PMG :: Volume #3

#733: War revering

The eye pupil of flood being bewitched light is staring at that blue robe man, ice-cold Murderous Qi as in crazy is sweeping across, that changed to the beast shape the cat monster to find out a head from the bosom of blue robe man, the pupil of that pair of glistening was bringing monster different smiling, seemed is taunting Lin Feng, Lin Feng, ended. 泛着魔光的眼眸盯着那青袍男子,冰冷的杀气依旧在疯狂的席卷着,那化作兽形的猫妖从青袍男子的怀中探出了个脑袋,那双闪亮的眸子带着一丝妖异的笑,似乎是在嘲讽林枫,林枫,完了。 Tang Youyou also followed finally, when sees cat monster peaceful lying down when that blue robe man cherishes, her body could not bear shivered maliciously under. 唐幽幽终于也跟了进来,当看到猫妖安静的躺在那青袍男子怀中之时,她的身体忍不住狠狠的颤抖了下。 The cat monster, is Heavenly Monster, however, at this moment actually like is the pet, lies down in the bosom of blue robe man, what does this mean? Means that this blue robe man, he likely is more formidable , the cat monster is the scala media even high level Tian Qi Layer powerhouse, if real this and other fearful existences, then to Lin Feng, was too then dangerous. 猫妖,可是天妖,然而,此刻却是像是宠物一样,躺在青袍男子的怀中,这意味着什么?意味着这青袍男子,比猫妖他强大很多,很可能是中阶甚至高阶天武境的强者,若真实这等可怕的存在,那对林枫而言,便太危险了。 Good heavy demon air/Qi.” The low and deep sound spreads together, sees only that blue robe man is shutting eye pupil opening slowly, flashes through together the blue light in the middle of his eye pupil, directly collides with the demon light that in the Lin Feng eye blooms, is insufferably arrogant sharply, even if comes the person whole body is fearful demon intent, he does not have the least bit to respond. “好重的魔气。”一道低沉的声音传出,只见那青袍男子闭着的眼眸缓缓的睁开,在他的眼眸当中闪过一道青光,直接和林枫眼中绽放的魔光碰撞,锋锐不可一世,即便来人浑身都是可怕的魔意,他也没有半点反应。 „The snow is exquisite.” The corners of the mouth are having a faint smile, eyesight of blue robe man is passing several points of greedy, in the fearful demon sword and fox the immortal snow is exquisite, is really good. “还有雪玲珑。”嘴角带着一丝浅笑,青袍男子的目光透着几分贪婪,可怕的魔剑、狐中仙雪玲珑,真好啊。 Cat, this was you have opposed a matter finally.” The blue robe man feels in the bosom cat monster hair, said in a low voice. “小猫,这是你总算作对了一件事。”青袍男子摸着怀中猫妖身上的毛发,低声道。 Meow!” The cat monster seems is taking undeserved credit, is making together the low and deep sound to the blue robe man, immediately has arched the arch in the bosom of man. “喵呜!”猫妖似乎是在邀功,对着青袍男子发出一道低沉的声音,随即又在男子的怀中拱了拱。 You felt relieved that so long as your little darling, I will make you a true formidable monster.” The blue robe man as if understood the meaning of cat monster, the body has stood slowly, shortly, fearful spirit covers the entire main hall instantaneously, the body of Tang Youyou only felt that slightly one stiff, her body, the feeling fell into the mire, moves is hard to move. “你放心吧,只要你乖乖的,我会让你成为一头真正强大的妖。”青袍男子似乎明白了猫妖的意思,身体缓缓的站了起来,顷刻间,一股可怕的气息瞬间将整个大殿都笼罩,唐幽幽的身体只感觉微微一僵,她的身体,就感觉是陷入了泥沼中,动都难以动弹。 On the face reveals gradually wipes look with amazement, Tang Youyou is staring at that blue robe man, shocks unable to say the words. 脸上渐渐露出一抹骇然的神色,唐幽幽盯着那青袍男子,震惊得无法说出话来。 Is this really merely the strength of will? How she felt that at this moment she faces, probably is that day in Deity Palace for Venerable that they explain religious doctrine. 这真的仅仅是意志的力量吗?她怎么感觉,此刻她面对的,就好像是那日在神宫为他们讲道的尊者。 Venerable!” Muttered whispered, Tang Youyou were frightened the heart to beat by oneself this guess, if Venerable, Lin Feng, but could also be saved? “尊者!”喃喃低语了一声,唐幽幽自己都被自己这猜测吓得心脏跳动了下,若是尊者的话,林枫,还有救吗? Small girl is very insightful.” The blue robe man shot a look at Tang Youyou lightly, said in a soft voice that his sound lets the body of Tang Youyou thump, is really Venerable! “小丫头挺有眼光。”青袍男子淡淡的瞥了一眼唐幽幽,轻声说道,他的声音让唐幽幽的身体咯噔一下,真的是尊者! Senior, we affronts, but also looks at the senior to forgive.” Tang Youyou is raising slightly to the blue robe man slightly, Venerable, at is not the character who they can stir up, is too fearful. “前辈,我们无意间冒犯,还望前辈恕罪。”唐幽幽对着青袍男子微微欠身,尊者,根本不是他们能够惹得起的人物,太可怕。 You walk, I did not feel embarrassed your this small girl.” The blue robe man said in a low voice that however the body of Tang Youyou is actually one stiff, points at Lin Feng saying: But, he?” “你走吧,我不为难你这小丫头了。”青袍男子低声说道,然而唐幽幽的身体却是一僵,指着林枫道:“可是,他?” On him demon intent is too heavy, arrived at the fascinated edge, I have killed him for you, so as to avoid he injures to you are better.” The blue robe man said that he is Venerable can certainly feel that the fearfulness of Lin Feng being possessed by a demon sword, such handle sword, the control strength even is before death stronger than him, Lin Feng cannot play the might, if controlled by him...... “他身上魔意太重,已经到达入魔边缘,我替你杀了他,免得他伤害到你岂不是更好。”青袍男子笑着说了一声,他身为尊者当然能够感觉到林枫手中魔剑的可怕,这样一柄剑,生前的掌控者实力甚至比他还强,林枫根本发挥不出威力,若是由他来掌控的话…… In the fox the immortal snow is exquisite, this and other rare precious Monster Beast, how he can let off, if she, another day may swallow the essence of livelihood. 还有狐中仙雪玲珑,这等难得的珍贵妖兽,他怎么能够放过,若得她,他日可吞日月之精华。 Senior, he......” Tang Youyou also wants to argue that actually sees Lin Feng eyesight to transfer, the ice-cold pupil is staring at her, shouting to clear the way that lets somebody cool off or calm down: Exits.” “前辈,他……”唐幽幽还想要辩解,却见林枫目光转过,冰冷的眸子盯着她,冷冷的喝道:“出去。” Tang Youyou sees the ice-cold whole body in Lin Feng pupil one stiff, actually sees the Lin Feng footsteps one cross, a fearful strength entire tribe on the body of Tang Youyou. 唐幽幽看到林枫眸子中的冰冷浑身一僵,却见林枫脚步一跨,一股可怕的力量全部落在唐幽幽的身上。 Terrifying realm of the devil palm strength direct bang on the body of Tang Youyou, the body of Tang Youyou flew toward outside directly, in the mouth spouts a blood. 恐怖的魔道掌力直接轰在了唐幽幽的身上,唐幽幽的身体直接朝着外面飞了出去,嘴中喷出一口鲜血。 Has turned around, when Lin Feng looks to the blue robe man, the demon light is getting more and more abundant. 转过身,林枫看向青袍男子之时,魔光越来越盛。 It seems like you also not completely fascinated, unexpectedly as before some human natures.” The blue robe man said lightly, Lin Feng this holds him naturally to understand that is what intent. “看来你还没有完全入魔,竟依旧有些人性。”青袍男子淡淡的说了一声,林枫这一掌他当然明白是何意。 Lin Feng has not paid attention to his words, lowered the head, looks at snow of shoulder to be exquisite, supple sound track: Meng Qing, if I am fascinated, you leave.” 林枫没有理会他的话,低着头,看了一眼肩头的雪玲珑,柔声道:“梦情,若是我入魔,你就离开。” Hum!” Snow exquisite unceasing shaking the head, tight buckles the shoulder of Lin Feng not to relax, seems afraid Lin Feng also like to drive out her to Tang Youyou. “呜呜!”雪玲珑不断的摇头,紧紧的扣着林枫的肩头没有放松,仿佛害怕林枫也像对唐幽幽一样将她赶出去。 Lin Feng eyesight has transferred, looks at once again to the blue robe man time, in the eye completely is the fearful demon light, lets loose will strength that the mind, lets loose itself to resist, the billowing demon air/Qi was getting more and more formidable, nibbles his will, the demon sword in hand was shivering crazily, the air/Qi of that fearful realm of the devil, completely covered the entire cave mansion , the mountain wall of cave mansion makes the sound unceasingly, by sword air/Qi separate. 林枫目光转过,再度看向青袍男子的时候,眼中全部都是可怕的魔光,放开心神、放开自己抵抗的意志力量,滚滚的魔气越来越强大,蚕食着他的意志,手中的魔剑疯狂的颤抖了起来,那可怕的魔道之气,将整个洞府都全部笼罩在其中,洞府的山壁不断发出咔嚓的声响,被剑气割裂。 Um?” The blue robe man eyes pupil stagnates, is staring at Lin Feng, at this moment, in the middle of Lin Feng that both eyes pupil, optical scintillation jet black and profound realm of the devil, only then the meaning of inexhaustible realm of the devil, his whole person, probably is a handle sword is the same, no longer is the person, but is the sword. “嗯?”青袍男子眼眸一滞,盯着林枫,此刻,林枫那双眼眸当中,漆黑而深邃的魔道之光闪烁,只有无穷无尽的魔道之意,他整个人,就好像是一柄剑一样,不再是人,而是剑。 Fascinated, you are courting death.” The blue robe man drinks one coldly, Lin Feng, wants the thorough falling into realm of the devil unexpectedly, making the demon sword control. “入魔,你这是在找死。”青袍男子冷喝一声,林枫,竟要彻底的堕入魔道,让魔剑成为掌控者。 The strength of demon sword does not know that formidable, possibly surmounted Venerable before one's death once, if the demon sword becomes the absolute leadership, the might that plays will be will also shock, naturally, perhaps body of Lin Feng, because is unable unable to withstand the oppression of demon sword to rupture also perhaps. 魔剑的力量不知道有多强大,可能在生前超越尊者,若是魔剑成为绝对的主导,发挥出的威力也将会是震撼的,当然,也许林枫的身体因为无法承受得住魔剑的压迫而爆裂也说不定。 The palm trembles, a fearful seal strength has blocked immediately the trim space, the body of Lin Feng as if froze there, similarly was the strength of seal, but this use compared with it Duan Wu Dao Duan Ren emperor, formidable did not have the several fold, the thought moved, the space was blocked. 手掌一颤,顿时一股可怕的封印力量将整片空间都封死了,林枫的身体仿佛都冻结在了那里,同样是封印的力量,但这尊者使用起来比之段无道段人皇,强大了无数倍,意念一动,空间都被封锁。 „, And......” Fearful sword light release the intense demon light, the demon sword are being divided into nine, crazy howling in space, punctures the seal, immediately nine sword fusions, make bang the sound, toward blue robe man assassination in the past. “咻、咻、咻、咻……”一道道可怕的剑光释放着强烈的魔光,魔剑一分为九,在空间中疯狂的呼啸,刺破封印,随即九剑融合,发出轰隆隆的声响,朝着青袍男子刺杀过去。 At this moment, no longer is the Lin Feng control demon sword, but is demon sword is roaring. 这一刻,不再是林枫掌控魔剑,而是魔剑自己在怒吼。 Bang!” Sword air/Qi perhaps in tearing the cave mansion, rock crazy cracking, is collapsing toward the cave mansion. “轰隆隆!”恐怕的剑气在撕裂着洞府,山石疯狂的崩裂,朝着洞府中坍塌。 The blue robe man drinks one coldly, during the palm tremors presents a green aperture before his body, completely is the fearful seal strengths, covers the demon sword. 青袍男子冷喝一声,手掌颤动间在他的身前出现一青色的光圈,全部都是可怕的封印力量,将魔剑笼罩在其中。 Scoffs!” The demon sword punctures the blue light directly , to continue to fire into the blue robe man, making the blue robe man eyes pupil concentrate, this demon sword is really fearful, before received the fetter of Lin Feng unable to play the might, however this moment sword was the leadership, truly displayed is belonging to its terrifying might. “嗤!”魔剑将青光直接刺破,继续冲向青袍男子,让青袍男子眼眸一凝,这魔剑果然可怕,以前受到林枫的束缚无法发挥出威力,然而此刻剑为主导,真正发挥着属于它的恐怖威力。 The palm also lifts, two green ray oppression being bewitched swords, the blue robe man shouted angrily: Goes back.” 手掌同时抬起,两股青色的光芒压迫着魔剑,青袍男子怒喝一声:“回去。” The blue light explodes, fearful strength promotes being bewitched sword to go against the flow, Lin Feng footsteps one cross, the palm takes away the demon sword directly in the palm, the person and sword as if fusion are one, changes to the black sword to assassinate toward the blue robe man together once again, at this moment Lin Feng seems a handle sword, with demon sword fusion in one. 青光爆裂,可怕的力量推动着魔剑逆行,林枫的脚步一跨,手掌直接将魔剑扣在掌中,人与剑仿佛融合为一,化作一道黑色的剑朝着青袍男子再度刺杀而出,这一刻林枫都仿佛是一柄剑,与魔剑融合在了一起。 Person sword unites, Swordsmanship will, no wonder the demon sword can choose you for the host.” The blue robe man shouted angrily, the fearful strength toward the sword oppression in the past, in the world as if had the inexhaustible sword assassination, bang sound unceasing spreading, the rock cracked fiercely. “人剑合一,剑道意志,难怪魔剑会选择你为宿主。”青袍男子怒喝一声,可怕的力量朝着剑压迫过去,天地间仿佛有无穷无尽的剑刺杀而出,咔嚓的轰隆声响不断的传出,山石崩裂得更加的剧烈。 Bang!” The body of blue robe man shoots up to the sky, demon sword tight is following his body, breaks all, entire mountain in crazy cracking, when their sword runs out of this mountain time, mountain range in the middle of crazy shivering unceasing cracks. “轰隆!”青袍男子的身体冲天而起,魔剑紧紧的跟随着他的身体,破开一切,整座山都在疯狂的崩裂,等到两人一剑冲出这座山的时候,山脉在疯狂的颤抖当中不断的崩裂开来。 Void middle, their sword, or a person of sword, this time Lin Feng is a sword, melts with the demon sword, the world howls, the demon Yun Fengkuang trundle of roaring, the endless sword air/Qi shoots toward the blue robe man. 虚空当中,两人一剑,或者说一人一剑,此时的林枫已经是剑,和魔剑相融,天地呼啸,怒吼的魔云疯狂的滚动,无尽的剑气朝着青袍男子射出去。 The both hands of man wave, trim sky was covered by blue light, as if all static. 男子的双手舞动,整片天空都被一股青光所笼罩,仿佛一切都静止了下来。 You go crazy, same must die.” Blue robe man ice-cold shouting to clear the way , the footsteps proceed one cross, treads directly toward being bewitched sword, if Lin Feng cultivation base is the high level Tian Qi powerhouse, melts with the demon sword can become the threat to other party, but now the Lin Feng main body is too weak, the demon sword instead receives him to implicate, cannot play the true demon might. “就算你发疯,也一样要死。”青袍男子冰冷的喝道,脚步往前一跨,直接朝着魔剑踏出去,若林枫修为是高阶天武强者,与魔剑相融能够对他造成威胁,但现在林枫本体太弱,魔剑反而受他拖累,发挥不出真正魔的威力。 The body of green ray crazy extrusion being bewitched sword and Lin Feng, that fearful strength makes Lin Feng unable to move, was too strong, the Zun Qi powerhouse, was not he can resist fascinated. 青色的光芒疯狂的挤压着魔剑和林枫的身体,那股可怕的力量让林枫动弹不得,太强了,尊武强者,不是他入魔就能抵抗得了的。 The ray dodges, presented a black stone in the middle of void, this stone in the crazy expansion, changes to together the stele unexpectedly. 光芒一闪,在虚空当中出现了一块黑色的石头,这块石头在疯狂的扩张,竟化作一道石碑。 On the stele, is carving two clear large characters, Demon Seal! 石碑上面,刻着两个清晰的大字,封魔 This stele, is the Demon Seal stele! 这石碑,乃是封魔石碑! : Asked the fresh flower! :求鲜花! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 733 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第733章 War Venerable address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 战尊者地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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