PMG :: Volume #3

#736: Night of bleeding

Also, now to him, the tyrannical demon sword, is the burden, but the Demon Seal stele also can only be used to seal up this burden, if he is powerful, the demon sword and Demon Seal stele may use for him. 还有,现在对他而言,强横的魔剑,是累赘,而封魔石碑也只能用来封住这累赘,若是他实力强大,魔剑和封魔石碑都可为他所用。 All, weigh by the strength. 一切,都以实力来衡量。 Lin Feng.” Tang Youyou shouted Lin Feng, Lin Feng eyesight has transferred, because of demon sword, therefore, on him flood gang of cold intent, the double pupil is as before cold now, cold Mang glitters, however spirit of that realm of the devil was actually suppressed, his indifferent eye pupil, is at least fresh, sees this binocular pupils, although some people, but the heart of Tang Youyou is also thorough put. 林枫。”唐幽幽喊了林枫一声,林枫目光转过,因为魔剑之故,如今他身上依旧泛着一股冷意,双眸寒冷、冷芒闪烁,然而那股魔道的气息却是被压制住了,至少他那冷漠的眼眸,是清新的,看到这双眼眸,虽然有些人,但唐幽幽的心也是彻底的放下来了。 Lin Feng, finally restored the intelligence, is quite lucky, almost degenerates the demon, moreover experienced the death crisis. 林枫,终于恢复了神智,好侥幸,差点就堕落成魔,而且还经历了死亡危机。 Youyou, thank you.” Lin Feng was nodding to Tang Youyou. 幽幽,谢谢你。”林枫对着唐幽幽点了点头。 Shook the head, Tang Youyou has pulled under the sending silk of forehead, as if must a that remaining wisp of nervousness thorough abandons, she at this moment, somewhat different kind beauty. 摇了摇头,唐幽幽挽了下自己额头的发丝,似乎是要将那剩下的一缕紧张情绪彻底的抛开来,此刻的她,有几分别样的美丽。 What then you have to plan that returns to Xue Yue Country?” Tang Youyou was asking to Lin Feng. “接下来你有什么打算,回雪月国吗?”唐幽幽对着林枫问道。 Does not return.” Lin Feng shook the head, in the eye pupil is glittering together the cold glow: These people think that I degenerate the demon, perhaps will make me run its own course, because enters the time of mystical place to be limited, they will not permit Duan Wu Dao and Duan Wuya return to Xue yue in this moment, definitely makes them close up the self-torture , to continue the strength, to enter the mystical place prepares, if I am in the mystical place to cut to massacre them, they forever do not want to return to Xue Yue Country.” “不回。”林枫摇了摇头,眼眸中闪烁着一道寒芒:“那些人以为我堕落成魔,也许会让我自生自灭,而且因为进入秘境的时间有限,他们也不会允许段无道段无涯在这关头回雪月了,肯定让他们闭关苦修,继续增强实力,为进入秘境做准备,若是我在秘境中将他们斩杀掉,他们永远也别想回雪月国。” Now, Duan Wu Dao is the person of jade day emperor's clan, Duan Wuya is the person in East China Sea dragon palace, has the tyrannical background, they fell into the realm of the devil to pursue by themselves leave, definitely is unwilling, is thinking brings back own all, all these, will delay to come out after the mystical place. 如今,段无道是玉天皇族的人,段无涯是东海龙宫的人,都有强横的背景,他们被自己堕入魔道驱逐离开,肯定心有不甘,都想着拿回自己的一切,这一切,都会拖延到从秘境中出来之后。 Tang Youyou slight bow, Lin Feng analysis right, the East China Sea dragon palace and jade day emperor's clan participates in the Xue Yue Country matter, nothing else but enters the mystical place for Duan Wu Dao and Duan Wuya, now to them, mystical place, is heavy in all, all matters will abandon one side. 唐幽幽微微点头,林枫分析的没错,东海龙宫和玉天皇族参与雪月国的事,无外乎还是为了段无道段无涯进入秘境,现在对他们而言,秘境,重于一切,所有事情都将抛开到一边去。 I accompany you together.” Tang Youyou opens the mouth saying that Lin Feng looked at Tang Youyou one, slight bow, said: Before then, I must go to Xue Yu (continent) Lost City first.” “我陪你一起。”唐幽幽开口说道,林枫看了唐幽幽一眼,微微点头,又道:“在这之前,我先要去一趟雪域迷城。” Goes to Lost City!” The eye pupil stares, Lin Feng he also goes to Lost City to do, there is the Deity Palace domain, now, does not know that what stance Lin Feng by go facing Deity Palace that side, is attaches, or disregards? “去迷城!”眼眸一愣,林枫他还去迷城干什么,那里是神宫的地盘,如今,不知道林枫将以什么姿态去面对神宫那边,是依附、还是无视? As if knows in the Tang Youyou heart to think anything, Lin Feng was saying to Tang Youyou: These time steps into the mystical place, I will not enter on behalf of Deity Palace, all, only for oneself, if wants me to represent an influence, I rather choose highest heaven Sword Gate, or the Fengtu demon sect.” 似乎是知道唐幽幽心中在想什么,林枫对着唐幽幽道:“这一次踏入秘境,我不会代表神宫进入,一切,只为自己,若是真要我代表一股势力,我宁愿选择九霄剑门、或者酆都魔宗。” Lin Feng has read the person of graciousness, the graciousness of water drop, he is willing the bubbling spring to report it, however this Deity Palace procedure, lets the anger that he is from the heart, made him completely understand of a character advantages, his heart , before , was firmer and is colder. 林枫一直是念恩之人,滴水之恩,他愿涌泉相报之,然而这一次神宫的做法,让他发自内心的愤怒,也让他更加看透了利之一字,他的心,也以前更坚、更冷。 Enters the mystical place, not for any influence, only for oneself, to stiffen in a big way. 进入秘境,不为任何势力,只为自己,为了变强大。 You go to Lost City......” the [say / way] of Tang Youyou doubts. “那你去迷城……”唐幽幽疑惑的道。 Taishu Family.” The Lin Feng ice-cold putting out sound, the long gown wields together immediately, the direct flying high steps, rolling go in the direction of distant place: Taishu Family does not extinguish, my heart difficult secure.” “太叔家族。”林枫冰冷的吐出一道声音,随即长袍挥动,直接凌空踏步,朝着远处的方向滚滚而去:“太叔家族不灭,我心难安。” Fills the cold air sound to flutter in void, making the heart of Tang Youyou slightly one cold, Taishu Family, ended. 充满寒气的声音在虚空中飘荡,让唐幽幽的心微微一冷,太叔家族,完了。 Taishu head of household Taishu of Family empties to participate in this Xue yue bloody incidents, although he had been cut to kill by Lin Feng, but Lin Feng, will not let off Taishu Family, demon intent thorough removing, had not experienced that disaster and Meng Qing by the striking back monster shape, the heart of Lin Feng, coldly is very very cold, even if not fascinated, is as before cold! 太叔家族的家主太叔空参与到此次雪月流血事件当中,虽他已被林枫斩杀,但林枫,不会放过太叔家族,魔意还未彻底的褪去,经历了那场灾难、梦情被打回妖形,林枫的心,很冷很冷、即便不入魔,依旧寒! Snow exquisite peaceful lying in the shoulder of Lin Feng, has pushed pushing toward the bosom of Lin Feng, in the juicy double pupil shows a smiling face, Lin Feng can such quick suppression demon sword, extricates from the realm of the devil, she was certainly happy. 雪玲珑安静的趴在林枫的肩头,朝着林枫的怀中挤了挤,水灵的双眸中露出一丝笑容,林枫能够这么快镇压魔剑,从魔道中解脱,她当然高兴。 ............ ………… Xue Yu (continent) Lost City, is passing air/Qi of illusory dense fog, even is somewhat partly visible, as if momentarily possibly vanishes to be the same, is very strange. 雪域迷城,透着一股虚幻的迷雾之气,甚至有些若隐若现,仿佛随时可能消失一样,很诡异。 Beside Lost City, black Monster Beast come toward here, above is carrying two forms, youth men and women. 迷城之外,有一头黑色的妖兽朝着这边呼啸而来,上面载着两道身影,一对青年男女。 The men wear the black long gown, is extraordinary, however, appeared was too colder, that ice-cold eye as if must looking at his person is frozen stiff. 男子身披黑色长袍,气质非凡,然而,却显得太冷了些,那双冰冷的眼睛仿佛要将看他的人都冻僵来。 But that female is lives especially beautifully, is bringing several points of elegantly simple and noble spirit, looked that the apparent birth was uncommon. 而那女子则是生得格外的美丽,带着几分淡雅、高贵的气息,一看便知出生不凡。 Moreover, in that ice-cold youth cherishes, unexpectedly the extremely attractive small monsters, the whole body completely is snow white, like fox, however is more beautiful than the fox, in that attractive eye is even passing several points of fairyism. 而且,在那冰冷的青年怀中,竟有一头极其的漂亮的小妖,浑身全部都是雪白,像狐妖般,然而却比狐更美许多,那双漂亮的眼睛中甚至透着几分仙气。 You go back.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, stepped directly Monster Beast, making Monster Beast return to his wooded mountain, but he floating fell to the ground with the Tang Youyou form, the footsteps strided in the middle of Xue Yu (continent) Lost City. “你回去吧。”林枫脚步一跨,直接跨下了妖兽,让妖兽回他的山林中去,而他则和唐幽幽的身影则飘然落地,脚步跨入了雪域迷城当中。 Now the Xue Yu (continent) big ratio early had ended, entire Lost City did not have that time vigor, was bringing several points of peaceful spirit. 如今雪域大比早已经结束,整个迷城也没有那时的活力,带着几分安静的气息 Perhaps this vast and peaceful city, had not realized at this moment that today the Taishu Families of Xue Yu (continent) Lost City four respected families, will remove from Lost City. 这座浩瀚而安静的城市,此刻也许还没有意识到,今日雪域迷城四大家族的太叔家族,将从迷城除名。 The night like the water, the night breeze has stroked coolly, is having several points of cool meaning, however regarding the people of Taishu Family, actually feeling this night breeze especially cold. 夜凉如水,晚风拂过,带着几分凉爽之意,然而对于太叔家族的人而言,却感觉这晚风格外的冷。 Recently, had the news to transmit, Taishu head of household Taishu of Family emptied, dies in dependent country Xue Yue Country, was cut to kill by their personal enemy Lin Feng, this news let Taishu Family high and low turbulent not Ningxia, if this were real, their Taishu Families will face the most awful aspect. 近日,有消息传来,太叔家族的家主太叔空,死在了一个附属国雪月国,被她们的仇人林枫斩杀了,这消息让太叔家族上下动荡不宁,若这是真的话,他们太叔家族将面临最糟糕的局面。 The only Tian Qi Layer powerhouse died, what aspect the conceivable Taishu Family will face, Xue Yu (continent) Lost City another three big terrorist forces, will not hold them to dominate a Lost City side again, will seize the opportunity to embezzle them, Lost City innumerable big or medium influences , the opportunity will move, nibbles all of their family. 唯一的天武境强者死了,可以想象太叔家族将面临什么样的局面,雪域迷城的另外三大恐怖势力,不会再容纳他们称霸迷城一方,会乘机吞没他们,迷城无数大小势力,也将会时机而动,蚕食他们家族的一切。 News of this destruction almost makes all people of Taishu Family crazy, even if therefore in the quiet cold night, in the meeting hall of Taishu Family, the high levels of some numerous families gets together in this as before, has been discussing family what course to follow. 这毁灭的消息几乎让太叔家族的所有人都为之疯狂,因此即便是在幽冷的夜,太叔家族的议事厅中,依旧有众多家族的高层齐聚于此,一直在商讨着家族该何去何从。 At this moment they have not known that the devil form has submerged their family together quietly, in quietly is hunting and killing the game. 此刻他们还不知道,一道魔鬼般的身影悄然的潜入了他们家族,在悄然的猎杀着猎物。 The sword air/Qi, blooms in silent, in the middle of nighttime sky even only then extremely weak sound, however the sword place visited, actually must some people perish, quick, the surroundings of Taishu Family, as if were covered by a rich courage vigor. 剑气,在无声无息中绽放,在夜空当中甚至只有极其微弱的嗤嗤声响,然而剑所过之处,却必有人亡,很快,太叔家族的周围,似乎被一股浓郁的血气所笼罩住。 In the dark night, the team of inspection is treading the step, the nose has twitched several, as if smelled anything. 黑夜中,巡视的队伍踏着步伐,鼻子抽动了几下,似乎是嗅到了什么。 However immediately, they see their front, presented a black shadow, such as a shadow is the same, silent appearance. 然而随即,他们就看到他们的面前,出现了一道黑色的影子,就如一道阴影一样,无声无息的出现。 In that black shadow hand is holding the scarlet sword, above the monster different blood sword, is having a little bit blood to drop toward under at this moment. 那黑色的影子手中持着血色的剑,妖异的血剑之上,此刻正有着一滴滴的鲜血朝着下方滴落。 Opened mouth, they just wanted to shout to make noise, actually sees only the blood light to delimit together, embezzles, the blood light that them soars to the heavens instantaneously blooms, emerges in the middle of the blood sword, a sword all extinguishes. 张了张嘴,他们刚想要喊出声来,却只见一道血光划过,瞬间将他们吞没,冲天的血光绽放而出,涌入血剑当中,一剑全灭。 The black Demon Shadow footsteps tremble, the twinkling vanishes without a trace, the tyrannical consciousness is covering the surrounding all, slaughters, methodical is carrying on. 黑色的魔影脚步一颤,瞬息又消失得无影无踪,强横的意识笼罩着周围的一切,杀戮,有条不紊的进行着。 The lights of discussing official business hall appear somewhat dark, wind sways, making them shiver, this wind, so is how cold, moreover in the wind, as if also has a wisp of courage vigor. 议事大厅的灯火显得有几分幽暗,一股风吹拂进来,让他们打了个冷颤,这股风,怎么这么冷,而且风中,似乎还有一缕血气。 The crowd continues to discuss the countermeasure, however at this moment, that sits in person of eyesight first place concentrates suddenly, stands up, said: „It is not right, has the person.” 人群继续商讨着对策,然而此刻,那坐在首位之人突然目光一凝,站起身来,道:“不对,有人。” The voice falls, the consciousness of crowd also kicks out the discussing official business hall, immediately formidable courage vigor filled the air to come, making them be startled instantaneously did not have the scarlet, good fearful courage vigor. 话音落下,人群的意识也扑出议事大厅,顿时一股股强大的血气弥漫而来,让他们惊得瞬间没有了血色,好可怕的血气。 Clip clop, clip clop and clip clop......” slight sound of footsteps spreading slowly, just liked the death knell of death, black Demon Shadow, appeared in front of discussing official business hall slowly together, immediately, marched into slowly. “哒、哒、哒……”轻微的脚步声缓缓的传出,犹如死亡的丧钟,缓缓的,一道黑色的魔影,出现在了议事大厅的门前,随即缓缓的,步入其中。 This Demon Shadow that black and that cold, in his hands is raising the blood sword of a handle sword and drop blood. 魔影是那么的黑、那么的冷,在他的手中提着一柄剑、滴血的血剑。 Lin Feng!” The crowd such as was hit hard, the body shivered maliciously, they recognize certainly Lin Feng, Xue Yu (continent) capture the first seat compared with Lin Feng greatly, all people are witnessing, they. 林枫!”人群如遭重击,身体狠狠的颤抖了下,他们当然认得林枫,雪域大比林枫夺得第一席位,所有人见证着,他们,也在。 They also know that head of household Taishu empties, is goes Xue Yue Country to kill Lin Feng, did not have again, however this moment Lin Feng, appeared here. 他们也知道,家主太叔空,就是前去雪月国林枫,再也没有回来了,然而此刻林枫,出现在了这里。 A shadow of death, covered all people. 一股死亡的阴影,将所有人笼罩。 Gains ground, the ray in that pair of ice-cold pupil like blood, that cold, is cold makes the person tremble. 抬起头,那双冰冷眸子中的光芒如血,是那么的冷,冷得让人发颤。 The palm trembles slightly, the fearful sword air/Qi has wreaked havoc, the blood light blooms in this discussing official business hall, tonight, being doomed is the night of bleeding...... 手掌微微一颤,可怕的剑气肆虐了起来,血光在这议事大厅中绽放,今夜,注定是流血的夜…… 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 736 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第736章 Night address of bleeding for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 流血的夜地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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