PMG :: Volume #3

#748: Eight people that is promoted

The body of Lin Feng descends in the Tang Youyou side, cold eyesight sweeps the people, who moves Lin Feng eyesight then to evade to draw back instantaneously, does not dare with Lin Feng looking at each other, the pupil of this pair of realm of the devil, fearful. 林枫的身体降落在唐幽幽的身边,寒冷的目光一扫众人,谁触碰到林枫目光瞬间便避退开来,不敢和林枫对视,这双魔道之瞳,可怕。 Lin Feng, your strength strives to excel, spells with my some.” Huangfu Long has laughed foolishly, has not cared completely had Lin Feng that the demon bonds at this moment. 林枫,你实力好强,和我有的一拼。”皇甫龙憨笑了下,完全没有在意此刻已有魔障的林枫 Good that makes.” Lin Feng saw that Tang Youyou sitting safely therapy by Tianchi, is nodding to Huangfu Long, although this fellow was profligate, but the strength was very fierce. “做的不错。”林枫看到唐幽幽安然的坐在天池旁自己疗伤,对着皇甫龙点头,这家伙虽然放荡了点,但实力很厉害。 Demonic Eye dodges not to have, the Lin Feng body is passing billowing killing intent, sees the crowd as before chaotic fight, his body is ready to make trouble, wants to kill people. 魔瞳闪没,林枫身上透着滚滚的杀意,看到人群依旧混乱的战斗着,他的身体蠢蠢欲动,想要杀人。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou opens the eye, shouted to make noise, she can feel that indifference in Lin Feng heart, the demon sword in within the body, although was suppressed, but on him demon intent possibly erupted at any time, has experienced brutality of that day, even if did not need the demon sword, on Lin Feng itself had the meaning of demon. 林枫。”唐幽幽睁开眼睛,喊出声来,她能够感觉林枫心中的那股冷漠,魔剑在体内虽被镇压,但他身上魔意随时可能爆发出来,经历过那一日的残酷,即便不需要魔剑,林枫身上本身就拥有魔之意。 Tang Youyou does not hope that Lin Feng falls into the realm of the devil, she does not think Lin Feng because of her, but slaughtering carelessly, she wanted to see past that brightly, but sunlight boy. 唐幽幽不希望林枫堕入魔道,她也不想林枫因为她而胡乱的杀戮,她想要看到昔日那灿烂而阳光的男孩。 Lin Feng heard Tang Youyou shout realm of the devil spirit to weaken slightly, has turned head, looks to Tang Youyou, saw only this time her complexion to be as before pale, spirit had fluctuating. 林枫听到唐幽幽的喊声身上的魔道气息微微减弱了些,回过头,看向唐幽幽,只见此时的她脸色依旧苍白,气息微有起伏。 Lin Feng, side me.” Tang Youyou eyesight is having several points of gentle meaning, making the body of Lin Feng slight shivered, silent, slight bow, realm of the devil vanished indifferently much, Lin Feng stood in the Tang Youyou side. 林枫,在我身边。”唐幽幽目光带着几分温柔之意,让林枫的身体轻微的颤抖了下,沉默了下,微微点了点头,身上的魔道之冷漠消失了不少,林枫就站在了唐幽幽的身边。 You freely therapy.” Lin Feng said in a low voice that Tang Youyou smiles, immediately the eye pupil once again closing safely, oneself therapy. “你尽管疗伤。”林枫低声说道,唐幽幽莞尔一笑,随即眼眸才再度安然的闭上,自己疗伤。 Many people look here, wants being moved head, but cancels instantaneously the thought that nobody dares to provoke Lin Feng several again, this person can melt the insanity, killed without batting an eye, moves his idea to be too dangerous, might as well got rid to other that several talents, spells. 许多人看着这边,想要动念头,但瞬间又将念头打消来,没人敢再招惹林枫几个,此人会化疯魔,杀人不眨眼,动他的主意太危险了,还不如对其它那几个天才出手,去拼一番。 Tianchi Xue also astonished looks at Lin Feng, this fellow when he is fascinated, the strength is very as if fearful, she does not know that Lin Feng is not fascinated, must display own strength truly, similarly will be stirring. 天池雪也惊异的看着林枫,这家伙在他入魔的时候,实力似乎很可怕,她不知道,林枫就算不入魔,真正要发挥自己的实力,同样会震撼人心。 The chaotic fight continued the moment, a Lin Feng person has solved many crowds, added on a tangled warfare to get down again, quick only remaining twenty people. 混乱的战斗持续了片刻,林枫一人就解决了许多人群,再加上一场混战下来,很快就只剩下了二十几人了。 When they sweep with the eye pupil earnestly crowd, eyesight slightly one stiff, their chaotic fights had forgotten who is, but wants to rumble Xiatianchi the opposite party, but looking back now, meaningful? 当他们认真用眼眸扫一扫人群的时候,目光都微微一僵,他们刚才的混乱战斗都忘记了谁是谁,只是想将对方轰下天池,但现在看来,有意义吗? Tianchi Xue, nobody will move, although she also participates in this round fight, but some people will not invade her. 天池雪,没有人会动,虽然她也参加这一轮的战斗,但不会有人去侵扰她。 Moreover, Han Qiuyu, Bai Li Xi as well as the Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs four people, are the seeds, most attractive, is powerful, they step into the hope of mystical place are biggest, in addition Tianchi Xue occupied five quotas, was equal to that other crowds can only strive for the remaining three quotas. 另外,寒秋雨百里奚以及碧落黄泉四人,是种子,被最好看,实力强大,他们踏入秘境的希望是最大的,加上天池雪就已经占据了五个名额,等于其他人群就只能争夺剩下的三个名额。 Is but careful looked, they do not dare to provoke the demon indifferent youth, as well as shouts with injured Tang Youyou must marry Tianchi Xue to work as wife's Huangfu Long, they are the same places . Moreover, happen, is three people. 可是仔细一看,他们不敢招惹的化魔冷漠青年,和受伤的唐幽幽以及嚷嚷着要娶天池雪当妻子的皇甫龙,他们是一起的,而且,正好,是三人。 Front five people, in addition these three people, altogether eight people, if they do not dare to move these eight people, what war but also fights, fights finally, who can eliminate one people in these eight people? 前面五人,再加上这三人,一共八人,若是他们不敢动这八人,还战什么战,战到最后,谁能淘汰这八人中的一人? Besides these eight people that several other people noted this situation, cannot help but looked at each other in blank diamay, they fought to put together completely trying hard finally, in the end was very possible is spatial, is too not worth. 除这八人外那剩余的十几人都注意到了这情况,不由得面面相觑,他们战到最后拼尽了努力,到头来很可能是一场空,太不值得了。 We need to collaborate.” The person opens the mouth to suggest, other person of some people of silence, some people nod, but nobody rejects, does not collaborate, they can the Xiatianchi. “我们需要联手。”有一人开口建议道,其他人有人沉默,有人点头,但没有人拒绝,不联手,他们可以自己下天池了。 Footsteps transferring slowly to one, above Tianchi, has formed a strange aspect. 脚步缓缓的挪移到了一块,天池之上,形成了一个古怪的局面。 Tianchi Xue outside the matter, as if here matter does not have the relations to be the same with her proudly, as the Tianchi saintess, nobody will get rid to her, gets rid to her, wants to defeat the Tianchi saintesses to be easier said than done. 天池雪傲然于事外,仿佛这里的事情和她没有关系一样,作为天池圣女,没有人会对她出手,对她出手,想要战胜天池圣女谈何容易。 Moreover, Han Qiuyu and Bai Li Xi two people, separately is a camp, a camp of person. 另外,寒秋雨百里奚两个人,分别是一阵营,一个人的阵营。 The Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs two twin brother and sister, is a camp, collaborated to be powerful, is very formidabe. 碧落黄泉两位孪生的兄妹,是一个阵营,联起手来实力强大,很难对付。 Lin Feng and Huangfu Long are protecting Tang Youyou, they, is a camp. 林枫皇甫龙护卫着唐幽幽,他们三个人,是一个阵营。 The remaining more than ten people, combined a camp together, at this moment, was this aspect, now, looked that more than ten people the camp that combined becomes, which camp wanted to cope with? 剩下的十余人,共同组合成了一个阵营,此刻,就是这种局面,现在,看那十余人组合而成的阵营,想要对付哪个阵营? They several people of eyesight have swept, Tianchi Xue did not consider that the Bai Li Xi sword and snow double will, have the formidable magical powers ability, is very formidabe. 他们十几人的目光扫过,天池雪不考虑,百里奚剑、雪双意志,拥有强大神通能力,很难对付。 Han Qiuyu book Battle Spirit is heterogeneous Battle Spirit, implication strange magical powers strength, even can as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, is the extremely hard to deal with character. 寒秋雨武魂是异种武魂,其中蕴含很多古怪的神通力量,甚至能够言出法随,也是极难缠的人物。 The Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs brother and sister collaborate the might to be greatly strengthened, Lin Feng slaughters ruthless \ Wu Qing fascinated, this makes them very awkward, indecisive, which people should to get rid. 碧落黄泉兄妹联手威力极强,林枫入魔杀戮无情,这让他们很为难,犹豫不决,到底该对哪些人出手。 Autumn rain brother, you thought whether we should help them make the decision?” At this time, Bai Li Xi that had not spoken opened the mouth. “秋雨兄,你觉得我们是否应该帮他们做出决定?”此时,一直没有说过话的百里奚开口了。 Very much Han Qiuyu does not care smiles: How does hundred li (0.5km) brother plan to do?” 寒秋雨很不在意的一笑:“百里兄打算怎么做?” I think that this time enters the mystical place, when enters by the strength winner, you, I and Tianchi Xue have the Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs brother and sister five people, may enter, they, as for that injured female, should eliminate, leaves a quota to struggle to them.” “我以为,此次进入秘境当以实力胜出者入,你、我、天池雪还有碧落黄泉兄妹五人,可入,他们两人,也可以,至于那受伤的女子,应该淘汰,留一个名额给他们去争。” The meaning of Bai Li Xi, is Lin Feng and Huangfu Long has the qualifications to be promoted, accompanies them to enter the mystical place together, but the Tang Youyou strength is slightly weak, is not good, should eliminate, leaves other people the Tang Youyou quota, is the only remaining quotas. 百里奚的意思,是林枫皇甫龙有资格晋级,随同他们一块入秘境,但是唐幽幽实力稍弱,不行,应该淘汰掉,将唐幽幽的名额留给其他人,也是唯一剩下的名额。 Han Qiuyu looked at Lin Feng one, shook the head with a smile: Has nothing to do with me.” 寒秋雨看了林枫一眼,笑着摇了摇头:“与我无关。” The so-called matter does not close oneself, to eliminate Tang Youyou, Lin Feng will not comply, this is also a dangerous character, they are not worthwhile to provoke Lin Feng, so long as can attain to step into the quota of mystical place, was enough, other matters, have not related with them. 所谓事不关己,要想将唐幽幽淘汰掉,林枫可不会答应,这也是个危险人物,他们犯不着去招惹林枫,只要自己能够拿到踏入秘境的名额,就已经足够了,其他事,与他们没有关系。 Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs is also silent, has nothing to do with them, so long as own seat can guarantee does not lose, sufficed. 碧落黄泉也都沉默,也与他们无关,只要自己的席位能保证不丢,就够了。 When I have not said.” Bai Li Xi saw that basic nobody pays attention to himself, shrugs. “当我没有说过。”百里奚见到根本无人理会自己,耸了耸肩。 Troublesome, we catch up with Xiatianchi them together, did not finish.” Male Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs in Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs has opened the mouth, has swept that several people of camp one, here wastes the time, might as well get rid on own initiative. “麻烦,我们一起将他们赶下天池,不就结束了。”碧落黄泉中的男子黄泉开口了,扫了那十几人的阵营一眼,在这里浪费时间,不如主动出手。 The brow of Han Qiuyu selects, immediately said with a smile: This, I did not oppose actually.” 寒秋雨的眉头一挑,随即笑道:“这点,我倒是不反对。” Um?” Bai Li Xi looked at their several people of one eyes, immediately looked under Lin Feng and Tang Youyou, says with a smile: That presents as a gift them a quota, finished.” “嗯?”百里奚看了他们几人一眼,随即又看了下林枫唐幽幽,笑着道:“那就赠他们一个名额吧,结束吧。” Then, four forms simultaneously moved, goes toward the camp that several people compose. 说罢,又四道身影同时动了起来,朝着那十几人组成的阵营而去。 Snow!” Bai Li Xi puts out together the sound, snowflake crazy rolling up and pushing along, curls toward that line, but the time of twinkling must cover their bodies. “雪!”百里奚率先吐出一道声音,雪花疯狂的卷动,朝着那一行人卷去,只是瞬息的功夫就要将他们身体覆盖。 Student brandished a sword,” Han Qiuyu to say lightly, in the hand presented books unexpectedly, above was passing the sword light, along with the fluctuation of his right hand finger, in the book sword air/Qi projected, changes to the sharp sword, punctured toward these people. “书生舞剑、”寒秋雨淡淡的说了一声,手中竟出现一本书籍,上面透着道道剑光,随着他右手手指的波动,书中一道道剑气射出,化作利剑,朝着那些人去刺去。 Gets rid together.” These person of complexions change, has not thought that their hesitations instead made these powerhouses get rid to them together, was not wonderful. “一起出手。”那些人脸色一变,没想到他们的犹豫反而让这几个强者一起对他们出手了,不妙。 You do not have the opportunity.” Bai Li Xi indifferent saying, the snowflake rolls up and pushes along more and more fiercely, making these crowd eyes unable to open, has been adhering to stick cohere them. “你们没机会的。”百里奚冷漠的说道,雪花卷动得越来越厉害,让那些人群眼睛都睁不开,一直附着着他们。 „!” Several illusory sword hitting a target crowds, rumble Xiatianchi them, but simultaneously Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs their bodies are involved in the middle of the crowd, the Bi luo palm strength drops from the clouds, oppressed the past toward under the person directly, the attack of Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs passes is destroying spirit, they collaborated to rumble instantaneously 56 people. “嗤嗤!”几道虚幻的剑射中人群,将他们轰下天池,而同时碧落黄泉两人身体卷入人群当中,碧落掌力从天而降,直接将人朝着下方压迫过去,黄泉的攻击则透着毁灭气息,两人联手瞬间轰下了56人。 The fight starts suddenly, finished in an instant, the temporary camp that several people that these people most are favored worthily, the battle efficiency powerful, quick that several people compose, was rumbled completely. 战斗突然间开始,也在转眼间结束,这几人不愧是最被看好的几人,战斗力非常的强悍,很快那十几个人组成的临时阵营,全部被轰下去了。 Even if cultivation base is the same, but the disparity in strength, is possibly huge, such as Lin Feng contrasts other Eighth Xuan Qi Layer people, Lin Feng gets rid to rumble at will to kill other same level powerhouses easily, the people of ordinary Ninth Xuan Qi Layer collapse at the first blow. 即便修为相同,但实力上的差距,也可能是巨大的,就如林枫对比其他玄武境八重的人,林枫随意出手就能轻易轰杀其他同级强者,普通玄武境九重之人都是不堪一击。 Lin Feng can achieve to surmount first-level, other talent copes with the powerhouse with cultivation base possibly to be also easy, seems like at this moment same. 林枫能够做到跨越一级,别的天才对付同修为的强者也可能会轻而易举,就像是此刻一样。 In crowd that finally wins, Tianchi Xue Bai Li Xi and other people in expected, the Chiba needle is very pitiful, because provoked Lin Feng to be killed, met a cruel death. 最后胜出的人群中,天池雪百里奚等五人是在意料之中的,千叶针很可怜,因为招惹林枫被杀了,粉身碎骨。 Lin Feng has become the biggest dark horse, enters first eight, dares to annoy him to behind even nobody, but also leads a wounded to enter the first eight seats. 林枫成了最大的黑马,杀入前八,到后面甚至没人敢惹他,还带着一个伤者进入前八之席。 These eight people, they will have the qualifications to represent the Tianchi empire, strides in the middle of the mystical place. 这八人,他们将有资格代表天池帝国,跨入秘境当中。 : Accidentally knows that 15855070801 are not the brothers is the younger sister paper, the sense of achievement had the wood to have! :偶然间知道15855070801原来不是兄弟是妹纸,欧耶,成就感有木有! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 748 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第748章 Eight people of addresses that is promoted for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 晋级的八人地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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