PMG :: Volume #3

#739: Sense of mission

Lin Feng looks at Huangfu Long, asked: Why with Tianchi, is best?” 林枫看着皇甫龙,问道:“为何跟着天池,是最好的?” Lin Feng, it seems like you do not understand this Dry Region various Great Emperor country influences.” Huangfu Long says with a smile: In Dry Region, mostly is the empire, as well as with territory of empire quite powerful influence rule, for example East China Sea empire and jade Celestial Emperor country and Fengtu, our Tianchi empire, but Dry Region all influences, my Tianchi empire, is strongest.” 林枫,看来你不了解这乾域的各大帝国势力。”皇甫龙笑着道:“在乾域,大都是中品帝国,以及与中品帝国相当的强悍势力统治的疆土、比如东海帝国、玉天帝国、酆都,还有我们天池帝国,但乾域所有势力,我天池帝国,最强。” In this moment Huangfu Long sound passes several points of proud meaning unexpectedly, Lin Feng is looking to other people, sees only these people also the complexion to be solemn and respectful, as if extremely proud, this honor or disgrace feeling, surprising him somewhat. 此刻皇甫龙的声音中竟透着几分骄傲之意,林枫看向其他人,只见那些人也一个个脸色肃穆,仿佛极为的自豪,这种荣辱感,让他有些意外。 Reason that Tianchi empire strongest, is not because our conditions be more superior than others, the real reason has one, our Tianchi empire, is in all empire influences most unites.” Huangfu Long as if came the interest at this moment, was speaking with confidence to Lin Feng: „Before 2000, the Tianchi empire is only in the empire is weakest, experiences suffering the humiliation, sacred place Tianchi, immediately establishes, its decree, is makes the empire formidable.” “天池帝国之所以最强,并非是因为我们的条件要比别人优越,真正的原因只有一个,我们天池帝国,是所有帝国势力中最团结的。”皇甫龙此刻似乎来了兴致,对着林枫侃侃而谈:“2000年前,天池帝国只是中品帝国中最弱的,受尽欺凌,圣地天池,随即成立,其旨意,便是让帝国强大。” Tianchi, does not go on a punitive expedition against, is not plundering, but is a mission, only then taking letting the empire for the person of mission, can enter Tianchi formidable, the person in empire, treats as the belief Tianchi, if there is a formidable influence to rise, Tianchi not only will not suppress, instead encourages and make him stronger, compared with so inferiorly steps into the mystical place, other empire influences, if some people represent them to enter the mystical place, obtains the treasure to decide however must most precious turning, but the Tianchi empire, does not need, so long as were the people of empire obtained the heavy treasure, does not need to give Tianchi, can leave. Own practice, even you can enter Tianchi with the heavy treasure, formidable Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator of Tianchi instructs you to use these treasures to practice, stiffens, this principle and faith, had received entire in 2000, who dares to violate, will then receive Tianchi to put to death.” “天池,不是征伐、也不是掠夺,而是一种使命,只有以让帝国强大为使命的人,才能够进入天池,帝国的人,将天池当做信仰,若是有强大的势力崛起,天池不但不会打压,反而鼓励、让他变得更强,就比如此次踏入秘境,其它的帝国势力,若有人代表他们进入秘境,得到宝物定然要将最珍贵的上缴,但天池帝国,不需要,只要是帝国之人得到了重宝,不需要交给天池,可以留给。自身修炼,甚至你可以携重宝进入天池,天池的强大武修指导你利用这些宝物来修炼、来变强,这种原则与信念,一直秉承了整整2000年,谁敢违背,便将受天池诛杀。” Moreover, I believe that actually obtains the person who the treasure walks from the mystical place, they can the heavy treasure that will want unable to use give Tianchi, oneself will also join Tianchi, lets treasure practice that the powerhouse director they will use to use, will enter Tianchi to practice, will be the unsurpassed glory of person of empire, Tianchi, he will not be an influence, but will be a cohesive force, he will not limit anybody, sacred place Tianchi, only by the strong Great Emperor country, will be the mission.” “而且,我相信,真正从秘境中得到宝物走出来的人,他们会愿意自己将无法利用的重宝交给天池,自己也加入天池,让强者指导他们利用能够利用的宝物修炼,进入天池修炼,是帝国之人的无上荣耀,天池,他不是一股势力,而是一种凝聚力,他不会限制任何人,圣地天池,只以强大帝国,为使命。” Huangfu Long was relating slowly, his hand placed the chest, the sluggish profligate his double pupil was at this moment solemn and respectful, in the eye was passing the light of glory, took pride in the empire, to take sacred place Tianchi for the glory. 皇甫龙缓缓诉说着,他的手放在胸口,懒散放荡的他此刻却双眸肃穆,眼中透着荣耀之光,以帝国为荣耀、以圣地天池为荣耀。 Sacred place Tianchi, only by the strong Great Emperor country, is the mission.” Other crowds are similarly soaring head, the right hand are caressing the chest, said dignified that this is the respect of the heart, respect to sacred place. “圣地天池,只以强大帝国,为使命。”其他人群同样一个个高昂着头颅,右手抚胸,庄严说道,这是发自内心的崇敬,对圣地的崇敬。 Lin Feng and Tang Youyou look at dignified people, the heart cannot bear unexpectedly shivered maliciously , seemed attacked fiercely, Lin Feng this to some words suspicions of Huangfu Long, but said completely along with him as well as people's response, this suspicion also vanished. 林枫唐幽幽看着庄严的众人,心头竟忍不住狠狠的颤抖了下,仿佛受到了剧烈的冲击,林枫本对皇甫龙的话有些怀疑的,但随着他全部说完以及众人的反应,他这种怀疑也消失了。 A how formidable cohesive force he can imagine this is, such that just like Huangfu Long said that Tianchi, he is not an influence, he will not limit anybody, he exists by the situation of sense of mission. 他能够想象这是一种怎么样强大的凝聚力,正如皇甫龙说的那样,天池,他不是一股势力,他不会限制任何人,他以使命感的形势而存在。 The person non- vegetation, all feels emotion, will have own sense of belonging, if there is such an influence, will not have any limit to you, even assists you to become unconditionally formidable, but can also some people not take pride in him? 人非草木,皆有情,而且都会有属于自己的归属感,若是有这么一股势力,不会对你有任何限制,甚至无条件辅助你变得强大,还有人会不以他为荣耀吗? This infinite positive cycle, Tianchi takes the strong Great Emperor country as the mission, helping the people of empire be formidable, the people of empire take Tianchi as proud, taking can practice in Tianchi for the glory. 这种一种无限的良性循环,天池以强大帝国为使命,帮助帝国之人强大,帝国之人以天池为骄傲,以能够在天池中修炼为荣耀。 Can this faith received two years ago, this is one has the empire of sense of mission, this empire is not strong, who can be formidable. 能够将这种信念秉承了两年前,这是一个极具使命感的帝国,这种帝国不强,谁能强大。 This empire like the Lin Feng previous generation has seen these democratic great nations, the ruler in country by the people rules a nation, the country lets people prosperous common people radically, people prosperous common people, the country is also naturally powerful. 这种帝国就像林枫前世见过的那些民主大国,国家的统治者以民治国,国之根本是让民富民强,民富民强,国自然也随之强大。 Lin Feng, the Tianchi empire, welcome all people to join, so long as you are willing to join my Tianchi empire, enters the mystical place by the status in my Tianchi empire, regardless of you obtained any heavy treasure, the empire will not interfere, naturally the premise is, can not do the matter of rebel empire, will otherwise be put to death by Tianchi.” 林枫,天池帝国,欢迎所有人加入,只要你愿意加入我天池帝国,以我天池帝国的身份进入秘境,无论你们得到了什么重宝,帝国不会干涉,当然前提是,你不得做叛逆帝国之事,否则将会受到天池诛杀。” Huangfu Long also said that Tianchi empire, all rivers run into sea. 皇甫龙又道,天池帝国,海纳百川。 On the face of Lin Feng has shown a smiling face, [say / way] slowly: „To enter mystical place on behalf of the Tianchi empire, perhaps is not that easy, you first lead me to see your wife.” 林枫的脸上露出了一丝笑容,缓缓的道:“想要代表天池帝国进入秘境,恐怕也不是那么容易吧,你还是先带我去见见你的妻子吧。” Heard Lin Feng words Huangfu Long to grin to smile , the solemn and respectful meaning vanished, the [say / way] that trembled: Good, we go to Tianchi first, only has to undergo Tianchi has tested the person, can enter the mystical place on behalf of Tianchi, now is not only we, perhaps empire innumerable talents on going to the road in Tianchi.” 听到林枫的话皇甫龙又咧嘴笑了下,刚才的肃穆之意消失,颤颤的道:“好,我们先去天池,唯有经受天池考验过的人,才能够代表天池进入秘境,现在不仅是我们,恐怕帝国无数天才都在前往天池的路上。” Walks, everybody along with me together, sees my wife Tianchi Xue.” Impudent and shameless of Huangfu Long lets behind crowd is despises, however Lin Feng clearly could feel, although they are clenching jaws to Huangfu Long, however in the middle of their eye pupils actually not that evil intention. “走,大家随我一起,去见我的妻子天池雪。”皇甫龙的厚颜无耻让身后的人群都是一阵鄙视,然而林枫分明感觉得到,他们虽然对着皇甫龙咬牙切齿,然而他们的眼眸当中却并无那种恶意。 Although has received Huangfu Long this bastard many maltreatments, but their cultivation base truly have also promoted much, regarding this kind of mindless bastard, they really could not mention the hatred. 虽然受到过皇甫龙这混蛋不少次的虐待,但他们的修为也确实提升了不少,对于这样一个没心没肺的混蛋,他们也实在提不起恨意。 The group add on Lin Feng and Tang Youyou, eight people, Huangfu Long cultivation base is Eighth Xuan Qi Layer, other people have Sixth Xuan Qi Layer Seventh Layer, otherwise impossible to dare to practice in the middle of this snowy mountain, frozen will freeze to death. 一行人加上林枫唐幽幽,共有八人,皇甫龙修为玄武境八重,其他人也都有玄武境六重七重,否则也不可能敢在这雪山当中修炼,冻都会被冻死。 The snow Ben to come from the snowy area, jumped in the bosom of Lin Feng exquisite directly, the whole body such as snow beautiful Monster Beast let other people are eyesight concentrates, good attractive small monster. 雪玲珑从雪地中奔来,直接跳到了林枫的怀中,浑身如雪的美丽妖兽让其他人都是目光微凝,好漂亮的小妖。 What Monster Beast is this?” Huangfu Long curious asking. “这是什么妖兽?”皇甫龙好奇的问道。 This is my wife.” Lin Feng said lightly, making Huangfu Long and the others eyesight slightly one stiff, Lin Feng wife? “这是我的妻子。”林枫淡淡的说了一声,让皇甫龙等人的目光微微一僵,林枫的妻子? Hey, it seems like my wife is prettier.” Huangfu Long simple and honest has smiled, saying of some narcissism. “嘿嘿,看来还是我的妻子更漂亮一些。”皇甫龙又憨厚的笑了下,有些自恋的说道。 That is uncertain.” Lin Feng looked at Huangfu Long one, he does not think that has the female to be able with the Meng Qing beautiful to compare. “那可不一定。”林枫看了皇甫龙一眼,他不认为有女子能够与梦情的美相比。 Your wife is Heavenly Monster, she changes to the human form surely not to have my wife to be attractive, my wife Tianchi Xue, is the Tianchi saintess, the empire prettiest woman.” In Huangfu Long eyesight the extraordinary splendor again and again, sees his look, the following five people clenched jaws, wish one could bang of a fist on toward his face in the past. “就算你的妻子是天妖,她化作人形也肯定没有我妻子漂亮,我妻子天池雪,可是天池圣女,帝国最漂亮的女人。”皇甫龙目光中异彩连连,看到他的神色,后面的五人咬牙切齿,恨不得一拳朝着他脸上轰过去。 Shameless, this fellow was too shameless, their heart the reputation in saintess Tianchi Xue all by this fellow ruining. 无耻、这家伙太无耻了,他们心中的圣女天池雪的名声全被这家伙给败坏了。 Lin Feng surprise looked at Huangfu Long one, although this fellow is mindless, but is very intelligent, a point had guessed correctly Meng Qing is Heavenly Monster. 林枫诧异的看了皇甫龙一眼,虽然这家伙没心没肺,但却很聪明,一点就猜到了梦情天妖 Tianchi Xue, I will see.” Lin Feng says with a smile, seems is mumping with Huangfu Long, he does not believe some people able Meng Qing more beautiful, even if the Tianchi saintess. 天池雪,我会看到的。”林枫笑着道,仿佛是在和皇甫龙斗气,他不信有人能比梦情更美,即便是天池圣女。 Eight forms keep is at the direction twinkle that to go toward Tianchi, they went out of this piece of continuous snowy mountain, however in the region outside snowy mountain, in the sky flutters as before the snowflake, the people in Tianchi empire as if is also liking the snow, Lin Feng can feel spirit of their snow, such that such as they said that the Tianchi empire this Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, becomes the snow cultivates. 八道身影不停的朝着天池所在的方向闪烁而去,他们走出了这片连绵的雪山,然而在雪山之外的地域,天空中依旧飘着雪花,天池帝国的人也似乎很喜欢雪,林枫能够感受得到他们身上的雪之气息,就如他们说的那样,天池帝国将这种武修,成为雪修。 Lin Feng also had discovered is not only their eight people, many people in Tianchi empire are hurrying to the Tianchi direction, particularly talent good youth, even if cannot enter the mystical place, can look at reverently the style of Tianchi senior, but, this time, they can also see Tianchi saintess Tianchi Xue. 一路中,林枫也发现了不仅是他们八人,天池帝国的许多人都在朝着天池方向赶去,尤其是天赋不错的青年,即便入不了秘境,也能够瞻仰天池前辈的风范,而且,这一次,他们还能够看到天池圣女天池雪 In the middle of the journey, Lin Feng also heard many people to discuss Tianchi Xue . Moreover, all people said when Tianchi two characters, was having the meaning of respect inevitably, this was lets Lin Feng has had the rich curiosity to Tianchi as well as Tianchi Xue, was what influence, can make the empire will of the people so condense, this Tianchi saintess beautiful, can charm these many people. 路途当中,林枫也听到了许多人谈论天池雪,而且,所有人说道天池二字之时,必然带着敬仰之意,这更是让林枫对天池以及天池雪生出了浓郁的好奇心,是什么样的一股势力,能让帝国人心如此凝聚,还有这天池圣女有多美,能够迷住这么多人。 Tianchi, is the person's of empire belief, but Tianchi Xue, is in the dreams of countless youth the sweetheart. 天池,是帝国之人的信仰,而天池雪,则是无数青年的梦中情人。 Rushed about six day time in the journey, Lin Feng had discovered one strided in together the place of snow and ice . Moreover the place of this snow and ice was connecting the Tianchi empire biggest city, the distant place, a Qi Tian high snowy mountain was passing several points of psychedelic air/Qi, looked to border on the day probably, stirring. 在路途中奔波了六日时间,林枫发现自己又跨入一块冰雪之地,而且这座冰雪之地连接着天池帝国最大的城市,远处,一座齐天般高的雪山透着几分迷幻之气,一眼望去好像与天接壤,震撼人心。 Lin Feng, we arrived, there, is Tianchi.” Huangfu Long points at the snowy mountain of distant place, in eyesight is flashing through wipes the excited look. 林枫,我们到了,那里,就是天池。”皇甫龙指着远处的雪山,目光中闪过一抹兴奋的神色,到了。 : Sought the support, made up yesterday one! :求支持,补昨天一更! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 739 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第739章 Sense of mission address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 使命感地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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