PMG :: Volume #3

#742: The sharp sword of anger

The body leaps, Lin Feng stepped the summit of snowy mountain, Tang Youyou under the snowy mountain he, had not left. 身体一跃,林枫跨下了雪山之巅,唐幽幽在雪山之下等他,一直没有离开。 At this time the crowd on snowy mountain, in abundance is hurrying to toward, prepared to accept the inspection of Tianchi, it is said that this Tianchi will choose seven people, with Tianchi Xue together, entered in the middle of a fortunate mystical place. 此时雪山上的人群,都纷纷在往下方赶去,都准备接受天池的考核了,据说,此次天池将会挑选出七人,与天池雪一起,进入一充满机遇的秘境当中。 Naturally this mystical place why, crowd has not known specifically. 当然这秘境具体为何,人群还并不知晓。 Under Lin Feng did not have the snowy mountain, then sees a piece of boundless huge crowd, however is systematic, does not have the chaotic feeling, around pavilion that in these people of Tianchi are, is emptying together the incomparably giant open area as before, nobody will occupy that region, even if the stream of people are innumerable, will not disturb the pavilion person of Tianchi as before, this is the people's of empire respect to Tianchi. 林枫还没有下雪山,便看到一片茫茫人海,然而却井然有序,丝毫没有混乱的感觉,在那些天池之人所在的亭台周围,依旧空着一块无比巨大的空地,没有人会将那片地域占据,即便人流无数,依旧不会打扰到亭台之中的天池之人,这是帝国之人对天池的尊重。 Many powerhouses.” Tang Youyou eyesight sweeps that boundless huge crowd, calls out in alarm one, the disparity in empire and low grade empire is incomparably huge, in the low grade empire, the high level Xuan Qi Layer youth is few, the Tian Qi Layer powerhouse, were less. “好多强者。”唐幽幽目光一扫那茫茫人海,惊呼一声,中品帝国和下品帝国的差距是无比巨大的,在下品帝国,高阶玄武境的青年很少,天武境的强者,就更少了。 But in empire, the high level Xuan Qi Layer youth are innumerable, perhaps the Tian Qi powerhouse, can often see, particularly like Tianchi this terrifying strength, the old people in these pavilions, cultivation base should be Tian Qi, the unusual conditions, peaceful sitting as if changes into a body in that with the world. 而在中品帝国,高阶玄武境的青年无数,恐怕天武强者,都是能够时常见到吧,尤其是像天池这种恐怖的实力,那些亭台中的老人,修为应该都是天武,浑然天成,安静的坐在那仿佛与天地化为一体。 At this time, a old man in pavilion looked at sunlight of space, immediately body slowly stands, has arrived at that piece of spacious snowy area center, looks at the boundless crowd, the right hand holds in the front, solemn and respectful [say / way]: My Tianchi empire so many youth talent has such enthusiasm, is one of the empire, I feel gratified, and proud.” 此时,亭台中的一位老者看了一眼天上的日光,随即身体缓缓的站起来,走到了那片空旷的雪地中央,看着茫茫人群,右手扶在胸前,肃穆道:“我天池帝国有这么多的青年才俊拥有此等热情,身为帝国的一员,我感到欣慰、和自豪。” The crowd saw the movement that old person fell into instantaneously peacefully middle, they place their front the hand completely, eyesight became in the flash solemn and respectful, they, was one of the empire is proud for oneself. 人群看到老人的动作瞬间陷入了安静当中,他们一个个全部都将手放在自己的胸前,目光在一瞬间变得肃穆了起来,他们,也为自己是帝国的一员而骄傲。 First, I must under this motion first for introduction, the mystical place that this time we said that is a fortunate treasure trove, however, is Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, everyone should understand that the opportunity forever coexists with the crisis, opportunity big, crisis intense, this time is no exception similarly, once enters the mystical place, perhaps is a narrow escape.” “首先,我先要为诸位介绍下此次的行动,此次我们所说的秘境,是一个充满机遇的宝地,然而,身为一名武修,谁都应该了解,机遇永远都是与危机并存的,机遇有多大,危机就有多强烈,这次同样不会例外,一旦进入秘境,也许就是九死一生。” Old person's voice makes the people silent, indeed, the opportunity forever coexists with the crisis, some big opportunities, you probably encounter the how intense danger. 老人的声音让众人都沉默,的确,机遇永远是与危机并存的,有多大的机遇,你就可能遇到多么强烈的危险。 Moreover, this time enters mystical place, is much more our Tianchi empire influence, in entire vast Dry Region, altogether has ** the empire, 40 2 plies with the empire influence suitable terrorist forces, these many empires and influences, will send the powerhouse to enter in the middle of the mystical place, can imagine, at the appointed time powerhouse quantity will have huge how.” “而且,此次进入秘境的,远远不止我们天池帝国一股势力,在整个浩瀚的乾域,共有**中品帝国,40二股与中品帝国势力相当的恐怖势力,这么多帝国与势力,都会派遣强者进入秘境当中,可以想象得到,届时的强者数量会有多么的庞大。” This is a fearful digit, each will influence not let go this opportunity, wants to enter in the middle of the mystical place, therefore this time opportunity, has filled the crisis, all people understand. 这是一个可怕的数字,每一股势力都不会放弃这次机会,都想要进入秘境当中,因此这一次的机遇,是充满了危机的,所有人都明白。 Each youth talent is the wealth of empire, to avoid unnecessary damage, therefore Tianchi decided that we send eight people to enter in the middle of the mystical place merely, these eight people can obtain any opportunity, or comes across any crisis, looked at their respective assigning.” “每一个青年天才都是帝国的财富,为了避免不必要的损伤,因此天池决定,我们仅仅派八人进入秘境当中,这八人能够获得什么机遇,或者遇到什么危机,就看他们各自的命了。” Eight people, a such opportunity is placed in the front, Tianchi actually only dispatches eight people to enter the mystical place. 八人,这样的一次机会摆在面前,天池却只派遣八人进入秘境。 Therefore, I suggested that Seventh Xuan Qi Layer as well as the Seventh Xuan Qi Layer following youth talent, you let go this opportunity, enters the person in mystical place, will be very strong, you went were too dangerous, to having excellently in the future, in the future must step into Tian Qi Layer you, this was unworthy.” Old person's words have caused a stir, let Seventh Xuan Qi Layer and Seventh Layer following person corners of the mouth has revealed the forced smile. “因此,我建议,玄武境七重以及玄武境七重以下的青年天才,你们放弃这次机会,进入秘境中的人,都会很强,你们进去太危险了,对拥有大好未来,将来要踏入天武境的你们而言,这不值得。”老人的话引起了一番轰动,让玄武境七重七重以下的人嘴角露出了苦笑。 In their hearts also clear, under this kind of situation, enters the talent of mystical place is to exceed the imagination absolutely, they will perhaps go are killed, will want to capture the opportunity is dream of a fool. 他们心中也清楚,在这样一股局势之下,进入秘境的天才绝对是超出想象的,他们恐怕一进去就会被人杀死,想要夺得机遇更是痴人说梦。 Person who naturally, Tianchi never reluctantly will have the courage, if some people want to try, Tianchi also to the opportunity that you will inspect, now, any person who registered to enter the mystical place, first will then arrive at this open area to come up.” “当然,天池也从来不会勉强拥有勇气的人,若真有人想要去试一试,天池也会给你们考核的机会,现在,凡是报了名想要进入秘境的人,便先到这块空地上来吧。” The old person own body backlash, revealed that giant idle place of under foot, shortly, forms glitter, strided in the middle of that giant open area, majority were Eighth Xuan Qi Layer and Ninth Layer powerhouse, the Seventh Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse has the minority, as for Seventh Xuan Qi Layer below, without one person, the people heard the old person to say in the back of the body also to have own thinking over, below Seventh Xuan Qi Layer also enters the mystical place, brought death. 老人自己的身体后退,将脚下的那块巨大的空余之地露了出来,顷刻间,一道道身影闪烁,都跨入了那巨大的空地当中,大多数都是玄武境八重九重的强者,玄武境七重的强者有少数,至于玄武境七重以下,没有一人,众人听到老人说完后心中也有自己的掂量,玄武境七重以下还入秘境,就是送死。 Lin Feng also in this steps into the middle of the open area crowd, took a fast look around a surrounding crowd, his eye pupil stagnates slightly. 林枫也在这股踏入空地的人群当中,扫视了一眼周围的人群,他的眼眸微微一滞。 Few Seventh Xuan Qi Layer add on Eighth Xuan Qi Layer and Ninth Xuan Qi Layer powerhouse, the quantity thousand people of audiences, this digit was too unexpectedly terrorist, the empire, is the empire. 少量的玄武境七重加上玄武境八重玄武境九重的强者,数量竟有千人之众,这数字太恐怖了,中品帝国,便是中品帝国。 I can enter the mystical place with Tianchi Xue, marries Tianchi Xue for the wife.” In the eye pupil of Huangfu Long is passing rigid, making Lin Feng smile bitterly, this fellow wants to marry Tianchi Xue. “我一定会和天池雪一起进入秘境,娶天池雪为妻。”皇甫龙的眼眸中透着执着,让林枫苦笑,这家伙就那么想要娶天池雪 Naturally, Lin Feng own fist also slightly grips, the mystical place, he must go, the palace of emperor, has had the infinite opportunity, even if crisis on top of crisis, is unable to shake the determination of his least bit, he needs the strength urgently, becomes formidable, these stand in Xue Yue Country upper air bird's eye view all living things, extinguishes the crowds as well as their back influences that kills his family member friend at will, must eradicate. 当然,林枫自己的拳头也微微握住,秘境,他一定要去,皇者的宫殿,充满了无穷的机遇,即便危机重重,也无法动摇他半点的决心,他迫切的需要实力,变得强大起来,那些站在雪月国高空俯瞰众生,随意灭杀他亲人朋友的人群以及他们背后的势力,必须要铲除。 Present Lin Feng, but also missed was too far, at least needs to stride in Venerable hopefully to achieve. 现在的林枫,还差太远了,至少需要跨入尊者才有希望做到。 Since Deity Palace has Venerable, then the jade day emperor's clan as well as the East China Sea dragon palace, same will have Venerable. 既然神宫拥有尊者,那么玉天皇族以及东海龙宫,就一样会有尊者。 Gains ground, looks Tianchi that void is hanging.” The old person said that people gain ground immediately, look at Tianchi. “抬起头,看着虚空中悬挂的天池。”老人说了一声,众人立即都纷纷抬头,看着天池。 „The first round inspection, when I shouted started, all people go to Tianchi, hundred people that arrived at first, entered the inspection of next round.” The old person opens the mouth saying that making in the crowd eye pupil flash through together the point, this without doubt is the method that one eliminates fast, to avoid some powerful but the movement weak person, these round takes the first hundred people. “第一轮的考核,在我喊开始的时候,所有人前往天池,最先到达的百人,进入下一轮的考核。”老人开口说道,让人群眼眸中闪过一道锋芒,这无疑是一快速淘汰的方法,为了避免一些实力强大而身法偏弱的人,这一轮取前百人。 Prepared.” The old person opens the mouth saying that immediately all people release really Yuan strength perhaps completely, prepares to soar at any time. “准备好了。”老人开口说道,顿时所有人身上全部释放出恐怕的真元力量,随时准备腾空而起。 Comes up.” The old person voice falls, shortly, more than thousand forms, will shoot up to the sky in the flash, crazy will rush toward Tianchi above. “上去。”老人话音落下,顷刻间,千余身影,在一瞬间冲天而起,疯狂的朝着天池之上奔去。 Bang!” Fearful spirit in crazy wreaking havoc, in this extremely short time, crowd while soaring also releases the attack to obstruct other people, this void appears very crowd. “轰隆!”一股可怕的气息在疯狂的肆虐,在这极其短暂的时间中,人群在腾空的同时还释放着攻击阻扰着其他人,这虚空中都显得很拥堵。 Thousand shades like dream.” Tang Youyou drinks one lowly, body changes to many [say / way] remnant shades, dashes about wildly to go toward Tianchi together, in all directions is her form. “千影如梦。”唐幽幽低喝一声,身体化作许多道残影,一起朝着天池狂奔而去,四处都是她的身影。 Huangfu Long footsteps maliciously treads void, the body is releasing ideal condition of the fearful snow, shouted to clear the way: Do not snatch with me.” 皇甫龙脚步狠狠的一踏虚空,身上释放着一股可怕的雪之意境,喝道:“都别跟我抢。” The voice falls, his space frozen was lived, instantaneously completely is the snow and ice, other people shouted angrily, broke the snow and ice continues to soar, but actually discovered that at this time had cast off a distance, cannot help but complexion extremely ugly. 话音落下,他身边的空间都被冰封住,瞬间全部都是冰雪,其他人怒喝一声,将冰雪打破继续腾空,但此时却发现已经被甩开了一段距离,不由得脸色极其的难看。 As for Lin Feng, he such as a handle sharp sword, the whole body passes indifferent spirit, the body surroundings is sending out the terrifying the howling sound, the person of inspection does not have the weak one, he does not dare to be negligent. 至于林枫,他就如一柄利剑,浑身透着冷漠的气息,身体周围发出恐怖的呼啸声响,考核的人没有弱者,他也不敢大意。 Leave to me.” Several people saw that the body of Lin Feng is equally quick like the sharp sword, cannot help but while convenient gave a Lin Feng palm, the snow and ice palm strength has pounded toward Lin Feng. “给我滚。”有几人看到林枫的身体如利剑一样快,不由得顺带给了林枫一掌,冰雪掌力朝着林枫砸去。 Kills!” “杀!” Lin Feng shouted angrily, the air/Qi of billowing murdering soared to the heavens, in this flash, the surrounding crowd felt cold air/Qi from soul, their bodies as if must be been much colder come, the air/Qi of this murdering, was too cold and is too fearful. 林枫怒喝一声,滚滚的杀伐之气冲天,在这一瞬间,周围的人群感受到了一股来自灵魂的寒冷之气,他们的身体都仿佛要被冷得冻僵来,这股杀伐之气,太冷、太可怕。 All leave to me.” Lin Feng shouted angrily once again, he did not have to obstruct other people, some people provoked him unexpectedly, was in a rage, myriad sword air/Qi bloomed in void, inexhaustible, in the world completely was the sword shades. “全给我滚。”林枫再度怒喝一声,他没有去阻扰他人,竟有人招惹他,一怒之下,万千剑气在虚空中绽放,无穷无尽,天地间全部都是剑影。 Person of these sharp swords toward surroundings get angry to eat delicacies, immediately crowd complexion instantaneously extremely ugly, this is the Swordsmanship will, is quite fearful, this bastard...... 这些利剑朝着周围之人怒啸过去,顿时人群脸色瞬间极其的难看,这是剑道意志,好可怕,这混蛋…… Because the attack of resistance sword prevents without doubt their personal appearance of soaring, this delays, saw that the innumerable crowds soar from four sides, exceed them, making their complexion stiff, it seems like they must the sword air/Qi of release be eliminated completely because of the Lin Feng anger! 因为抵抗剑的攻击无疑是将他们的腾空的身形阻挡住,这一耽误,就看到无数的人群从四面腾空,超越他们,让他们脸色僵硬难看,看来他们全部要因为林枫怒而释放的剑气而被淘汰掉了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 742 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第742章 Sharp sword of address anger for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 怒之利剑地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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