PMG :: Volume #3

#743: Strove for fortunately

Lin Feng sword air/Qi release, although has prevented all around the person, but is also influential regarding him, although is only that extremely short twinkling time, but regarding their this powerhouses, this twinkling enough surmounted even casts off a person. 林枫剑气释放,虽然阻挡了四周之人,但对于他自己也是有影响的,虽然只是那极度短暂的瞬息时间,但对于他们这种强者而言,这瞬息就足够超越甚至甩开一个人了。 Four sides all directions, forms all soar, Lin Feng saw that extremely many people lead his some, however Lin Feng is not irritable, the powerful spirit knowledge unfolds, periphery all will cover completely, Tianchi, the close at hand, has only required two time of breath, that uppermost person can step up to Tianchi. 四面八方,一道道身影全部腾空,林枫看到极其多的人领先他一些,然而林枫却并未急躁,强悍的灵识铺开,将周围的一切全部都笼罩住,天池,已经近在眼前了,只需要两个呼吸的时间,那最上面的人就可以跨上天池。 „!” “呼啦!” The sound of light sound spreads together, in the middle of Tianchi, wisp of white mist sprinkles directly toward under from the pond, this flash, the crowd only felt that a chill in the air of suffocation falls on their bodies directly, frozen the sound spreads, the mist sprinkles toward below spatially, the form that these soar frozen was lived in the flash, the whole person, changed to the ice sculpture. 一道轻响之声传出,天池当中,一缕白色的雾气直接从池中朝着下方洒下,这一瞬间,人群只感觉一阵窒息的寒意直接落在他们的身上,冰封的咔嚓声响传出,雾气朝着下空洒落,那些腾空的身影在一瞬间被冰封住,整个人,都化作了冰雕。 „It is not good.” Below has not touched the crowd pupil of mist of ice to congeal, the palm brandishes directly, however the next quarter, they are holding the wind fluctuation to be frozen, their people are also frozen stiff. “不好。”下面还未触及到冰之雾气的人群瞳孔一凝,手掌直接挥舞而出,然而下一刻,连带着他们掌风波动都被冻结,他们的人也随之冻僵。 This incorruptible fog that sprinkled from Tianchi was too fearful, only needed to touch, immediately can frozen. 这股从天池中洒下的冰霜之雾太可怕了,只需要一触及到,立刻就会被冰封。 Sword!” In the Lin Feng mouth puts out the sound, the sword air/Qi wreaks havoc together, covers his whole body, sword air/Qi that however the next quarter, that fearful cold fog blooms him also together frozen, nobody can escape. “剑!”林枫嘴中吐出一道声音,剑气肆虐,将他周身笼罩,然而下一刻,那股可怕的寒雾将他绽放的剑气也一起冰封,没有人能够逃脱。 Merely one time of breath, void middle presented extremely magnificent one, hundred and thousand of forms, change to the ice sculpture completely, stops in the middle of void, as if space and time in this moment static. 仅仅一个呼吸的时间,虚空当中出现了极度壮观的一幕,成百上千的身影,全部化作冰雕,停在在虚空当中,仿佛时空都在这一刻静止了下来。 „The Tianchi chill in the air, is quite fearful.” Below crowd eye pupil is one stiff, looks at void that magnificent one. “天池寒意,好可怕。”下方的人群眼眸都是一僵,怔怔的看着虚空中那壮观的一幕。 The mist in Tianchi finally became tranquil, saw only together the form if floating immortal, falling slowly from void, arrived above Tianchi, this form extremely beautiful, the white clothing like the snow, her appearance made the spatial many people breathe as if stopped, eyesight was having several points of blazing meaning. 天池中的雾气终于变得平静了下来,只见一道身影飘然若仙,从虚空中缓缓的落下,降临在天池之上,这身影极其的美丽,白衣如雪,她的出现让下空的许多人呼吸都仿佛都停止了,目光带着几分炽热之意。 Tianchi saintesses and Tianchi Xue. 天池圣女、天池雪 Quite beautiful, the portrait is more beautiful than they have seen, worthily is the Tianchi saintess. 好美,比他们见过的画像还要美,不愧是天池圣女。 And......” Sounds spread, is the sound of ice sculpture disruption, that above person strength is quite more formidable, first breaks the ice sculpture, the body continues to soar, eyesight is staring at Tianchi Xue, steps to go toward Tianchi, only requires 2-3 the time of breath, they can stand above Tianchi, glances the Tianchi Xue appearance. “咔嚓、咔嚓……”一道道声响传出,是冰雕碎裂的声音,那最上空的人实力颇强大一些,首先将冰雕破开,身体继续腾空,目光盯着天池雪,朝着天池跨去,只需要两三个呼吸的时间,他们就能站在天池之上,一览天池雪的容颜。 Avalanche!” “雪崩!” The Tianchi Xue complexion is silent, in the mouth puts out together the indifferent voice, immediately emerges the chill in the air of inexhaustible snow from her body, this is the will of snow. 天池雪脸色默然,嘴中吐出一道冷漠的话音,顿时从她的身上涌现无穷无尽的雪之寒意,这是雪之意志。 Bang, bang......” world as if inexplicable shivered, the innumerable snow groups crack to go toward below spatially, seemed a snowy mountain cracks, pounded to the people. “轰、轰隆隆……”天地仿佛都莫名的颤抖了起来,无数的雪团朝着下空崩裂而去,仿佛是一座雪山崩裂开了,砸向众人。 Bang!” The form because of still by the frozen condition, avalanche perhaps directly was being pounded together on his body, the body will pound directly downward spatially falls, not only has not risen, instead is the sudden drop. “轰!”一道身影因为还在被冰封的状态,恐怕的雪崩直接砸在了他的身上,将的身体直接砸得往下空掉落,不但没有上升,反而是急剧的下降。 This was when the potential that testing their crisis-charged can use.” In person popular-feeling secret passage, even if this first round inspection, must weaken peak the luck ingredient, has the speed to be insufficient, must have the formidable strength to be able the twinkling to work loose truly from the frozen condition, simultaneously resists the attack of avalanche. “这是在考验他们面临危机之时能发挥出的潜力了。”人群心中暗道,即便是这第一轮的考核,也要将运气成分削弱到极致,有速度还不够,要真正有强大的实力能够瞬息从冰封的状态中挣脱出来,同时抵抗雪崩的攻击。 Crack!” “裂!” „!” “咔嚓!” Lin Feng ice sculpture inch is torn to pieces, looks form that these soar, Lin Feng footsteps toward void maliciously trembles, with the aid of strength of once again fierce soaring this counter- shaking. 林枫身上的冰雕寸寸裂开掉,看着那些腾空的身影,林枫的脚步往虚空狠狠的一颤,借助这股反震之力再度猛的腾空。 Bang!” The meaning of avalanche pounds together toward Lin Feng, Lin Feng cold snort, the meaning of howling blooms suddenly, the terrifying sword air/Qi tears all, the meaning of avalanche has not moved Lin Feng to be twisted broken. “轰!”一道雪崩之意朝着林枫砸来,林枫冷哼一声,呼啸之意遽然间绽放,恐怖的剑气撕裂一切,雪崩之意还没触碰到林枫就被绞碎。 Um?” Tianchi Xue eyesight accidentally fell on the body of Lin Feng, in the eye pupil has flashed through together the meaning, a character shouted to clear the way: Collapses!” “嗯?”天池雪目光偶然间落在了林枫的身上,眼眸中闪过一道意思,一字喝道:“崩!” Bang!” The snow cracking of will perhaps blooms toward Lin Feng, as if sky over Lin Feng blocking, this makes the Lin Feng eye pupil stagnate, this Tianchi Xue, is feeling embarrassed him desirably. “轰隆隆!”恐怕的雪之崩裂意志朝着林枫绽放过去,仿佛将林枫上空给封死掉,这一幕让林枫眼眸一滞,这天池雪,是在刻意为难他呢。 Looks that the surrounding crowd surmounts itself to soar, if he were delayed one again, perhaps this first round must be eliminated. 看着周围的人群超越自己腾空而起,若是他再被耽误一丝的话,恐怕这第一轮就要被淘汰掉了。 Wind gets up!” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out together sound, hum the sound of howling is blooming suddenly, void middle blew the intense hurricane in this moment, seemed the will of wind, seized every opportunity. “风起!”林枫的嘴中吐出一道声音,呜呜的呼啸之音在突然间绽放,虚空当中在这一刻刮起了强烈的飓风,仿佛是风之意志,无孔不入。 Enters for nine days.” “入九天。” A character shouted to clear the way once again, the Lin Feng form disappeared in directly same place, was the same like the wind, vanishes to disappear, Tianchi Xue she only saw illusory image of the wind. 再度一字喝道,林枫的身影直接消失在了原地,就如风一样,消失不见了,天池雪她只看到了一道风之幻影。 „......” The fearful sword air/Qi blooms before the body together, making the Tianchi Xue complexion suddenly change, immediately the body retrocedes suddenly, the will of fearful sword has delimited in the position that she set up a moment ago together, immediately there, together form emergence slowly, impressively Lin Feng. “嗤嗤……”一道可怕的剑气在身前绽放,让天池雪的脸色遽然间一变,随即身体猛然间后退,一道可怕的剑之意志在她刚才所立的位置划过,随即那里,一道身影缓缓的出现,赫然正是林枫 Tianchi Xue eyesight slightly one stiff, stares in the eye pupil of Lin Feng to pass is wiping the indifferent color, Lin Feng, dares to release the Swordsmanship will to her unexpectedly, compels to draw back her, is quite dissolute. 天池雪目光微微一僵,盯着林枫的眼眸中透着一抹冷漠之色,林枫,竟然敢对着她释放剑道意志,将她迫退来,好放肆。 Forms leap empty above Tianchi, they also saw Lin Feng compels to draw back Tianchi Xue that eyesight concentrates. 一道道身影腾空落在天池之上,他们也都看到了林枫迫退天池雪的那一幕,目光都是一凝。 Who this person is, the big courage, dares to disrespect to saintess Tianchi Xue unexpectedly, was too dissolute, is more hateful, he did not understand that shows tender affection inadequately. 此人是谁,好大的胆子,竟然敢对圣女天池雪不敬,太放肆了,更可恶的,他难道不懂得怜香惜玉不成。 Footsteps one cross, several people sphere the Lin Feng personal appearance, as if wants for the goddess in heart over, encircled the body of Lin Feng in inside. 脚步一跨,有好几人将林枫的身形围住,似乎是想要为心中的女神出头,将林枫的身体围在了里面。 Lin Feng eyesight concentrates, the ice-cold cold glow took a fast look around crowd one, Tianchi Xue, because the previous time matter possible heart to have the obstruction, has gotten down the dark hand to him, disrespects to him in first, he also did not ask Tianchi Xue anything, dark hand of Tianchi Xue under to him, naturally must. 林枫目光一凝,冰冷的寒芒扫视了人群一眼,天池雪因为上次的事可能心有芥蒂,对他下了暗手,对他不敬在先,他又不求天池雪什么,天池雪对他下暗手,当然要还。 Tianchi Xue is in the goddesses and dreams in many person hearts the sweetheart, but his what Gan. 天池雪是许多人心中的女神、梦中情人,但与他何干。 You are want to court death inadequately.” A person was saying to the Lin Feng threat that the sound is indifferent, Lin Feng cultivation base Eighth Xuan Qi Layer, he is the Eighth Xuan Qi Layer peak, this Lin Feng so is unexpectedly insolent, Tianchi Xue dares to disrespect. “你是想要找死不成。”一人对着林枫威胁说道,声音冷漠,林枫修为不过玄武境八重,他都是玄武境八重巅峰,这林枫竟如此张狂,天池雪都敢不敬。 Courts death is not one's turn you, wants in the same place, does not begin, boils.” In mouth of Lin Feng indifferent putting out together sound, this sound makes all human eye pupils one stiff together, rampant, this Lin Feng was too rampant, is arrogant and conceited simply, daring lets them on together. “找死也轮不到你,要上就一起,不动手,就滚开。”林枫的嘴中冷漠的吐出一道声音,这一道声音让所有人眼眸一僵,嚣张,这林枫实在太嚣张了,简直是目空一切,竟敢让他们一起上。 The sound that misunderstanding and misunderstanding......” tremble together resounds, sees only Huangfu Long to insert to the crowds, was saying to Lin Feng: Lin Feng, we are friend, Tianchi Xue are my future wife, your containing point.” “误会、误会……”一道颤颤的声音响起,只见皇甫龙插到人群中间,对着林枫道:“林枫,我们可是朋友一场,天池雪是我未来的妻子,你好歹包容点。” Said that Huangfu Long eyesight looks to Tianchi Xue, said with a smile gruffly: Whole family.” 说罢皇甫龙目光又看向天池雪,憨笑道:“一家人。” ............ “…………” The eye pupil of crowd coagulates once again, completely by the Huangfu Long words shocking, the shameless bastard, Tianchi Xue, is his future wife? 人群的眼眸再度凝固,全部被皇甫龙的话给惊呆了,无耻混蛋,天池雪,是他未来的妻子? Tianchi Xue was shocked, in eyesight flashes through together cold Mang, said: Who is your future wife?” 就连天池雪都愣住了,目光中闪过一道冷芒,道:“谁是你未来妻子?” Hey.” Tracing head that Huangfu Long trembles, seems somewhat awkward, said in a low voice: Sooner or later matter, you can be my wife in any case.” “嘿嘿。”皇甫龙颤颤的摸了摸脑袋,仿佛有些尴尬,低声道:“早晚之事,反正你一定会是我妻子。” You......” Tianchi Xue eyesight stiff there, these two, were too hateful. “你……”天池雪目光僵在了那里,这两人,太可恶了。 Little Xue, good.” At this time, sound transmitting slowly, saw only that host old man to arrive above Tianchi together a moment ago, was saying to the crowd: Intuition, people after hundred, leave voluntarily.” 小雪,好了。”此时,一道声音缓缓的传来,只见刚才那主持老者来到天池之上,对着人群道:“诸位直觉吧,百名之后的人,自行离开。” Saw that old person coming crowd also no longer argued, but they stared at Lin Feng and Huangfu Long indifferently, took down in the heart these two. 看到老人过来人群也不再争论,只是他们都冷漠的盯了林枫皇甫龙,将这两人在心中记下了。 Behind steps in the person eye of Tianchi to show the dispirited look, leaves in Tianchi in abundance, was formidable to their this strength consciousness, is stepping Tianchi is very instantaneously easy to judge is several. 后面踏上天池的人眼中露出颓废的神色,纷纷离开天池上,到了他们这种实力意识强大,在踏上天池的瞬间很容易判断出自己是第几。 Quick, above Tianchi, only remaining entire hundred people, naturally, besides Tianchi Xue. 很快,天池之上,只剩下了整整百人,当然,是除了天池雪之外。 eyesight looked to the remaining crowds, the old man has smiled saying with a smile: Then was simpler, finally can keep the eight people in Tianchi, can enter the mystical place.” 目光看向剩下的人群,老者笑了笑道:“接下来就更简单了,最后能够留在天池上的八人,可以进入秘境。” Then, in eyesight of old man brings to wipe the cunning smiling face, looked at Lin Feng and Huangfu Long, these two strength talent is good, but now, must strive for fortunately, this is makes the crowd remember this lesson, too early do not show off, must understand to bear patiently, another day enters in the mystical place, works as so. 说罢,老者的目光中带着一抹狡黠的笑容,看了林枫皇甫龙一眼,这两人实力天赋不错,但现在,要自求多福了,这算是让人群记住这个教训,不要太早出风头,要懂得隐忍,他日进入秘境中,也当如此。 : Today is blossomless, asks the fresh flower. :今天无花,求鲜花。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 743 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第743章 Sought the fortunate address for the chapter that if you thought was good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 自求多福地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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