PMG :: Volume #3

#749: Man will conquer nature

The body of old man soars slowly, arrives at the edge in Tianchi, at this moment in his hand, is taking that several jade papers, above, carves these have registered the crowd name. 老者的身体缓缓腾空,来到天池的边缘,此刻他的手中,拿着那几枚玉纸,上面,刻着那些报名过的人群名字。 Tianchi Xue, Bai Li Xi, Han Qiuyu, Bi luo, Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs, Lin Feng, Tang Youyou and Huangfu Long.” The jade paper in old person hand has light green brilliance to fluctuate, shouted that eight people of names, lets Lin Feng and the others is one startled, he and Tang Youyou are beginning Tianchi, however carves the next name merely, the opposite party can actually on jade paper correspond with their people that name of quarter on, it seems like that jade paper, is not the common thing. 天池雪百里奚寒秋雨碧落黄泉林枫唐幽幽皇甫龙。”老人手中的玉纸有着淡淡的青色光华浮动,喊出八人的名字,让林枫等人都是一惊,他和唐幽幽是初来天池,然而仅仅是刻下一个名字,对方竟然就能够将那刻在玉纸上的名字与他们人相对应上,看来那玉纸,也不是寻常之物。 First, I represent Tianchi, congratulates your eight people, on behalf of the Tianchi empire, will stride in the middle of the mystical place, then, Tianchi will carry on a time baptism to you, making you before stepping into the mystical place cultivation base can go a step further again, however, Tianchi gives you most formidable support, gives you best condition, to your only requests is, remember, you, are the people of Tianchi empire, all, for empire!” “首先,我代表天池,恭喜你们八人,将代表天池帝国,跨入秘境当中,接下来,天池会对你们进行一次洗礼,让你们在踏入秘境之前修为能再进一步,然而,天池给予你们最强大的支持,给予你们最好的条件,对你们唯一的要求便是,记住,你们,是天池帝国之人,一切,为了帝国!” The words solemn silence of old person, Tianchi, will make them formidable, but gives, but does not demand, the talent of Tianchi empire is formidable, the Tianchi empire can be prosperous and powerful, since this is the faith that Tianchi has stuck, making the empire martial arts spread over each corner, making each Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator formidable, empire, nature in unceasing strengthen and strength. 老人的话庄严肃穆,天池,会让他们变得强大,只是给予,而不索求,天池帝国的天才强大起来,天池帝国才能富强,这是天池一直以来坚守的信念,让帝国武道传遍每一个角落,让每一个武修变得强大,帝国,自然在不断的变强、壮大。 All, for empire, therefore, you, if another day makes to the empire disadvantageous matter, Tianchi will not hesitate all, puts to death you.” Old person's words suddenly became sharp, in Tianchi has emerged the faint trace intense chill in the air, Tianchi made every effort to cultivate to mature them, was only the empire, if they became the rebels, will certainly eradicate. “一切,为了帝国,所以,你们若是他日做出对帝国不利之事,天池将不惜一切,诛杀你们。”老人的话陡然间变得锋利了起来,天池中都涌现了丝丝强烈的寒意,天池尽一切努力将他们培育成才,只为帝国,若是他们成叛逆,必将铲除。 In the middle of this jade paper, there is your wisp of spirit, we will be remaining, we will place in Tianchi not to pay attention, but your rebel empire, we can the earliest possible time find you.” Then, the old person hand trembles slightly, throws into the middle of that several jade papers Tianchi directly, the cold air the jade paper package, the jade paper vanished in the line of sight immediately. “这玉纸当中,有你们的一缕气息,我们会留着,我们会放在天池中不去理会,但是你们叛逆帝国,我们将能够第一时间找到你。”说罢,老人手微微一颤,将那几枚玉纸直接扔入天池当中,寒气将玉纸包裹,随即玉纸消失在了视线当中。 If there is not presented the rebel, nobody can manage these jade papers, has the rebel to appear, they can take the jade paper. 若是没有出现叛逆,没有人会管这些玉纸,有叛逆出现,他们才会来取玉纸。 Lin Feng eyesight coagulates slightly, immediately is broadminded, it seems like Tianchi, is eight people that the preparation true key point cultivates their this to choose, such treating a matter seriously, this to him, will be the good deed. 林枫目光微微凝固,随即豁然,看来天池,是准备真正的重点培育他们这挑选出来的八人,才会如此的郑重其事,这对他而言,是好事。 A status, his not needing meeting rebel Tianchi empire, makes completely to the Tianchi empire disadvantageous matter. 只是一个身份而已,他完全没有必要会叛逆天池帝国,做出对天池帝国不利之事。 However this mind of Tianchi, truly makes the person admire, tries the best, making their these talents formidable, they are formidable, to the empire is also the glory, is representing empire, perhaps one day, they also will join in the middle of Tianchi, becomes of Tianchi. 不过这天池的胸襟,确实让人敬佩,尽其所能,让他们这些天才强大,他们强大,对帝国而言也是荣耀,代表着帝国强,也许有一天,他们也会加入天池当中,成为天池的一员。 Her heart [lineage/vein] were damaged, under you hey her to take this.” The old men a pill ammunition to Lin Feng, Lin Feng put out a hand to catch, said: Many thanks.” “她的心脉受到损伤,你喂她服下这个。”老者将一颗丹药弹向林枫,林枫伸手接住,道:“多谢。” Then, the Lin Feng body squats down slightly, pries open the mouth of Tang Youyou, puts in the compounded drug her mouth. 说罢,林枫身体微微蹲下,将唐幽幽的嘴撬开,将丹药放入她的嘴中。 Tang Youyou swallows the compounded drug, opens the eye to look at Lin Feng, shows a strange look. 唐幽幽将丹药吞服下去,睁开眼睛看着林枫,露出一丝古怪的神色。 „Do you such hey the person compounded drug?” Tang Youyou sound somewhat hidden bitterness, making Lin Feng stare, immediately smiled bitterly: Felt many?” “你就是这么喂人丹药的?”唐幽幽声音有几分幽怨,让林枫愣了下,随即苦笑:“感觉好些了吗?” Sees in the Lin Feng eye to have wipes the color of apology, Tang Youyou curled the lip: Drug efficacy has not displayed, possibly is not suitable uses really a Yuan strength, will stimulate to movement the heart [lineage/vein] that is damaged.” 看到林枫眼中有着一抹歉意之色,唐幽幽撇了撇嘴:“药效还没有发挥出来,可能不宜动用真元力量,会催动受损的心脉。” You come along with me.” The old men said that the footsteps step forward immediately, goes toward that piece of boundless snowy mountain twinkle. “你们都随我来吧。”老者说了一声,随即脚步跨出,朝着那片茫茫雪山闪烁而去。 In the eye pupil of people flashed through wipes the excited color, the footsteps steps forward, is following the old man in the past, can obtain these eight quotas, they will obtain key training of Tianchi, this made them very excited without doubt. 众人的眼眸中都闪过一抹兴奋之色,脚步跨出,跟随着老者过去,能够获得这八个名额,他们将得到天池的重点培养,这无疑让他们非常兴奋。 I hold you.” Lin Feng is hugging Tang Youyou, unemotionally, footsteps one cross, goes along with the people, when passing by a snowy mountain, the Lin Feng personal appearance downward, immediately flees slightly from the below spatial white shadow, arrives at the shoulder of Lin Feng directly. “我扶你。”林枫搂着唐幽幽,面无表情,脚步一跨,也随着众人而去,在路过一处雪山之时,林枫的身形微微往下,随即从下空一道白色的影子窜出来,直接来到林枫的肩头。 Snow exquisite that pair of attractive pupil looked at Tang Youyou one, making Tang Youyou somewhat timid, slightly low head. 雪玲珑那双漂亮的眸子看了唐幽幽一眼,让唐幽幽有几分胆怯,微微低下脑袋。 However, actually saw snow exquisite small claw flexure of the gently on her face flexure, on the small mouth was sleeping unexpectedly a wisp of happy expression. 然而,却见雪玲珑的小爪在她的脸上轻轻的挠了挠,小嘴上竟眠着一缕笑意。 In the middle of the mountain ranges of this boundless snow, has the innumerable snowy mountains, completely pure white, the old person in the front guides, strided above a north snowy mountain, this snowy mountain peak extremely vast, has many palaces to stand erect above, ground the footprints of some white snow people, however here, seemed colder, making injured Tang Youyou shiver unexpectedly. 这一片茫茫雪之山脉当中,有着无数座雪山,全部都是纯白的,老人在前方带路,跨入了北面的一座雪山之上,这座雪山顶端极其的辽阔,有着许多座殿宇矗立在其上,地上的白雪有人的脚印,然而这里,却似乎更冷了些,让受伤的唐幽幽竟打了个冷颤。 Lin Feng also felt that own body some freezing are slightly stiff, this snowy mountain, was too cold, in the sky also unceasingly has the snowflake to fall gently. 林枫也感觉自己的身体微微有些冷冻僵硬,这座雪山,实在太冷了,天空中还不断有雪花飘落下来。 Lin Feng puts out a hand, catches snowflakes, immediately makes an effort to grasp slightly, immediately, the snowflake vanishes in invisible directly, has probably not appeared has been same, Lin Feng, he could not feel that in the palm has any water vapor. 林枫伸出手,将一片雪花接住,随即微微用力一握,顿时,雪花直接消失于无形,就好像从来没有出现过一样,林枫,他也感觉不到手掌中有任何的水汽。 Illusory!” “虚幻的!” The pupil of Lin Feng concentrates slightly, this snowflake, is false, illusory, is not by the world water vapor, grasps, vanished in invisible. 林枫的瞳孔微微一凝,这雪花,是假的、虚幻的,不是由天地水汽所化,一握,就消失于无形了。 However, he clearly can feel cold intent who in the snowflake contains. 然而,他分明能够感觉到雪花中蕴含的冷意。 This point, was not only Lin Feng feels, these people were not the average person, the talent different reported that quick also discovered that this snowflake, seemed to be false. 这一点,不仅是林枫感觉到了,这些人都不是普通人,天赋异禀,很快也纷纷都发现,这雪花,似乎是假的。 „Did you see?” Old person's footsteps, does not have the imperial spatial flight, but pedestrian slowly in ground, every step treads above the snowflake of ground, snowflakes, will directly vanish, illusory snowflake. “你们都看到了?”老人的脚步一顿,没有御空飞行,而是在地面上缓缓的步行者,每一步踏在地上的雪花之上,有一层的雪花,就会直接消失,虚幻的雪花。 The crowd also gets down, is treading that white snows, they discovered that the boundless white snow in this ground, 50% is, half is empty, is strange. 人群也都下来,踏着那片白雪,他们发现,这地面上的茫茫白雪,有一半是真、一半是虚,非常奇怪。 Anyone of you knows that this piece of Tianchi Xue mountain, how does come?” The old men were asking to the people, crowd shook the head in abundance, Tianchi empire, most was the snow, moreover was very cold snow, was snowing, Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator will feel cold, but this constantly was also strengthening their resistivity, was increasing them and snow affinity. “你们谁知道,这片天池雪山,是如何而来?”老者对着众人问道,人群纷纷摇头,天池帝国,最多的就是雪,而且是非常冷的雪,一落雪,武修都会感到寒冷,但这也在不断的增强着他们的抵抗力,增加着他们与雪的亲和力。 Past, the first ancestor in Tianchi empire, he arrived at Tianchi Xue mountain lands to practice, sat is hundred years, what the first ancestor comprehended was the deep meaning of snow, when the practice comprehension, the space started Piao Xue, unceasing Piao Xue, snow, piled up, changed to mountain ranges of one continuous snow gradually, this was the Tianchi Xue mountain initial origin, afterward experienced the opening of empire leader, the Tianchi Xue mountain, had today's appearance.” “昔日,天池帝国的始祖,他来到天池雪山这片土地修炼,一坐便是百年之久,始祖领悟的是雪之奥义,在修炼领悟之时,天上开始飘雪,不断的飘雪,雪,堆积成山,渐渐的,化作一片连绵的雪之山脉,这是天池雪山最初的由来,后来又经历帝国领袖的开辟,天池雪山,有了今日的模样。” The old person is only tranquil was recounting the origin of Tianchi Xue mountain, however the heart of crowd actually slightly trembles. 老人只是平静的述说着天池雪山的由来,然而人群的心头却是微微一颤。 The practice of genuine powerhouse, a dream is hundred years, this is equal to a life of average person most lifetime, was too fearful, hundred years of snow, the pile becomes the mountain range, that snow, should big. 真正强者的修炼,一梦便是百年,这相当于一个普通人大半生的寿元,太可怕了,百年之积雪,堆成山脉,那雪,该有多大。 This is fluttering snow , because some people are practicing, but nonnatural.” Lin Feng whispered, an old person eyesight revolution, looks to Lin Feng, nodded with a smile, the response of Lin Feng is quick, this person can comprehend three wills the strengths, the perception decides however unusually. “这飘着的雪,是因为有人在修炼,而非天然。”林枫低语了一声,老人目光一转,看向林枫,笑着点了点头,林枫的反应很快,此人能够领悟三种意志的力量,悟性定然超凡。 Right, the practice that the snow cultivates, can make the snowflake from the sky flutter, some people practice, can manufacture the genuine snow, some practice ways, is the false snow, the Tianchi Xue mountain died at the age of Piao Xue, because some formidable snows cultivate, cultivates in the snowy mountain.” “对的,雪修的修炼,能够让雪花在空中飘荡,有的人修炼,能制作真正的雪,有的修炼方式,则是虚假的雪,天池雪山终年飘雪,因为有许多强大的雪修,在雪山中修炼。” The old person looks at Lin Feng saying that but this saying also said listens actually to the people, the genuine powerhouse, he unknowingly cultivates can inspire the strength of world, and all year long unceasingly. 老人看着林枫道,但其实这话也是说给众人听,真正的强者,他不经意间修炼都能够引动天地的力量,而且终年不断。 „When I just saw the snowy mountain, great of sigh with emotion nature strength, however looks like I am at this moment wrong, the so-called man will conquer nature , because the strength of person can, even defeat the natural strength using the nature, this continuous snowy mountain, is not the nature, but is the person behavior.” “我刚看到雪山之时,感慨大自然力量的伟大,然而此刻看来我是错的,所谓人定胜天,是因为人的力量可以利用自然、甚至战胜自然力量,这连绵的雪山,不是自然而成,而是人所为。” Lin Feng saying slowly, making in old person's eye pupil flash through together the point, in the middle of this child spoken language is passing heart of the striving to improve at will, the man will conquer nature, he has thought on the day of depends upon own strength to defeat, will have this sensibility. 林枫缓缓的说道,让老人的眼眸中闪过一道锋芒,此子随意间的言语当中都透着一股自强之心,人定胜天,他想过依靠自己的力量战胜这天,才会有这一层的感悟。 This, must dispel his demon intent, trains specially.” The old person decided in the heart secretly that is so young, comprehends three wills, and has the tenacious will of strengthen, this may make the material absolutely. “此子,一定要祛除他身上的魔意,特别培养一番。”老人在心中暗暗决定,如此年轻,领悟三种意志,而且拥有变强的坚韧之志,这绝对是可造之材。 Moreover, on Lin Feng, there is an own story! 而且,林枫身上,有自己的故事! : Today fresh flower pit, weak. :今天鲜花坑啊,无力。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 749 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第749章 Man will conquer nature address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 人定胜天地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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