PMG :: Volume #3

#746: Sinister needle

What's the matter, good heavy fairyhood.” Below crowd sees on Lin Feng the air/Qi of ice-cold realm of the devil, cannot help but the pupil is a contraction. “怎么回事,好重的魔性。”下方的人群看到林枫身上冰冷的魔道之气,不由得瞳孔都是一阵收缩。 At this moment, these powerhouses in Tianchi noted Lin Feng did not suit, this person, the body had the fairyhood, unexpectedly at this moment fascinated. 此刻,就连天池的那些强者都注意到了林枫的不对劲,此人,身上有魔性,竟在此刻入魔。 Can prevent him?” Powerhouses' is opening the mouth to say to that management old men that he fears this, will ferment bloody slaughtering, these people, are the pillars of the state in Tianchi empire, has not entered the mystical place, dies the words here too not to be worth. “要不要阻止他?”有一强者对着那主持的老者开口说道,他怕这样,会酝酿出血腥的杀戮,这些人,都是天池帝国的栋梁,未入秘境,死在这里的话太不值得了。 May not.” The person of that management shook the head: „All have the causes and effects, these people want to kill him, even if he kills people fascinated, in reason, if trades to be your me, can let off must kill our people?” “不可。”那主持之人摇了摇头:“一切皆有因果,那些人想杀他,他即便入魔杀人,也在情理,若是换做你我,能放过要杀我们的人?” That person hears this words, cannot help but a silence, actually listens to the old man to continue saying: „To kill people, does not have strength, was killed also works as not resentfully, is takes, as for the second son, in the heart as if there is demon barrier, if he has the talent, we can help his, melts this demon barrier.” 那人听到此话,不由得一阵沉默,却听老者继续道:“想要杀人,却无实力,被人所杀也当无怨,是自己所取,至于次子,心中似乎有魔障,若是他真有天赋,我们可以帮他一把,将这魔障化解。” Then, his eyesight continues to look to void, that whole body is passing realm of the devil Lin Feng of indifferent meaning. 说罢,他的目光继续看向虚空,那浑身透着魔道的冷漠之意的林枫 Must kill me, dies.” The Lin Feng look is icy cold, a character shouted to clear the way, immediately palm fierce trembled, shortly, bang the sound will spread, dying out black evil clutches seal toward the form bang killed together, that person a moment ago sneak attacked the Lin Feng person. “要杀我,都去死。”林枫眼神冰凉,一字喝道,随即手掌猛的一颤,顷刻间,轰隆的声响传出,寂灭的黑色魔掌印朝着其中一道身影轰杀过去,那人正是刚才偷袭林枫的人。 Under demon intent covers, his whole person, slightly shivered, good cold and good fearful spirit. 魔意笼罩之下,他整个人,都微微颤抖了起来,好冷、好可怕的气息 Broken.” Shouted angrily, terrifying strength bloomed completely, the bang above that hand imprint, will be in charge to prevent. “破。”怒喝一声,恐怖的力量全部绽放,轰在那手印之上,将掌印阻挡住。 Kills.” The body seeps out together the biting cold chill in the air suddenly, is in charge is towering vanishes, is together the black demon light directly toward his head seal, bang the sound spreads, another powerhouse and dying! “杀。”身上遽然间渗出一道彻骨的寒意,掌印突兀间消失,又是一道黑色的魔光直接朝着他的脑袋印下,轰隆的声响传出,又一强者、死! Other human eye pupils all one stiff, insane, Lin Feng, he in the insanity, must prevent him. 其他人眼眸全都一僵,疯了、林枫,他在疯魔,必须要阻止他。 Everybody gets rid together, otherwise he can kill.” Has People to drink to make noise, the crowd nods, immediately, these shout must kill the Lin Feng person, stood, shortly, air/Qi of constraining will cover void the trim, the billowing Yuan has howled really crazily fiercely, was fearfully and fearful. “大家一起出手吧,否则他会一个个杀。”有人大喝出声,人群都点头,顿时,那些嚷嚷着要杀林枫的人,都站出来了,顷刻间,一股压抑之气将整片虚空都笼罩住,滚滚的真元狂猛的呼啸了起来,可怕、非常可怕。 Collaborated together, this that person was dangerous. 一起联手了,这次那人危险了。 The Lin Feng body has transferred, passes the light of realm of the devil eye pupil to stare at the crowd, the murderous intention is intense. 林枫身体转过,透着魔道之光的眼眸盯着人群,杀机强烈。 „, Kills together.” “一起、杀。” „The anger of snow eats delicacies.” “雪之怒啸。” The meaning of billowing snow and ice roared the past toward Lin Feng, the place visited space as if must freeze, fearful attacks, complete bang to Lin Feng. 滚滚的冰雪之意朝着林枫咆哮过去,所过之处空间都仿佛要冻结了,一道道可怕的攻击,全部轰向林枫 Snow concentrates.” Also shouted angrily to resound together, shortly snow and ice will have blown, blew on the body of Lin Feng, instantaneous, the body of Lin Feng was wrapped by the snow, was only the flash, by snow and ice cling, complete burying in snow. “雪凝。”又是一道怒喝响起,顷刻间一阵冰雪刮过,刮在林枫的身上,瞬间,林枫的身体被雪包裹在了其中,只是一瞬间,就被冰雪卷住了,完全的埋葬在了雪中。 Dies.” Other people release the formidable attack, one time must massacre to the bang Lin Feng. “去死。”其他人纷纷释放出强大的攻击,一次就要将林枫给轰杀掉。 Bang, bang and bang......” fearful attack entire tribes on the body of Lin Feng, bang of terrifying advantage fists also after these attacks killed that group to wrap in the middle of the Lin Feng snow and ice. “轰、轰、轰……”一道道可怕的攻击全部落在林枫的身上,一道道恐怖的利拳在那些攻击之后也轰杀了那团包裹林枫的冰雪当中。 Died, Lin Feng is fierce, even if fascinated, eventually is not the matches of these many people, dying somewhat was a pity.” Looks at that fist by the snow and ice bang on the body of Lin Feng, the crowd said in the heart secretly that this strikes, the Lin Feng whole body was shaken disrupts, died inevitably, moves does not have the sound. “死了,林枫再厉害,即便入魔,终究不是这么多人的对手,死的有些可惜了。”看着那一道道拳头透过冰雪轰在林枫的身上,人群在心中暗暗说道,这一击,林枫全身都被震碎裂了吧,必然是死了,动都没有动静。 „!” A strength of wreaking havoc coagulates to blow off in that snow and ice that group, reveals that black form, the ice-cold pupil opens as in that the circulation of bunch of fearful demon light on him are restless, let the heart of crowd, maliciously trembles. “嗤嗤!”一股肆虐的力量将那一团凝固在那的冰雪都吹散来,露出那黑色的身影,冰冷的瞳孔依旧是睁开在那,一团团可怕的魔光在他身上流转不息,让人群的心,狠狠的一颤。 Thus, hasn't died? 这样,还不死? Burns!” The indifferent sound puts out from the mouth of Lin Feng together, a black flame towering combustion of dying out, this flame following his body, through his arm, instantaneous combustion at these fist bang in him ** in crowd. “焚!”一道冷漠的声音从林枫的嘴中吐出,一股寂灭的黑色火焰突兀的燃烧了起来,这股火焰顺着他的身体,通过他的手臂,瞬间燃烧在了那些拳头轰在他**上的人群身上。 „......” The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound spreads together, immediately pitiful sounds continuously, these people, lived flame completely, fearful flame, moreover was passing several points of blackness, seemed the demon is the same, Demonic Fire. “啊……”一道凄厉的惨叫声传出,随即一声声凄惨之声此起彼伏,那些人身上,全部生起了一股火焰,可怕的火焰,而且还透着几分漆黑,仿佛是魔一样,魔火 Flame will!” “火焰意志!” The powerhouses in Tianchi changed countenance, until now, Lin Feng, he has displayed his three strengths of wills, the Swordsmanship will and wind will, as well as, flame will. 那些天池的强者都动容了,到现在为止,林枫,他已经展现了他的三种意志的力量,剑道意志、风之意志,以及,火焰意志。 A person, controls three wills the strengths . Moreover the strength of will, is very strong, three wills in the twofold above, this perception, were too completely fearful, many people, is a will are unable to comprehend the control, even if were Ninth Xuan Qi Layer many people cannot comprehend, this need chance and need formidable perception ability. 一个人,掌控三种意志的力量,而且意志的力量,都很强大,三种意志全部都在两重以上,这种悟性,太可怕了,许多人,是一种意志都无法领悟掌控,即便是玄武境九重的许多人都没能领悟得了,这需要机缘、需要强大的悟性能力。 Has not waited for them from shocking to sober, the Lin Feng form disappeared suddenly, above Tianchi, presented a remnant shade, such as gust blows has been same, dodges passes. 还没等他们从震撼中清醒过来,林枫的身影突然消失了,天池之上,出现了道道残影,就如一阵风刮过一样,一闪即逝。 Bang, bang, bang and bang......” remain silent to spread, as if also spreads in the flash, but the crowd saw that forms were rumbled to result in the body to blast out directly, crashes into the middle of cold Tianchi, immediately frozen becomes together the ice sculpture. “轰、轰、轰、轰……”一道道闷声传出,仿佛是在一瞬间同时传出,而人群就看到一道道身影直接被轰得身体都炸开来,坠入寒冷的天池当中,随即被冰封成为一块冰雕。 The death, powerhouses, were killed by the Lin Feng bang, when Lin Feng changes to the black light beam to stand in together void, the form gradually becomes clear, these collaborate to kill the Lin Feng person, actually completely died, has not remained, in the short flash, was massacred by the Lin Feng bang. 死,一个个强者,被林枫轰杀,当林枫化作一道黑色的光束站在虚空,身影渐渐变得清晰起来,那些联手要杀林枫的人,却已经全部都死了,一个都没剩,在短暂的一瞬间,被林枫轰杀掉。 Movement of wind and good fearful wind.” “风、好可怕的风之身法。” Too quick, Lin Feng to their eyes cannot follow, unable to see clearly quickly, is not only quick, but is ruthless and formidable, when a fist kills one person, the wind has, murder, the wind falls, the person died. 太快了,林枫快到他们的眼睛都跟不上,看不清,不仅是快,而是狠、强大,一拳杀一人,风起、杀人时,风落,人已死。 A moment ago, should be movement martial skill, he has practiced very fierce movement martial skill.” “刚才,应该是身法武技,他修炼了非常厉害的身法武技。” Powerhouse of Tianchi can look, Lin Feng the will of wind came from movement martial skill, this movement, very possible is day of level cultivation technique. 天池的强者一眼就看得出来,林枫的风之意志从身法武技中而来,这身法,很可能是天级功法 It seems like this child body, many secrets. 看来此子的身上,有很多秘密。 Gives me to get down.” At this time, together the sound of cold drinking spread, is riding the attention of crowd completely the flash on Lin Feng, many people have gotten rid suddenly, did not have the person of heart of least bit guard rumbling the Tianchi edge the side, eliminated. “给我下去。”就在这时候,一道冷喝之声传出,乘着人群的注意力全部都在林枫身上的这一刹那,很多人遽然间出手了,将身旁没有半点防范之心的人给轰下了天池边缘,淘汰。 Go away.” “滚。” Goes back.” Many people get rid, probably was anything is lit, was only instantaneously on thorough chaotic. “回去。”许多人都纷纷出手,好像是什么被点燃了般,只是瞬间就彻底的乱了起来。 The body passes fearful spirit Lin Feng is also standing in Tianchi place above, however nobody was beginning to kill him at this moment, other people do not dare, the Lin Feng strength is too terrorist, can kill Eighth Xuan Qi Layer easily, even the ordinary Ninth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse, is too stirring. 身上透着可怕气息林枫还站在天池的正上方,然而此刻已经没有人在动手杀他了,其他人不敢了,林枫的实力太恐怖,轻易能杀玄武境八重,甚至普通玄武境九重的强者、太震撼人心。 The Lin Feng ice-cold pupil takes a fast look around crowd, the fairyhood as if has not been removing, however at this moment, Tang Youyou footsteps one cross, arrives at side Lin Feng, said: Lin Feng, controls itself.” 林枫冰冷的眸子扫视着人群,魔性似乎还未褪去,然而就在这时,唐幽幽的脚步一跨,来到林枫身边,道:“林枫,控制住自己。” Scoffs!” The extremely slight sound comes toward here together, body of Tang Youyou maliciously trembles, stiff, faces the Lin Feng complexion to be instantaneous, the corners of the mouth, are infiltrating a wisp of bloodstain. “嗤!”一道极其细微的声音朝着这边呼啸而来,唐幽幽的身体狠狠的一颤,僵硬了下,面对着林枫的脸色瞬间惨白,嘴角,渗着一缕血迹。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” slight sound unceasing spreading, a Tang Youyou fist bang on the body of Lin Feng, shouted to clear the way: Go away.” “嗤、嗤……”细微的声响不断的传出,唐幽幽一拳轰在林枫的身上,喝道:“走开。” Penetrates the body of Tang Youyou to the peak silver needle thin directly, immediately continues to face forward, thorn to Lin Feng, if were not a Tang Youyou palm drove out a moment ago him, this silver needle, entered his within the body. 细到极致的银针直接穿透唐幽幽的身体,随即继续朝前,刺向林枫,若非是刚才唐幽幽一掌将他轰开来,这银针,就已经进入他体内了。 Youyou.” Heart of Lin Feng maliciously trembles, immediately that two silver needle seemed being drawn by the fine lace, reverses to return, passes through the body of Tang Youyou once more, making Tang Youyou put out a blood, the heart [lineage/vein] is damaged. 幽幽。”林枫的心脏狠狠的一颤,随即那两更银针仿佛被细线拉着,又逆转而回,再次穿过唐幽幽的身体,让唐幽幽又吐出一口鲜血,心脉受损。 Wind gets up for nine days.” Lin Feng body one cross, Tang Youyou that such as the form of wind will tenesmus directly holds in the arms, the complexion had several points of pale meaning unexpectedly. “风起九天。”林枫身体一跨,如风的身影直接将下坠的唐幽幽搂住,脸色竟有了几分苍白之意。 Scoffs, scoffs, scoffs at and scoffs at......” grating slight sounds series to howl, gains ground, can see throws over in long gown youth both hands of pale interaction completely is being the silver needles, unceasing punctures toward below Lin Feng and Tang Youyou, as if must make them in the deathtrap. “嗤、嗤、嗤、嗤……”一道道刺耳的细微声响连环呼啸,抬起头,就能够看到一披着青白相间的长袍青年双手间全部都是银针,不断的朝着下方的林枫唐幽幽刺下,仿佛要制他们于死地。 „The Chiba needle has gotten rid, is really sinister enough, gets rid fatally.” “千叶针出手了,果然够毒辣,一出手就致命。” The crowd looks at void that form secret passage, Chiba needle, person, if needle, quick ruthless, kills people like the hemp, so long as some people were staring by him, must die without doubt, he always seeks revenge for the slightest grievance. 人群看着虚空中的那道身影暗道一声,千叶针,人如其针,快准狠,杀人如麻,只要有人被他盯着,必死无疑,他从来都是睚眦必报的。 Moreover, he had revealed to Tianchi Xue the meaning of admire, the people know that Lin Feng disrespects to Tianchi Xue, now, Chiba needle directly under ruthless spicy method to Tang Youyou, even wants one time to strike to kill them, is too poisonous and is too ruthless, is fierce. 而且,他曾经向天池雪表露过爱慕之意,众人都知道,林枫天池雪不敬,现在,千叶针直接对唐幽幽下狠辣的手段,甚至想要一次将他们两个人都击杀,太毒、太狠,也厉害。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 746 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第746章 Sinister needle address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 毒辣的针地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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