PMG :: Volume #3

#737: Principal wife

Region that the violent wind filled with dust range, Monster Beast runs amuck, each Monster Beast enlivens in own sphere of action, is following the jungle principle of Monster Beast, little has Monster Beast to dare toward the deep place to be active extremely, there, is the formidable Monster Beast habitat. 黑风岭,妖兽横行的地带,每一头妖兽都活跃在自己的活动范围之内,遵循着妖兽的丛林法则,极少有妖兽敢朝着深处活跃,那里,是强大妖兽的栖息之地。 In the violent wind filled with dust range most deep place place, is falling gently all year long a snowflake, that stretch of incomparably giant territory, white one piece, completely is the cold snow, if the person steps into, the underground snow sufficiently submerges their knees. 在黑风岭最深处地方,终年飘落着点点雪花,那一片无比巨大的领地,白茫茫的一片,全部都是寒冷的雪,若是人踏入其中,地下的积雪都足以将他们的膝盖都淹没掉。 However, that thick pure white snow and ice, are pure link a footprint not to have, almost does not have. 然而,那厚厚的纯白冰雪,却纯净得连一只脚印都没有,几乎是没有。 This is the territory that nobody dares to visit together, person or Monster Beast. 这是一块无人敢踏足的领地,无论是人还是妖兽 At this moment, in that white snow domains surrounding, number of people Niu Shen Monster Beast passing by here slowly, this was one has practiced several hundred years of good monster, he at this moment can partly change from, only missed one step, can evolve into formidable Heavenly Monster, at that time, he changed from the manner, went to outside to have a look at the world of humanity. 此刻,在那片白雪领域的外围,一头人头牛身的妖兽缓缓的路过这边,这是一头修炼了几百年的牛妖,此刻的他已经能够半化形,只差一步,就能够进化成为强大的天妖,那时,他就化形为人,去外面看看人类的世界。 The head of this good monster looked at one toward the place of that white snow, arrives at that white snow side, has not actually stepped into the snow one step, so long as steps into the snow, was equal to stepping into the domain of this violent wind filled with dust range most deep places, he did not dare, this Niu Yao looks at that white snows, in the eye pupil passes several points of awes and several points to dread that in the violent wind filled with dust range, never Monster Beast or humanity can step into this stretch of territory also to live is coming out, this was Niu Yao the grandfather tells him, in other words, from his grandfather that generation, here, on was Monster Beast . The restricted area of humanity, the restricted area of violent wind filled with dust range. 这头牛妖的脑袋朝着那白雪之地看了一眼,走到那白雪的旁边,却没有踏入雪中一步,只要踏入雪中,就等于踏入了这片黑风岭最深处的领域,他不敢,这牛妖看着那片白雪,眼眸中透着几分敬畏、几分忌惮,在黑风岭中,从来没有妖兽或者人类能够踏入过这片领地还能活着出来的,这是牛妖的爷爷告诉他的,也就是说,从他爷爷那一代,这里,就是妖兽和。人类的禁地,黑风岭的禁地。 He wants to look at one innumerable, but remembered Lao Niu once words every time, he then bore this impulsion. 他无数次想要进去看一眼,但每想起老牛曾经的话,他便又将这股冲动忍住。 Good monster static crawling in that derives the world essence spookiness that inside is seeping, peaceful is enjoying, his eyesight, occasionally goes to places of this white snow deep place, he wants to know very much there, what has? 牛妖静静的匍匐在那,汲取着里面渗透出来的天地精华妖气,安静的享受着,他的目光,偶尔投向这片白雪之地的深处,他很想知道在那里,到底有什么? The territory of that white snows, in the sky is fluttering as before the thick snowflake, following eyesight of good monster, penetrates several thousand li (0.5km) place, probably was places of this white snow most deep place. 那一片白雪的领地,天空中依旧飘着厚厚的雪花,顺着牛妖的目光,穿透几千里之地,大概便是这片白雪之地的最深处了。 Here, the giant potholes, this pothole as if presents a Monster Beast shape, when the snowflake falls on the pothole, actually instantaneously then melts, the snow in that pothole, is whiter than the surrounding snow. 在这里,有一个巨大的坑洞,这坑洞仿佛呈现一头妖兽的形状,然而当雪花落在坑洞的时候,却总是瞬间便融化掉,那坑洞中的雪,比周围的雪更白。 In the surroundings of this giant pothole, has several Monster Beast that becomes unexpectedly by the white snow carving, completely is the snows, these statue some are the giant bear monster, some are the powerful Great Roc monster, the build extremely huge, distant looks at one, sufficiently makes the will of the people tremble. 在这巨大坑洞的周围,竟有着几头由白雪雕刻而成的妖兽,全部都是雪,这些雕像有的是巨大的熊妖、有的是强悍的大鹏妖,体型都是极其的庞大,远远的看一眼,就足以让人心颤。 At this time, in that giant pothole as if has made a slight sound, the next quarter, in the sky is fluttering the snowflake, coagulated unexpectedly, stopped completely in the middle of the midair, motionless, that strange. 就在这时候,那巨大的坑洞中仿佛发出了一道轻微的声响,下一刻,天空中飘着的雪花,竟然凝固住了,全部停在了半空当中,一动不动,是那么的诡异。 The white snow in snowy area wriggled slowly, or that took the form of the Monster Beast giant pothole to wriggle, bang the slight sound spread with one, fearful spirit as if made the surrounding all completely static, has made a mistake, that was not the pothole, but was true Monster Beast, crawled there...... At this time, that Monster Beast, moved. 雪地中的白雪缓缓的蠕动了起来,或者说,那形似妖兽的巨大坑洞蠕动了起来,伴随着一声轰隆隆的轻微声响传出,一股可怕的气息仿佛让周围的一切全部都静止,错了,那不是坑洞,而是一头真正的妖兽,匍匐在那里……此时,那头妖兽,动了。 The huge body of several meters field, 56 meters high, the whole body hair is fully whiter than the snow, that pair such as the pupil of water, that radiant, this is extremely attractive Monster Beast, if she can be younger, certainly will be liked. 十几米场的庞大身躯,足有56米高,浑身的毛发比雪还要白,那双如水的眸子,是那么的璀璨,这是一头极其漂亮的妖兽,若是她能够再小一些,一定会非常受人喜欢。 Bang......” slight sounds spread, surroundings that stood erect the Monster Beast statue in snowy area to move in this moment, was not the statue, rather, true Monster Beast, leader huge incomparable Monster Beast. “轰隆隆……”一道道轻微的声响传出,周围那矗立于雪地中的妖兽雕像在这一刻全部动了起来,不是雕像,而是,真正的妖兽,一头头庞大无比的妖兽 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” These statues all crawled on the ground, to that middle Monster Beast underground their arrogant heads, shouting of respect: Mistress!” “轰隆!”这些雕像全部全部都匍匐在了地上,对着那中间的妖兽地下了他们高傲的头颅,尊敬的喊道:“主母!” Although they are the physique of Monster Beast, however in the mouth puts out, is actually the criticism. 他们虽是妖兽之形体,然而嘴中吐出的,却是人言。 Middle that huge snow color Monster Beast attractive eye pupil has swept around one, immediately eyesight falls on the Great Roc monster body, asked: Great Roc, how long have I rested?” 中间那头庞大的雪色妖兽漂亮的眼眸扫了一眼周围,随即目光落在大鹏妖的身上,问道:“大鹏,我睡了多久?” Mistress, already ten years.” The wing of Great Roc vibrated gently, exposes snow, the respectful response said that in the Monster Beast world, jungle principle scarlet / bare, formidable Monster Beast, if must enslave small and weak Monster Beast, the weak monster has the humiliation, otherwise was torn. “主母,已经十年。”大鹏的羽翼轻轻的抖动了下,将身上的积雪抖落掉,恭恭敬敬的回应道,在妖兽的世界当中,丛林法则更加的赤/裸,强大的妖兽若是要奴役弱小的妖兽,弱妖只有屈辱,否则就是被撕裂。 Ten years, were so long.” That beautiful snow monster muttered whispered, the terrifying consciousness covered toward the trim snowy area domain, shortly, a fearful pressure arrives, made these tyrannical Monster Beast crawl more and more lowly, the trim vast snow and ice domain, the snowflake stopped continue fall gently, but that approached the Xue Yu (continent) good monster, at this moment fierce gaining ground, has shown the look of shock. “十年,这么久了。”那头美丽的雪妖喃喃低语了一声,恐怖的意识朝着整片雪地领域笼罩过去,顷刻间,一股可怕的威压降临,直让那些强横的妖兽匍匐得越来越低,整片浩瀚的冰雪领域,雪花都停止了继续飘落,而那头靠近雪域的牛妖,这一刻猛的抬起头来,露出了震撼的神色。 Immediately, Niu Yao the head lowered, respectful, crawls fiercely, he understood Lao Niu advice finally. 随即,牛妖的脑袋低了下去,恭恭敬敬的,匍匐得更加的厉害,他终于懂老牛的劝告了。 The Xue Yu (continent) center, that huge snow monster brow wrinkled suddenly, shortly, a more fearful spookiness arrives, surroundings formidable Monster Beast pants for breath does not dare, keeps silent. 雪域中央,那头庞大的雪妖眉头突然皱了起来,顷刻间,一股更可怕的妖气降临,周围强大的妖兽连喘息都不敢了,噤若寒蝉。 Young Lady?” In the snow color big monster mouth puts out together the ice-cold sound, these Monster Beast frightened bodies to shiver. 小姐呢?”雪色的大妖嘴中吐出一道冰冷的声音,那些妖兽吓得一个个身体都颤抖了起来。 Great Roc, you said.” 大鹏,你说。” Secret passage bad luck of Great Roc in the heart, gains ground, sees that pair of sharp indifferent eye pupil, he has the feeling of suffocation. 大鹏在心中暗道一声倒霉,抬起头,看到那双锋锐冷漠的眼眸,他有种窒息的感觉。 Mistress, Young Lady does not listen to our advice several years ago, left secretly, already...... Went to the domain of humanity.” Great Roc trembling saying, body that huge body of speech slightly is shivering, the mistress is less temperate than Young Lady, principal wife's dignity, not having the monster can affront. “主母,小姐在几年前不听我们的劝告,私自离开了,已经……已经去了人类的领域。”大鹏颤颤巍巍的说道,说话的身体那庞大的身躯都在微微颤抖,主母可不比小姐那么温和,主母的威严,无妖可以冒犯。 Hears the Great Roc monster in the words snow monster eye pupil to flash through an intense cold light, has swept numerous monster one, puts out together the cold sound: You, prayed that Young Lady is all right.” 听到大鹏妖的话雪妖的眼眸中闪过一道强烈的冷光,扫了众妖一眼,吐出一道寒冷至极的声音:“你们,祈祷小姐没事吧。” The voice falls, the body of snow monster, has wisp of snow white hair to flutter to void, blends with snowflake piece by piece, changes to a mirror unexpectedly. 话音落下,雪妖的身上,有着一缕雪白的毛发飘向虚空当中,与一片片雪花交融,竟化作一面镜子。 Exquisite, you did not know the immensity of heaven and earth.” The snow monster facial color is serious, immediately emerges together the holy light on her body, puts out a hand a finger, fell on that mirror directly, the Saint light bloomed the snow color ray, in that mirror, presented images impressively unexpectedly. “玲珑,你太不知天高地厚了。”雪妖面色严肃,随即在她的身上涌现一道圣洁之光,伸手一指,直接落在了那面镜上,圣光绽放出雪色的光芒,在那面镜中,赫然竟出现了一幕幕影像。 In the middle of the image, presented an extremely beautiful female, holily like immortal, if Lin Feng decides here however will shock, the female in this image, impressively unexpectedly is Meng Qing. 影像当中,出现了一极其美丽的女子,圣洁如仙,若是林枫在这里定然会震撼,这影像中的女子,赫然竟是梦情 This image fluctuates extremely quickly, during breath was on the 1st, a double-hour, was similar to several years of time, ten years of time, completely in image rapid was presenting, when saw finally Meng Qing was rumbled Monster Beast, bang, the image disrupted directly, but that snow monster complexion, thorough sank. 这影像变幻得极其的快,一个呼吸间就是一日,一个时辰,便如同几年时光,十年时光的一幕幕,全部在影像中飞速的呈现着,当看到最后梦情被人轰成妖兽的时候,轰隆一声,影像直接碎裂,而那雪妖的脸色,也彻底的沉了下来。 As for other Monster Beast, this looks they who image instantaneous and crawled directly crazily on the ground, the body was shivering keeping, seemed cold trembles, ends, ended...... 至于其它的妖兽,本看着影像的他们瞬间又直接匍匐在了地上,身体疯狂的颤抖着不停,仿佛是冷得发颤,完了、完了…… Turning around slowly, the snow monster looks at these to crawl coldly in place Monster Beast, eyesight to peak. 缓缓的转过身,雪妖看着那些匍匐在地的妖兽,目光冷到了极致 Snow monster huge body, gradually transforms into the human form, a middle-aged female, very beautiful middle-aged female, the body is throwing over such as the long gown of snow, but her eye pupil, is colder than the snow. 雪妖庞大的身体,渐渐的幻化成为人形,一中年女子,很美的中年女子,身上披着如雪的长袍,而她的眼眸,比雪还要冷。 The robe sleeve wields, shortly above ground, will present a snow tower, this snow tower rapid expansion, the giant snow tower such as a prison, the front door of snow tower, opens in that. 袍袖挥动,顷刻间在地面之上,出现了一座雪塔,这雪塔迅速的扩大,巨大的雪塔如一座囚牢般,雪塔的大门,开启在那。 You go.” The beautiful female who changes to the human form opens the mouth to say slowly that the bodies of these Monster Beast shiver jump over to fiercely, stares at that snow tower, in eyesight is passing the color of fear. “你们自己进去吧。”化作人形的美丽女子缓缓的开口道,那些妖兽的身体颤抖得越为厉害,盯着那雪塔,目光中透着恐惧之色。 Wants me to invite you?” The female voice was colder several points, a pressure covers these Monster Beast, low and deep whooshes spreads, that leader huge Monster Beast, simultaneously changed into the human form, immediately slowly toward snow tower, when they fully enter the snow tower time, the front door of snow tower, closed directly. “要我请你们吗?”女子声音更冷了几分,一股威压将那些妖兽笼罩,一声声低沉的嘶吼传出,那一头头庞大的妖兽,同时化为了人形,随即缓缓的朝着雪塔中走了进去,等到他们全部进入雪塔的时候,雪塔的大门,也直接关闭了。 You prayed that Young Lady does not have the matter, otherwise, forever do not want to come out.” The beautiful middle-aged female robe sleeve has wielded, immediately that snow tower reduction gradually, changes to one piece such as the hair of snow, returned to her body directly. “你们祈祷小姐没有事吧,否则,永远别想出来了。”美丽的中年女子袍袖挥动了下,顿时那雪塔渐渐的缩小,化作一片如雪的毛发,直接回到了她的身上。 But her footsteps directly toward void one cross, goes in the Xue Yue Country direction, every step steps forward, does not know that has stepped far. 而她的脚步直接朝着虚空一跨,朝着雪月国的方向而去,每一步跨出,都不知道跨了多远。 Niu Yao the body has crawled in that until spookiness going far away of space that shock slowly, he dares to gain ground, saw a that form of distant place secretly, has revealed the deep awe. 牛妖的身体一直匍匐在那,直到天上那股震撼的妖气缓缓的远去,他才敢抬起头,偷偷的看了一眼远处的那道身影,露出了深深的敬畏。 : Thanks 15855070801 brother powerful hitting to enjoy, asking the brothers to support! :谢谢15855070801兄给力的打赏,求兄弟们支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 737 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第737章 Mistress address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 主母地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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