PMG :: Volume #3

#747: A Lin Feng anger

A Lin Feng body spin, protects Tang Youyou, the sound spreads, the light of dark realm of the devil in body surface circulation continuous. 林枫身体一旋,将唐幽幽护住,嗤嗤的声响传出,黑暗的魔道之光在体表流转不休。 Scoffs and scoffs......” even if, however is the realm of the devil Venerable the body, that as thin was given to puncture as the peak needle as before, the silver needle pricks Lin Feng within the body directly, however actually mounts in **, is unable to move. “嗤、嗤……”然而即便是魔道尊身,依旧被那细到极致的针给刺破,银针直接刺入林枫的体内,然而却镶嵌在**当中,无法动弹。 How is it?” Lin Feng eyesight looks at Tang Youyou to ask. “怎么样?”林枫目光看着唐幽幽问道。 Tang Youyou takes out several pots to rescue opens directly, pours into own mouth, on the pale face restored scarlet, said: Do not manage me, I give up and that's the end.” 唐幽幽取出几壶救直接打开,灌入自己的嘴中,苍白的脸上恢复了一丝血色,道:“不要管我,我放弃就是了。” Footsteps one cross, Lin Feng has placed Tianchi the place of edge Tang Youyou, the Huangfu Long side, said: Big Pest, you help me protect her moment.” 脚步一跨,林枫唐幽幽放在了天池的边缘之地,皇甫龙的身旁,道:“大害虫,你帮我护住她片刻。” Good.” The Huangfu Long nod complied with one, in the eye pupil was also passing several points of arbitrary light. “好。”皇甫龙点头应了一声,眼眸中也透着几分蛮横之光。 „If not good, immediately downward jumps.” Lin Feng said one again, immediately the body has transferred suddenly, in the Chiba needle toward void went, in the pupil the cold glow was sharp. “若是不行,立即往下跳。”林枫再道一声,随即身体霍然间转过,朝着虚空中的千叶针而去,眸子中冷芒锋锐无比。 The Chiba sensation of the acupuncture needle realized that the silver needle pricks Lin Feng within the body unexpectedly shameless, the cloudy and cold complexion slightly changed, Lin Feng defense strength, terrifying. 千叶针感觉到银针竟无耻刺入林枫的体内,阴冷的脸色微微变了下,林枫的防御力量,恐怖。 Broken law and killing.” cold Mou glitters, Chiba needle ten fingers of linkages, innumerable thin, if the needle of gossamer changes to slight silver glow, punctures toward Lin Feng, exudes the coarse grating howl. “破法、杀。”冷眸闪烁,千叶针十指联动,无数细若游丝的针化作一道道细微的银芒,朝着林枫刺去,发出难听刺耳的啸声。 Extinguishes.” The dark big hand imprint rumbles from the palm of Lin Feng, the sound is unceasing, shortly, that huge big hand imprint was punctured unexpectedly tattered and torn, the silver needle penetrates , to continue the thorn to Lin Feng, the penetrating power, is very terrorist. “灭。”黑暗的大手印从林枫的掌中轰出,嗤嗤的声响不断,顷刻间,那巨大的大手印竟被刺得千疮百孔,银针穿透而过,继续刺向林枫,穿透力,很恐怖。 The Lin Feng body faces forward as before, does not fear, the huge black palm lays out from the sky directly, bang the sound spreads, as if there is demon god's palm together to drop from the clouds, must cover the trim space. 林枫身体依旧朝前,丝毫不畏,巨大的黑色手掌直接从上空拍出,轰隆隆的声响传出,仿佛有一道魔神之掌从天而降,要将整片空间都笼罩。 The terrifying strength whips from one side above the silver needle, the silver needle that was weakened the power and influence was patted by a palm immediately completely vanishes without the shade. 恐怖的力量从侧面拍打在银针之上,本就被削弱威势的银针顿时全部被一掌拍得消失无影。 We get rid, first rumbles to get down them.” In Tianchi some people shouted to clear the way, immediately in the middle of the confusion many people got rid toward injured Tang Youyou. “我们出手,先将他们两个轰下去。”天池上有人喝道,随即混乱当中又有许多人朝着受伤的唐幽幽出手了。 The Huangfu Long anger eats delicacies, wild spirit that body releases will be rolling up and pushing along the space, maneuvers among groups from the wild arbitrary air/Qi, a palm lays out, is snowing interweaves with the yellow sand, the wild terrifying power attacked the Tang Youyou person to rumble to fly these directly, strength fearfully. 皇甫龙怒啸一声,身上释放的狂野气息将卷动着空间,来自蛮荒的蛮横之气纵横捭阖,一掌拍出,落雪与黄沙交织,蛮荒的恐怖力量直接将那些袭击唐幽幽的人轰飞了出去,力量可怕至极。 Seizes every opportunity.” Airborne transmits Chiba needle sound of the cold drinking, on his body, float innumerable needles, in the middle of space, is the needles, these needles from four sides all directions, crazy grips toward Lin Feng, seizes every opportunity, if were hit, absolutely instantaneous tattered and torn, by needle living. “无孔不入。”空中传来千叶针的一道冷喝之音,在他的身上,悬浮起无数的针,空间当中,也都是针,这些针从四面八方,疯狂的朝着林枫扎去,无孔不入,若是被击中,绝对瞬间千疮百孔,被针活生生的扎死。 Demon Shadow!” Lin Feng both hands wield, eyesight glitter, as if has innumerable devil to appear, changes to the innumerable remnant shades to roar toward all around, the sharp howl spreads, the silver needle gripped above Demon Shadow, a Lin Feng both hands fierce racket, the terrifying realm of the devil strength such as moved mountains, shoves open, although these silver needles seized every opportunity, but faced the powerful imposing manner strength, finally weak dangling. 魔影!”林枫双手挥动,一道道目光闪烁,仿佛有无数个魔头出现,化作无数残影朝着四周怒吼出去,嗤嗤的锐利啸声传出,银针扎在了魔影之上,林枫双手猛的一拍,恐怖的魔道力量如排山倒海,推开一些,那些银针虽无孔不入,但面对强悍的气势力量,终于无力的垂下。 Goes against!” The Chiba needle shouted angrily, immediately the innumerable silver needles as if lived, made humming sound the sound, counter kills toward Lin Feng that continue soar. “逆!”千叶针怒喝一声,顿时无数的银针仿佛又活了过来,发出嗡嗡的声响,朝着继续腾空的林枫逆杀过去。 Wind gets up for nine days.” “风起九天。” The pupil of realm of the devil is cold, Lin Feng footsteps one cross, the body twinkling arrives at the front of Chiba needle. 魔道之眸寒冷无边,林枫脚步一跨,身体瞬息降临千叶针的面前。 Chiba needle complexion big change, shouted angrily: Through!” 千叶针脸色大变,怒喝一声:“穿心!” The voice falls, his innumerable points completely have released, toward the Lin Feng assassination in the past, near at hand. 话音落下,他身上无数的针芒都全部释放了出去,朝着林枫刺杀过去,近在咫尺。 Does not extinguish Demon Venerable!” “不灭魔尊!” In the Lin Feng mouth puts out together the cold sound, the endless demon puts brilliantly, the whole person in this moment incarnation true demon god, nothing which is not extinguishes, nobody to extinguish, does not extinguish Demon Venerable. 林枫嘴中吐出一道寒冷的声音,无尽的魔光大放,整个人在这一刻化身真正的魔神,无所不灭、无人可灭,不灭魔尊 Dingdong!” The clear sound spreads, these silver needles prick the body of Demon Venerable, actually grips in the surface layer, is unable to dig in the least bit. “叮叮当当!”清脆的声响传出,那些银针刺入魔尊的身上,却只是扎在表层,无法扎入半点。 The hand of Demon Venerable finds out toward the throat of Chiba needle, the Chiba needle was finally scared, how can, his needle, so long as gets rid to kill, has not let slip, the people who even if cultivation base is stronger than him cannot escape the needle that he seizes every opportunity, so long as pricks in within the body of enemy the silver needle, can the fine rain turn into the line, extinguishes to the pouring the body of opposite party, the silver needle separates others' heart [lineage/vein]. 魔尊的手朝着千叶针的咽喉探出,千叶针终于恐慌了,怎么会,他的针只要出手就必杀,从来没有失手过,即便修为比他强的人都逃不脱他无孔不入的针,只要将银针刺入敌人的体内,就可以丝雨化成线,将对方的身体给浇灭,银针割裂别人的心脉。 He coped with Tang Youyou a moment ago first, but did not have to start to Lin Feng directly, several silver needles made the Tang Youyou heart [lineage/vein] be damaged, are incapable of fighting again. 刚才他先对付唐幽幽而没有直接对林枫下手,几支银针就让唐幽幽心脉受到损伤,无力再战斗。 However the Lin Feng defensive power is extremely terrifying, the needle of seizing every opportunity was destroyed completely, the needle that even if on him projects cannot dig in the body of Lin Feng, was too fearfully and fearful. 然而林枫的防御力太过恐怖,无孔不入的针被灭掉,即便他身上射出的针也扎入不了林枫的身体,可怕、太可怕了。 Looks that pair passes the palm of meaning of billowing realm of the devil to search toward oneself, the Chiba needle body retrocedes, then bang howling sound that grating, the palm of that pair of realm of the devil seems the demon god's hand, is away from him to be getting more and more near, covers his throat directly, immediately fierce reversal body. 看着那双透着滚滚魔道之意的手掌朝着自己探来,千叶针身体后退,然后轰隆隆的呼啸声响是那么的刺耳,那双魔道的手掌仿佛是魔神之手,距离他越来越近,直接将他的咽喉扣住,随即猛的逆转身体。 Scoffs, scoffs, scoffs and scoffs......” “嗤、嗤、嗤、嗤……” The silver needle pricks ** the sound spreads, making the body of Chiba needle maliciously one stiffly, silver needle that then pricks from his back, is he releases completely, now, actually dug in his within the body. 银针刺入**的声音传出,让千叶针的身体狠狠的一僵,那从他背部刺入的银针,全部是他自己释放的,现在,却扎入了他的体内。 In the mouth blood unceasing exudation, the Chiba needle body shivered slightly, sees Lin Feng that pair of ice-cold pupil, what he felt finally is the sense of fear of death. 口中鲜血不断的渗出,千叶针身体微微颤抖了起来,看到林枫那双冰冷的眸子,他终于感受到了什么叫死亡的恐惧感。 Let slip, this Chiba needle, actually let slip! 失手了、这一次千叶针,竟然失手了! Below crowd eyesight is one stiff, the Chiba needle under heavy hand, they also think suddenly Lin Feng will have bad luck, however, even if the seed powerhouse Chiba needle, appears does not have in the Lin Feng front the component as before, attacks, Lin Feng covered the throat of Chiba needle, the Chiba needle moved cannot move, so long as in the Lin Feng arm the tyrannical strength bloomed, his neck can break immediately. 下方的人群目光都是一僵,千叶针突下辣手,他们还以为林枫会倒霉,然而,即便是种子强者千叶针,在林枫的面前依旧显得那么没有分量,一个突击,林枫就扣住了千叶针的咽喉,千叶针动都动弹不得,只要林枫手臂中强横的力量绽放,他的脖子立刻就能断。 Puts... Opening... I!” The Chiba needle sound is hoarse, difficult spits from the mouth, actually sees bang the sound to spread, Lin Feng buckles his neck to empty to go toward below, Untidy-looking he almost must suffocate. “放…开…我!”千叶针声音沙哑,艰难的从嘴中吐出来,却见轰隆的声响传出,林枫扣着他的脖子朝下空而去,勒得他几乎要窒息。 Both hands stubbornly is buckling the palm of Lin Feng, in the Chiba needle eye pupil completely is frightened, does not have that sinisterness and ruthlessness again, he felt that the death was away from him to be getting more and more near, he has as if provoked devil. 双手死死的扣着林枫的手掌,千叶针眼眸中全部都是恐惧,再无那种阴险毒辣,他已经感觉到,死亡距离他越来越近了,他似乎招惹了一个魔头 „It is not good, he has defeated the Chiba needle.” “不好,他击败了千叶针。” Under is coping with Huangfu Long and Tang Youyou person feels the air/Qi of sky billowing realm of the devil, gains ground saw that Lin Feng buckles the throat of Chiba needle to come enormously and powerful, cannot help but the complexion big change, could not cope with Lin Feng including the Chiba needle, seemed not wonderful. 下方正在对付皇甫龙唐幽幽的人感受到上空滚滚的魔道之气,一抬头就看到林枫扣着千叶针的喉咙浩荡而来,不由得脸色大变,连千叶针都对付不了林枫,似乎不妙了。 Arm of Lin Feng suddenly maliciously flings, the body of Chiba needle drops from the clouds on such as the terrifying meteorite, with bang a bang, his body and an under person pounded in one, fearful ** the collision that person of being battered to death stiffly, fluctuated taking down in void, immediately body slowly fell toward Tianchi. 林枫的手臂遽然间狠狠的甩出,千叶针的身体就如恐怖的陨石从天而降,伴随着轰隆的一声巨响,他的身体和下方的一人砸在了一起,可怕**碰撞将那人硬生生的砸死,在虚空中浮动了记下,随即身体缓缓的朝着天池落去。 Good ruthless person, he went crazy.” “好狠的人,他发狂了。” Crowd eye pupil one stiff, this pounding let Chiba needle five main internal organs (entrails) completely fierce seething, bled profusely from the head, like this pounded, several times can want his life, making his great pain and grief die. 人群眼眸一僵,这一砸让千叶针五脏六腑全部都剧烈的翻腾了起来,七窍流血,这样砸下去,几次就能要他的命,让他肝肠寸断而死。 Asked you...... Letting off...... I.” In the eye of Chiba needle is seeping the blood, both hands faint trace covers the palm of Lin Feng, the [say / way] of entreaty. “求你……放过……我。”千叶针的眼中都渗透着鲜血,双手丝丝的扣住林枫的手掌,哀求的道。 Lin Feng looked that has not looked at his one eyes, lets off him? He uses the silver needle suddenly under killer time, what other people treated as? His game, now, he becomes the game, begged, possibly let off. 林枫看都未看他一眼,放过他?他用银针突下杀手的时候,将其他人当做什么了?他的猎物,现在,他成为猎物,就央求,可能放过吗。 Bang!” Also is fearful collision sound passes on together, the Chiba needle only felt that own internal organs must jump, the whole person has not anthropoided, but similarly is very been also miserable by that person that he collides. “轰隆!”又是一道可怕的碰撞声响传出来,千叶针只感觉自己的内脏都要跳出来,整个人已经不似人形,而被他碰撞的那人也同样很惨。 Runs away and runs away quickly.” The people retrocede crazily, does not dare to cope with Huangfu Long and Tang Youyou again, Lin Feng, the unmanned energy uniform has resulted, was too fearful. “逃、快逃。”众人疯狂的后退,都不敢再对付皇甫龙唐幽幽了,林枫,无人能制服得了,太可怕了。 Did not use.” The putting out voice that Lin Feng lets somebody cool off or calm down, the anger shouted to clear the way together: Kills!” “都不用走了。”林枫冷冷的吐出一道话音,怒喝道:“杀!” The voice falls, endless sword glow strangles to death, the Chiba needle body in his arm was torn directly, his body surrounding crowd also directly by the sword glow piercing the body, the Seventh Xuan Qi Layer Eighth Layer person collapses at the first blow, the terrifying Swordsmanship will of Lin Feng release cannot resist, Lin Feng gets rid they dead. 话音落下,无尽的剑芒绞杀,他手臂中的千叶针身体被直接撕裂掉,他身体周围的人群也直接被剑芒给刺穿身体,玄武境七重八重的人不堪一击,就连林枫释放的恐怖剑道意志都抵挡不住,林枫一出手他们就是死。 Bang, bang!” “轰、轰隆!” The palm strength unceasing withdrawal of sword air/Qi and realm of the devil, his body changes to together illusory Demon Shadow once again, fused the celestial pole martial skill wind of will of wind to get up for nine days to bloom his might, the crowd felt that demon wind has curled, these are killed to the person who Tang Youyou started completely, one slaughtered. 剑气与魔道的掌力不断的退出,他的身体再度化作一道虚幻的魔影,融合了风之意志的天极武技风起九天绽放出他的威力,人群就感觉一阵魔风卷过,那些对唐幽幽下手的人全部被杀了,一场屠戮。 Below crowd saw that this heart oratorio trembles, this person, is quite fearful. 下方的人群看到这一幕心神剧颤,此人,好可怕。 The powerhouses in Tianchi noted Lin Feng truly, this, can dispel the demon barrier in his heart , he trained well, decided to be able the achievement great talent. 那些天池的强者真正注意到了林枫,此子,可以祛除他心中的魔障,度化他,好好培养一番,定能成就大器。 The Lin Feng method were too many, each method, is such, blends in the same place, the might is peerless, who prevents and kills who! 林枫手段太多了,每一种手段,都是那么的强,融汇在一起,威力绝伦,谁阻挡、杀谁! : Asked the flower, sought the support, thanked the brother to hit to enjoy. :求花,求支持,谢谢兄打赏。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 747 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第747章 A Lin Feng anger address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 林枫一怒地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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