PMG :: Volume #3

#738: Tianchi empire

Lost City, Taishu Family was slaughtered in a night, has initiated not the small stir, all people, die under the sword completely, in the middle of Taishu Family, in the middle of the rich courage vigor, as if also brings several points of ice-cold spirit not to diverge. 迷城,太叔家族在一夜间被人屠戮,引发了不小的轰动,所有人,全部都是死在剑下,在太叔家族当中,浓郁的血气当中,似乎还带着几分冰冷的气息未曾散去。 After the Deity Palace person comes, they drew a conclusion immediately, Lin Feng, has come, although he is fascinated, but has slaughtered Taishu Family as before. 神宫的人过来之后,他们立即得出了一个结论,林枫,来过了,他虽入魔,但依旧屠杀了太叔家族。 However, when Deity Palace sends for searching Lost City, actually again could not find the Lin Feng shadow. 然而,当神宫派人搜索迷城之时,却再也找不到林枫的影子了。 Following Xue Yu (continent) Lost City toward north, unceasing toward north, must pass through the major tyrannical empires as well as the influences of that giant region, jade Celestial Emperor country that for example the East China Sea empire and jade day emperor's clan commands and other countries, in the middle of these empires, a quite unusual state, Tianchi empire. 顺着雪域迷城往北,不断的往北,必须要经过那一片巨大区域的各大强横帝国以及势力,比如东海帝国、玉天皇族统领的玉天帝国等,这些帝国当中,还有一颇为奇特的国度,天池帝国。 The Tianchi empire is most famous, is his snowy mountain, the Tianchi Xue mountain is inexhaustible, all year long not, cold, in the entire empire boundless vast border area region, completely is the snowy mountain, in the sky, all year long is fluttering the snowflake. 天池帝国最出名的,是他的雪山,天池雪山无穷无尽,终年不化,寒冷至极,在整个帝国无边辽阔的边疆地域,全部都是雪山,天空中,终年飘荡着雪花。 Is the coincidence, Lin Feng carrier snow is perhaps exquisite, with Tang Youyou, then treads at this moment in this snowy mountain region. 也许是巧合,林枫携带者雪玲珑,和唐幽幽,此刻便踏在这片雪山地域。 Sees the white snow in ground, snow exudes together the low and deep excited sound exquisite, immediately her body jumps directly toward under from the shoulder of Lin Feng, runs to tumble in the snow, as if likes the places of this white snow, here, is very similar to her family. 看到地面上的白雪,雪玲珑发出一道低沉的兴奋之声,随即她的身体直接从林枫的肩头朝着下方蹦去,在雪中奔跑翻滚着,似乎非常喜欢这片白雪之地,这里,和她的家很相似。 Here is quite cold.” Tang Youyou whispered, Lin Feng nodded, eyesight looked at one toward Tang Youyou, saw only on her face flood the silk to be unexpectedly trivial, seemed frozen. “这里好冷。”唐幽幽嘀咕了一声,林枫点了点头,目光朝着身旁的唐幽幽看了一眼,只见她的脸上竟泛起了丝丝微红,似乎是被冻的。 This snowy mountain region, is truly cold, by their high level Xuan Qi cultivation base, will actually feel the cold, conceivable here temperature has terrifying how. 这片雪山地域,确实很冷,以他们高阶玄武修为,竟然会感觉到冷,可以想象这里的温度有多么的恐怖。 However Meng Qing she did not fear unexpectedly, moreover as if very happy, making this Lin Feng cannot help but slightly shake the head, does not think clearly. 然而梦情她竟然不怕,而且似乎非常的欢乐,让这林枫不由得微微摇头,想不明白。 Bridges over the Tianchi empire, we will enter immediately Gu Longyu, arrives place that the mystical place is, this Tianchi empire as it concerns us, is the best route.” Lin Feng start to talk slowly said. “跨过天池帝国,随即我们就会进入古龙域,到达秘境所在的地方,这天池帝国对我们而言,是最好的路线。”林枫缓缓的开口说道。 Tang Youyou nods assent, Lin Feng and jade day emperor's clan, the East China Sea dragon palace and other powerful influences become enemies, but they in this region, must go to the mystical place, the Tianchi empire, indeed is the best route, near, and safe. 唐幽幽点头同意,林枫和玉天皇族、东海龙宫等强悍势力结仇,而他们都在这一块区域,要前往秘境,天池帝国,的确是最好的路线,近、而且安全。 Treads the snowy area to make rustle sound, Lin Feng eyesight looks toward surrounding snowy mountain, goes above several snowy mountains, some people are practicing unexpectedly, even if their bodies were frozen stiff, their whole person was covered by the white snow, but does not hate to leave the snowy mountain as before, this snowy mountain piece by piece, cultivates regarding the snow, is sacred place, has the enormous advantage to them, less than the limit, how can departure easily. 踏着雪地发出沙沙的声响,林枫目光朝着周围的一座座雪山望去,去其中好几座的雪山之上,竟然有人在修炼,即便他们的身体已经冻僵,他们整个人都被白雪所覆盖,但依旧舍不得离开雪山,这一片片的雪山,对于雪修而言,就是圣地,对他们有着极大的好处,不到极限,怎么能轻易的离开。 Bang!” At this time, a mountain peak of snowy mountain cracked, from the snowy mountain, the form shot up to the sky together, the whole body trembled, exposed snow, letting the person can clear saw clearly his appearance. “轰隆!”就在这时候,一座雪山的山峰崩裂掉,从雪山当中,一道身影冲天而起,浑身一颤,将身上的雪抖落来,让人能够清晰的看清他的面貌。 Very strong spirit.” Lin Feng throws one toward that person, is a youth, young, even on his face, but also is having several points without the immature air/Qi of humans affair. “好强的气息。”林枫朝着那人投去一眼,是一名青年,年纪不大,甚至在他的脸上,还带着几分未经世事的稚嫩之气。 Footsteps one cross, the body of youth treads toward another snowy mountain, direct fist bang above the snowy mountain, bang the sound spread immediately, the snowy mountain cracks, the snow rolled crazily. 脚步一跨,青年的身体朝着另外一座雪山踏去,直接一拳轰在了雪山之上,顿时轰隆隆的声音传出,雪山崩裂,积雪疯狂的滚动了起来。 But the youth as if has not stopped, trembles, will separate to empty to a snowy mountain bang in the past, shortly, roaring of sound Snow Dragon was spreading together, the bang to that snowy mountain of distant place, the snowy mountain ruptured once again, crazy tumbling. 而青年似乎还没有停止,又是一颤,隔空对着一座雪山轰过去,顷刻间,一道雪龙之怒吼声传出,轰向远处的那座雪山,雪山再度爆裂,疯狂的翻滚。 Bang, bang and bang......” on the face of youth are passing some excited colors, one rumbles sincerely, snowy mountain avalanches, but in his mouth transmits gets angry together eats delicacies: Gives me to get up.” “轰、轰、轰……”青年的脸上透着些许的兴奋之色,一拳拳轰出,一座座雪山崩塌,而他的嘴中传来一道怒啸:“都给我起来。” Really sobered in crowd that in these snowy mountains cultivates, treads from the snowy mountain of cracking, eyesight looks at that youth, is passing several points of disfavor. 在那些雪山中修炼的人群果然一个个都清醒了过来,从崩裂的雪山中踏出,目光看着那青年,透着几分不悦之色。 „Does Huangfu insect, you want to do?” The sound of shouting angrily spreads together, lets snowy mountain below Lin Feng and Tang Youyou complexion is one stiff, the name of this fellow, feels is so strange, revives Huangfu, however the single-character personal name, is actually only an insect character. “皇甫虫,你到底想要干什么?”一道怒喝之声传出,让雪山下方的林枫唐幽幽脸色都是一僵,这家伙的名字,怎么感觉这么怪异,复兴皇甫,然而单名,却只是一个虫字。 You called me Big Pest to be familiar with.” Huangfu Chong cracks into a smile, as if somewhat the foolishness, said: I want you to visit me to go to Tianchi together, goes to the mystical place with Tianchi Xue.” “你们还是叫我大害虫更习惯一点。”皇甫虫咧嘴一笑,似乎有几分傻气,道:“我要你们一起看着我去天池,和天池雪一起前往秘境。” Big Pest, you lost heart, you and Tianchi Xue were not a person of world.” The sound that satirized together spread, then Huangfu Chong as if not cared a whoop, simple and honest saying with a smile: I must marry Tianchi Xue to become the wife.” 大害虫,你就死心了吧,你和天池雪不是一个世界的人。”一道讽刺的声音传出,然后皇甫虫似乎毫不在意,憨厚的笑道:“我一定要娶天池雪当妻子。” Overreaches oneself.” “不自量力。” Spring and Autumn Period big dream.” “春秋大梦。” Did these people ridicule make noise, marry Tianchi Xue to become the wife? In the Tianchi empire, all people think, however the saintess in that Tianchi empire, can it be that this unconscious Huangfu insect can obtain. 那些人一个个都讥讽出声,娶天池雪当老婆?在天池帝国,所有人都想,然而那天池帝国的圣女,岂是这神智不清的皇甫虫能够得到的。 Although they have to acknowledge that regarding the strength of Huangfu insect, they are dreads, this fellow head not to be easy-to-use very much, but the talent is actually Qi tall, they on cannot hit together, otherwise they will not waste the lips and tongue with Huangfu Chong, began directly. 虽然他们不得不承认,对于皇甫虫的实力,他们很是忌惮、这家伙脑袋不好使,但天赋却是奇高,他们一起上都打不过,否则的话他们根本不会和皇甫虫浪费唇舌,直接就动手了。 Hey, you laugh at me to be also good, but, you must go to Tianchi along with me together, when my subordinate.” Huangfu Chong grins to say with a smile, making the crowd eye pupil one stiff, gets angry: You have a dream.” “嘿嘿,你们笑我也好,但是,你们必须随我一起去天池,当我手下。”皇甫虫咧嘴笑道,让人群眼眸一僵,怒道:“你做梦。” Person looks like always wants power and prestige, I marry the person who Tianchi Xue becomes the wife, who does not go, till I project on him to go.” Huangfu Chonghuang shook own fist, saying of threat, this makes crowd complexions ugly, although this fellow is unconscious, but had said the words truly inevitably achieve, who does not go, will take a beating, this matter Huangfu Chong also has to do. “人多看起来总是要威风一点,我可是娶天池雪当妻子的人,谁不去,我就打到他去为止。”皇甫虫晃了晃自己的拳头,威胁的说道,这让人群一个个脸色难看,虽然这家伙神志不清,但说过的话确实必然做到,谁不去,真会挨揍,这种事皇甫虫也不是没有做过。 Goes, but as your friend, is not the subordinate.” Saying that some people let somebody cool off or calm down. “去可以,但是以你朋友的身份,不是手下。”有人冷冷的说道。 Right, is not the subordinate.” “对,不是手下。” Huangfu Chong has pondered over, immediately nodded saying: Good, the status of friend.” 皇甫虫思忖了下,随即点了点头道:“好,朋友的身份。” The complexion of crowd was then more attractive, is hates to clench jaws to this fellow. 人群的脸色这才好看了些,对这家伙是恨得咬牙切齿。 Huangfu insect eyesight slowly has transferred, fell on the body of Lin Feng, the footsteps one cross, his body landed in the ground directly, arrived at the Lin Feng side. 皇甫虫目光缓缓的转过,落在了林枫的身上,脚步一跨,他的身体直接降落在地面上,来到林枫的身边。 „Do you also want to go to Tianchi?” Huangfu Chong was asking to Lin Feng. “你也是要去天池吗?”皇甫虫对着林枫问道。 Perhaps.” The Lin Feng nod said that these person of strengths, are very good, particularly Huangfu Chong, young, looks like acts like a madman, but he has Eighth Xuan Qi Layer peak cultivation base unexpectedly. “也许吧。”林枫点头道,这些人实力,一个个都很不错,尤其是皇甫虫,年纪轻轻,看起来疯疯癫癫的,但他竟拥有玄武境八重巅峰的修为 Moreover, he said a moment ago that he must stride in the mystical place with Tianchi Xue. 而且,他刚才说,他要和天池雪一起跨入秘境。 That goes together, when you also my friend.” Huangfu Chong grins to say with a smile: I called Huangfu Long, but they quite liked calling my Huangfu Chong, but I thought that Big Pest was more appropriate.” “那一起去吧,你们也当我朋友。”皇甫虫咧嘴笑道:“我叫皇甫龙,不过他们比较喜欢叫我皇甫虫,但我觉得大害虫更合适一些。” ............ “…………” Lin Feng and Tang Youyou speechless, this fellow is really Monster, cultivation base such. 林枫唐幽幽一阵无语,这家伙真是个怪胎,偏偏修为如此的强。 This is your girlfriend, cultivation base is very fierce, Eighth Xuan Qi Layer peak, but does not have my wife Tianchi Xue to be fierce, my wife cultivation base is the Ninth Xuan Qi Layer peak . Moreover, should be more beautiful than your girlfriend.” Huangfu Long touches the head, laughs foolishly was saying, not only this chapter is Lin Feng is speechless, all people flipped the supercilious look. “这是你女友吗,修为很厉害,玄武境八重巅峰,不过没有我妻子天池雪厉害,我妻子修为玄武境九重巅峰,而且,应该比你女友更美一些。”皇甫龙摸了摸脑袋,憨笑着说道,这回不仅是林枫无语,所有人都翻了翻白眼。 When have the saintesses in Tianchi empire become his Huangfu Chong wife? This bastard, was too shameless. 天池帝国的圣女什么时候成了他皇甫虫的妻子了?这混蛋,太无耻了。 You said that you must step into the mystical place with Tianchi Xue, what's the matter?” Lin Feng was asking to Huangfu Long, although this fellow speech was careless, but was actually not disliked, the mindless person, the heart will not be bad, on the contrary, present Lin Feng to Duan Wuya that smiling face to anyone is that temperate person, most loathed. “你说你要和天池雪一起踏入秘境,是怎么回事?”林枫对着皇甫龙问道,虽然这家伙说话大大咧咧,但却并不遭人讨厌,没心没肺的人,心地不会太坏,相反,如今的林枫段无涯那种笑容对谁都是那么温和的人,才最厌恶。 Tianchi is sacred place of our Tianchi empire, shortly after the Tianchi empire will send for going to the mystical place, is elected the person by Tianchi publicly, the person who the Tianchi empire wants to go to the mystical place, can try, by my strength, surely does not have the issue.” “天池是我们天池帝国的圣地,不久后天池帝国将派人前往秘境中,由天池来公开选人,天池帝国想要前往秘境的人,都可以去试一试,以我的实力,肯定是没有问题的。” Lin Feng heard Huangfu Long words eyesight to glitter , to step into the mystical place, decides however must be permitted with a side influence, he was worrying whether this compromised for the general interest temporarily, followed a Deity Palace side to enter insincerely, has not thought that this Tianchi empire, as if had an opportunity. 林枫听到皇甫龙的话目光闪烁了下,要想踏入秘境,定然是要跟着一方势力才会被允许的,他正在愁是否该暂时委曲求全,假意跟随神宫一方进入,没想到这天池帝国,似乎有一个机会。 Was right, I have not known that you do name?” Has remembered anything likely suddenly, Huangfu insect touches the head, is somewhat depressed. “对了,我还不知道你叫什么名字?”像是突然想起了什么般,皇甫虫摸了摸脑袋,有些郁闷。 I called Lin Feng.” “我叫林枫。” Lin Feng, you should not be the people in Tianchi empire, if you also want to enter the mystical place, is following Tianchi, is the best choice.” Huangfu Long start to talk. 林枫,你们应该不是天池帝国的人吧,若是你们也想要进入秘境,跟随着天池,是最好的选择。”皇甫龙开口。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 738 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第738章 Tianchi empire address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 天池帝国地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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