PMG :: Volume #3

#744: The sword absorbs the groups of heroes

Lin Feng also knows to bear patiently, knows this low key, he once received gradually influencing of Xiao Lao, the smiling face so was once clean and bright. 林枫也知道隐忍,知道该低调,他曾经受萧老的熏陶,笑容曾那么的干净、灿烂。 However after that day, that sunlight smiling face left him to go again, on him also had the demon sword, he depended upon the demon air/Qi of Demon Seal stone suppression body, however the person was impossible not affected, for example on present him the association is bringing indifferent spirit, making people feel that was very difficult to approach. 然而在那一日之后,那阳光般的笑容再一次离他而去,他身上还有魔剑,他依靠封魔石镇压身体的魔气,然而人却不可能一点不受影响,比如如今的他身上总会带着一股冷漠的气息,让人感觉很难靠近。 On that day to him, was too cruel, perhaps the humane cruelty, his following road wanted two, moved toward the darkness, walked into the realm of the devil, such, his murdering heavy, his vicious tendencies, everybody will dread the fear in him. 那一日对他而言,太残忍,人性的残忍,也许他接下来的路只要两条,一路走向黑暗,走入魔道,那样,他身上的杀伐会更加的重,他的戾气会更加的强,人人都畏惧恐惧于他。 The second article the road, transforms one time, all return in originally, if so, to Lin Feng, will be a new student, a breakthrough. 第二条路,重新蜕变一次,一切都回归于本来,若能如此,对林枫而言,将又是一次新生,一次突破。 However present Lin Feng will not ponder these, he had not pondered that the old man said finally keeps the eight people above Tianchi, can enter the mystical place, other more than 90 people, must be eliminated completely, Tianchi Xue also in the middle of the crowd, this will be round brutal elimination, what will be more fearful, the matter also not, therefore in that flash that the old man voice dropped, had many cold light descended in Lin Feng directly instantaneously. 不过现在的林枫不会去思考这些,他也没有思考,老者说最后留在天池之上的八人,才能进入秘境,其余90余人,全部要被淘汰,天池雪也在人群当中,这将是一轮残酷的淘汰,更可怕的是,刚才的事还未了,因此在老者话音落下的那一刹那,瞬间有许多道冷光直接降落在了林枫的身上。 These eyesight, are very completely cold, is passing the bad meaning, Lin Feng dares to move including Tianchi Xue a moment ago, latter to boast shamelessly, they stared at Lin Feng. 这些目光,全部都很冷,透着不善之意,刚才林枫天池雪都敢动,后又大言不惭,他们都盯上了林枫 The body of Tang Youyou has depended toward Lin Feng, by thousand shades like the dream, she also smoothly has certainly won the second round seat. 唐幽幽的身体朝着林枫靠了靠,凭借千影如梦,她当然也顺利拿到了第二轮的一个席位。 „, Where this person does not know comes out, dares to move including Tianchi Xue, how first catches up with Xiatianchi him?” Some people are pointing at Lin Feng, suggested that they did not have to get rid to Lin Feng directly, because they do not think, when killed the Lin Feng bang received other people's sneak attack to overcome Tianchi immediately. “诸位,此人不知道从哪里出来,连天池雪都敢动,先将他赶下天池如何?”有人指着林枫,建议道,他们没有直接对林枫出手,因为他们不想在将林枫轰杀的时候自己随即就受到他人的偷袭打下天池。 He, was too impolite.” Also some people aim at Huangfu Long, indifferent [say / way]. “还有他,太无礼了。”也有人指向皇甫龙,冷漠的道。 The people nod in abundance, these two, must rumble first Xiatianchi. 众人纷纷点头,这两人,一定要先轰下天池去。 However, who begins, rumbles to get down them? 但是,谁来动手,将他们两人轰下去? The crowd is staring at the opposite party, over thinks, over does not dare, they did not fear one could not rumble Lin Feng as well as Huangfu Long, what they feared was man's heart unfathomable, some people of dark evil behind-the-scenes manipulators. 人群纷纷凝视着对方,都想出头,又不敢出头,他们不怕自己轰不了林枫以及皇甫龙,他们怕的是人心叵测,有人暗施黑手。 I cope with him, but must make me have the extra worries first.” The person of that Eighth Xuan Qi Layer peak was pointing at Lin Feng a moment ago, his eyebrow extremely conspicuous, such as snow and snow eyebrow, moreover was curving like the crescent moon, provoked the brow time brought the air/Qi of several points of dignity. “我来对付他,但是诸位先要让我有后顾之忧吧。”刚才那玄武境八重巅峰之人指着林枫,他的眉毛极为的显眼,如雪、雪眉,而且如月牙般弯曲,挑动眉头的时候自带几分威严之气。 Ok, we were guaranteeing to saintess, before you return to oneself position, does not move you, otherwise, will certainly receive other crowds to attack.” Some person of clear and resonant voice said. “可以,我们对着圣女保证,在你回到自己位置之前,绝不动你,否则,必将受到其他人群攻。”有人朗声说道。 Right, we agreed that if who seizes the chance to sneak attack you, is mean and shameless, attacks the audience crowd.” The sound that echoes continuously, that snow eyebrow youth then nodded, Tianchi Xue here, these people said in this, should not care about own face to sneak attack to him, he can feel relieved that coped with Lin Feng. “对,我们都同意,谁若是趁机偷袭你,便是卑鄙无耻,将受众人群攻。”附和的声音此起彼伏,那雪眉青年这才点了点头,天池雪在这里,这些人说道这份上了,应该不会不顾及自己的脸对他偷袭了,他可以放心对付林枫 Such being the case, I cope with him, should also be able not to guarantee to my dark under heavy hand.” Also the person walks, is pointing at Lin Feng not far away Huangfu Long, first rumbles these two people. “既然如此,我来对付他,诸位应该也能保证不对我暗下辣手吧。”又有一人走出来,指着林枫不远处的皇甫龙,先将这两个人轰下去。 Does not have the issue, is the same with him, before you return to the position, who gets rid to you, is mean, spurns as well as attacks the audience person.” “没问题,和他一样,在你回到位置之前,谁对你出手,便是卑鄙,将受众人唾弃以及攻击。” Some people make him feel at ease with the voice, that person nodded, eyesight sweeps to Huangfu Long, the ice-cold cold air blooms directly. 有人用话音让他安心,那人点了点头,目光扫向皇甫龙,冰冷的寒气直接绽放。 I first came.” “那我就先来了。” Drinks one coldly, this person of footsteps one cross, goes toward Huangfu Long directly, cold air perhaps blooms from his body, crazy plunging Huangfu Long, the whole person, carries the extremely cold incorruptible air/Qi. 冷喝一声,这人脚步一跨,直接朝着皇甫龙而去,恐怕的寒气从他的身上绽放,疯狂的扑向皇甫龙,整个人,携带极其寒冷的冰霜之气。 Come.” Huangfu Long shouted to clear the way frank, footsteps one cross, got rid to meet the enemy on own initiative, the right hand held up, snow crazy revolving, released from his fist from wild terrifying spirit. “来吧。”皇甫龙爽朗喝道,脚步一跨,主动出手迎敌,右手举起,雪疯狂的旋转,一股来自蛮荒的恐怖气息从他的拳中释放。 Boils to me.” “给我滚开。” Bang!” “轰!” Huangfu Long gives a loud shout, with an opposite party hard bang fist, that wild fearful spirit thorough blooms, the body of opposite party was sealed up by Xue Bing instantaneously, cold air that he blooms at this moment counterattack, the whole person changes to an ice sculpture, shoots toward the distant place, immediately descends to go toward under of Tianchi. 皇甫龙大喝一声,与对方硬轰一拳,那股蛮荒的可怕气息彻底的绽放开来,对方的身体瞬间被雪冰封住,就连他自己绽放的寒气都在这一刻逆袭,整个人化作一座冰雕,朝着远处射去,随即朝着天池的下方降落而去。 Drops Tianchi, was eliminated. 落下天池,被淘汰。 Huangfu Long stands in the middle of void, observes the situation crowd that was frightened, the body is passing the arbitrary air/Qi. 皇甫龙站在虚空当中,环视那一个个被震慑住的人群,身上透着蛮横之气。 Remember, I called Big Pest, I must marry Tianchi Xue for wife's man.” “记住,我叫大害虫,我是要娶天池雪为妻子的男人。” Huangfu Long gives a loud shout, immediately returns the edge to Tianchi, appears extremely natural, old-style fan device. 皇甫龙大喝一声,随即退回到天池的边缘,显得极其的潇洒、拉风。 His spirit, was seeping a good fearful strength a moment ago!” The crowd is staring at Huangfu Long, this person, is not good to cope. “刚才他身上的气息,渗透着一股好可怕的力量!”人群盯着皇甫龙,此人,不好对付。 eyesight of crowd, falls temporarily is shifting to the body of Lin Feng, they look to that snow eyebrow youth, the first Lin Feng solution, then copes with Huangfu Long. 人群的目光,暂时都落在转移到林枫的身上,他们看向那雪眉青年,先将林枫解决,再对付皇甫龙 I make him leave first.” “那我让他先滚下去吧。” The brow of snow eyebrow youth selects, ideal condition of the snow descends on Lin Feng, in the Tianchi empire, in all directions is the snows, snowflake that as well as floats, therefore the snow cultivates, are most, some perception formidable youth, comprehended the wills of different snow, such as this snow eyebrow youth, the will of his snow, is the movement, such as the snow natural movement, cannot completely understand and cannot feel. 雪眉青年的眉头一挑,一股雪之意境降落在林枫身上,在天池帝国,四处都是雪,以及飘飘洒洒的雪花,因此雪修,最多,一些悟性强大的青年,也领悟了不同的雪之意志,就如这雪眉青年,他的雪之意志,是身法,如雪般潇洒的身法,看不透、摸不着。 Footsteps cross, chill in the air crazy throws toward Lin Feng, the body of snow eyebrow youth became somewhat illusory, in all directions was his person's shadow, from time to time appeared in this, appears from time to time in that looked does not understand that which was genuine he, ascertained airtight. 脚步跨,寒意疯狂的朝着林枫扑过去,雪眉青年的身体变得有几分虚幻了起来,四处都是他的人影,时而出现在这、时而出现在那,看不明白哪一个是真正的他,捉摸不透。 Indecently.” The sound puts out from the mouth of Lin Feng together, immediately the crowd saw him to move, the whole person, changed to a handle sword, has shot straightly, quick, arrived quickly inconceivable, but the instantaneous crowd as if saw the illusory snowflake static, bang sound of the bang spread, making their eye pupils maliciously trembled. “不堪入目。”一道声音从林枫的嘴中吐出,随即人群看到他动了,整个人,化作一柄剑,笔直的射了出去,快、快到不可思议,只是瞬间人群就仿佛看到了虚幻的雪花静止了下来,轰隆的一道巨响之声传出,让他们的眼眸狠狠的一颤。 Snow eyebrow youth body changes to the arch, the complexion distortion, the corners of the mouth blowout blood, the movement of that faintly recognizable snow, without the least bit function, Lin Feng was only the twinkling runs out arrived at his front, rumbled to fly him. 雪眉青年身体化作弓形,脸色扭曲,嘴角喷出鲜血,那飘渺的雪之身法,没有半点作用,林枫只是瞬息冲出就到了他的面前,将他轰飞。 Another person was eliminated. 又一个人被淘汰了。 Crowd eyesight somewhat is stiff, is not only Huangfu Long is not good to cope, Lin Feng, is not similarly good to cope, that fearful speed, contained the will of wind a moment ago, but attack, then contained the sharp will of Swordsmanship, so relaxed strikes to go well, the twinkling flies the opposite party bang. 人群目光微有些僵硬,不但是皇甫龙不好对付,林枫,同样不好对付,刚才那可怕的速度,蕴含了风之意志在其中,而攻击,则蕴含了剑道的锋锐意志,才如此轻松的一击得手,瞬息将对方轰飞。 Lin Feng, he comprehended two strengths of different wills, the will and Swordsmanship will wind, only if the will compared with him, or cultivation base is higher than him, otherwise has resulted in him very much formidabe. 林枫,他领悟了两种不同意志的力量,风之意志、剑道意志,除非意志比他强,或者修为比他高,否则很难对付得了他。 People eyesight looked at one mutually, the complexion is unattractive, wants to deal with them, result cannot go well, is in front of Tianchi Xue, lost face. 众人目光相互看了一眼,脸色都不好看,想要对付他们两人,结果一个都没能得手,当着天池雪的面,太丢脸了。 I come.” “我来。” At this time, the sound remembers together, crowd eyesight has transferred, then sees is throwing over youth eyesight sharp staring of sable robe Lin Feng, this person of cultivation base, Ninth Xuan Qi Layer. 此时,一道声音想起,人群目光转过,便看到一披着貂袍的青年目光锋锐的凝视着林枫,此人修为,玄武境九重 Good.” The crowd cheered, this person of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, can definitely cope with Lin Feng, eliminates him. “好。”人群喝彩了一声,此人玄武境九重,肯定能够对付得了林枫,将他淘汰掉。 Person who other does not have malice to Lin Feng as well as Huangfu Long is also glad to watch the fun, they do not meddle, only looked that some people were eliminated, naturally is the good deed. 其它一些对林枫以及皇甫龙没有恶感的人也乐得看热闹,他们不插手,只看,有人被淘汰,当然是好事。 The sable robe youth puts out a hand, takes off sable robe directly, toward airborne throws, on his body, blooms suddenly fearful sharp air/Qi, the whole person, changes sword that a handle sword, destroys the hardest defenses. 貂袍青年伸出手,将身上的貂袍直接脱下,往空中扔去,在他的身上,遽然间绽放出一股可怕的锋锐之气,整个人,化作一柄剑、无坚不摧的剑。 Sword cultivates, the Swordsmanship will.” The pupil of crowd concentrates, some happiness, some worried that happy was Lin Feng is doomed to be eliminated, worried that was this person of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, was the striking power formidable sword cultivates, controlled the Swordsmanship will, to them was a big threat. “剑修、剑道意志。”人群的瞳孔一凝,有高兴,又有担忧,高兴是林枫注定要被淘汰了,担忧是此人玄武境九重,又是攻击力强大的剑修,掌控剑道意志,对他们是个大威胁。 With cultivates for the sword, your my boundary differs greatly, I give you opportunity, oneself leave.” Sable robe youth footsteps tread, the body is passing arrogant spirit, others could not cope with Lin Feng, he can cope, can serve as contrast his great strength, making him appear the power and prestige, Tianchi Xue, will remember he. “同为剑修,你我境界相差巨大,我给你机会,自己滚下去吧。”貂袍青年脚步踏出,身上透着高傲的气息,别人对付不了林枫,他能对付,才能衬托出他的强大,让他显得威风,天池雪,才会记住他。 You also match to be called the sword to cultivate.” Lin Feng eyesight sweeps sable robe youth, in the middle of double pupil, sharp sword light as if silver glow, that dazzling. “你也配称为剑修。”林枫目光一扫貂袍青年,双眸当中,锋利的剑光仿佛银芒般,是那么的刺目。 I do not match to call the sword to cultivate, you, saw clearly.” That person of footsteps one cross, void middle blooms incomparably sharp sword air/Qi, as if a lot of handle swords, all shoot at Lin Feng, must destroy Lin Feng, but he stands in the middle of fearful sword intent, extremely natural, uninhibited. “我不配称剑修,那你,看清楚了。”那人脚步一跨,虚空当中绽放出无比锋锐的剑气,仿佛有千百柄剑,一切射向林枫,要将林枫毁灭,而他站在可怕的剑意当中,极其的潇洒,不羁。 Your sword, so heterogeneous and impure, if can also be called the sword to cultivate, is cultivates the insults of two characters to the sword.” The Lin Feng sound is indifferent, from top to bottom, a fearful Swordsmanship will blooms, in the world suddenly completely is inexhaustible sword intent. “你的剑,如此驳杂、不纯,若也能称为剑修,是对剑修两个字的侮辱。”林枫声音冷漠,浑身上下,一股可怕的剑道意志绽放,天地间突然间全部都是无穷无尽的剑意 Bang the sound spreads, on the Lin Feng whole person, is passing the sword light, a Yuan strength in the body congealing shape, concentrates really the sword, covers his whole person. 轰隆隆的声音传出,林枫整个人身上,透着剑光,真元的力量在身上凝形,凝成剑,将他整个人笼罩。 Scoffs and scoffs!” “嗤、嗤!” The sword cuts void, with artificial sword, the person the sword unites, harmony of nature and man, the Swordsmanship will, melts, melts in the person in the sword, the pure sword, only has the sword. 剑划破虚空,以人为剑,人剑合一、天人合一,剑道意志,融于人中、融于剑内,纯粹的剑、唯有剑。 When the sword light sprinkles, the body of Lin Feng appeared in the place above of Tianchi, but that sable robe man stood in as in same place, was only, his body, in the drop blood, the blood dropped toward Tianchi, immediately frozen, coagulation. 当剑光洒落,林枫的身体出现在了天池的上方,而那貂袍男子依旧站在原地,只是,他的身上,在滴血,鲜血朝着天池中滴落,随即冰封、凝固。 The sword, he leaves the opportunity of sword not to have, has what qualifications to discuss that the sword cultivated and said the sword cultivates! 剑、他连出剑的机会都没有,有何资格谈剑修、自称剑修! : Sleepy, the brothers rested. :困,兄弟们睡了。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 744 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第744章 The sword absorbs the groups of heroes address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 剑摄群英地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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