the hunter puts out a hand to copy, sends the screw thread that with the black that the snowflake falls gently together slowly in the palm. “去。”恐怖的力量全部倾吐而出,林枫的身体被狠狠的震退,猎人伸手一抄,将那缓缓与雪花一起飘落的黑色发丝扣在掌中。 Looks at that wisp of black hair, middle age looks up Lin Feng, the sword as before also in the hand of Lin Feng, the sword cultivates, sword, person. 看着那一缕黑发,中年抬起头看着林枫,剑依旧还在林枫的手上,剑修,剑在、人在。 Looks at that indifferent youth, but on the face of middle age has revealed bright smiling suddenly, this is Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, martial arts member who he wants to seek for! 就那么看着那冷漠的青年,但中年的脸上突然间露出了一丝灿烂的笑,这才是武修,他想要寻找的武道修士! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 751 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第751章 Confrontation Tian Qi address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 交锋天武地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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