PMG :: Volume #3

#745: Evil spirit Italy release

The Lin Feng back to sable robe youth, the black robe is fluttering, infiltrates the air/Qi of white snow to be incompatible with Tianchi in bit by bit, the Tianchi Xue mountain, is cold cold, but Lin Feng, is indifferent cold. 林枫背对着貂袍青年,黑袍飘动,与天池中渗着着白雪之气格格不入,天池雪山,是寒冷的冷,而林枫,是冷漠的冷。 Oneself leave.” In the Lin Feng mouth has put out a sound, a moment ago, that indifferent thinking wrote off the opposite party direct sword, however he has actually struggled in the final moment heart, he has chosen the forgiveness eventually, has not killed the opposite party. “自己滚吧。”林枫嘴中吐出了一道声音,刚才,那一颗冷漠的心想将对方直接一剑抹杀,然而他在最后的关头心却挣扎了下,他终究选择了饶恕,没有杀对方。 Regarding this point, sable robe youth very clear, at that moment, his clear feeling the death had been away from him a moment ago that near, only needs the Lin Feng error in thought that now he is a deceased person. 对于这一点,貂袍青年非常的清楚,在刚才那一刻,他清晰的感觉到了死亡距离他是那么的近,只需要林枫一念之差,现在他就已经是个死人。 Footsteps one cross, the youth stepped directly Tianchi, has chosen departure. 脚步一跨,青年直接跨下了天池,选择了离开。 The crowd looks at Lin Feng, the heart shocks, a sword, Lin Feng copes with the sable robe man, same, only needs a sword. 人群则一个个都看着林枫,心头震撼,一剑,林枫对付貂袍男子,一样,只需一剑。 Even with is the Eighth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse, has not seen clearly this sword, they, only felt the fearfulness of this sword, is the whole person changed to a handle sword thoroughly, the person, with the sword coincides. 甚至很多同为玄武境八重的强者,都没有将这一剑看清楚来,他们,只感受到了这一剑的可怕,是整个人化作了一柄剑,人、彻底的与剑相合。 Lin Feng, absolutely is harmony of nature and man boundary, he has satisfied strided in a Tian Qi important basis. 林枫,绝对是天人合一的境界,他已经满足了跨入天武的一个重要基础。 When, he arrived at the Xuan Qi Layer peak on , the opportunity arrived, the heart did not have the distracting thoughts, can all thoroughly abandon, thorough melted with the world, at that time, was Tian Qi. 若是哪一日,他到达玄武境巅峰之时,机遇来到,心无杂念,能够将所有的一切都彻底抛开来,彻彻底底的与天地相融,那时候,便为天武 The harmony of nature and man, has hindered many people the dreams of Tian Qi. 天人合一,阻碍了许多人的天武之梦。 This person, is not good to cope, only if very fierce Ninth Xuan Qi Layer can cope with him, his Swordsmanship will, should have Third Layer.” “此人,不好对付,除非很厉害的玄武境九重才可以对付得了他,他的剑道意志,应该也有三重了。” Lin Feng ponders in the heart darkly, which without stood to with Lin Feng alone fight again, was very dangerous, possibly directly by Lin Feng eliminating. 林枫在心中暗忖,没有哪个再站出来要和林枫独自战斗了,很危险,可能直接会被林枫给淘汰掉。 Interesting.” At this time, a body shoulders the Ancient Sword youth to say with a smile in a low voice, this person of whole body wears the white clothing, such as white of snow, stands in that he probably in the snow with world fused was the same, even, his 3000 worry silk, was the white, snow color white, from top to bottom, pure white and snow white. “有意思。”此时,一身上背负着古剑的青年低声笑道,此人浑身都穿着白衣,如雪的白,站在那,他就好像与天地之间的雪相融合了一样,甚至,就连他的3000烦恼丝,也都是白色,雪色的白,从上到下,纯白、雪白。 Bai Li Xi!” 百里奚!” eyesight of crowd falls on this whole body such as on the youth of snow, the eyesight twinkle is uncertain, if Bai Li Xi gets rid, can definitely cope with Lin Feng, however by the Bai Li Xi prestige, he will be impossible to get rid to Lin Feng, will comprehend the Bai Li Xi of will and sword will of snow, cultivation base will be Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, the strength is fearful, will be the Tianchi empire young generation of outstanding person, many people will know him. 人群的目光落在这浑身如雪的青年身上,目光闪烁不定,若是百里奚出手,肯定能对付得了林枫吧,然而以百里奚的威名,他不可能会对林枫出手的,领悟雪之意志与剑之意志的百里奚,修为玄武境九重,实力可怕,是天池帝国年轻一辈的佼佼者,许多人都知道他。 In the middle of this time eight big seat, should have the Bai Li Xi name. 这一次的八大席位当中,也应该会有百里奚的名字。 Besides Bai Li Xi, the Tianchi empire several people are to also be considered as can enter in the middle of these eight seats ironclad, for example jade surface student Han Qiuyu and this person use the sword similarly, but actually the non- sword cultivates, his Battle Spirit also extremely unusual, is heterogeneous Battle Spirit book Battle Spirit, is very rare, in its book Battle Spirit, it is said records many Confucians to say the ancient book, in the book, has the world, has controlled many strong capabilities, is fierce, rarely has the person is his match. 除了百里奚之外,天池帝国还有几人是被认为是铁定能够进入这八个席位当中,比如玉面书生寒秋雨、此人同样用剑,但却非剑修,他的武魂也极其的奇特,乃是异种武魂武魂,很罕见,其书武魂之中,据说记载着许多儒道典籍,书中,自有天地,掌控了许多强大能力,非常厉害,鲜有人是他对手。 However Han Qiuyu this person is temperate, generally with the person battle, such as the honest student is different, has not displayed the meaning of admire to Tianchi Xue, therefore he is impossible to cope with Lin Feng. 然而寒秋雨此人性情温和,一般不与人争斗,就如老实书生一样,对天池雪也没有表现出来过爱慕之意,因此他也不可能对付林枫 Besides Tianchi Xue, Bai Li Xi as well as Han Qiuyu, Bi luo Huang Quan \ Yellow Springs pair of twin brother and sister, strength very fierce, collaborated is the terrifying. 天池雪百里奚以及寒秋雨外,碧落黄泉一对孪生兄妹,实力非常的厉害,联起手来更是恐怖。 These five people, cultivation base completely is Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, by the crowd is thought steps into the optiman in mystical place. 这五人,修为全部都是玄武境九重,被人群认为是踏入秘境的最佳人选。 The sixth person, the Chiba needle, this person of cultivation base compares to be inferior with the front five people, only then Eighth Xuan Qi Layer, but he excels, unexpectedly is the extremely slight needle, Battle Spirit is also the needle, is quite rare, kills without showing blood, the unusual danger, he is also favored. 还有第六人,名千叶针,此人修为与前面五人比不如,只有玄武境八重,但他擅长的,竟然是极其细微的针,武魂也是针,极为罕见,杀人不见血,非常的危险,他也被人看好。 Moreover this person, he to Tianchi Xue, has the meaning of admire, therefore, he is regarded as possibly copes with Lin Feng as well as the Huangfu Long person. 而且此人,他对天池雪,有爱慕之意,所以,他被视为最可能对付林枫以及皇甫龙的人。 Besides these six people, other person of possible fame they not to be big, must scramble for other two seats, naturally, possibly presents formidable existence, can catch up with Xiatianchi that six people. 除了这六个人外,其他人可能名气没有他们大,就要去争夺另外的两个席位了,当然,也可能出现强大的存在,能将那六个人赶下天池。 Lin Feng has brought to the attention of Bai Li Xi, does not know the Chiba needle, whether will get rid to Lin Feng.” eyesight of crowd has transferred slowly, falls, in a body is thin, on facial color several points of indifferent makings youth, the sharp face, on indifferent him is actually passing dangerous spirit, this person Chiba needle. 林枫都已经引起了百里奚的注意了,不知道千叶针,是否会对林枫出手。”人群的目光缓缓转过,落在一身体瘦削、面色略带几分淡然气质的青年身上,尖脸,淡然的他身上却透着危险的气息,此人正是千叶针。 However the Chiba needle as if had not actually realized that eyesight of people are same, without any response, that tranquil eye pupil, making other people unable to obtain any information from his eye. 然而千叶针却仿佛是没有察觉到众人的目光一样,没有任何反应,那平静的眼眸,让其他人也无法从他的眼中得到什么信息。 Perhaps, this person may becomes a position that occupies in eight big seats.” Below crowd looks up to numerous powerhouses above Tianchi, in the eye pupil is passing the meaning of several points of anticipation, the dark horse that this kills suddenly, can a sword write off the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse, may be promoted very much, accompanies Tianchi Xue to stride in the mystical place together. “也许,此人有可能成为占据八大席位中的一个位置。”下方的人群仰望天池之上的众多强者,眼眸中透着几分期待之意,这突然杀出的黑马,能够一剑抹杀玄武境九重的强者,很有可能晋级,随同天池雪一起跨入秘境中。 These shout the Lin Feng crowd complexion that must cope with be not quite attractive a moment ago, looked at each other in blank diamay, some time ago, they clamored unusual was fierce, now facing the strength that Lin Feng shocks, they actually silent, does not know that should not know what to do. 刚才那些嚷嚷着要对付的林枫的人群脸色不大好看了,面面相觑,不久前,他们可是叫嚣的非常厉害,现在面对林枫震撼的实力,他们却都沉默了起来,不知该如何是好。 We begin, he is fierce, we also only need to attack together, can rumble to massacre him, does not believe him to evade.” The start to talk that some people let somebody cool off or calm down suddenly, on this face is passing several points of gloomy spirit, he discovered that the threat of Lin Feng is very big, even if not, because he insulted Tianchi Xue a moment ago, must eliminate to be good him first. “我们一齐动手,他再厉害,我们也只需要一道攻击,就能够将他轰杀掉,不信他能躲过。”有人突然冷冷的开口,这人脸上透着几分阴沉的气息,他发现林枫的威胁很大,即便不因为刚才他欺辱天池雪,也要将他先淘汰掉才好。 At this time, Lin Feng cultivation base, has caused crowd the meaning of envy, must eliminate him, even also had the life to leave killing intent. 此时,林枫修为,已经引起了人群的嫉妒之意,要将他淘汰掉,甚至还有人生出了杀意 The Lin Feng body has transferred suddenly, the ice-cold cold glow stared at that to open the mouth a moment ago the person of speech, can collaborate to massacre him together? 林枫身体霍然间转过,冰冷的寒芒盯着那刚才开口说话之人,要一起联手杀掉他? This flash, that indifferent meaning in Lin Feng heart instantaneously fled, who must kill him, must die, that had a moment ago pities, becomes in the opposite party killing intent voice nothing left. 这一瞬间,林枫心中的那股冷漠之意又瞬间窜了出来,谁要杀他,一定要死,刚才生出的那一丝怜悯,在对方杀意的话音中变得荡然无存。 By Lin Feng that the demon sword puzzles, is very unstable, the opposite party words, are touching Demonic Fire of Lin Feng within the body without doubt. 被魔剑所困扰的林枫,很不稳定,对方的话,无疑是在触动林枫体内的魔火 Right, everybody gets rid together, an attack sufficiently strikes to massacre him.” “对,大家一起出手,一次攻击就足以将他击杀掉。” Right, collaborated to kill him.” “对,联手杀了他。” Crowds roar to make noise, heart of Lin Feng, more and more cold, in the middle of mind, reappeared Xue yue to have all, bleeding. 一个个人群都吼出声来,林枫的心,越来越冷了起来,脑海当中,又浮现了雪月发生一切,流血的一幕幕。 The ruthless \ Wu Qing world, the heart of person, is most virulent. 无情的世界,人的心,最恶毒。 „It is not good.” Demon intent secret passage that Tang Youyou sees on Lin Feng increased, this group of people went too far, Lin Feng as if has not done the matter of any seething discontent among the people, now envies the Lin Feng person, wants to remove Lin Feng taking advantage of wind this wind, was too vicious. “不好。”唐幽幽看到林枫身上正在攀升的魔意暗道一声,这群人太过分了,林枫似乎也没有做过什么天怒人怨之事吧,现在就连嫉妒林枫的人,都想借这股风除掉林枫,太狠毒了。 You, court death.” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out ices the cold sound together, that pair of dark pupil glance crowd, the light of circulation body realm of the devil, shortly, will touch the people of Lin Feng eye pupil to feel a cold biting cold indifferent meaning. “你们、找死。”林枫的嘴中吐出一道冰寒的声音,那双黑暗的瞳孔扫视人群,身上魔道之光流转,顷刻间,触及到林枫眼眸的人都感觉到一股寒彻骨的冷漠之意。 Footsteps one cross, the body of Lin Feng moved, just started saying that toward that must kill his person to move. 脚步一跨,林枫的身体动了,朝着那刚开始说要杀他的人动了。 That human eye pupil one stiff, shouts: Has killed him together.” 那人眼眸一僵,喊道:“一起杀了他。” The voice falls, he rumbles to attack together, toward to the Lin Feng bang that he oppressed in the past, many other people also in abundance moved, a Yuan strength howled, together the bang to Lin Feng, above Tianchi, completely was wreaking havoc a Yuan strength, was very fearful, must tear the body of Lin Feng. 话音落下,他率先轰出一道攻击,朝着向他压迫过来的林枫轰过去,其他许多人也纷纷动了,真元之力呼啸,一起轰向林枫,天池之上,全部都是肆虐的真元力量,很可怕,要将林枫的身体撕裂掉。 Bang!” The formidable attack falls on the body of Lin Feng, however made one that the crowd shocked appear, Lin Feng, moved has not moved, resists does not have, hard anti- an attack, the body has stood one's ground steadfastly , to continue to face forward to step forward, that pair of ice-cold pupil stared is shouting must first kill his person, making the body of opposite party shiver. “轰!”强大的攻击落在林枫的身上,然而让人群震撼的一幕出现了,林枫,动都未动,抵挡都没有,硬抗了一道攻击,身体岿然不动,继续朝前跨出,那双冰冷的瞳孔盯着最先嚷嚷着要杀他的人,让对方的身体都颤抖了起来。 Bang, bang and bang!” Attack bang on the body of Lin Feng , the bang in the heart of Lin Feng, lets his heart, more and more cold. “轰、轰、轰!”一道道攻击轰在林枫的身上,也轰在林枫的心中,让他的心,越来越冷了起来。 Kills!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, the air/Qi of terrifying realm of the devil bloomed suddenly, black long gown crazy waving, the jet black palm changed to the palm of realm of the devil, grasped directly toward the person of front. “杀!”林枫怒喝一声,恐怖的魔道之气遽然间绽放而出,黑色的长袍疯狂的舞动,漆黑的手掌化作魔道之掌,直接朝着面前之人抓去。 That person of footsteps stare, retrocedes again and again, however that seems like the slow palm actually instantaneously descends, covered his throat. 那人脚步一瞪,连连后退,然而那看似缓慢的手掌却瞬间降落,扣住了他的咽喉。 Lets off me.” The body shivered slightly, in his eye pupil shows the frightened look, Lin Feng at this moment, good quite to be coldly and fearful, looks like the demon is the same. “放过我。”身体微微颤抖了下,他的眼眸中露出恐惧的神色,此刻的林枫,好冷、好可怕,就像是魔一样。 Insane, this person, will be insane and melt the demon. 疯了、此人,会疯、化魔。 You want me dead, I let off you!” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out the cold piercing sound, the palm trembles together slightly, a sound, that person of head one crooked, death! “你要我死,我放过你!”林枫的嘴中吐出一道寒冷刺骨的声音,手掌微微一颤,咔嚓的一道声响,那人的脑袋一歪,死! After having killed him, the eye pupil of Lin Feng has transferred, the ice cold pupil looks that wants to drive him to commit suicide the person, the air/Qi of realm of the devil, is wreaking havoc! 杀了他之后,林枫的眼眸转过,冰寒的瞳孔看着那一个个想要置他于死地的人,魔道之气,在肆虐! : Today is busy, one, will meet many yards several chapters tomorrow, thanked hitting of brothers to enjoy for these days, asks the power. :今天忙,还有一更,明天会多码几章,谢谢这几天来兄弟们的打赏,求动力。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 745 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第745章 Demon intent release address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 魔意释放地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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