PMG :: Volume #3

#750: Inspection

The old men led the people to arrive at a huge square shape snowy area, in the front, has a simple house, was inferior that the palace was luxurious, was only the ordinary rooms. 老者带着众人来到了一块巨大的方形雪地,在前方,有着一间间简单的房屋,远不如宫殿般奢华,只是普普通通的一间间屋子。 In houses that these link up into a single stretch, the house are more spacious than other houses, inside as if sits one crowd of Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, in peaceful is perceiving through meditation anything. 在这些连成一片的房屋中间,有一间房屋要比其它的房屋都要宽敞一些,里面似乎坐着一群武修,在安静的参悟着什么。 These Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator are quite young, has a rush cushion in the front line of house, there, then sits age large Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, in the mouth will occasionally mumble, seems instructing these youth to practice. 这些武修都颇为年轻,在房屋的最前方有着一处蒲团,那里,则坐着一年龄颇大的武修,嘴中偶尔会念念有词,似乎在指导那些青年修炼。 The old men had eight people to arrive at outside the house not far away, was saying to them: Sits the rest to wait.” 老者带着八人就来到了房屋外面不远处,对着他们道:“坐下来休息等候吧。” The people sit in abundance, cultivation base of old man is formidable, the status is not low, but told at this moment they wait here, obviously inside character is quite important. 众人纷纷坐下来,老者的修为强大,身份不低,但此刻吩咐他们在这里等候,显然里面的人物颇为重要。 Passed the moment, that sits the person opening eyes pupil on rush cushion, sweeps eight form one that outside sits, in eyesight flashes through together the sharp glow, eight people that this eyesight, outside sits together only felt that whole body one tight, seems has extremely ice-cold spirit to throw toward oneself, must give to be frozen stiff their bodies. 过了片刻,那坐在蒲团上的人睁开眼眸,扫了外面坐着的八道身影一眼,目光中闪过一道锐利之芒,这一道目光,外面坐着的八人只感觉浑身一紧,好似有一股极其冰冷的气息朝着自己扑来,要将他们的身体都给冻僵来。 The Lin Feng body moved in the ground, sat before the Tang Youyou body, resists the air/Qi of freezing that front surface threw, Tang Youyou currently also has the injury in the body, is unable to use within the body a Yuan strength, irresistibly the attack of outside, he naturally must protect Tang Youyou. 林枫身体在地面上挪动了下,坐在了唐幽幽身前,将那股迎面扑来的冰冻之气都抵挡住,唐幽幽现在还有伤势在身,无法动用体内的真元力量,就无法抵抗外界的攻击,他自然要护住唐幽幽 The incorruptible air/Qi direct shop on body, making on seven people of bodies catch white snow, their former half-length covered. 冰霜之气直接铺在身上,让七人的身体上都染上了一层白雪,将他们的前半身都覆盖住。 Air/Qi of tyrannical flame blooms, the space place makes the sound, these white snows melt into the nihility instantaneously, other people also use the method to erase the white snow of store front. 一股强横的火焰之气绽放而出,空间处发出嗤嗤的声响,那些身上的白雪瞬间融化成为虚无,其他人也纷纷使用手段将铺面的白雪抹除。 When the white snow vanishes, the line of sight restores time, they noticed that inside that form walked gradually, arrived at their front. 当白雪消失,视线恢复的时候,他们就看到里面的那道身影缓步走了出来,来到了他们的面前。 Hunter, you should understand my meaning.” The old man said to the person who is walking that is called the middle-aged man slight bow of hunter, looked at eight people of one, said: Xue`Er then considers as finished, their seven, I probe, having a look at them to suit anyone.” “猎人,你应该明白我的意思吧。”那老者对着走出来的人说道,被称作猎人的中年男子微微点头,看了八人一眼,道:“雪儿便算了,他们七个,我试探一番,看看他们适合谁。” „From you.” The middle age has referred to Bai Li Xi, opens the mouth to say. “就从你开始吧。”中年指了指百里奚,开口道。 Bai Li Xi stands up, is raising slightly to the middle age slightly: „Does senior have what instruction?” 百里奚站起身来,对着中年微微欠身:“前辈有何吩咐?” Comes out, attacks me with your compensation.” The middle age is opening the mouth to say to Bai Li Xi that making Bai Li Xi eyesight stagnate, but along with, even if nodded, by his strength, wants to shake the opposite party is impossible, the present middle age, very possible is to probe their, how has a look at their strength cultivation base, how is good to choose to instruct to practice. “出来,用你的全部力量对我进行攻击。”中年对着百里奚开口说道,让百里奚目光微滞,不过随即便点了点头,以他的实力,想要撼动对方是不可能的,眼前的中年,很可能是想要试探他们一番,看看他们的实力修为如何,好选择该如何指导修炼。 This is the opportunity, must hold well. 这是机遇,要好好抓住。 Walked slowly, Bai Li Xi arrived at the front of middle age, said: Younger generation must offend.” 缓缓的走了出来,百里奚来到了中年的面前,道:“晚辈要得罪了。” With your most attacks, otherwise, suffering a loss can only be you.” The middle age opens the mouth saying that Bai Li Xi heavy nod, facing the present Tian Qi powerhouse, he does not need to keep the hand, struck unable to shake the opposite party fully, but examined his strength strongly. “用你的最强攻击,否则的话,吃亏的只会是你。”中年开口道,百里奚沉重的点了点头,面对眼前的天武强者,他不需要留手,全力一击也撼动不了对方,只是检验一下他的力量有多强。 Good.” “好。” Bai Li Xi has taken down that handle sword and silver sword from his carrying on the back, the snow white sword, having several points of cold and dreary meaning, Bai Li Xi he to excel at the Swordsmanship will and snow will , is also Ninth Xuan Qi Layer cultivation base, striking power extremely powerful. 百里奚从他的背上取下了那柄剑、银色的剑,雪白的剑,带着几分凄冷之意,百里奚他擅长剑道意志和雪之意志,又是玄武境九重修为,攻击力极其的强悍。 The mind moves, immediately sword air/Qi has wreaked havoc, the snowflake in ground in dancing in the air of alienation, continuously incorruptible snow unceasing covers to go toward his sword on, is cold and miserable. 心神一动,顿时剑气肆虐了起来,地面上的雪花都在狂乱的飞舞,一缕缕冰霜之雪不断的朝着他的剑上覆盖而去,寒冷、凄凉。 Dual wills, in snow sword!” Bai Li Xi footsteps one cross, a sword like the snow, the silver optical scintillation, has the sword sharp, has light and lively and coldness of snow, in the sword refracts, but cold light, makes the person have the frozen stiff feeling. “双重意志,雪中剑!”百里奚脚步一跨,一剑如雪,银光闪烁,有剑的锋锐、有雪的轻灵与寒冷,剑中折射而出的寒冷之光,就让人有冻僵的感觉。 Will of Third Layer Swordsmanship will Second Layer and snow, good.” The middle age nodded, the endless snowflake flutters and condenses, blocks and buries the sword directly, is frozen stiff the Bai Li Xi sword, when the sword arrives at front the middle age, already frozen stiff in the middle of midair, moves is unable to move, sealed off by the snow. “剑道意志二重、雪之意志三重,不错。”中年点了点头,无尽的雪花飘荡、凝聚,直接将剑都封死、埋葬,将百里奚的剑冻僵,当剑降临中年面前的时候,已经被冻僵在半空当中,动都无法动弹,被雪所封堵。 Fierce.” “厉害。” The crowd in heart China , Zambia one, the Tian Qi Layer will is really not Xuan Qi Layer can compare, the strength of will wants to be stronger. 人群在心中赞了一声,天武境的意志果然不是玄武境能够比拟的,意志的力量要强大很多。 In snow the sword is the same with him, excels at the dual wills of sword and snow, compared with is suitable to instruct him.” The middle age was saying to the old man that the old specialized slight bow, takes down secretly, in the snow sword cultivation base is Third Tian Qi Layer, knows Bai Li Xi, sufficed. “雪里剑和他一样,擅长剑与雪的双重意志,比较适合指导他。”中年对着老者说道,老专业微微点头,暗暗记下,雪里剑修为天武境三重,知道百里奚,够了。 Crowd eyesight concentrates, this probe, chose to instruct their teachers for them unexpectedly, it seems like it is important, if strength, knows that their teachers, decide however the strength to be also strong. 人群目光一凝,果然,原来这一次的试探,竟然是为他们挑选指导他们的老师,看来非常重要,若是实力强,知道他们的老师,定然实力也强。 You return same place.” The middle age was saying sound to Bai Li Xi, immediately looked to Han Qiuyu, said: You come.” “你回原地吧。”中年对着百里奚说了声,随即又看向了寒秋雨,道:“你来。” Han Qiuyu early is prepared, walked directly. 寒秋雨早有准备,直接走了出来。 With was the same a moment ago, gets rid to me with you strongest attack.” “和刚才一样,用你最强的攻击对我出手。” Good.” Han Qiuyu nods, Battle Spirit reappears together, the illusory books flutter impressively unexpectedly in that this makes the Lin Feng pupil concentrate, book Battle Spirit, in the book from heaven with his darkness is somewhat similar, but does not have his book from heaven to be like that gorgeous. “好。”寒秋雨点头,身后,一道武魂浮现,赫然竟有一本虚幻的书飘荡在那,这一幕让林枫瞳孔一凝,书武魂,和他那黑暗中的天书有几分相似,不过远没有他的天书那般绚丽。 Book from heaven Battle Spirit, was very as if long had not changed, does not know whether when he strides in Tian Qi turned the page. 天书武魂,似乎很久没有翻动了,不知道是否会在他跨入天武的时候翻页。 Book!” Han Qiuyu said in a low voice, immediately, Battle Spirit flutters, before arriving at his body, illusory fluctuation. “书!”寒秋雨低声说道,顿时,武魂飘动,到达他的身前,虚无缥缈的浮动着。 In book has the sword!” Han Qiuyu drinks one lowly, sword and from book presently, float in that. “书中有剑!”寒秋雨低喝一声,剑、从书中现,悬浮于那。 In book has mystical powers!” Han Qiuyu said one again, a ray seal on the sword, the sword, as if had mystical powers, makes humming sound the sound. “书中有灵!”寒秋雨再道一声,一道光芒印在剑上,剑,仿佛有灵,发出嗡嗡的声响。 In book intends!” Han Qiuyu said again, in the sword, releases the formidable will, the sword air/Qi crazy anger is eating delicacies. “书中有意!”寒秋雨再道,剑中,释放着强大的意志,剑气疯狂的怒啸起来。 In book has the technique!” Han Qiuyu spirit is fluctuating fiercely, seems somewhat strenuous, the sword, starts the turnover the extremely intense sharp glow, as if must pierce the air, the sword, crazy revolving, seems the magical powers magic arts adds various above. “书中有术!”寒秋雨身上气息剧烈的波动着,似乎有些吃力,剑,开始吞吐着极其强烈的锐利之芒,仿佛要将空气都刺穿来,剑,疯狂的旋转,好似神通法术加诸在其上。 Book, the containing myriad things, as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, kill!” The Han Qiuyu anger eats delicacies, this handle sword changes to light beam, flutters from the book, the twinkling vanishes, punctures the space, the might shocks. “书,包容万物、言出法随,杀!”寒秋雨怒啸一声,这柄剑化作一道光束,从书中飘荡出去,瞬息消失,刺破空间,威力震撼。 Um?” The eye pupil of middle age stares, immediately flashes through together the pleasantly surprised color, a palm racket, immediately strength of the fearful snow must the book sword frozen, however the sword punctures the snow and ice directly , to continue to assassinate to go toward him, this sword, is the sword of assassination. “嗯?”中年的眼眸一愣,随即闪过一道惊喜之色,手掌一拍,顿时一股可怕的雪之力量要将书剑冰封,然而剑直接刺破冰雪,继续朝着他刺杀而去,这一剑,是刺杀之剑。 Concentrates to me!” The middle age drinks one severely, the billowing snow and ice have wrapped the sword, however the sword rushed to his front as before, the penetration snow and ice put out the sword glow, a middle-aged fierce palm whips, this sword, stopped, buzz called one, immediately helpless dissipation in empty/sky. “给我凝!”中年厉喝一声,滚滚的冰雪将剑都包裹了起来,然而剑依旧冲到了他的面前,穿透冰雪吐出剑芒,中年猛的一掌拍打而出,这一剑,才停了下来,嗡鸣一声,随即无奈的消散于空。 Fierce.” In the eye of middle age flashes through together the pleasantly surprised look, said: pure Yang that fellow likes studying diligently the magical powers magic arts, various fierce attack methods, his child, certainly very much will be interested.” “厉害。”中年的眼中闪过一道惊喜的神色,道:“纯阳那家伙喜欢钻研神通法术,各种厉害的攻击手段,他对此子,一定会很感兴趣。” pure Yang.” Old man eyesight stagnates, pure Yang, the Sixth Xuan Qi Layer boundary, is the white hair old monster, he may in the sword the snow probably be more abnormal , the middle age recommends him to know Han Qiuyu unexpectedly, obviously attaches great importance to Han Qiuyu very much. 纯阳。”老者目光一滞,纯阳,玄武境六重境界,是个白发老怪物,他可比雪里剑要变态多了,中年竟然推荐他来知道寒秋雨,显然对寒秋雨很重视。 However the Han Qiuyu method, is truly fierce. 不过寒秋雨的手段,确实很厉害。 Then Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs, after the attack, the middle age to the person of instruction they choose, one is Tian Qi Second Layer and one is Tian Qi Third Layer, is inferior to Han Qiuyu. 接下来碧落黄泉,经过攻击,中年给他们挑选的指导之人,一个是天武二重、一个是天武三重,都远不如寒秋雨 Later, has been one's turn Huangfu Long. 之后,轮到了皇甫龙 Huangfu Long jumps coming out directly, in eyesight is glittering the excited look, must get rid to the Tian Qi powerhouse, is very excited. 皇甫龙直接跳着出来,目光中闪烁着兴奋的神色,要对天武强者出手,很兴奋。 You should understand how to do.” “你应该明白怎么做。” You must be careful, my fist of Snow Dragon has not used to the person, I fear the wound to you.” Huangfu Long opens the mouth to say directly that making eyesight of crowd slightly one stiff, this fellow... Lunatic. “你要小心了,我的雪龙之拳从来没有对人用过,我怕伤到你。”皇甫龙直接开口道,让人群的目光微微一僵,这家伙…是不是疯子。 Acting like a madman of Lin Feng to Huangfu Long is also very speechless, has shouted from him must marry Tianchi Xue to become the wife, Lin Feng not him, when the normal person looks. 林枫皇甫龙的疯疯癫癫也很无语,从他一直嚷嚷着要娶天池雪当妻子,林枫就没把他当正常人看。 You can injure me, is I am incompetent.” The middle age did not mind Huangfu Long young frivolous, who not young, he once was also arrogant and conceited. “你能伤我,是我无能。”中年也不介意皇甫龙的年少轻狂,谁没年轻过,他也曾经目空一切。 Good.” Huangfu Long deeply inspires, fierce swallows, immediately, the snowflake of world crazy and goes toward his mouth, was swallowed to swallow by him directly, suddenly as if the world discoloration, the snowflake crazily has rolled up and pushed along, extremely fearful. “好。”皇甫龙深吸口气,猛的一吞,顿时,天地的雪花疯狂的朝着他口中而去,被他直接吞入肚中,一时间仿佛天地色变,雪花疯狂的卷动了起来,极其的可怕。 Big prestige energy.” Crowd eyesight concentrates, had the interest to this Huangfu Long more and more, this fellow has acted like a madman, has fought, but fought has been very relaxed, probably hasn't he needed fully, him also really to be capable of what excellent magical powers being inadequate? “好大的威能。”人群目光一凝,对这皇甫龙越来越有兴趣了,这家伙一直疯疯癫癫的,战斗过,但战斗一直很轻松,好像他从来没有用过全力,难道他还真有什么过人的神通能力不成? Suddenly, the people reveal some interests to Huangfu Long! 一时间,众人对皇甫龙都露出些许兴趣!
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