PMG :: Volume #3

#735: Suppression evil spirit sword

Did not say that blue robe Venerable, Lin Feng was startled there, he does not know that some people's on oneself under cloth banned, does not know will have the so formidable character to protect itself. 不说青袍尊者,就连林枫都怔在了那里,他根本就不知道有人在自己身上布下禁制,更不知道会有如此强大的人物在守护自己。 Meng Qing and Tang Youyou, eyesight all one stiff, immediately, a ray of wisp of hope blooms on the face, has not died, Lin Feng not dead, but also lives well, really has the fearful powerhouse, is protecting Lin Feng. 梦情唐幽幽,目光全都一僵,随即,一缕希望的光芒在脸上绽放,没有死、林枫没有死,还活得好好的,竟然有可怕的强者,在守护林枫 The old man illusory form of kicks out toward front, the twinkling arrives at the blue robe Venerable front, a fearful pressure direct pressure on the body of opposite party, making the soul of blue robe Venerable tremble maliciously, felt unexpectedly absent-minded, the whole person almost trampled in this moment is not panting comes, as if must suffocate and die by this illusory form oppression. 那老者虚幻的身影朝着前方扑出,瞬息降临青袍尊者的面前,一股可怕的威压直接压迫在对方的身上,让青袍尊者的灵魂狠狠的颤栗了下,竟感觉一阵恍惚,整个人在这一刻几乎踹不过气来,仿佛要被这虚幻的身影压迫得窒息、死亡。 Go away!” In the mouth of old man puts out together the fearful sound, the body of blue robe Venerable retroceded suddenly a kilometer place, big mouth is panting for breath, eyesight with amazement is staring at that empty shade. “滚!”老者的嘴中吐出一道可怕的声音,青袍尊者的身体陡然间后退了千米之地,大口的喘息着,目光骇然的盯着那虚影。 Quite fearful, was too fearful, even if with for Venerable, but to Venerable this grade of boundary, each disparity of rank is huge, but the opposite party, is incessantly more formidable than him a rank, he is the Zun Qi First Layer boundary, but the opposite party, he looks could not completely understand, but the soul empty shade makes him suffocate, as if can pinch out his soul. 好可怕,太可怕了,即便同为尊者,但到了尊者这等境界,每一个等级的差距就是巨大的,而对方,比他不止强大一个等级,他是尊武一重境,而对方,他连看都看不透,只是灵魂虚影都让他窒息,仿佛能够将他的灵魂都掐灭掉。 Senior.” The blue robe man also has to acknowledge that the punishment is deserved facing this grade of powerhouse, is bowing to that empty shade slightly, said: Younger generation does not know that he and senior have the relations, but also looks to forgive, when I bring back my thing, immediately leave.” “前辈。”青袍男子面对这等强者也不得不认栽,对着那虚影微微躬身,道:“晚辈并不知道他和前辈有关系,还望恕罪,等我取回我的东西,立刻就滚。” That empty shade brow selects, was a fearful pressure toward the blue robe Venerable oppression in the past, said: I said one again, go away!” 那虚影眉头一挑,又是一股可怕的威压朝着青袍尊者压迫过去,道:“我再说一句,滚!” The eye pupil of blue robe powerhouse one stiff, swallowed a saliva, can only the saliva swallow to swallow that tone, the opposite party, must swallow his Demon Seal stele, but he has no alternative. 青袍强者的眼眸一僵,吞了口唾沫,只能将那口气连带着唾沫吞入肚中,对方,是要吞了他的封魔石碑,但他却无可奈何。 Lin Feng is weak, he can kill Lin Feng, captures Lin Feng demon sword and snow is exquisite, but now, he is in the weak trend, the opposite party wants his Demon Seal stele, he is unable to revolt, this called the law of the jungle. 林枫弱,他可以杀林枫,夺取林枫身上的魔剑和雪玲珑,而如今,他处于弱势,对方要他的封魔石碑,他也无法反抗,这就叫弱肉强食。 Younger generation said goodbye.” Blue robe Venerable asked for mercy, immediately footsteps one cross, without hesitation turned around to leave, extremely decisive, meets person who could not stir up, can only flee. “晚辈告辞。”青袍尊者告罪一声,随即脚步一跨,毫不犹豫的转身离开,也是极其的果断,遇到惹不起的人,只能遁走。 Just before leaving when his hand grasps directly, raises the tail of cat monster directly in that making the cat monster make the sound, in the heart only feels the incomparable humiliation together, his solemn Heavenly Monster, receives this grade of humiliation treatment unexpectedly, however his master was a scapegoat now, he can only degenerate into the tool that gives vent to indignation. 临走之时他的手直接一抓,直接将猫妖的尾巴提在那,让猫妖发出一道声响,心中只感觉无比屈辱,他堂堂天妖,竟受这等屈辱待遇,然而现在他的主人受了气,他就只能沦为泄愤的工具。 Makes him feel what is hateful, Lin Feng has not died unexpectedly, has the powerhouse to protect Lin Feng unexpectedly. 更让他觉得可恨的是,林枫竟然没死,竟有强者保护林枫 The form of quick, blue robe powerhouse escapes to the distant place, in an instant vanishes the disappearing trace, sees him to leave, Meng Qing and Tang Youyou that tone also thoroughly relaxed, a moment ago, they think Lin Feng died, that sense of fear, was too fearful. 很快,青袍强者的身影遁向远方,转眼间就消失不见了踪影,看到他离开,梦情唐幽幽的那口气也彻底的松弛了下来,刚才,她们以为林枫死定了,那种恐惧感,太可怕了。 The old men have turned around slowly, sees this dignified form, the heart of Lin Feng is unable to be tranquil for a very long time. 老者缓缓的转过身来,看着这道威严的身影,林枫的心久久无法平静。 At this moment, he is unable and stands the rickets body in that memory in that front terrifying empty shade at this moment superposes in together, the makings differed were too big, far more than ten million/countless. 就连此刻,他都无法将那记忆中的佝偻身躯和此刻站在那面前的恐怖虚影重合在一起,气质相差太大了,何止千万里。 Although after the old person leaves, Lin Feng also knows the opposite party not ordinary \ Ping Fan, but has not thought that opposite party so powerful, moreover left behind a soul to ban on oneself, when he came across the life crisis touched, but a wisp of soul empty shade came, unapproachable Venerable to expel. 虽然老人离开后林枫也知道对方的不平凡,但也没有想到,对方会如此的强悍,而且还在自己身上留下了一道灵魂禁制,在他遇到生命危机的时候触动,只是一缕灵魂虚影现身,就将无可匹敌的尊者都赶走了。 Leave the character, Venerable has, since. 一句滚字,尊者都不得不从。 Xiao Lao.” Lin Feng was shouting to the old person, Lin Feng is very difficult to imagine, initially had been together with him a period of time elixir old person, helping him restore the injury rickets old man, can actually Venerable shout at to leave to a character formidable, this makes Lin Feng feel somewhat strangely. 萧老。”林枫对着老人喊了一声,林枫实在很难想象,当初和他相处过一段时日的炼药老人,帮助他恢复过伤势的佝偻老者,竟然能够强大到一字将尊者喝退,这让林枫感觉有些怪异。 The snow jumped the shoulder of Lin Feng exquisite once more, Tang Youyou also arrived at Lin Feng behind, they were also shocked, Lin Feng, unexpectedly understanding this powerhouse, moreover as if not know that such a powerhouse supposed the ban to protect him on him. 雪玲珑再次跳到了林枫的肩头,唐幽幽也来到林枫身后,她们也震惊,林枫,竟认识这种强者,而且似乎不知道这么一个强者在他身上设下过禁制保护他。 Xiao Lao to the Lin Feng slight bow, was sighing: Lin Feng, your courage, may be really big enough.” 萧老对着林枫微微点头,叹息了一声:“林枫,你的胆子,可真够大的。” Lin Feng has smiled bitterly, is not he is courageous, he is never willing to fall into the realm of the devil, is only, involuntary, he has to make the demon sword control him. 林枫苦笑了下,不是他胆子大,他何尝愿意堕入魔道,只是,身不由己,他不得不让魔剑控制他。 Your luck is good, fellow goes for wool and comes back shorn, instead kept the Demon Seal stele, happen to suppresses your demon sword, my this helps you relieve the soul mark on Demon Seal stele, then you control it, this, can seal up the demon sword temporarily, but this eventually is not the long-term plan, you must be been formidable by yourself, controls the demon sword, making him use for you, this disaster, perhaps will become your destiny.” “你运气不错,那家伙偷鸡不成蚀把米,反将封魔石碑留了下来,正好镇压你身上的魔剑,我这就帮你将封魔石碑上的灵魂印记解除,然后你来控制它,这样,能够暂时将魔剑封住,但这终究不是长久之计,你还是要让自己强大起来,控制住魔剑,让他为你所用,这祸事,也许将成为你的气运。” Xiao Lao opens the mouth saying that making Lin Feng smile bitterly, his luck truly was very seemingly good, naturally, strong destiny, if did not have Xiao Lao to appear, he must die similarly without doubt. 萧老开口说道,让林枫苦笑了下,他运气貌似确实很好,当然,再强的气运,若是没有萧老出现,他同样必死无疑。 The palm of Xiao Lao takes over the seal of office on the body of Lin Feng, shortly, the Demon Seal stele will fly to shoot from Lin Feng within the body, will want to run away toward the distant place unexpectedly. 萧老的手掌直接印在林枫的身上,顷刻间,封魔石碑从林枫的体内飞射而出,竟想要朝着远方遁去。 But in instant, the body of Lin Feng the Demon Seal stele appears suddenly flood the air/Qi of fearful realm of the devil, the double pupil is the demon light, the demon sword, started uncontrolled, wanted to control his will. 而在封魔石碑出现的刹那,林枫的身上遽然间又泛起可怕的魔道之气,双眸全都是魔光,魔剑,又开始不受控制了,想要控制他的意志。 Where goes.” Xiao Lao shouted angrily, a terrifying soul strength covered to go toward the Demon Seal stele, the town demon stele shivered crazily, fire of towering combustion one group of soul, were burning on the town demon stele. “哪里去。”萧老怒喝一声,一股恐怖的魂魄力量朝着封魔石碑笼罩而去,镇魔石碑疯狂的颤抖了起来,一团灵魂之火突兀的燃烧而起,在镇魔石碑上燃烧着。 Extinguishes!” “灭!” The Xiao Lao cold sound puts out together, the slight sound spreads together, seems any thing breaks to destroy, the Demon Seal stele stopped the tremor, tranquil float in that is releasing spirit of seals. 萧老一道寒冷的声音吐出,一道轻微的声响传出,仿佛是什么东西破碎毁灭掉,封魔石碑停止了颤动,平静的悬浮于那,释放着一道道封印的气息 Lin Feng, drops the blood on the Demon Seal stele, carves your soul mark again above, appropriating to oneself.” 林枫,滴血在封魔石碑上,再将你的灵魂印记刻在上面,将之据为己有。” Xiao Lao has been drinking one to Lin Feng, this sound such as severe warning, shook Lin Feng together soberly, cut own finger, the blood drop on the town demon stele, the strength of soul threw immediately, shortly, the radiant Guanghua's circulation on the Demon Seal stele is restless, Lin Feng can feel itself clearly and relation of Demon Seal stele. 萧老对着林枫喝了一声,这一道声音如当头棒喝,将林枫震得清醒了些,划破自己的手指,将鲜血滴在镇魔石碑上,随即灵魂的力量扑出去,顷刻间,一股璀璨的光华在封魔石碑上流转不息,林枫已经能够清楚的感觉到自己和封魔石碑的联系。 Really is the rare treasure.” This flash, Lin Feng as if felt palpitation of Demon Seal stele, in his mind inexplicable emerged one to remember, used the memory of Demon Seal stele, this stele, resembled the demon sword to be the same, has own memory and life. “果然是异宝。”这一刹那,林枫仿佛感觉到了封魔石碑的悸动,在他的脑海当中莫名的涌入了一段记忆,使用封魔石碑的记忆,这石碑,就好像魔剑一样,拥有自己的记忆和生命。 No longer needs Xiao Lao to remind, Lin Feng both hands are congealing the special mark, the strength hit directly together on the Demon Seal stele, in the eye pupil the ray twinkle, shouted angrily: Seals to me!” 不再需要萧老提醒,林枫双手凝结着特殊的印记,直接一道力量打在了封魔石碑上,眼眸中光芒闪烁,怒喝一声:“给我封!” Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The Demon Seal stele shivered, the terrifying seal strength blooms, it wants Demon Seal. 封魔石碑颤动了起来,恐怖的封印力量绽放而出,它要封魔 The shade of illusory stele flashes through together, the Demon Seal stele trembled directly into Lin Feng own within the body, Demon Seal, sealed up the demon sword, suppressed the fairyhood, shortly, Lin Feng realm of the devil will weakening gradually, the demon light in eye pupil also gradually went pale, was getting more and more sober, until restoring to wipe the Pure Brightness. 一道虚幻的石碑之影闪过,封魔石碑直接颤入了林枫自己的体内,封魔,封住魔剑,将魔性压制住,顷刻间,林枫身上的魔道意志渐渐的减弱,眼眸中的魔光也渐渐的淡去,越来越清醒,直到恢复一抹清明。 Shouted......” in mouth to put out the tone, Lin Feng probably obtains newborn was the same, at this moment in the middle of his body, two formidable treasures, but actually mutually diverted, if known by other powerhouses, perhaps will kill him, captured these two powerful treasures. “呼……”嘴中吐出口气,林枫就好像是得到了新生一样,此刻他的身体当中,有两件强大的宝物,不过却是互相牵制,若是被其它强者知道,恐怕会杀了他,夺取这两件强悍的宝物。 Was good, my time was up, you take care well, remember, the formidable strength, forever is basic, with the aid of external strength, eventually temporary, will possibly want own life.” Xiao Lao reminded one, was saying to Lin Feng: Remembers that helps me look after Xiao Ya well.” “好了,我的时间差不多了,你自己好好保重,记住,强大的实力,永远是根本,借助外在的力量,终究是暂时的,很可能会要了自己的命。”萧老提醒了一声,对着林枫道:“记得帮我好好照顾小雅。” Xiao Lao......” Lin Feng looked at Meng Qing of shoulder, shouted, Xiao Lao knows he must say anything, opens the mouth saying: Your girlfriend can certainly change from in people, I did not tell you, was because your strength was too weak, after knowing, if handled the matter that oneself ability is unable to hope to attain, will only harm you, wanted to save your girlfriend, became formidable, either, coming in Sacred City the state to look for my main body, remembered ten million/countless, do not bring Xiao Ya to come together.” 萧老……”林枫看了一眼肩头的梦情,喊了一声,萧老已经知道他要说什么,开口道:“你的女友当然可以重新化形于人,我不告诉你,是因为你的实力太弱了,知道后若是去做自己能力无法企及的事情,只会害了你而已,想要救你女友,就变得强大吧,要么,来圣城中州找我本尊,千万记住,不要带小雅一起来。” Spoke these words, Xiao Lao soul mark gradually became must illusory, finally vanished does not see. 说完这句话,萧老的灵魂印记渐渐的变得虚幻了起来,最终消失不见。 Lin Feng has looked at Xiao Lao form in invisible, the feeling is as before unbelievable, Xiao Ya grandfather Xiao Wutian, that rickets the elixir old person of body, unexpectedly formidable in this way, the quarter on oneself was always banning that perhaps is also feared one and Xiao Ya encounter the danger in the same place, the body of Xiao Ya, should have the soul mark that the old person leaves behind. 林枫一直看着萧老的身影化于无形,依旧感觉难以置信,小雅的爷爷萧舞天,那总是佝偻着身子的炼药老人,竟强大如斯,在自己身上刻下禁制,恐怕也是怕自己和小雅在一起的时候遇到危险,小雅的身上,应该也有老人留下的灵魂印记。 I did not tell you, was because your strength was too weak.” Lin Feng is gripping tightly the double fist, his strength, but also was too weak, at least compares these genuine powerhouses, he is too weak, including protecting own ability does not have, idle talk his family member friend, he needs the formidable strength, so long as strength, Meng Qing, can transform for the human form! “我不告诉你,是因为你的实力太弱了。”林枫紧握着双拳,他的实力,还太弱了,至少相比于那些真正的强者而言,他还太弱,连保护自己的能力都没有,更遑论自己的亲人朋友,他需要强大的实力,只要实力强,梦情,是能够重新幻化为人形的! : Sought various brothers support, kept regular hours, does not work tired, the brothers looked that also earlier rested! :求兄弟们各种支持,早睡早起,干活不累,兄弟们看完也早点睡! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 735 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第735章 Suppression demon sword address 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