PMG :: Volume #3

#732: Again with cat monster

Lin Feng that pair of ice-cold pupil is seeing the opposite party instant, simultaneously heart maliciously trembles, such as was hit hard. 林枫那双冰冷的眸子在看到对方的刹那,同时心头狠狠的一颤,如遭重击。 Meow......” this is a quite pretty man, but actually the monster of whole face different, although is the human form, but puts out from his mouth unexpectedly is the sound of cat eating delicacies, appears strange. “喵……”这是一颇为俊秀的男子,不过却满脸的妖异,虽为人形,但从他嘴中吐出的竟然是一声猫啸之声,显得更加的诡异。 Is you.” Bang realm of the devil spirit tumbled crazily, the Lin Feng eye light of realm of the devil as if blooms to absorb the person heart and soul the appearance, full Tou the jet black long hair as well as long gown have fluttered. “是你。”轰隆隆的魔道气息疯狂的翻滚了起来,林枫眼中的魔道之光都仿佛绽放出摄人心魄的神采,满头的漆黑长发以及身上的长袍都飘动了起来。 This appears in his front person, is the cat monster, unexpectedly is the cat monster. 这出现在他面前的人,是猫妖,竟然是猫妖。 He once has seen in the Nine dragons mountain range the cat monster, moreover once received him to make, Lin Feng puts together completely all finally, uses the demon sword to come out of the sheath, still compels to use the powerful Heavenly Monster ability in the changing from cat monster, finally, the cat monster changes from the failure, turned into a cat, was having the unyielding and ice-cold look flees. 他曾经在九龙山脉中见到过的猫妖,而且曾经受他所制,林枫最终拼尽一切,使用魔剑出鞘,迫得还在化形的猫妖使用出强悍的天妖能力,最后,猫妖化形失败,变成了一头猫,带着不屈而冰冷的眼神逃离了。 But at this moment, that changes to Heavenly Monster of cat, changed from obviously failed, now is actually the human form, the body is passing the fearful spookiness, this means that any Lin Feng is very clear. 但此刻,那化作猫的天妖,明明已经化形失败了,现在却是人形,身上透着可怕妖气,这意味着什么林枫很清楚。 This means that even if changed from were defeated, can make up, such as the present cat monster is the same. 这意味着即便化形失败了,还是可以弥补回来,就如眼前的猫妖一样。 eyesight looked at a shoulder to stare at the cat monster snow to be exquisite vigilantly, in the eye pupil of Lin Feng filled the ray of hope suddenly, the cat monster has been able to change from unexpectedly, then, Meng Qing she, changed from the manner. 目光看了一眼肩头警惕盯着猫妖的雪玲珑,林枫的眼眸中突然间充满了希望之光,猫妖竟然可以化形回来,那么,梦情她也可以,重新化形为人。 Meng Qing and Tang Youyou naturally do not know that Lin Feng why so excited, listens to Lin Feng is your two characters, he with this powerful Heavenly Monster, as if once knew. 梦情唐幽幽自然不知道林枫为何会如此的激动,听林枫是你两个字,他和这强悍的天妖,似乎曾经就认识。 Not is only they, cat monster do not know why Lin Feng responded so will be big, responded truly big should be he is right, is Lin Feng harms him to change from the failure, is Lin Feng harms him...... 不仅是他们两个,就连猫妖自己都不知道林枫为何反应会这么大,真正反应大的应该是他才对,是林枫害得他化形失败,是林枫害得他…… At this time in the middle of the pupil of cat monster, projects the ice-cold light, but this time he is not impulsive, realm of the devil spirit that the Lin Feng body tumbles was telling him, Lin Feng, has as if used the demon sword, that fearful demon air/Qi . Moreover, unusual. 此时猫妖的瞳孔当中,射出冰冷之光,但这一次他没有那么冲动,林枫身上翻滚的魔道气息在告诉他,林枫,似乎又使用了魔剑了,那股可怕的魔气,而且,非常的强。 Is predestined friends, has not thought that we can also meet.” In the mouth puts out together the sound, cat monster that monster different pupil stubbornly is staring at Lin Feng, blooms ominous light, probably he momentarily possible to tear to pieces Lin Feng. “有缘啊,没想到我们还能见面。”嘴中吐出一道声音,猫妖那妖异的眸子死死的盯着林枫,绽放出一丝凶光,好像他随时都可能将林枫撕烂。 Evidently, you as if fell into realm of the devil, you now, thoroughly release that strength that was unable to control, became the sword slave?” Cat monster exploratory asked Lin Feng one, but has not responded, Lin Feng has not paid attention in him, the footsteps proceed, numerous steps. “看样子,你似乎堕入魔道了,难道你现在,彻底的释放了身上无法掌控的那股力量,成为了剑奴?”猫妖试探性的问了林枫一声,但没有回应,林枫没有理会于他,脚步往前,重重的一跨。 Shortly, the air/Qi of inexhaustible fearful murdering blooms toward the cat monster completely, was too fearful, in the world is the demon air/Qi of tumbling, sound of severe of Howl sword the spreads, the demon sword blooms from Lin Feng within the body, without any retention, Lin Feng had also forgotten dissuading of Tang Youyou, has released the demon sword directly. 顷刻间,无穷无尽的可怕杀伐之气全部朝着猫妖绽放而出,太可怕了,天地间都是翻滚的魔气,一声剑之厉啸之声传出,魔剑从林枫的体内绽放而出,没有任何的保留,林枫也忘记了唐幽幽的劝阻,直接将魔剑释放了出来。 The demon sword has delimited a gorgeous curve, the sky is the terrifying demon cloud is all tumbling, became the trim sky extremely cloudy and cold. 魔剑划过一道绚丽的弧度,天空全部都是恐怖的魔云在翻滚,将整片天空都变得极其的阴冷了起来。 An demon eats delicacies to spread, sword belongs to the Lin Feng hand, Lin Feng ice cold enunciated: Told me, how did you change from?” 一声魔啸传出,剑归于林枫手中,林枫冰寒的吐字道:“告诉我,你是如何化形的?” In the middle of the eye pupil of realm of the devil also the freshness, then inquired the cat monster only, how he once again changed from. 魔道的眼眸当中唯一还有一丝清新,便是询问猫妖,他到底是如何再度化形的。 Cat monster eyesight is glittering, feels on Lin Feng this fearful realm of the devil spirit, his eye pupil is extremely not tranquil, Lin Feng is falling into the realm of the devil, has used that handle formidable demon sword, but is actually not able to control, had the fascinated sign. 猫妖目光不停的闪烁着,感受到林枫身上这股可怕的魔道气息,他的眼眸也极不平静,果然,林枫在堕入魔道,使用了那柄强大的魔剑,但却根本无法驾驭得了,已经有入魔的迹象。 Snow is exquisite!” “雪玲珑!” The cat monster swept snow white Monster Beast that Lin Feng has carried on the back, on the face has shown a fierce smiling face, smiled especially strangely, why he as if understood Lin Feng such excitedly. 猫妖扫了一眼林枫背上的雪白妖兽,脸上露出了一丝狰狞的笑容,笑得格外的诡异,他仿佛明白了林枫为何会这么的激动。 Retribution, this snow may be really attractive exquisite, initially was what a pity same as me, changes from the failure, is this does obeisance you to bestow?” Hoarse but the monster different sound puts out from the mouth of cat monster once again, seems stimulating Lin Feng desirably, at this moment Tang Youyou also understands how the matter is a matter, this cat monster, once was compelled by Lin Feng changes from the failure. “报应啊,这雪玲珑可真漂亮,可惜,和我当初一样,化形失败,难道,这又是拜你所赐?”沙哑而妖异的声音再度从猫妖的嘴中吐出,仿佛是刻意在刺激林枫,这一刻唐幽幽也明白事情是如何回事,原来如此,原来这猫妖,曾经就被林枫迫得化形失败。 However now, this cat monster actually once again changes from the adult, therefore Lin Feng will have such intense response, because he saw the hope, wish lets the hope that the snow changes from exquisite once again. 然而如今,这猫妖却又一次化形成人,所以林枫才会有这么强烈的反应,因为他看到了希望,想要让雪玲珑再度化形的希望。 Was a pity that I will not tell you.” The hoarse sound of cat monster puts out once again, in the eye is bringing cruel smiling. “可惜,我不会告诉你的。”猫妖的沙哑声音再度吐出,眼中带着残忍的笑。 Kills!” Billowing fearful realm of the devil spirit tumbles on sword, the Lin Feng demon sword belt fearful sword intent is cutting to kill directly, the space has delimited together the dazzling black sword mark. “杀!”滚滚的可怕魔道气息在剑上翻滚,林枫的魔剑带着可怕的剑意直接斩杀而出,空间划过一道刺目的黑色剑痕。 Meow......” cat monster speed extremely keen, the whole person is bending slightly, such as projects to the arrow of string, bang a bang, the demon sword cut above the mountain peak, the sound spread, the alarmed sword mark appeared in that together, the mountain peak was cut a fearful crack. “喵……”猫妖的速度极其的敏锐,整个人微微弓着,如离弦之箭般射出,轰隆一声巨响,魔剑斩在了山峰之上,咔嚓的声响传出,一道触目惊心的剑痕出现在那,山峰被斩出了一条可怕的裂缝。 However Lin Feng has not seen, footsteps one cross, goes toward the cat monster pursuit directly, in the middle of the space, completely is the wills of fearful sword roaring realm of the devil spirit and howls. 然而林枫根本就没有看到,脚步一跨,直接朝着猫妖追击而去,空间当中,全部都是咆哮的魔道气息和呼啸的可怕剑之意志。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” the sword of light inexhaustible realm of the devil crazy is wreaking havoc, the cat monster was exudes a low and deep howl, the body threw once again, avoided the attack of Lin Feng, body change slowly, the metaplasia has left the main body, a keen cat. “嗤、嗤……”无穷无尽的魔道之剑光疯狂的肆虐着,猫妖又是发出一声低沉的啸声,身体再度扑了出去,躲避过林枫的攻击,身体缓缓的变化,化生出本体,一头敏锐的猫。 Realm of the devil sword light spread across, cat monster crazy is fending, the biography that bang the sound keeps, the entire mountain range wreaked havoc by that fearful sword light collapsed half, at this moment fascinated Lin Feng was too fearful, if the cat monster has not changed to the main body, perhaps by the Lin Feng demon sword cutting. 一道道魔道剑光纵横交错,猫妖疯狂的闪避着,轰隆隆的声响不停的传出来,整个山脉都被那可怕的剑光肆虐得倒塌了一半,此刻入魔的林枫太可怕了,猫妖若是没有化作本体的话,恐怕已经被林枫的魔剑给斩到了。 Kills!” Also is the sound of billowing roaring falls together, this sword, that radiant gorgeous, the space has delimited together the demon mark, the cat monster looks that two fearful sword glow have not dropped here is a sword, the monster of pupil different brilliantly put. “杀!”又是一道滚滚的咆哮之音落下,这一剑,是那么的璀璨绚丽,空间划过一道魔痕,猫妖看着身旁的两道可怕剑芒还未落下这里又是一剑,瞳孔的妖异之光大放。 Meow......” fearful sharp claws extend on the body of cat monster, his build is also expanding, that claw sharp to letting the person is scared. “喵……”可怕的利爪在猫妖的身上延伸出来,他的体型也在扩张,那爪子锋利到让人胆寒。 Bang!” The spookiness shoots up to the sky, the body of cat monster toward that dodges, but below sword light throws, bang the spirit tumbling is restless, the demon sword cut above the spookiness, the spookiness was scattered without a trace, the sound that a junction struck spread, the sharp claws and sword of cat monster collided, covered the demon sword stubbornly. “轰!”妖气冲天而起,猫妖的身体朝着那一闪而下的剑光扑过去,轰隆隆的气息翻滚不息,魔剑斩在了妖气之上,妖气被驱散得无影无踪,一声交击的声响传出,猫妖的利爪和剑碰撞到了一起,死死的扣住了魔剑。 „......” Exudes sound of the painful calling out, the cat monster body changes to together the shadow, caused a stir in a hit above the mountain peak, was drilled unexpectedly directly by flashing of rock burying toward that does not dare to continue with the fascinated Lin Feng war, that sword had made in him the internal organs shake a moment ago, the sharp claws were damaged, if again and Lin Feng war, possibly were perhaps cut down really by a Lin Feng sword. “嗷……”发出一道痛苦的嚎叫之声,猫妖的身体化作一道影子,轰动一声撞击在了山峰之上,竟然直接朝着那被山石埋葬的闪动钻去,不敢继续和入魔的林枫战,刚才那一剑已经让他内腑震荡,利爪受创,若是再和林枫战,也许真可能被林枫一剑劈杀。 Bang!” A Lin Feng sword cut above that pile of giant stones, the spirit crazy tumbling of realm of the devil roared, that pile of giant stones will shortly change into the powder, the Lin Feng footsteps one cross, strided in directly, without any hesitation, Tang Youyou looks that the Lin Feng form disappeared to clench teeth, fled toward the cave. “轰!”林枫一剑斩在了那一堆巨石之上,魔道的气息疯狂的翻滚咆哮,那一堆巨石在顷刻间化为粉末,林枫的脚步一跨,直接跨入了其中,没有任何的犹豫,唐幽幽看着林枫的身影消失咬了咬牙,也朝着山洞中窜了进去。 The consciousness of Lin Feng cat monster locking firmly, after striding in the cave directly treads toward the front, here is a cave mansion, the monster cave mansion, completely is the spookiness, but the cat monster was actually changes to the remnant shade to rush to the mountain range deep place together, left belonged to his cave mansion palace. 林枫的意识已经将猫妖牢牢的锁定住,在跨入山洞之后就直接朝着前方踏出去,这里是一座洞府,妖的洞府,全部都是妖气,但猫妖却是化作一道残影奔向了山脉的深处,出了属于他的洞府宫殿。 Bang......” crazy roaring of spirit of realm of the devil in the cave is tumbling, the Lin Feng form glitters along with the cat monster as before, certainly cannot let off the cat monster, must know how he changes from. “轰隆隆……”魔道的气息在山洞中疯狂的咆哮翻滚着,林枫的身影依旧随着猫妖而闪烁,一定不能放过猫妖,一定要知道,他是如何化形的。 Breaks in the middle of mountain range Lin Feng to discover in the middle of this mountain range seems a palace is the same, a moment ago that cave mansion was only the small part of palace, overstepped the hanging bridge and lake, he stepping into palace the deep place of slowly, was getting deeper and deeper, but he simply has not actually realized to be the same, the body only then spirit of realm of the devil, in the middle of the eye pupil, completely was the fearful demon light. 冲入山脉当中的林枫发现这山脉当中就好似一座宫殿一样,刚才那洞府只是宫殿的一小部分,踏过吊桥、湖泊,他正缓缓的踏入宫殿的深处,越来越深,但他却根本没有察觉一样,身上只有魔道的气息,眼眸当中,全部都是可怕的魔光。 Finally, he arrives at the end of this cave mansion palace, as if arrived at the main shrine, the pearl gem must fill shining this palace crustification, extremely radiant, in the front line, light beams came toward the Lin Feng illumination, there, the magnificent seats, was being wrapped by endless brilliance, but above that seat, sits a blue robe man impressively, the eye is shutting slightly. 终于,他来到这洞府宫殿的尽头,似乎是来到了主殿,珍珠宝石将这宫殿镶嵌得充满了流光溢彩,极其的璀璨,在最前方,一道道光束朝着林枫照射而来,在那里,有一华丽的席位,被无尽的光华包裹着,而在那座位之上,赫然坐着一青袍男子,眼睛微微闭着。 As for that fearful cat monster, his body sneaked into the bosom of blue robe man directly, sends out slightly meow sound, this moment that monster different evil cat monster, is really docile on such as an ordinary stray cat! 至于那可怕的猫妖,他的身体直接窜入了青袍男子的怀中,发出轻微的喵呜声响,此刻那妖异邪恶的猫妖,温顺得真的就如一头普普通通的野猫般! : Today two, looked that brothers slept! :今天两更,看完兄弟们睡觉了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 732 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第732章 Again with cat monster address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 再遇猫妖地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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