PMG :: Volume #3

#734: Ban that touches

Above the Demon Seal stele, passes a fearful seal strength, Lin Feng can feel that the demon sword in own hand is shivering slightly, as if somewhat dreads this Demon Seal stele. 封魔石碑之上,透着一股可怕的封印力量,林枫都能够感觉到自己手中的魔剑在微微颤抖着,仿佛有些忌惮这封魔石碑。 You with the aid of the strength of demon sword, I block the demon sword, then has killed you, takes the demon sword again.” The blue robe man sneers, immediately both hands crazy congealing seal, hits above the Demon Seal stele, the arm in Demon Seal stele one stroke, the fearful black light blooms from the Demon Seal stele immediately, that stele expands once again, like person size, but on the stele is carving Demon Seal two characters, ray of blooming extremely intense. “你借助魔剑的力量,我就将魔剑封死,然后杀了你,再取魔剑。”青袍男子冷笑一声,随即双手疯狂的凝印,打在封魔石碑之上,手臂在封魔石碑一划,顿时可怕的黑色之光从封魔石碑上绽放而出,那块石碑再度扩张,就如人般大小,而石碑上刻着的封魔二字,绽放的光芒极其的强烈。 Goes.” The blue robe man shouted angrily, immediately the Demon Seal stele made, changes together black light, bang the sound spread, printed directly toward Lin Feng. “去。”青袍男子怒喝一声,顿时封魔石碑打出,化作一道黑光,轰隆隆的声音传出,直接朝着林枫印来。 The Lin Feng pupil is the light of inexhaustible realm of the devil, both hands lifts being bewitched sword as before, chops together the fearful sword glow directly, cuts toward that Demon Seal stele. 林枫眸子依旧是无穷无尽的魔道之光,双手举着魔剑,直接劈出一道可怕的剑芒,朝着那封魔石碑斩去。 Bang!” The sword glow cuts above the Demon Seal stele, the stele shivered maliciously, sign that however slightly has not actually disrupted, even does not have including the crack, the hard degree of this stele makes the person shock, even|connected Mojian do not cut broken. “轰隆!”剑芒斩在封魔石碑之上,石碑狠狠的颤动了下,然而却丝毫没有碎裂的迹象,甚至连裂缝都没有,这块石碑的坚硬程度让人震撼,连魔剑都斩不碎。 „The Demon Seal stele is the wonderful treasure, although your demon sword is strong, cannot shake in the same old way.” The blue robe man sneers, in the expression is passing the intense self-confidence to the Demon Seal stele. 封魔石碑乃是奇宝,你魔剑虽强,照样是撼动不了的。”青袍男子冷笑一声,语气中对封魔石碑透着强烈的自信。 But the Demon Seal stele the stone of antiquity, existed for the seal demon god specially, before the rumor, was together the shocking stone, afterward was split up, changed one after another, the present Demon Seal stele same place, was obtained in a fortuitous encounter by him, even, he can step into the boundary of Zun Qi, comprehended the seal deep meaning, cannot cut off the relations with this Demon Seal stele. 封魔石碑可是上古之石,专为封印魔神而存在,传言以前是一块震天之石,后来四分五裂,化作了一块一块,眼前的封魔石碑只是其中一块,被他在一次奇遇中得到,甚至,他能够踏入尊武之境,领悟封印奥义,也都和这封魔石碑脱不了关系。 Goes.” The light of seal hits together above the Demon Seal stele, this stele stopped the moment then to continue to forward, threw toward Lin Feng, the fearful black light beam as if covered together the Lin Feng whole person, making his fairyhood intensely be suppressed, demon sword, shivered fiercely. “去。”一道封印之光打在封魔石碑之上,这石碑只是停顿了片刻便继续向前,朝着林枫扑过去,一道可怕的黑色光束仿佛将林枫整个人都笼罩住,让他身上的魔性都受到强烈的压制,魔剑,也颤抖得越加厉害了。 Kills!” Lin Feng roars, fearless, a sword cuts to kill, contains the fearful Swordsmanship will, this sword must cut the crack including the space, however actually cuts the motionless Demon Seal stele. “杀!”林枫怒吼一声,无所畏惧,一剑斩杀,蕴含可怕的剑道意志,这一剑连空间都要斩裂,然而却斩不动封魔石碑。 Bang!” The demon sword in Demon Seal stele and Lin Feng hand collided maliciously , a fearful seal strength blooms, above the Demon Seal stele, the intense demon light must seal up the Lin Feng demon sword, lets demon sword unceasing again shivering. “轰隆!”封魔石碑和林枫手中的魔剑狠狠的碰撞了下,一股可怕的封印力量绽放,封魔石碑之上,强烈的魔光要将林枫的魔剑都封住,让魔剑不断的再颤抖。 Has not arrived at Tian Qi, how even if with the aid of the demon sword, to dare to vie with Hao Yue.” In blue robe man mouth puts out the sound, both hands waves together fiercely, was the fearful demon light hits together above the seal stele, saw only the blue robe man to shout angrily: Seals!” “还未到天武,即便借助魔剑又如何,竟敢与皓月争辉。”青袍男子嘴中吐出一道声音,双手舞动得更加的剧烈,又是一道可怕的魔光打在了封印石碑之上,只见青袍男子怒喝一声:“封!” Bang!” Demon sword maliciously trembles, from the Demon Seal stele, black seal light beam spreads, twines the demon sword, must its seal. “轰!”魔剑狠狠的一颤,从封魔石碑之上,一道道黑色的封印光束蔓延而出,将魔剑缠绕住,要将它封印。 The demon sword has own life will, how to be resigned, bang a bang, the demon sword is opening the fearful seal strength, trembles directly into the middle of the body of Lin Feng, seems avoiding the seal strength of Demon Seal stele. 魔剑拥有自己的生命意志,岂会甘心,轰隆一声巨响,魔剑睁开着可怕的封印力量,直接颤入林枫的身体当中,似乎在躲避封魔石碑的封印力量。 Can escape?” Blue robe Venerable has smiled, an demon sword concealment, he can cut to kill Lin Feng easily, not having the host, where the demon sword also to be able toward to hide. “逃得掉吗?”青袍尊者笑了,魔剑一隐匿,他轻易能斩杀林枫,没有了宿主,魔剑还能往哪里躲。 Can become the person of peerless powerhouse, has the destiny of going against heaven's will besides the fearful talent all, person who after all, in this powerhouse such as the cloud highest heaven mainland, the death crisis were too many, has the destiny can obtain the opportunity from the crisis, but person who did not have the destiny will die. 能够成为绝世强者之人,除了可怕的天赋之外无不有逆天的气运,毕竟,在这强者如云的九霄大陆,死亡危机太多,拥有气运的人能够从危机中获得机遇,而没有气运的人则会死亡。 But his destiny was very as if good, obtained the stone of Demon Seal stele antiquity, now, there is the demon sword and a snow delivers exquisite. 而他的气运似乎很不错,得到了上古之石封魔石碑,如今,又有魔剑和雪玲珑送上门来。 Seals!” The blue robe man has made a hand imprint, even if the demon sword starts to dodge him not to let off, even if has killed Lin Feng, he needs the uniform demon sword, this Demon Seal stele, is the difficult adversary of demon sword. “封!”青袍男子又是打出了一道手印,即便魔剑开始闪躲他都不放过,即便杀了林枫,他还是需要制服魔剑,这封魔石碑,是魔剑的克星。 At this time, on the Demon Seal stele flashes through illusory light, this giant stele is partly visible, appears somewhat illusory, moreover slowly changes is small, took over the seal of office on Lin Feng. 此时,封魔石碑身上闪过一道道虚幻之光,这一块巨大的石碑若隐若现,显得有几分虚幻,而且缓缓的变小,直接印在了林枫身上。 The body of Lin Feng shivered maliciously, that Demon Seal stele is unexpectedly same as the demon sword, directly entered in the middle of his body, the tracing being bewitched sword, must the demon sword thorough blocks. 林枫的身体狠狠的颤抖了下,那封魔石碑竟然和魔剑一样,直接进入了他的身体当中,追踪着魔剑,要将魔剑彻底的封死来。 Enters the body with the Demon Seal stele along with the demon sword together, in the middle of Lin Feng eye pupil light of unexpectedly divergence realm of the devil slowly, the demon sword, received the seal of Demon Seal stele in his within the body, his demon intent also weakened, the fairyhood removes. 伴随着封魔石碑随魔剑一起入体,林枫眼眸当中的魔道之光竟然缓缓的散去,魔剑,在他体内受到了封魔石碑的封印,他身上的魔意也减弱了很多,魔性褪去。 Looks at the blue robe man before body, Lin Feng ice-cold eyesight extremely ugly, did not have the strength of demon sword, he at all possibly is not the match of opposite party, this is the Zun Qi powerhouse. 看着身前的青袍男子,林枫冰冷的目光极其的难看,没有了魔剑的力量,他根本不可能是对方的对手,这可是尊武强者。 The blue robe man was revealing to Lin Feng has wiped indifferent smiling, the killing intent twinkle, Lin Feng, died. 青袍男子对着林枫露出了一抹冷漠的笑,杀意闪烁,林枫,死定了。 Meow!” Cat monster body float in the middle of void, has shown several points of self-satisfied look, seems is thinking highly of his master, Lin Feng this fellow harms him to change from the stele, afterward ran into this blue robe man, degenerates into the slave monster, was made by humanity, he wishes one could personally Lin Feng tearing, now, Lin Feng is dying finally. “喵呜!”猫妖的身体悬浮于虚空当中,露出了几分得意的神色,似乎是在恭维他的主人,林枫这家伙害得他化形石碑,后来遇到这青袍男子,沦为奴妖,受人类所制,他恨不得亲手将林枫撕裂,现在,林枫终于要死了。 Lin Feng!” Tang Youyou pursues was rushing to here, the footsteps numerous toward the ground treads, the body flies high, however actually listens to the sound of cat eating delicacies to spread together, a sharp claw directly toward stressing, bang the sound spreads, her arm was grasped a bloodstain, the body downward descends directly. 林枫!”唐幽幽追着跑到了这边,脚步重重的往地面一踏,身体凌空而起,然而却听一道猫啸之声传出,一锋锐的爪子直接朝着抓来,轰隆的声响传出,她的手臂被抓出一道血痕,身体直接往下降落。 Lifts upward, sees the monster different glow in that cat monster eye pupil, the eye pupil of Tang Youyou is having several points of ice-cold red color. 抬起往上,看到那猫妖眼眸中的妖异之芒,唐幽幽的眼眸带着几分冰冷的通红之色。 That year few talents, can this die? Falls from the sky unexpectedly in a formidable Venerable hand, Lin Feng definitely is extremely not willingly. 那年少天才,就这样要陨落了吗?竟然陨落在一名强大的尊者手中,林枫肯定会极其的不甘心吧。 Now, death.” The fearful green light blocks space, Lin Feng cannot move, helplessly looks that the blue robe man treads step by step toward him, such was dying \; He is not very indeed willingly, was not did not die willingly, but was his hatred also unreported, he has not helped Meng Qing restore the human form, how he can die, was not willingly such dies. “现在,死吧。”可怕的青色之光将空间都封死,林枫根本就动弹不得,眼睁睁的看着青袍男子朝着他一步步踏来,难道,就这么要死了吗\;他的确很不甘心,不是不甘心死亡,而是他的仇恨还未报,他还没有帮梦情恢复人形,他怎么能死,不甘心就这么死了。 But facing Venerable, he is not willingly does not help matters, the strength of both sides, differed was too big, is unable to make up, the opposite party only needed the thought to move, he moved is unable to move. 但面对尊者,他不甘心也无济于事,双方的力量,相差太大了,根本无法弥补,对方只需要意念一动,他就动都无法动弹。 Kills!” The sound of cold drinking puts out from the mouth of blue robe Venerable together, the fearful palm strength prints directly toward the chest of Lin Feng, this palm falls, Lin Feng must die without doubt. “杀!”一道冷喝之声从青袍尊者的嘴中吐出,可怕的掌力直接朝着林枫的胸口印去,这一掌落下,林枫必死无疑。 Meng Qing, runs away.” Lin Feng roars, holds the snow that proceeds to jump out to be exquisite, maliciously has flung toward behind, they, have had unexpectedly simultaneously the similar idea, dies for the opposite party. 梦情,逃。”林枫怒吼一声,抓住往前窜出的雪玲珑,狠狠的往后面甩了出去,他们两人,竟然同时生出了同样的想法,为对方死。 Hum......” snow exquisite body tumbles in void, exudes sound of the sad and shrill sobbing, such as in the pupil of water is the tears, crazy stopping draws back the potential, rushes toward Lin Feng. “呜呜……”雪玲珑的身体在虚空中翻滚,发出一丝凄厉的呜咽之声,如水的眸子中全是泪光,疯狂的止住退势,又朝着林枫奔去。 However, already late. 然而,已经晚了。 Bang!” Sound of the dull thumping sound spreads, being in charge bang of blue robe Venerable in the chest of Lin Feng, making the body of Lin Feng maliciously trembled, at this moment, as if the time stopped, body of Meng Qing and Tang Youyou stiff there. “轰!”一声闷响之声传出,青袍尊者的掌印轰在了林枫的胸膛,让林枫的身体狠狠的一颤,这一刻,仿佛时间都停止了,梦情唐幽幽的身体都僵硬在了那里。 Four drops of tears, flow out following a corner of the eye of person of monster, Meng Qing wants to roar, however, she at this moment discovered that she is so frail. 四滴泪水,顺着一人一妖的眼角流出,梦情想要怒吼,然而,此刻的她发现自己是如此的脆弱。 But Tang Youyou, she discovered that her heart, the good pain, never to have pain. 唐幽幽,她发现,她的心,好痛,从未有过的痛。 Her heart, was unexpectedly painful! 她的心,竟然痛了! Death!” The indifferent sound spits together from the mouth of blue robe Venerable, the destruction strength must destroy Lin Feng. “死吧!”一道冷漠的声音从青袍尊者的嘴中吐出来,毁灭的力量要将林枫摧毁。 Bang!” The fearful white light blooms together, blooms from the body of Lin Feng, this white light so dazzling, the stabbing pain resulted in the eye pupil of Meng Qing and Tang Youyou dodged, but appeared with this spoken parts light together, powerful to fearful spirit. “轰!”一道可怕的白光绽放而出,从林枫的身上绽放,这白光是如此的耀眼,刺痛得梦情唐幽幽的眼眸都闪了下,而伴随着这道白光一起出现的,还有一股强悍到可怕的气息 The blue robe Venerable body in the twinkling then crazy backlash that white light blooms, that destruction strength falls, he felt destroys is not Lin Feng, rather, as if touched anything to ban. 青袍尊者身体在白光绽放的瞬息便疯狂的后退,那股毁灭力量落下的时候,他感觉到摧毁的不是林枫,而是,仿佛触动了什么禁制。 eyesight stubbornly is staring at the Lin Feng direction, sees only before the body of Lin Feng, that white light of [say / way] blooming, unexpectedly changing together form slowly, illusory form. 目光死死的盯着林枫的方向,只见在林枫的身前,那道绽放的白光,竟缓缓的化作一道身影,虚幻的身影。 This empty shade is an old person, in old person's eyesight is passing the air/Qi of fearful dignity, the alienation long hair as if like the entity, Fei Yang \ flying upwards in void waves, that spirit, lets the body of blue robe Venerable unceasing is shivering, is quite fearful. 这虚影是一老人,老人的目光中透着可怕的威严之气,狂乱的长发仿佛如实体般,在虚空中飞扬舞动,那股气息,让青袍尊者的身体不断的颤抖着,好可怕。 How can, how be able like this? 怎么会,怎么会这样? Lin Feng, on him some souls banned unexpectedly, so fearful powerhouses in protecting him, when was destroyed, this ban was touched, immediately, the empty shade of old man, appearance! 林枫,他身上竟然有灵魂禁制,有一如此可怕的强者在守护着他,在被毁灭的时候,这禁制才被触动,随即,老者的虚影,出现! : Today a flower does not have, was blown out the excrement, like this I felt that in the weekend erupted a significance not to have, exploded usually again to give to others to explode the chrysanthemum, cried, sprouted the younger sister paper to give a commander to comfort, the tears sought the support! :今天一朵花都没有,被爆出屎了,这样我感觉周末爆发一点意义都没有了,爆完了平时就是再送给别人爆菊的,哭啊,还有萌妹纸给了个统帅安慰,泪求支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 734 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第734章 Banned address that touches for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 触动的禁制地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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